
1146 lines
44 KiB

# Copyright (c) 2012 NTT DOCOMO, INC.
# All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
import base64
import contextlib
import gzip
import math
import os
import re
import shutil
import socket
import stat
import tempfile
import time
from oslo_concurrency import processutils
from oslo_config import cfg
from oslo_log import log as logging
from oslo_serialization import jsonutils
from oslo_utils import excutils
from oslo_utils import units
import requests
import six
from six.moves.urllib import parse
from ironic.common import disk_partitioner
from ironic.common import exception
from ironic.common.i18n import _
from ironic.common.i18n import _LE
from ironic.common.i18n import _LW
from ironic.common import images
from ironic.common import states
from ironic.common import utils
from ironic.conductor import utils as manager_utils
from ironic.drivers.modules import agent_client
from ironic.drivers.modules import image_cache
from ironic.drivers import utils as driver_utils
from ironic import objects
deploy_opts = [
help='Size of EFI system partition in MiB when configuring '
'UEFI systems for local boot.'),
help='Block size to use when writing to the nodes disk.'),
help='Maximum attempts to verify an iSCSI connection is '
'active, sleeping 1 second between attempts.'),
CONF.register_opts(deploy_opts, group='deploy')
LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
VALID_ROOT_DEVICE_HINTS = set(('size', 'model', 'wwn', 'serial', 'vendor'))
SUPPORTED_CAPABILITIES = {'boot_option': ('local', 'netboot'),
'boot_mode': ('bios', 'uefi'),
'secure_boot': ('true', 'false')}
# All functions are called from deploy() directly or indirectly.
# They are split for stub-out.
def discovery(portal_address, portal_port):
"""Do iSCSI discovery on portal."""
'-m', 'discovery',
'-t', 'st',
'-p', '%s:%s' % (portal_address, portal_port),
def login_iscsi(portal_address, portal_port, target_iqn):
"""Login to an iSCSI target."""
'-m', 'node',
'-p', '%s:%s' % (portal_address, portal_port),
'-T', target_iqn,
# Ensure the login complete
# force iSCSI initiator to re-read luns
# ensure file system sees the block device
def check_file_system_for_iscsi_device(portal_address,
"""Ensure the file system sees the iSCSI block device."""
check_dir = "/dev/disk/by-path/ip-%s:%s-iscsi-%s-lun-1" % (portal_address,
total_checks = CONF.deploy.iscsi_verify_attempts
for attempt in range(total_checks):
if os.path.exists(check_dir):
LOG.debug("iSCSI connection not seen by file system. Rechecking. "
"Attempt %(attempt)d out of %(total)d",
{"attempt": attempt + 1,
"total": total_checks})
msg = _("iSCSI connection was not seen by the file system after "
"attempting to verify %d times.") % total_checks
raise exception.InstanceDeployFailure(msg)
def verify_iscsi_connection(target_iqn):
"""Verify iscsi connection."""
LOG.debug("Checking for iSCSI target to become active.")
for attempt in range(CONF.deploy.iscsi_verify_attempts):
out, _err = utils.execute('iscsiadm',
'-m', 'node',
if target_iqn in out:
LOG.debug("iSCSI connection not active. Rechecking. Attempt "
"%(attempt)d out of %(total)d",
{"attempt": attempt + 1,
"total": CONF.deploy.iscsi_verify_attempts})
msg = _("iSCSI connection did not become active after attempting to "
"verify %d times.") % CONF.deploy.iscsi_verify_attempts
raise exception.InstanceDeployFailure(msg)
def force_iscsi_lun_update(target_iqn):
"""force iSCSI initiator to re-read luns."""
LOG.debug("Re-reading iSCSI luns.")
'-m', 'node',
'-T', target_iqn,
def logout_iscsi(portal_address, portal_port, target_iqn):
"""Logout from an iSCSI target."""
'-m', 'node',
'-p', '%s:%s' % (portal_address, portal_port),
'-T', target_iqn,
def delete_iscsi(portal_address, portal_port, target_iqn):
"""Delete the iSCSI target."""
# Retry delete until it succeeds (exit code 0) or until there is
# no longer a target to delete (exit code 21).
'-m', 'node',
'-p', '%s:%s' % (portal_address, portal_port),
'-T', target_iqn,
'-o', 'delete',
check_exit_code=[0, 21],
def get_disk_identifier(dev):
"""Get the disk identifier from the disk being exposed by the ramdisk.
