# apparmor is an undeclared dependency for docker on ubuntu: https://github.com/docker/docker/issues/9745 # Starting with Debian Jessie (and thus in Ubuntu Xenial too), # pxelinux package provides the pxelinux.0 boot loader, # but such package is absent from Debian Wheezy / Ubuntu Trusty. # Also, in Debian Wheezy / Ubuntu Trusty 'syslinux' depends on syslinux-common, # but only recommends it in Jessie/Xenial. # Make sure syslinux-common is installed for those distros as it provides # *.c32 modules for syslinux # TODO remove distro pinning when Wheezy / Trusty are EOLed (May 2019) # or DevStack stops supporting those. # In the mean time, new Debian-based release codenames will have to be added # as distros can not be pinned with 'if-later-than' specified. apparmor docker.io ipmitool iptables ipxe gnupg libguestfs0 libguestfs-tools libvirt-bin # dist:xenial NOPRIME open-iscsi openssh-client pxelinux # dist:jessie,xenial python-libguestfs python-libvirt qemu qemu-kvm qemu-utils sgabios shellinabox syslinux # dist:wheezy,trusty syslinux-common # dist:jessie,xenial tftpd-hpa xinetd squashfs-tools libvirt-dev socat ipxe-qemu jq