
384 lines
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# Copyright (2016-2017) Hewlett Packard Enterprise Development LP
# Copyright (2016-2017) Universidade Federal de Campina Grande
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
import operator
from oslo_log import log as logging
from oslo_utils import importutils
from ironic.common import exception
from ironic.common.i18n import _
from ironic.common import states
from ironic.drivers.modules.oneview import common
LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
client_exception = importutils.try_import('hpOneView.exceptions')
oneview_exception = importutils.try_import('oneview_client.exceptions')
oneview_utils = importutils.try_import('oneview_client.utils')
def get_properties():
def prepare(client, task):
"""Apply Server Profile and update the node when preparing.
This method is responsible for applying a Server Profile to the Server
Hardware and add the uri of the applied Server Profile in the node's
'applied_server_profile_uri' field on properties/capabilities.
:param client: an instance of the OneView client
:param task: A TaskManager object
:raises InstanceDeployFailure: If the node doesn't have the needed OneView
informations, if Server Hardware is in use by an OneView user, or
if the Server Profile can't be applied.
if task.node.provision_state == states.DEPLOYING:
instance_display_name = task.node.instance_info.get('display_name')
instance_uuid = task.node.instance_uuid
server_profile_name = (
"%(instance_name)s [%(instance_uuid)s]" %
{"instance_name": instance_display_name,
"instance_uuid": instance_uuid}
allocate_server_hardware_to_ironic(client, task.node,
except exception.OneViewError as e:
raise exception.InstanceDeployFailure(node=task.node.uuid,
def tear_down(client, task):
"""Remove Server profile and update the node when tear down.
This method is responsible for power a Server Hardware off, remove a Server
Profile from the Server Hardware and remove the uri of the applied Server
Profile from the node's 'applied_server_profile_uri' in
:param client: an instance of the OneView client
:param task: A TaskManager object
:raises InstanceDeployFailure: If node has no uri of applied Server
Profile, or if some error occur while deleting Server Profile.
deallocate_server_hardware_from_ironic(client, task)
except exception.OneViewError as e:
raise exception.InstanceDeployFailure(node=task.node.uuid, reason=e)
def prepare_cleaning(client, task):
"""Apply Server Profile and update the node when preparing cleaning.
This method is responsible for applying a Server Profile to the Server
Hardware and add the uri of the applied Server Profile in the node's
'applied_server_profile_uri' field on properties/capabilities.
:param client: an instance of the OneView client
:param task: A TaskManager object
:raises NodeCleaningFailure: If the node doesn't have the needed OneView
informations, if Server Hardware is in use by an OneView user, or
if the Server Profile can't be applied.
server_profile_name = "Ironic Cleaning [%s]" % task.node.uuid
allocate_server_hardware_to_ironic(client, task.node,
except exception.OneViewError as e:
driver_internal_info = task.node.driver_internal_info
driver_internal_info['oneview_error'] = oneview_error
task.node.driver_internal_info = driver_internal_info
raise exception.NodeCleaningFailure(node=task.node.uuid,
def tear_down_cleaning(client, task):
"""Remove Server profile and update the node when tear down cleaning.
This method is responsible for power a Server Hardware off, remove a Server
Profile from the Server Hardware and remove the uri of the applied Server
Profile from the node's 'applied_server_profile_uri' in
:param client: an instance of the OneView client
:param task: A TaskManager object
:raises NodeCleaningFailure: If node has no uri of applied Server Profile,
or if some error occur while deleting Server Profile.
deallocate_server_hardware_from_ironic(client, task)
except exception.OneViewError as e:
raise exception.NodeCleaningFailure(node=task.node.uuid, reason=e)
def _create_profile_from_template(
client, server_profile_name,
server_hardware_uri, server_profile_template):
"""Create a server profile from a server profile template.
:param client: an OneView Client instance
:param server_profile_name: the name of the new server profile
:param server_hardware_uri: the server_hardware assigned to server profile
:param server_profile_template: the server profile template id or uri
:returns: The new server profile generated with the name and server
hardware passed on parameters
:raises HPOneViewException: if the communication with OneView fails
server_profile = client.server_profile_templates.get_new_profile(
server_profile['name'] = server_profile_name
server_profile['serverHardwareUri'] = server_hardware_uri
server_profile['serverProfileTemplateUri'] = ""
return client.server_profiles.create(server_profile)
def _is_node_in_use(server_hardware, applied_sp_uri, by_oneview=False):
"""Check if node is in use by ironic or by OneView.
:param by_oneview: Boolean value. True when want to verify if node is in
use by OneView. False to verify if node is in use by
:param node: an ironic node object
:returns: Boolean value. True if by_oneview param is also True and node is
in use by OneView, False otherwise. True if by_oneview param is
False and node is in use by ironic, False otherwise.
operation = if by_oneview else operator.eq
server_profile_uri = server_hardware.get('serverProfileUri')
return (server_profile_uri is not None and
operation(applied_sp_uri, server_profile_uri))
def is_node_in_use_by_oneview(client, node):
"""Check if node is in use by OneView user.
:param client: an instance of the OneView client
:param node: an ironic node object
:returns: Boolean value. True if node is in use by OneView,
False otherwise.
:raises OneViewError: if not possible to get OneView's informations
for the given node, if not possible to retrieve Server Hardware
from OneView.
positive = _("Node '%s' is in use by OneView.") % node.uuid
negative = _("Node '%s' is not in use by OneView.") % node.uuid
def predicate(server_hardware, applied_sp_uri):
# Check if Profile exists in Oneview and it is different of the one
# applied by ironic
return _is_node_in_use(server_hardware, applied_sp_uri,
return _check_applied_server_profile(client, node,
predicate, positive, negative)
def is_node_in_use_by_ironic(client, node):
"""Check if node is in use by ironic in OneView.