This disk identifier is appended to the pxe config which will then be
used by chain.c32 to detect the correct disk to chainload. This is helpful
in deployments to nodes with multiple disks.
:param dev: Path for the already populated disk device.
:returns The Disk Identifier.
disk_identifier = utils.execute('hexdump', '-s', '440', '-n', '4',
'-e', '''\"0x%08x\"''',
return disk_identifier[0]
def make_partitions(dev, root_mb, swap_mb, ephemeral_mb,
configdrive_mb, commit=True, boot_option="netboot",
"""Partition the disk device.
Create partitions for root, swap, ephemeral and configdrive on a
disk device.
:param root_mb: Size of the root partition in mebibytes (MiB).
:param swap_mb: Size of the swap partition in mebibytes (MiB). If 0,
no partition will be created.
:param ephemeral_mb: Size of the ephemeral partition in mebibytes (MiB).
If 0, no partition will be created.
:param configdrive_mb: Size of the configdrive partition in
mebibytes (MiB). If 0, no partition will be created.
:param commit: True/False. Default for this setting is True. If False
partitions will not be written to disk.
:param boot_option: Can be "local" or "netboot". "netboot" by default.
:param boot_mode: Can be "bios" or "uefi". "bios" by default.
:returns: A dictionary containing the partition type as Key and partition
path as Value for the partitions created by this method.
LOG.debug("Starting to partition the disk device: %(dev)s",
{'dev': dev})
part_template = dev + '-part%d'
part_dict = {}
# For uefi localboot, switch partition table to gpt and create the efi
# system partition as the first partition.
if boot_mode == "uefi" and boot_option == "local":
dp = disk_partitioner.DiskPartitioner(dev, disk_label="gpt")
part_num = dp.add_partition(CONF.deploy.efi_system_partition_size,
part_dict['efi system partition'] = part_template % part_num
dp = disk_partitioner.DiskPartitioner(dev)
if ephemeral_mb:
LOG.debug("Add ephemeral partition (%(size)d MB) to device: %(dev)s",
{'dev': dev, 'size': ephemeral_mb})
part_num = dp.add_partition(ephemeral_mb)
part_dict['ephemeral'] = part_template % part_num
if swap_mb:
LOG.debug("Add Swap partition (%(size)d MB) to device: %(dev)s",
{'dev': dev, 'size': swap_mb})
part_num = dp.add_partition(swap_mb, fs_type='linux-swap')
part_dict['swap'] = part_template % part_num
if configdrive_mb:
LOG.debug("Add config drive partition (%(size)d MB) to device: "
"%(dev)s", {'dev': dev, 'size': configdrive_mb})
part_num = dp.add_partition(configdrive_mb)
part_dict['configdrive'] = part_template % part_num
# NOTE(lucasagomes): Make the root partition the last partition. This
# enables tools like cloud-init's growroot utility to expand the root
# partition until the end of the disk.
LOG.debug("Add root partition (%(size)d MB) to device: %(dev)s",
{'dev': dev, 'size': root_mb})
part_num = dp.add_partition(root_mb, bootable=(boot_option == "local" and
boot_mode == "bios"))
part_dict['root'] = part_template % part_num
if commit:
# write to the disk
return part_dict
def is_block_device(dev):
"""Check whether a device is block or not."""
attempts = CONF.deploy.iscsi_verify_attempts
for attempt in range(attempts):
s = os.stat(dev)
except OSError as e:
LOG.debug("Unable to stat device %(dev)s. Attempt %(attempt)d "
"out of %(total)d. Error: %(err)s",
{"dev": dev, "attempt": attempt + 1,
"total": attempts, "err": e})
return stat.S_ISBLK(s.st_mode)
msg = _("Unable to stat device %(dev)s after attempting to verify "
"%(attempts)d times.") % {'dev': dev, 'attempts': attempts}
raise exception.InstanceDeployFailure(msg)
def dd(src, dst):
"""Execute dd from src to dst."""
utils.dd(src, dst, 'bs=%s' % CONF.deploy.dd_block_size, 'oflag=direct')
def populate_image(src, dst):
data = images.qemu_img_info(src)
if data.file_format == 'raw':
dd(src, dst)
images.convert_image(src, dst, 'raw', True)
# TODO(rameshg87): Remove this one-line method and use utils.mkfs
# directly.
def mkfs(fs, dev, label=None):
"""Execute mkfs on a device."""
