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# coding=utf-8
# Copyright 2013 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P.
# All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
Client side of the conductor RPC API.
import random
import oslo_messaging as messaging
from ironic.common import exception
from ironic.common import hash_ring
from ironic.common.i18n import _
from ironic.common import rpc
from ironic.conductor import manager
from ironic.objects import base as objects_base
class ConductorAPI(object):
"""Client side of the conductor RPC API.
API version history:
| 1.0 - Initial version.
| Included get_node_power_status
| 1.1 - Added update_node and start_power_state_change.
| 1.2 - Added vendor_passthru.
| 1.3 - Rename start_power_state_change to change_node_power_state.
| 1.4 - Added do_node_deploy and do_node_tear_down.
| 1.5 - Added validate_driver_interfaces.
| 1.6 - change_node_power_state, do_node_deploy and do_node_tear_down
| accept node id instead of node object.
| 1.7 - Added topic parameter to RPC methods.
| 1.8 - Added change_node_maintenance_mode.
| 1.9 - Added destroy_node.
| 1.10 - Remove get_node_power_state
| 1.11 - Added get_console_information, set_console_mode.
| 1.12 - validate_vendor_action, do_vendor_action replaced by single
| vendor_passthru method.
| 1.13 - Added update_port.
| 1.14 - Added driver_vendor_passthru.
| 1.15 - Added rebuild parameter to do_node_deploy.
| 1.16 - Added get_driver_properties.
| 1.17 - Added set_boot_device, get_boot_device and
| get_supported_boot_devices.
| 1.18 - Remove change_node_maintenance_mode.
| 1.19 - Change return value of vendor_passthru and
| driver_vendor_passthru
| 1.20 - Added http_method parameter to vendor_passthru and
| driver_vendor_passthru
| 1.21 - Added get_node_vendor_passthru_methods and
| get_driver_vendor_passthru_methods
| 1.22 - Added configdrive parameter to do_node_deploy.
| 1.23 - Added do_provisioning_action
| 1.24 - Added inspect_hardware method
| 1.25 - Added destroy_port
| 1.26 - Added continue_node_clean
| 1.27 - Convert continue_node_clean to cast
| 1.28 - Change exceptions raised by destroy_node
| 1.29 - Change return value of vendor_passthru and
| driver_vendor_passthru to a dictionary
| 1.30 - Added set_target_raid_config and
| get_raid_logical_disk_properties
| 1.31 - Added Versioned Objects indirection API methods:
| object_class_action_versions, object_action and
| object_backport_versions
| 1.32 - Add do_node_clean
# NOTE(rloo): This must be in sync with manager.ConductorManager's.
def __init__(self, topic=None):
super(ConductorAPI, self).__init__()
self.topic = topic
if self.topic is None:
self.topic = manager.MANAGER_TOPIC
target = messaging.Target(topic=self.topic,
serializer = objects_base.IronicObjectSerializer()
self.client = rpc.get_client(target,
# NOTE(deva): this is going to be buggy
self.ring_manager = hash_ring.HashRingManager()
def get_topic_for(self, node):
"""Get the RPC topic for the conductor service the node is mapped to.
:param node: a node object.
:returns: an RPC topic string.
:raises: NoValidHost
ring = self.ring_manager[node.driver]
dest = ring.get_hosts(node.uuid)
return self.topic + "." + dest[0]
except exception.DriverNotFound:
reason = (_('No conductor service registered which supports '
'driver %s.') % node.driver)
raise exception.NoValidHost(reason=reason)
def get_topic_for_driver(self, driver_name):
"""Get RPC topic name for a conductor supporting the given driver.
The topic is used to route messages to the conductor supporting
the specified driver. A conductor is selected at random from the
set of qualified conductors.
:param driver_name: the name of the driver to route to.
:returns: an RPC topic string.
:raises: DriverNotFound
hash_ring = self.ring_manager[driver_name]
host = random.choice(list(hash_ring.hosts))
return self.topic + "." + host
def update_node(self, context, node_obj, topic=None):
"""Synchronously, have a conductor update the node's information.
Update the node's information in the database and return a node object.
The conductor will lock the node while it validates the supplied
information. If driver_info is passed, it will be validated by
the core drivers. If instance_uuid is passed, it will be set or unset
only if the node is properly configured.
Note that power_state should not be passed via this method.
Use change_node_power_state for initiating driver actions.
:param context: request context.
:param node_obj: a changed (but not saved) node object.
:param topic: RPC topic. Defaults to self.topic.
