===================================== Ironic Boot-from-Volume with DevStack ===================================== This guide shows how to setup DevStack for enabling boot-from-volume feature, which has been supported from the Pike release. This scenario shows how to setup DevStack to enable nodes to boot from volumes managed by cinder with VMs as baremetal servers. DevStack Configuration ====================== The following is ``local.conf`` that will setup DevStack with 3 VMs that are registered in ironic. A volume connector with IQN is created for each node. These connectors can be used to connect volumes created by cinder. The detailed description for DevStack is at :ref:`deploy_devstack`. :: [[local|localrc]] enable_plugin ironic git://git.openstack.org/openstack/ironic IRONIC_STORAGE_INTERFACE=cinder # Credentials ADMIN_PASSWORD=password DATABASE_PASSWORD=password RABBIT_PASSWORD=password SERVICE_PASSWORD=password SERVICE_TOKEN=password SWIFT_HASH=password SWIFT_TEMPURL_KEY=password # Enable Neutron which is required by Ironic and disable nova-network. disable_service n-net disable_service n-novnc enable_service q-svc enable_service q-agt enable_service q-dhcp enable_service q-l3 enable_service q-meta enable_service neutron # Enable Swift for the direct deploy interface. enable_service s-proxy enable_service s-object enable_service s-container enable_service s-account # Disable Horizon disable_service horizon # Disable Heat disable_service heat h-api h-api-cfn h-api-cw h-eng # Swift temp URL's are required for the direct deploy interface. SWIFT_ENABLE_TEMPURLS=True # Create 3 virtual machines to pose as Ironic's baremetal nodes. IRONIC_VM_COUNT=3 IRONIC_BAREMETAL_BASIC_OPS=True DEFAULT_INSTANCE_TYPE=baremetal # Enable additional hardware types, if needed. #IRONIC_ENABLED_HARDWARE_TYPES=ipmi,fake-hardware # Don't forget that many hardware types require enabling of additional # interfaces, most often power and management: #IRONIC_ENABLED_MANAGEMENT_INTERFACES=ipmitool,fake #IRONIC_ENABLED_POWER_INTERFACES=ipmitool,fake # The default deploy interface is 'iscsi', you can use 'direct' with #IRONIC_DEFAULT_DEPLOY_INTERFACE=direct # Change this to alter the default driver for nodes created by devstack. # This driver should be in the enabled list above. IRONIC_DEPLOY_DRIVER=ipmi # The parameters below represent the minimum possible values to create # functional nodes. IRONIC_VM_SPECS_RAM=1280 IRONIC_VM_SPECS_DISK=10 # Size of the ephemeral partition in GB. Use 0 for no ephemeral partition. IRONIC_VM_EPHEMERAL_DISK=0 # To build your own IPA ramdisk from source, set this to True IRONIC_BUILD_DEPLOY_RAMDISK=False VIRT_DRIVER=ironic # By default, DevStack creates a network for instances. # If this overlaps with the hosts network, you may adjust with the # following. NETWORK_GATEWAY= FIXED_RANGE= FIXED_NETWORK_SIZE=256 # Log all output to files LOGFILE=$HOME/devstack.log LOGDIR=$HOME/logs IRONIC_VM_LOG_DIR=$HOME/ironic-bm-logs After the environment is built, you can create a volume with cinder and request an instance with the volume to nova:: . ~/devstack/openrc # query the image id of the default cirros image image=$(openstack image show $DEFAULT_IMAGE_NAME -f value -c id) # create keypair ssh-keygen openstack keypair create --public-key ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub default # create volume volume=$(openstack volume create --image $image --size 1 my-volume -f value -c id) # spawn instance openstack server create --flavor baremetal --volume $volume --key-name default testing You can also run an integration test that an instance is booted from a remote volume with tempest in the environment:: cd /opt/stack/tempest tox -e all-plugin -- ironic_tempest_plugin.tests.scenario.test_baremetal_boot_from_volume Please note that the storage interface will only indicate errors based upon the state of the node and the configuration present. As such a node does not exclusively have to boot via a remote volume, and as such `validate` actions upon nodes may be slightly misleading. If an appropriate `volume target` is defined, no error should be returned for the boot interface.