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# coding: utf-8
# Copyright 2013 Red Hat, Inc.
# All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
import inspect
import json
from oslo_log import log
from oslo_utils import strutils
from oslo_utils import uuidutils
from ironic.api.controllers import base
from ironic.api.controllers.v1 import utils as v1_utils
from ironic.api import types as atypes
from ironic.common import exception
from ironic.common.i18n import _
from ironic.common import utils
LOG = log.getLogger(__name__)
class MacAddressType(atypes.UserType):
"""A simple MAC address type."""
basetype = str
name = 'macaddress'
def validate(value):
return utils.validate_and_normalize_mac(value)
def frombasetype(value):
if value is None:
return None
return MacAddressType.validate(value)
class UuidOrNameType(atypes.UserType):
"""A simple UUID or logical name type."""
basetype = str
name = 'uuid_or_name'
def validate(value):
if not (uuidutils.is_uuid_like(value)
or v1_utils.is_valid_logical_name(value)):
raise exception.InvalidUuidOrName(name=value)
return value
def frombasetype(value):
if value is None:
return None
return UuidOrNameType.validate(value)
class NameType(atypes.UserType):
"""A simple logical name type."""
basetype = str
name = 'name'
def validate(value):
if not v1_utils.is_valid_logical_name(value):
raise exception.InvalidName(name=value)
return value
def frombasetype(value):
if value is None:
return None
return NameType.validate(value)
class UuidType(atypes.UserType):
"""A simple UUID type."""
basetype = str
name = 'uuid'
def validate(value):
if not uuidutils.is_uuid_like(value):
raise exception.InvalidUUID(uuid=value)
return value
def frombasetype(value):
if value is None:
return None
return UuidType.validate(value)
class BooleanType(atypes.UserType):
"""A simple boolean type."""
basetype = str
name = 'boolean'
def validate(value):
return strutils.bool_from_string(value, strict=True)
except ValueError as e:
# raise Invalid to return 400 (BadRequest) in the API
raise exception.Invalid(str(e))
def frombasetype(value):
if value is None:
return None
return BooleanType.validate(value)
class JsonType(atypes.UserType):
"""A simple JSON type."""
basetype = str
name = 'json'
def __str__(self):
# These are the json serializable native types
return ' | '.join(map(str, (str, int, float,
BooleanType, list, dict, None)))
def validate(value):
except TypeError:
raise exception.Invalid(_('%s is not JSON serializable') % value)
return value
def frombasetype(value):
return JsonType.validate(value)
class ListType(atypes.UserType):
"""A simple list type."""
basetype = str
name = 'list'
def validate(value):
"""Validate and convert the input to a ListType.
:param value: A comma separated string of values
:returns: A list of unique values (lower-cased), maintaining the
same order
items = []
for v in str(value).split(','):
v_norm = v.strip().lower()
if v_norm and v_norm not in items:
return items
def frombasetype(value):
if value is None:
return None
return ListType.validate(value)
macaddress = MacAddressType()
uuid_or_name = UuidOrNameType()
name = NameType()
uuid = UuidType()
boolean = BooleanType()
listtype = ListType()
# Can't call it 'json' because that's the name of the stdlib module
jsontype = JsonType()
class JsonPatchType(base.Base):
"""A complex type that represents a single json-patch operation."""
path = atypes.wsattr(atypes.StringType(pattern='^(/[\\w-]+)+$'),
op = atypes.wsattr(atypes.Enum(str, 'add', 'replace', 'remove'),
value = atypes.wsattr(jsontype, default=atypes.Unset)
# The class of the objects being patched. Override this in subclasses.
# Should probably be a subclass of ironic.api.controllers.base.APIBase.
_api_base = None
# Attributes that are not required for construction, but which may not be
# removed if set. Override in subclasses if needed.
_extra_non_removable_attrs = set()
# Set of non-removable attributes, calculated lazily.
_non_removable_attrs = None
def internal_attrs():
"""Returns a list of internal attributes.
Internal attributes can't be added, replaced or removed. This
method may be overwritten by derived class.
return ['/created_at', '/id', '/links', '/updated_at', '/uuid']
def non_removable_attrs(cls):
"""Returns a set of names of attributes that may not be removed.
Attributes whose 'mandatory' property is True are automatically added
to this set. To add additional attributes to the set, override the
field _extra_non_removable_attrs in subclasses, with a set of the form
{'/foo', '/bar'}.
if cls._non_removable_attrs is None:
cls._non_removable_attrs = cls._extra_non_removable_attrs.copy()
if cls._api_base:
fields = inspect.getmembers(cls._api_base,
lambda a: not inspect.isroutine(a))
for name, field in fields:
if getattr(field, 'mandatory', False):
cls._non_removable_attrs.add('/%s' % name)
return cls._non_removable_attrs
def validate(patch):
_path = '/' + patch.path.split('/')[1]
if _path in patch.internal_attrs():
msg = _("'%s' is an internal attribute and can not be updated")
raise exception.ClientSideError(msg % patch.path)
if patch.path in patch.non_removable_attrs() and patch.op == 'remove':
msg = _("'%s' is a mandatory attribute and can not be removed")
raise exception.ClientSideError(msg % patch.path)
if patch.op != 'remove':
if patch.value is atypes.Unset:
msg = _("'add' and 'replace' operations need a value")
raise exception.ClientSideError(msg)
ret = {'path': patch.path, 'op': patch.op}
if patch.value is not atypes.Unset:
ret['value'] = patch.value
return ret
class LocalLinkConnectionType(atypes.UserType):
"""A type describing local link connection."""
basetype = atypes.DictType
name = 'locallinkconnection'
local_link_mandatory_fields = {'port_id', 'switch_id'}
smart_nic_mandatory_fields = {'port_id', 'hostname'}
mandatory_fields_list = [local_link_mandatory_fields,
optional_fields = {'switch_info', 'network_type'}
valid_fields = set.union(optional_fields, *mandatory_fields_list)
valid_network_types = {'managed', 'unmanaged'}
def validate(value):
"""Validate and convert the input to a LocalLinkConnectionType.