:returns: updated node object, including all fields.
cctxt = self.client.prepare(topic=topic or self.topic, version='1.1')
return, 'update_node', node_obj=node_obj)
def change_node_power_state(self, context, node_id, new_state, topic=None):
"""Change a node's power state.
Synchronously, acquire lock and start the conductor background task
to change power state of a node.
:param context: request context.
:param node_id: node id or uuid.
:param new_state: one of ironic.common.states power state values
:param topic: RPC topic. Defaults to self.topic.
:raises: NoFreeConductorWorker when there is no free worker to start
async task.
cctxt = self.client.prepare(topic=topic or self.topic, version='1.6')
return, 'change_node_power_state', node_id=node_id,
def vendor_passthru(self, context, node_id, driver_method, http_method,
info, topic=None):
"""Receive requests for vendor-specific actions.
Synchronously validate driver specific info or get driver status,
and if successful invokes the vendor method. If the method mode
is async the conductor will start background worker to perform
vendor action.
:param context: request context.
:param node_id: node id or uuid.
:param driver_method: name of method for driver.
:param http_method: the HTTP method used for the request.
:param info: info for node driver.
:param topic: RPC topic. Defaults to self.topic.
:raises: InvalidParameterValue if supplied info is not valid.
:raises: MissingParameterValue if a required parameter is missing
:raises: UnsupportedDriverExtension if current driver does not have
vendor interface.
:raises: NoFreeConductorWorker when there is no free worker to start
async task.
:raises: NodeLocked if node is locked by another conductor.
:returns: A dictionary containing:
:return: The response of the invoked vendor method
:async: Boolean value. Whether the method was invoked
asynchronously (True) or synchronously (False). When invoked
asynchronously the response will be always None.
:attach: Boolean value. Whether to attach the response of
the invoked vendor method to the HTTP response object (True)
or return it in the response body (False).
cctxt = self.client.prepare(topic=topic or self.topic, version='1.20')
return, 'vendor_passthru', node_id=node_id,
def driver_vendor_passthru(self, context, driver_name, driver_method,
http_method, info, topic=None):
"""Pass vendor-specific calls which don't specify a node to a driver.
Handles driver-level vendor passthru calls. These calls don't
require a node UUID and are executed on a random conductor with
the specified driver. If the method mode is async the conductor
will start background worker to perform vendor action.
:param context: request context.
:param driver_name: name of the driver on which to call the method.
:param driver_method: name of the vendor method, for use by the driver.
:param http_method: the HTTP method used for the request.
:param info: data to pass through to the driver.
:param topic: RPC topic. Defaults to self.topic.
:raises: InvalidParameterValue for parameter errors.
:raises: MissingParameterValue if a required parameter is missing
:raises: UnsupportedDriverExtension if the driver doesn't have a vendor
interface, or if the vendor interface does not support the
specified driver_method.
:raises: DriverNotFound if the supplied driver is not loaded.
:raises: NoFreeConductorWorker when there is no free worker to start
async task.
:returns: A dictionary containing:
:return: The response of the invoked vendor method
:async: Boolean value. Whether the method was invoked
asynchronously (True) or synchronously (False). When invoked
asynchronously the response will be always None.
:attach: Boolean value. Whether to attach the response of
the invoked vendor method to the HTTP response object (True)
or return it in the response body (False).
cctxt = self.client.prepare(topic=topic or self.topic, version='1.20')
return, 'driver_vendor_passthru',
def get_node_vendor_passthru_methods(self, context, node_id, topic=None):
"""Retrieve information about vendor methods of the given node.
:param context: an admin context.
:param node_id: the id or uuid of a node.
:param topic: RPC topic. Defaults to self.topic.
:returns: dictionary of <method name>:<method metadata> entries.
cctxt = self.client.prepare(topic=topic or self.topic, version='1.21')
return, 'get_node_vendor_passthru_methods',
def get_driver_vendor_passthru_methods(self, context, driver_name,
"""Retrieve information about vendor methods of the given driver.
:param context: an admin context.
:param driver_name: name of the driver.
:param topic: RPC topic. Defaults to self.topic.
:returns: dictionary of <method name>:<method metadata> entries.
cctxt = self.client.prepare(topic=topic or self.topic, version='1.21')
return, 'get_driver_vendor_passthru_methods',
def do_node_deploy(self, context, node_id, rebuild, configdrive,
"""Signal to conductor service to perform a deployment.
:param context: request context.
:param node_id: node id or uuid.
:param rebuild: True if this is a rebuild request.
:param configdrive: A gzipped and base64 encoded configdrive.
:param topic: RPC topic. Defaults to self.topic.