utils.mkfs(fs, dev, label)
def block_uuid(dev):
"""Get UUID of a block device."""
out, _err = utils.execute('blkid', '-s', 'UUID', '-o', 'value', dev,
return out.strip()
def _replace_lines_in_file(path, regex_pattern, replacement):
with open(path) as f:
lines = f.readlines()
compiled_pattern = re.compile(regex_pattern)
with open(path, 'w') as f:
for line in lines:
line = compiled_pattern.sub(replacement, line)
def _replace_root_uuid(path, root_uuid):
root = 'UUID=%s' % root_uuid
pattern = r'\{\{ ROOT \}\}'
_replace_lines_in_file(path, pattern, root)
def _replace_boot_line(path, boot_mode, is_whole_disk_image):
if is_whole_disk_image:
boot_disk_type = 'boot_whole_disk'
boot_disk_type = 'boot_partition'
if boot_mode == 'uefi':
pattern = '^default=.*$'
boot_line = 'default=%s' % boot_disk_type
pxe_cmd = 'goto' if CONF.pxe.ipxe_enabled else 'default'
pattern = '^%s .*$' % pxe_cmd
boot_line = '%s %s' % (pxe_cmd, boot_disk_type)
_replace_lines_in_file(path, pattern, boot_line)
def _replace_disk_identifier(path, disk_identifier):
pattern = r'\{\{ DISK_IDENTIFIER \}\}'
_replace_lines_in_file(path, pattern, disk_identifier)
def switch_pxe_config(path, root_uuid_or_disk_id, boot_mode,
"""Switch a pxe config from deployment mode to service mode.
:param path: path to the pxe config file in tftpboot.
:param root_uuid_or_disk_id: root uuid in case of partition image or
disk_id in case of whole disk image.
:param boot_mode: if boot mode is uefi or bios.
:param is_whole_disk_image: if the image is a whole disk image or not.
if not is_whole_disk_image:
_replace_root_uuid(path, root_uuid_or_disk_id)
_replace_disk_identifier(path, root_uuid_or_disk_id)
_replace_boot_line(path, boot_mode, is_whole_disk_image)
def notify(address, port):
"""Notify a node that it becomes ready to reboot."""
s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
s.connect((address, port))
def get_dev(address, port, iqn, lun):
"""Returns a device path for given parameters."""
dev = ("/dev/disk/by-path/ip-%s:%s-iscsi-%s-lun-%s"
% (address, port, iqn, lun))
return dev
def get_image_mb(image_path, virtual_size=True):
"""Get size of an image in Megabyte."""
mb = 1024 * 1024
if not virtual_size:
image_byte = os.path.getsize(image_path)
image_byte = images.converted_size(image_path)
# round up size to MB
image_mb = int((image_byte + mb - 1) / mb)
return image_mb
def get_dev_block_size(dev):
"""Get the device size in 512 byte sectors."""
block_sz, cmderr = utils.execute('blockdev', '--getsz', dev,
run_as_root=True, check_exit_code=[0])
return int(block_sz)
def destroy_disk_metadata(dev, node_uuid):
"""Destroy metadata structures on node's disk.
Ensure that node's disk appears to be blank without zeroing the entire
drive. To do this we will zero:
- the first 18KiB to clear MBR / GPT data
- the last 18KiB to clear GPT and other metadata like: LVM, veritas,
# NOTE(NobodyCam): This is needed to work around bug:
LOG.debug("Start destroy disk metadata for node %(node)s.",
{'node': node_uuid})
utils.execute('dd', 'if=/dev/zero', 'of=%s' % dev,
'bs=512', 'count=36', run_as_root=True,
except processutils.ProcessExecutionError as err:
with excutils.save_and_reraise_exception():
LOG.error(_LE("Failed to erase beginning of disk for node "
"%(node)s. Command: %(command)s. Error: %(error)s."),
{'node': node_uuid,
'command': err.cmd,
'error': err.stderr})
# now wipe the end of the disk.
# get end of disk seek value
block_sz = get_dev_block_size(dev)
except processutils.ProcessExecutionError as err:
with excutils.save_and_reraise_exception():
LOG.error(_LE("Failed to get disk block count for node %(node)s. "
"Command: %(command)s. Error: %(error)s."),
{'node': node_uuid,
'command': err.cmd,
'error': err.stderr})
seek_value = block_sz - 36
utils.execute('dd', 'if=/dev/zero', 'of=%s' % dev,
'bs=512', 'count=36', 'seek=%d' % seek_value,
run_as_root=True, check_exit_code=[0])
except processutils.ProcessExecutionError as err:
with excutils.save_and_reraise_exception():
LOG.error(_LE("Failed to erase the end of the disk on node "
"%(node)s. Command: %(command)s. "
"Error: %(error)s."),
{'node': node_uuid,
'command': err.cmd,
'error': err.stderr})
def _get_configdrive(configdrive, node_uuid):
"""Get the information about size and location of the configdrive.
