Julia Kreger 731af40129 Adds ramdisk deploy driver
Adds a pxe deploy driver to support the concept
of a deployment just consisting of a ramdisk.

Ideally, as long as a kernel and ramdisk are
defined, either by the operator or via a glance
image, the PXE/iPXE template should point the
booted kernel to using ramdisk as the root.

In theory, this would allow deployment via
nova, or directly using the parameters posted
to the node's instance_info.

There may be additional features realistically
needed for this to be beyond minimally useful,
but that would also depend on the contents of
the ramdisk that is deployed by an API user.

Change-Id: Id7067527cba27ed49753736f33ccb35e9b35bcba
Story: 1753842
Task: 10666
2018-07-26 17:22:47 +00:00

65 lines
2.7 KiB

set attempts:int32 10
set i:int32 0
goto deploy
kernel {% if pxe_options.ipxe_timeout > 0 %}--timeout {{ pxe_options.ipxe_timeout }} {% endif %}{{ pxe_options.deployment_aki_path }} selinux=0 troubleshoot=0 text {{ pxe_options.pxe_append_params|default("", true) }} BOOTIF=${mac} ipa-api-url={{ pxe_options['ipa-api-url'] }} initrd={{ pxe_options.initrd_filename|default("deploy_ramdisk", true) }} coreos.configdrive=0 || goto retry
initrd {% if pxe_options.ipxe_timeout > 0 %}--timeout {{ pxe_options.ipxe_timeout }} {% endif %}{{ pxe_options.deployment_ari_path }} || goto retry
iseq ${i} ${attempts} && goto fail ||
inc i
echo No response, retrying in {i} seconds.
sleep ${i}
goto deploy
echo Failed to get a response after ${attempts} attempts
echo Powering off in 30 seconds.
sleep 30
kernel {% if pxe_options.ipxe_timeout > 0 %}--timeout {{ pxe_options.ipxe_timeout }} {% endif %}{{ pxe_options.aki_path }} root={{ ROOT }} ro text {{ pxe_options.pxe_append_params|default("", true) }} initrd=ramdisk || goto boot_partition
initrd {% if pxe_options.ipxe_timeout > 0 %}--timeout {{ pxe_options.ipxe_timeout }} {% endif %}{{ pxe_options.ari_path }} || goto boot_partition
kernel {% if pxe_options.ipxe_timeout > 0 %}--timeout {{ pxe_options.ipxe_timeout }} {% endif %}{{ pxe_options.aki_path }} root=/dev/ram0 text {{ pxe_options.pxe_append_params|default("", true) }} {{ pxe_options.ramdisk_opts|default('', true) }} initrd=ramdisk || goto boot_ramdisk
initrd {% if pxe_options.ipxe_timeout > 0 %}--timeout {{ pxe_options.ipxe_timeout }} {% endif %}{{ pxe_options.ari_path }} || goto boot_ramdisk
{%- if pxe_options.boot_from_volume %}
{% if pxe_options.username %}set username {{ pxe_options.username }}{% endif %}
{% if pxe_options.password %}set password {{ pxe_options.password }}{% endif %}
{% if pxe_options.iscsi_initiator_iqn %}set initiator-iqn {{ pxe_options.iscsi_initiator_iqn }}{% endif %}
sanhook --drive 0x80 {{ pxe_options.iscsi_boot_url }} || goto fail_iscsi_retry
{%- if pxe_options.iscsi_volumes %}{% for i, volume in enumerate(pxe_options.iscsi_volumes) %}
set username {{ volume.username }}
set password {{ volume.password }}
{%- set drive_id = 129 + i %}
sanhook --drive {{ '0x%x' % drive_id }} {{ volume.url }} || goto fail_iscsi_retry
{%- endfor %}{% endif %}
{% if pxe_options.iscsi_volumes %}set username {{ pxe_options.username }}{% endif %}
{% if pxe_options.iscsi_volumes %}set password {{ pxe_options.password }}{% endif %}
sanboot --no-describe || goto fail_iscsi_retry
echo Failed to attach iSCSI volume(s), retrying in 10 seconds.
sleep 10
goto boot_iscsi
{%- endif %}
sanboot --no-describe