:raises: InstanceDeployFailure
:raises: InvalidParameterValue if validation fails
:raises: MissingParameterValue if a required parameter is missing
:raises: NoFreeConductorWorker when there is no free worker to start
async task.
The node must already be configured and in the appropriate
undeployed state before this method is called.
cctxt = self.client.prepare(topic=topic or self.topic, version='1.22')
return, 'do_node_deploy', node_id=node_id,
rebuild=rebuild, configdrive=configdrive)
def do_node_tear_down(self, context, node_id, topic=None):
"""Signal to conductor service to tear down a deployment.
:param context: request context.
:param node_id: node id or uuid.
:param topic: RPC topic. Defaults to self.topic.
:raises: InstanceDeployFailure
:raises: InvalidParameterValue if validation fails
:raises: MissingParameterValue if a required parameter is missing
:raises: NoFreeConductorWorker when there is no free worker to start
async task.
The node must already be configured and in the appropriate
deployed state before this method is called.
cctxt = self.client.prepare(topic=topic or self.topic, version='1.6')
return, 'do_node_tear_down', node_id=node_id)
def do_provisioning_action(self, context, node_id, action, topic=None):
"""Signal to conductor service to perform the given action on a node.
:param context: request context.
:param node_id: node id or uuid.
:param action: an action. One of ironic.common.states.VERBS
:param topic: RPC topic. Defaults to self.topic.
:raises: InvalidParameterValue
:raises: NoFreeConductorWorker when there is no free worker to start
async task.
:raises: InvalidStateRequested if the requested action can not
be performed.
This encapsulates some provisioning actions in a single call.
cctxt = self.client.prepare(topic=topic or self.topic, version='1.23')
return, 'do_provisioning_action',
node_id=node_id, action=action)
def continue_node_clean(self, context, node_id, topic=None):
"""Signal to conductor service to start the next cleaning action.
NOTE(JoshNang) this is an RPC cast, there will be no response or
exception raised by the conductor for this RPC.
:param context: request context.
:param node_id: node id or uuid.
:param topic: RPC topic. Defaults to self.topic.
cctxt = self.client.prepare(topic=topic or self.topic, version='1.27')
return cctxt.cast(context, 'continue_node_clean',
def validate_driver_interfaces(self, context, node_id, topic=None):
"""Validate the `core` and `standardized` interfaces for drivers.
:param context: request context.
:param node_id: node id or uuid.
:param topic: RPC topic. Defaults to self.topic.
:returns: a dictionary containing the results of each
interface validation.
cctxt = self.client.prepare(topic=topic or self.topic, version='1.5')
return, 'validate_driver_interfaces',
def destroy_node(self, context, node_id, topic=None):
"""Delete a node.
:param context: request context.
:param node_id: node id or uuid.
:raises: NodeLocked if node is locked by another conductor.
:raises: NodeAssociated if the node contains an instance
associated with it.
:raises: InvalidState if the node is in the wrong provision
state to perform deletion.
cctxt = self.client.prepare(topic=topic or self.topic, version='1.9')
return, 'destroy_node', node_id=node_id)
def get_console_information(self, context, node_id, topic=None):
"""Get connection information about the console.
:param context: request context.
:param node_id: node id or uuid.
:param topic: RPC topic. Defaults to self.topic.
:raises: UnsupportedDriverExtension if the node's driver doesn't
support console.
:raises: InvalidParameterValue when the wrong driver info is specified.
:raises: MissingParameterValue if a required parameter is missing
cctxt = self.client.prepare(topic=topic or self.topic, version='1.11')
return, 'get_console_information', node_id=node_id)
def set_console_mode(self, context, node_id, enabled, topic=None):
"""Enable/Disable the console.
:param context: request context.
:param node_id: node id or uuid.
:param topic: RPC topic. Defaults to self.topic.
:param enabled: Boolean value; whether the console is enabled or
:raises: UnsupportedDriverExtension if the node's driver doesn't
support console.
:raises: InvalidParameterValue when the wrong driver info is specified.
:raises: MissingParameterValue if a required parameter is missing
:raises: NoFreeConductorWorker when there is no free worker to start
async task.
cctxt = self.client.prepare(topic=topic or self.topic, version='1.11')
return, 'set_console_mode', node_id=node_id,
def update_port(self, context, port_obj, topic=None):
"""Synchronously, have a conductor update the port's information.
Update the port's information in the database and return a port object.
The conductor will lock related node and trigger specific driver
actions if they are needed.
:param context: request context.
:param port_obj: a changed (but not saved) port object.
:param topic: RPC topic. Defaults to self.topic.