:param configdrive: Base64 encoded Gzipped configdrive content or
configdrive HTTP URL.
:param node_uuid: Node's uuid. Used for logging.
:raises: InstanceDeployFailure if it can't download or decode the
config drive.
:returns: A tuple with the size in MiB and path to the uncompressed
configdrive file.
# Check if the configdrive option is a HTTP URL or the content directly
is_url = utils.is_http_url(configdrive)
if is_url:
data = requests.get(configdrive).content
except requests.exceptions.RequestException as e:
raise exception.InstanceDeployFailure(
_("Can't download the configdrive content for node %(node)s "
"from '%(url)s'. Reason: %(reason)s") %
{'node': node_uuid, 'url': configdrive, 'reason': e})
data = configdrive
data = six.BytesIO(base64.b64decode(data))
except TypeError:
error_msg = (_('Config drive for node %s is not base64 encoded '
'or the content is malformed.') % node_uuid)
if is_url:
error_msg += _(' Downloaded from "%s".') % configdrive
raise exception.InstanceDeployFailure(error_msg)
configdrive_file = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(delete=False,
configdrive_mb = 0
with gzip.GzipFile('configdrive', 'rb', fileobj=data) as gunzipped:
shutil.copyfileobj(gunzipped, configdrive_file)
except EnvironmentError as e:
# Delete the created file
raise exception.InstanceDeployFailure(
_('Encountered error while decompressing and writing '
'config drive for node %(node)s. Error: %(exc)s') %
{'node': node_uuid, 'exc': e})
# Get the file size and convert to MiB, os.SEEK_END)
bytes_ = configdrive_file.tell()
configdrive_mb = int(math.ceil(float(bytes_) / units.Mi))
return (configdrive_mb,
def work_on_disk(dev, root_mb, swap_mb, ephemeral_mb, ephemeral_format,
image_path, node_uuid, preserve_ephemeral=False,
configdrive=None, boot_option="netboot",
"""Create partitions and copy an image to the root partition.
:param dev: Path for the device to work on.
:param root_mb: Size of the root partition in megabytes.
:param swap_mb: Size of the swap partition in megabytes.
:param ephemeral_mb: Size of the ephemeral partition in megabytes. If 0,
no ephemeral partition will be created.
:param ephemeral_format: The type of file system to format the ephemeral
:param image_path: Path for the instance's disk image.
:param node_uuid: node's uuid. Used for logging.
:param preserve_ephemeral: If True, no filesystem is written to the
ephemeral block device, preserving whatever content it had (if the
partition table has not changed).
:param configdrive: Optional. Base64 encoded Gzipped configdrive content
or configdrive HTTP URL.
:param boot_option: Can be "local" or "netboot". "netboot" by default.
:param boot_mode: Can be "bios" or "uefi". "bios" by default.
:returns: a dictionary containing the following keys:
'root uuid': UUID of root partition
'efi system partition uuid': UUID of the uefi system partition
(if boot mode is uefi).
NOTE: If key exists but value is None, it means partition doesn't
# the only way for preserve_ephemeral to be set to true is if we are
# rebuilding an instance with --preserve_ephemeral.
commit = not preserve_ephemeral
# now if we are committing the changes to disk clean first.
if commit:
destroy_disk_metadata(dev, node_uuid)
# If requested, get the configdrive file and determine the size
# of the configdrive partition
configdrive_mb = 0
configdrive_file = None
if configdrive:
configdrive_mb, configdrive_file = _get_configdrive(configdrive,
part_dict = make_partitions(dev, root_mb, swap_mb, ephemeral_mb,
configdrive_mb, commit=commit,
ephemeral_part = part_dict.get('ephemeral')
swap_part = part_dict.get('swap')
configdrive_part = part_dict.get('configdrive')
root_part = part_dict.get('root')
if not is_block_device(root_part):
raise exception.InstanceDeployFailure(
_("Root device '%s' not found") % root_part)
for part in ('swap', 'ephemeral', 'configdrive',
'efi system partition'):
part_device = part_dict.get(part)
LOG.debug("Checking for %(part)s device (%(dev)s) on node "
{'part': part, 'dev': part_device, 'node': node_uuid})
if part_device and not is_block_device(part_device):
raise exception.InstanceDeployFailure(
_("'%(partition)s' device '%(part_device)s' not found") %
{'partition': part, 'part_device': part_device})
