--- features: - | Adds support for running custom in-band deploy steps when provisioning. Step priorities from 41 to 59 can be used for steps that run after the image is written and the bootloader is installed. deprecations: - | Running the whole deployment process as a monolithic ``deploy.deploy`` deploy step is now deprecated. In a future release this step will only be used to prepare deployment and starting the agent, and special handling will be removed. All third party deploy interfaces must be updated to provide real deploy steps instead and set the ``has_decomposed_deploy_steps`` attribute to ``True`` on the deploy interface level. other: - | As part of the agent deploy interfaces refactoring, breaking changes will be made to implementations of ``AgentDeploy`` and ``ISCSIDeploy``. Third party deploy interfaces must be updated to inherit ``HeartbeatMixin``, ``AgentBaseMixin`` or ``AgentDeployMixin`` from ``ironic.drivers.modules.agent_base`` instead since their API is considered more stable.