:param value: A dictionary of values to validate, switch_id is a MAC
address or an OpenFlow based datapath_id, switch_info is an
optional field. Required Smart NIC fields are port_id and hostname.
For example::
'switch_id': mac_or_datapath_id(),
'port_id': 'Ethernet3/1',
'switch_info': 'switch1'
Or for Smart NIC::
'port_id': 'rep0-0',
'hostname': 'host1-bf'
:returns: A dictionary.
:raises: Invalid if some of the keys in the dictionary being validated
are unknown, invalid, or some required ones are missing.
atypes.DictType(str, str).validate(value)
keys = set(value)
# This is to workaround an issue when an API object is initialized from
# RPC object, in which dictionary fields that are set to None become
# empty dictionaries
if not keys:
return value
invalid = keys - LocalLinkConnectionType.valid_fields
if invalid:
raise exception.Invalid(_('%s are invalid keys') % (invalid))
# If network_type is 'unmanaged', this is a network with no switch
# management. i.e local_link_connection details are not required.
if 'network_type' in keys:
if (value['network_type'] not in
msg = _(
'Invalid network_type %(type)s, valid network_types are '
'%(valid_network_types)s.') % {
'type': value['network_type'],
raise exception.Invalid(msg)
if (value['network_type'] == 'unmanaged'
and not (keys - {'network_type'})):
# Only valid network_type 'unmanaged' is set, no for further
# validation required.
return value
# Check any mandatory fields sets are present
for mandatory_set in LocalLinkConnectionType.mandatory_fields_list:
if mandatory_set <= keys:
msg = _('Missing mandatory keys. Required keys are '
'%(required_fields)s. Or in case of Smart NIC '
'%(smart_nic_required_fields)s. '
'Submitted keys are %(keys)s .') % {
'keys': keys}
raise exception.Invalid(msg)
# Check switch_id is either a valid mac address or
# OpenFlow datapath_id and normalize it.
value['switch_id'] = utils.validate_and_normalize_mac(
except exception.InvalidMAC:
value['switch_id'] = utils.validate_and_normalize_datapath_id(
except exception.InvalidDatapathID:
raise exception.InvalidSwitchID(switch_id=value['switch_id'])
except KeyError:
# In Smart NIC case 'switch_id' is optional.
return value
def frombasetype(value):
if value is None:
return None
return LocalLinkConnectionType.validate(value)
def validate_for_smart_nic(value):
"""Validates Smart NIC field are present 'port_id' and 'hostname'
:param value: local link information of type Dictionary.
:return: True if both fields 'port_id' and 'hostname' are present
in 'value', False otherwise.
atypes.DictType(str, str).validate(value)
keys = set(value)
if LocalLinkConnectionType.smart_nic_mandatory_fields <= keys:
return True
return False
locallinkconnectiontype = LocalLinkConnectionType()
class VifType(JsonType):
basetype = str
name = 'viftype'
mandatory_fields = {'id'}
def validate(value):
super(VifType, VifType).validate(value)
keys = set(value)
# Check all mandatory fields are present
missing = VifType.mandatory_fields - keys
if missing:
msg = _('Missing mandatory keys: %s') % ', '.join(list(missing))
raise exception.Invalid(msg)
return value
def frombasetype(value):
if value is None:
return None
return VifType.validate(value)
viftype = VifType()
class EventType(atypes.UserType):
"""A simple Event type."""
basetype = atypes.DictType
name = 'event'
def _validate_network_port_event(value):
"""Validate network port event fields.
:param value: A event dict
:returns: value
:raises: Invalid if network port event not in proper format
validators = {
'port_id': UuidType.validate,
'mac_address': MacAddressType.validate,
'status': str,
'device_id': UuidType.validate,
'binding:host_id': UuidType.validate,
'binding:vnic_type': str
keys = set(value)
net_keys = set(validators)
net_mandatory_fields = {'port_id', 'mac_address', 'status'}
# Check all keys are valid for network port event
invalid = keys.difference(EventType.mandatory_fields.union(net_keys))
if invalid:
raise exception.Invalid(_('%s are invalid keys') %
', '.join(invalid))
# Check all mandatory fields for network port event is present
missing = net_mandatory_fields.difference(keys)
if missing:
raise exception.Invalid(_('Missing mandatory keys: %s')
% ', '.join(missing))
# Check all values are of expected type
for key in net_keys:
if key in value:
except Exception as e:
msg = (_('Event validation failure for %(key)s. '
'%(message)s') % {'key': key, 'message': e})
raise exception.Invalid(msg)
return value
mandatory_fields = {'event'}
event_validators = {
'network.bind_port': _validate_network_port_event,
'network.unbind_port': _validate_network_port_event,
'network.delete_port': _validate_network_port_event,
valid_events = set(event_validators)
def validate(value):
"""Validate the input
:param value: A event dict
:returns: value
:raises: Invalid if event not in proper format
atypes.DictType(str, str).validate(value)
keys = set(value)
# Check all mandatory fields are present
missing = EventType.mandatory_fields.difference(keys)
if missing:
raise exception.Invalid(_('Missing mandatory keys: %s') %
', '.join(missing))
# Check event is a supported event
if value['event'] not in EventType.valid_events:
raise exception.Invalid(
_('%(event)s is not one of valid events: %(valid_events)s.') %
{'event': value['event'],
'valid_events': ', '.join(EventType.valid_events)})
return EventType.event_validators[value['event']](value)
eventtype = EventType()