# If it's a uefi localboot, then we have created the efi system
# partition. Create a fat filesystem on it.
if boot_mode == "uefi" and boot_option == "local":
efi_system_part = part_dict.get('efi system partition')
mkfs(dev=efi_system_part, fs='vfat', label='efi-part')
if configdrive_part:
# Copy the configdrive content to the configdrive partition
dd(configdrive_file, configdrive_part)
# If the configdrive was requested make sure we delete the file
# after copying the content to the partition
if configdrive_file:
populate_image(image_path, root_part)
if swap_part:
mkfs(dev=swap_part, fs='swap', label='swap1')
if ephemeral_part and not preserve_ephemeral:
mkfs(dev=ephemeral_part, fs=ephemeral_format, label="ephemeral0")
uuids_to_return = {
'root uuid': root_part,
'efi system partition uuid': part_dict.get('efi system partition')
for part, part_dev in six.iteritems(uuids_to_return):
if part_dev:
uuids_to_return[part] = block_uuid(part_dev)
except processutils.ProcessExecutionError:
with excutils.save_and_reraise_exception():
LOG.error(_LE("Failed to detect %s"), part)
return uuids_to_return
def deploy_partition_image(
address, port, iqn, lun, image_path,
root_mb, swap_mb, ephemeral_mb, ephemeral_format, node_uuid,
preserve_ephemeral=False, configdrive=None,
boot_option="netboot", boot_mode="bios"):
"""All-in-one function to deploy a partition image to a node.
:param address: The iSCSI IP address.
:param port: The iSCSI port number.
:param iqn: The iSCSI qualified name.
:param lun: The iSCSI logical unit number.
:param image_path: Path for the instance's disk image.
:param root_mb: Size of the root partition in megabytes.
:param swap_mb: Size of the swap partition in megabytes.
:param ephemeral_mb: Size of the ephemeral partition in megabytes. If 0,
no ephemeral partition will be created.
:param ephemeral_format: The type of file system to format the ephemeral
:param node_uuid: node's uuid. Used for logging.
:param preserve_ephemeral: If True, no filesystem is written to the
ephemeral block device, preserving whatever content it had (if the
partition table has not changed).
:param configdrive: Optional. Base64 encoded Gzipped configdrive content
or configdrive HTTP URL.
:param boot_option: Can be "local" or "netboot". "netboot" by default.
:param boot_mode: Can be "bios" or "uefi". "bios" by default.
:raises: InstanceDeployFailure if image virtual size is bigger than root
partition size.
:returns: a dictionary containing the following keys:
'root uuid': UUID of root partition
'efi system partition uuid': UUID of the uefi system partition
(if boot mode is uefi).
NOTE: If key exists but value is None, it means partition doesn't
image_mb = get_image_mb(image_path)
if image_mb > root_mb:
msg = (_('Root partition is too small for requested image. Image '
'virtual size: %(image_mb)d MB, Root size: %(root_mb)d MB')
% {'image_mb': image_mb, 'root_mb': root_mb})
raise exception.InstanceDeployFailure(msg)
with _iscsi_setup_and_handle_errors(address, port, iqn, lun) as dev:
uuid_dict_returned = work_on_disk(
dev, root_mb, swap_mb, ephemeral_mb, ephemeral_format, image_path,
node_uuid, preserve_ephemeral=preserve_ephemeral,
configdrive=configdrive, boot_option=boot_option,
return uuid_dict_returned
def deploy_disk_image(address, port, iqn, lun,
image_path, node_uuid):
"""All-in-one function to deploy a whole disk image to a node.
:param address: The iSCSI IP address.
:param port: The iSCSI port number.
:param iqn: The iSCSI qualified name.
:param lun: The iSCSI logical unit number.
:param image_path: Path for the instance's disk image.
:param node_uuid: node's uuid. Used for logging. Currently not in use
by this function but could be used in the future.