:param client: an instance of the OneView client
:param node: an ironic node object
:returns: Boolean value. True if node is in use by ironic,
False otherwise.
:raises OneViewError: if not possible to get OneView's information
for the given node, if not possible to retrieve Server Hardware
from OneView.
positive = _("Node '%s' is in use by Ironic.") % node.uuid
negative = _("Node '%s' is not in use by Ironic.") % node.uuid
def predicate(server_hardware, applied_sp_uri):
# Check if Profile exists in Oneview and it is equals of the one
# applied by ironic
return _is_node_in_use(server_hardware, applied_sp_uri,
return _check_applied_server_profile(client, node,
predicate, positive, negative)
def _check_applied_server_profile(client, node, predicate, positive, negative):
"""Check if node is in use by ironic in OneView.
:param client: an instance of the OneView client
:param node: an ironic node object
:returns: Boolean value. True if node is in use by ironic,
False otherwise.
:raises OneViewError: if not possible to get OneView's information
for the given node, if not possible to retrieve Server Hardware
from OneView.
oneview_info = common.get_oneview_info(node)
server_hardware = client.server_hardware.get(
except client_exception.HPOneViewResourceNotFound as e:
msg = (_("Error while obtaining Server Hardware from node "
"%(node_uuid)s. Error: %(error)s") %
{'node_uuid': node.uuid, 'error': e})
raise exception.OneViewError(error=msg)
applied_sp_uri = node.driver_info.get('applied_server_profile_uri')
result = predicate(server_hardware, applied_sp_uri)
if result:
return result
def _add_applied_server_profile_uri_field(node, applied_profile):
"""Add the applied Server Profile uri to a node.
:param node: an ironic node object
:param applied_profile: the server_profile that will be applied to node
driver_info = node.driver_info
driver_info['applied_server_profile_uri'] = applied_profile.get('uri')
node.driver_info = driver_info
def _del_applied_server_profile_uri_field(node):
"""Delete the applied Server Profile uri from a node if it exists.
:param node: an ironic node object
driver_info = node.driver_info
driver_info.pop('applied_server_profile_uri', None)
node.driver_info = driver_info
def allocate_server_hardware_to_ironic(client, node,
"""Allocate Server Hardware to ironic.
:param client: an instance of the OneView client
:param node: an ironic node object
:param server_profile_name: a formatted string with the Server Profile
:raises OneViewError: if an error occurs while allocating the Server
Hardware to ironic
node_in_use_by_oneview = is_node_in_use_by_oneview(client, node)
if not node_in_use_by_oneview:
oneview_info = common.get_oneview_info(node)
applied_sp_uri = node.driver_info.get('applied_server_profile_uri')
sh_uri = oneview_info.get("server_hardware_uri")
spt_uri = oneview_info.get("server_profile_template_uri")
server_hardware = client.server_hardware.get(sh_uri)
# Don't have Server Profile on OneView but has
# `applied_server_profile_uri` on driver_info
if not server_hardware.get('serverProfileUri') and applied_sp_uri:
"Inconsistent 'applied_server_profile_uri' parameter "
"value in driver_info. There is no Server Profile "
"applied to node %(node_uuid)s. Value deleted.",
{"node_uuid": node.uuid}
# applied_server_profile_uri exists and is equal to Server profile
# applied on Hardware. Do not apply again.
if (
applied_sp_uri and server_hardware.get('serverProfileUri') and
server_hardware.get('serverProfileUri') == applied_sp_uri
"The Server Profile %(applied_sp_uri)s was already applied "
"by ironic on node %(node_uuid)s. Reusing.",
{"node_uuid": node.uuid, "applied_sp_uri": applied_sp_uri}
applied_profile = _create_profile_from_template(
client, server_profile_name, sh_uri, spt_uri
_add_applied_server_profile_uri_field(node, applied_profile)
"Server Profile %(server_profile_uuid)s was successfully"
" applied to node %(node_uuid)s.",
{"node_uuid": node.uuid,
"server_profile_uuid": applied_profile.get('uri')}
except client_exception.HPOneViewInvalidResource as e:
LOG.error("An error occurred during allocating server "
"hardware to ironic during prepare: %s", e)
raise exception.OneViewError(error=e)
msg = _("Node %s is already in use by OneView.") % node.uuid
raise exception.OneViewError(error=msg)
def deallocate_server_hardware_from_ironic(client, task):
"""Deallocate Server Hardware from ironic.
:param client: an instance of the OneView client
:param task: a TaskManager object
:raises OneViewError: if an error occurs while deallocating the Server
Hardware to ironic
node = task.node
if is_node_in_use_by_ironic(client, node):
oneview_info = common.get_oneview_info(node)
server_profile_uri = oneview_info.get('applied_server_profile_uri')
task.driver.power.set_power_state(task, states.POWER_OFF)
_del_applied_server_profile_uri_field(node)"Server Profile %(server_profile_uuid)s was deleted "
"from node %(node_uuid)s in OneView.",
{'server_profile_uri': server_profile_uri,
'node_uuid': node.uuid})
except client_exception.HPOneViewException as e:
msg = (_("Error while deleting applied Server Profile from node "
"%(node_uuid)s. Error: %(error)s") %
{'node_uuid': node.uuid, 'error': e})
raise exception.OneViewError(error=msg)
LOG.warning("Cannot deallocate node %(node_uuid)s "
"in OneView because it is not in use by "
"ironic.", {'node_uuid': node.uuid})