:returns: a dictionary containing the key 'disk identifier' to identify
the disk which was used for deployment.
with _iscsi_setup_and_handle_errors(address, port, iqn,
lun) as dev:
populate_image(image_path, dev)
disk_identifier = get_disk_identifier(dev)
return {'disk identifier': disk_identifier}
def _iscsi_setup_and_handle_errors(address, port, iqn, lun):
"""Function that yields an iSCSI target device to work on.
:param address: The iSCSI IP address.
:param port: The iSCSI port number.
:param iqn: The iSCSI qualified name.
:param lun: The iSCSI logical unit number.
dev = get_dev(address, port, iqn, lun)
discovery(address, port)
login_iscsi(address, port, iqn)
if not is_block_device(dev):
raise exception.InstanceDeployFailure(_("Parent device '%s' not found")
% dev)
yield dev
except processutils.ProcessExecutionError as err:
with excutils.save_and_reraise_exception():
LOG.error(_LE("Deploy to address %s failed."), address)
LOG.error(_LE("Command: %s"), err.cmd)
LOG.error(_LE("StdOut: %r"), err.stdout)
LOG.error(_LE("StdErr: %r"), err.stderr)
except exception.InstanceDeployFailure as e:
with excutils.save_and_reraise_exception():
LOG.error(_LE("Deploy to address %s failed."), address)
logout_iscsi(address, port, iqn)
delete_iscsi(address, port, iqn)
def notify_ramdisk_to_proceed(address):
"""Notifies the ramdisk waiting for instructions from Ironic.
DIB ramdisk (from init script) makes vendor passhthrus and listens
on port 10000 for Ironic to notify back the completion of the task.
This method connects to port 10000 of the bare metal running the
ramdisk and then sends some data to notify the ramdisk to proceed
with it's next task.
:param address: The IP address of the node.
# Ensure the node started netcat on the port after POST the request.
notify(address, 10000)
def check_for_missing_params(info_dict, error_msg, param_prefix=''):
"""Check for empty params in the provided dictionary.
:param info_dict: The dictionary to inspect.
:param error_msg: The error message to prefix before printing the
information about missing parameters.
:param param_prefix: Add this prefix to each parameter for error messages
:raises: MissingParameterValue, if one or more parameters are
empty in the provided dictionary.
missing_info = []
for label, value in info_dict.items():
if not value:
missing_info.append(param_prefix + label)
if missing_info:
exc_msg = _("%(error_msg)s. Missing are: %(missing_info)s")
raise exception.MissingParameterValue(
exc_msg % {'error_msg': error_msg, 'missing_info': missing_info})
def fetch_images(ctx, cache, images_info, force_raw=True):
"""Check for available disk space and fetch images using ImageCache.
:param ctx: context
:param cache: ImageCache instance to use for fetching
:param images_info: list of tuples (image href, destination path)
:param force_raw: boolean value, whether to convert the image to raw
:raises: InstanceDeployFailure if unable to find enough disk space
image_cache.clean_up_caches(ctx, cache.master_dir, images_info)
except exception.InsufficientDiskSpace as e:
raise exception.InstanceDeployFailure(reason=e)
# NOTE(dtantsur): This code can suffer from race condition,
# if disk space is used between the check and actual download.
# This is probably unavoidable, as we can't control other
# (probably unrelated) processes
for href, path in images_info:
cache.fetch_image(href, path, ctx=ctx, force_raw=force_raw)
def set_failed_state(task, msg):
"""Sets the deploy status as failed with relevant messages.
This method sets the deployment as fail with the given message.
It sets node's provision_state to DEPLOYFAIL and updates last_error
with the given error message. It also powers off the baremetal node.
:param task: a TaskManager instance containing the node to act on.
:param msg: the message to set in last_error of the node.
node = task.node
except exception.InvalidState:
msg2 = (_LE('Internal error. Node %(node)s in provision state '
'"%(state)s" could not transition to a failed state.')
% {'node': node.uuid, 'state': node.provision_state})
manager_utils.node_power_action(task, states.POWER_OFF)
except Exception:
msg2 = (_LE('Node %s failed to power off while handling deploy '
'failure. This may be a serious condition. Node '
'should be removed from Ironic or put in maintenance '
'mode until the problem is resolved.') % node.uuid)
# NOTE(deva): node_power_action() erases node.last_error
# so we need to set it here.
node.last_error = msg
def get_single_nic_with_vif_port_id(task):
"""Returns the MAC address of a port which has a VIF port id.
:param task: a TaskManager instance containing the ports to act on.
:returns: MAC address of the port connected to deployment network.
None if it cannot find any port with vif id.
for port in task.ports:
if port.extra.get('vif_port_id'):
return port.address
def parse_instance_info_capabilities(node):
"""Parse the instance_info capabilities.
One way of having these capabilities set is via Nova, where the
capabilities are defined in the Flavor extra_spec and passed to
Ironic by the Nova Ironic driver.
NOTE: Although our API fully supports JSON fields, to maintain the
backward compatibility with Juno the Nova Ironic driver is sending
it as a string.
:param node: a single Node.
:raises: InvalidParameterValue if the capabilities string is not a
dictionary or is malformed.
:returns: A dictionary with the capabilities if found, otherwise an
empty dictionary.
def parse_error():
error_msg = (_('Error parsing capabilities from Node %s instance_info '
'field. A dictionary or a "jsonified" dictionary is '
'expected.') % node.uuid)
raise exception.InvalidParameterValue(error_msg)
capabilities = node.instance_info.get('capabilities', {})
if isinstance(capabilities, six.string_types):
capabilities = jsonutils.loads(capabilities)
except (ValueError, TypeError):
if not isinstance(capabilities, dict):
return capabilities
def agent_get_clean_steps(task):
"""Get the list of clean steps from the agent.
#TODO(JoshNang) move to BootInterface
:param task: a TaskManager object containing the node
:raises: NodeCleaningFailure if the agent returns invalid results
:returns: A list of clean step dictionaries
client = agent_client.AgentClient()
ports = objects.Port.list_by_node_id(
result = client.get_clean_steps(task.node, ports).get('command_result')
if ('clean_steps' not in result or
'hardware_manager_version' not in result):
raise exception.NodeCleaningFailure(_(
'get_clean_steps for node %(node)s returned invalid result:'
' %(result)s') % ({'node': task.node.uuid, 'result': result}))
driver_internal_info = task.node.driver_internal_info
driver_internal_info['hardware_manager_version'] = result[
task.node.driver_internal_info = driver_internal_info
# Clean steps looks like {'HardwareManager': [{step1},{steps2}..]..}
# Flatten clean steps into one list
steps_list = [step for step_list in
for step in step_list]
# Filter steps to only return deploy steps
steps = [step for step in steps_list
if step.get('interface') == 'deploy']
return steps
def agent_execute_clean_step(task, step):
"""Execute a clean step asynchronously on the agent.
#TODO(JoshNang) move to BootInterface
:param task: a TaskManager object containing the node
:param step: a clean step dictionary to execute
:raises: NodeCleaningFailure if the agent does not return a command status
:returns: states.CLEANING to signify the step will be completed async
client = agent_client.AgentClient()
ports = objects.Port.list_by_node_id(
result = client.execute_clean_step(step, task.node, ports)
if not result.get('command_status'):
raise exception.NodeCleaningFailure(_(
'Agent on node %(node)s returned bad command result: '
'%(result)s') % {'node': task.node.uuid,
'result': result.get('command_error')})
return states.CLEANING
def agent_add_clean_params(task):
"""Add required config parameters to node's driver_interal_info.
Adds the required conf options to node's driver_internal_info.
It is Required to pass the information to IPA.
:param task: a TaskManager instance.
agent_params = CONF.agent
info = task.node.driver_internal_info
passes = agent_params.agent_erase_devices_iterations
info['agent_erase_devices_iterations'] = passes
task.node.driver_internal_info = info
def try_set_boot_device(task, device, persistent=True):
"""Tries to set the boot device on the node.
This method tries to set the boot device on the node to the given
boot device. Under uefi boot mode, setting of boot device may differ
between different machines. IPMI does not work for setting boot
devices in uefi mode for certain machines. This method ignores the
expected IPMI failure for uefi boot mode and just logs a message.
In error cases, it is expected the operator has to manually set the
node to boot from the correct device.
:param task: a TaskManager object containing the node
:param device: the boot device
:param persistent: Whether to set the boot device persistently
:raises: Any exception from set_boot_device except IPMIFailure
(setting of boot device using ipmi is expected to fail).
manager_utils.node_set_boot_device(task, device,
except exception.IPMIFailure:
if get_boot_mode_for_deploy(task.node) == 'uefi':
LOG.warning(_LW("ipmitool is unable to set boot device while "
"the node %s is in UEFI boot mode. Please set "
"the boot device manually.") % task.node.uuid)
def parse_root_device_hints(node):
"""Parse the root_device property of a node.
Parse the root_device property of a node and make it a flat string
to be passed via the PXE config.
:param node: a single Node.
:returns: A flat string with the following format
opt1=value1,opt2=value2. Or None if the
Node contains no hints.
:raises: InvalidParameterValue, if some information is invalid.
root_device ='root_device')
if not root_device:
# Find invalid hints for logging
invalid_hints = set(root_device) - VALID_ROOT_DEVICE_HINTS
if invalid_hints:
raise exception.InvalidParameterValue(
_('The hints "%(invalid_hints)s" are invalid. '
'Valid hints are: "%(valid_hints)s"') %
{'invalid_hints': ', '.join(invalid_hints),
'valid_hints': ', '.join(VALID_ROOT_DEVICE_HINTS)})
if 'size' in root_device:
except ValueError:
raise exception.InvalidParameterValue(
_('Root device hint "size" is not an integer value.'))
hints = []
for key, value in root_device.items():
# NOTE(lucasagomes): We can't have spaces in the PXE config
# file, so we are going to url/percent encode the value here
# and decode on the other end.
if isinstance(value, six.string_types):
value = value.strip()
value = parse.quote(value)
hints.append("%s=%s" % (key, value))
return ','.join(hints)
def is_secure_boot_requested(node):
"""Returns True if secure_boot is requested for deploy.
This method checks node property for secure_boot and returns True
if it is requested.
:param node: a single Node.
:raises: InvalidParameterValue if the capabilities string is not a
dictionary or is malformed.
:returns: True if secure_boot is requested.
capabilities = parse_instance_info_capabilities(node)
sec_boot = capabilities.get('secure_boot', 'false').lower()
return sec_boot == 'true'
def get_boot_mode_for_deploy(node):
"""Returns the boot mode that would be used for deploy.
This method returns boot mode to be used for deploy.
It returns 'uefi' if 'secure_boot' is set to 'true' in
'instance_info/capabilities' of node.
Otherwise it returns value of 'boot_mode' in 'properties/capabilities'
of node if set. If that is not set, it returns boot mode in
'instance_info/deploy_boot_mode' for the node.
It would return None if boot mode is present neither in 'capabilities' of
node 'properties' nor in node's 'instance_info' (which could also be None).
:param node: an ironic node object.
:returns: 'bios', 'uefi' or None
if is_secure_boot_requested(node):
LOG.debug('Deploy boot mode is uefi for %s.', node.uuid)
return 'uefi'
boot_mode = driver_utils.get_node_capability(node, 'boot_mode')
if boot_mode is None:
instance_info = node.instance_info
boot_mode = instance_info.get('deploy_boot_mode')
LOG.debug('Deploy boot mode is %(boot_mode)s for %(node)s.',
{'boot_mode': boot_mode, 'node': node.uuid})
return boot_mode.lower() if boot_mode else boot_mode
def validate_capabilities(node):
"""Validates that specified supported capabilities have valid value
This method checks if the any of the supported capability is present in
Node capabilities. For all supported capabilities specified for a Node,
it validates that it has a valid value.
The node can have capability as part of the 'properties' or
'instance_info' or both.
Note that the actual value of a capability does not need to be the same
in the node's 'properties' and 'instance_info'.
:param node: an ironic node object.
:raises: InvalidParameterValue, if the capability is not set to a
valid value.
exp_str = _("The parameter '%(capability)s' from %(field)s has an "
"invalid value: '%(value)s'. Acceptable values are: "
for capability_name, valid_values in SUPPORTED_CAPABILITIES.items():
# Validate capability_name in node's properties/capabilities
value = driver_utils.get_node_capability(node, capability_name)
if value and (value not in valid_values):
field = "properties/capabilities"
raise exception.InvalidParameterValue(
exp_str %
{'capability': capability_name, 'field': field,
'value': value, 'valid_values': ', '.join(valid_values)})
# Validate capability_name in node's instance_info/['capabilities']
capabilities = parse_instance_info_capabilities(node)
value = capabilities.get(capability_name)
if value and (value not in valid_values):
field = "instance_info['capabilities']"
raise exception.InvalidParameterValue(
exp_str %
{'capability': capability_name, 'field': field,
'value': value, 'valid_values': ', '.join(valid_values)})