:returns: updated port object, including all fields.
cctxt = self.client.prepare(topic=topic or self.topic, version='1.13')
return, 'update_port', port_obj=port_obj)
def get_driver_properties(self, context, driver_name, topic=None):
"""Get the properties of the driver.
:param context: request context.
:param driver_name: name of the driver.
:param topic: RPC topic. Defaults to self.topic.
:returns: a dictionary with <property name>:<property description>
:raises: DriverNotFound.
cctxt = self.client.prepare(topic=topic or self.topic, version='1.16')
return, 'get_driver_properties',
def set_boot_device(self, context, node_id, device, persistent=False,
"""Set the boot device for a node.
Set the boot device to use on next reboot of the node. Be aware
that not all drivers support this.
:param context: request context.
:param node_id: node id or uuid.
:param device: the boot device, one of
:param persistent: Whether to set next-boot, or make the change
permanent. Default: False.
:raises: NodeLocked if node is locked by another conductor.
:raises: UnsupportedDriverExtension if the node's driver doesn't
support management.
:raises: InvalidParameterValue when the wrong driver info is
specified or an invalid boot device is specified.
:raises: MissingParameterValue if missing supplied info.
cctxt = self.client.prepare(topic=topic or self.topic, version='1.17')
return, 'set_boot_device', node_id=node_id,
device=device, persistent=persistent)
def get_boot_device(self, context, node_id, topic=None):
"""Get the current boot device.
Returns the current boot device of a node.
:param context: request context.
:param node_id: node id or uuid.
:raises: NodeLocked if node is locked by another conductor.
:raises: UnsupportedDriverExtension if the node's driver doesn't
support management.
:raises: InvalidParameterValue when the wrong driver info is
:raises: MissingParameterValue if missing supplied info.
:returns: a dictionary containing:
:boot_device: the boot device, one of
:mod:`ironic.common.boot_devices` or None if it is unknown.
:persistent: Whether the boot device will persist to all
future boots or not, None if it is unknown.
cctxt = self.client.prepare(topic=topic or self.topic, version='1.17')
return, 'get_boot_device', node_id=node_id)
def get_supported_boot_devices(self, context, node_id, topic=None):
"""Get the list of supported devices.
Returns the list of supported boot devices of a node.
:param context: request context.
:param node_id: node id or uuid.
:raises: NodeLocked if node is locked by another conductor.
:raises: UnsupportedDriverExtension if the node's driver doesn't
support management.
:raises: InvalidParameterValue when the wrong driver info is
:raises: MissingParameterValue if missing supplied info.
:returns: A list with the supported boot devices defined
in :mod:`ironic.common.boot_devices`.
cctxt = self.client.prepare(topic=topic or self.topic, version='1.17')
return, 'get_supported_boot_devices',
def inspect_hardware(self, context, node_id, topic=None):
"""Signals the conductor service to perform hardware introspection.
:param context: request context.
:param node_id: node id or uuid.
:param topic: RPC topic. Defaults to self.topic.
:raises: NodeLocked if node is locked by another conductor.
:raises: HardwareInspectionFailure
:raises: NoFreeConductorWorker when there is no free worker to start
async task.
:raises: UnsupportedDriverExtension if the node's driver doesn't
support inspection.
:raises: InvalidStateRequested if 'inspect' is not a valid
action to do in the current state.
cctxt = self.client.prepare(topic=topic or self.topic, version='1.24')
return, 'inspect_hardware', node_id=node_id)
def destroy_port(self, context, port, topic=None):
"""Delete a port.
:param context: request context.
:param port: port object
:param topic: RPC topic. Defaults to self.topic.
:raises: NodeLocked if node is locked by another conductor.
:raises: NodeNotFound if the node associated with the port does not
cctxt = self.client.prepare(topic=topic or self.topic, version='1.25')
return, 'destroy_port', port=port)
def set_target_raid_config(self, context, node_id, target_raid_config,
"""Stores the target RAID configuration on the node.
Stores the target RAID configuration on node.target_raid_config
:param context: request context.
:param node_id: node id or uuid.
:param target_raid_config: Dictionary containing the target RAID
configuration. It may be an empty dictionary as well.
:param topic: RPC topic. Defaults to self.topic.
:raises: UnsupportedDriverExtension if the node's driver doesn't
support RAID configuration.
:raises: InvalidParameterValue, if validation of target raid config
:raises: MissingParameterValue, if some required parameters are
:raises: NodeLocked if node is locked by another conductor.
cctxt = self.client.prepare(topic=topic or self.topic, version='1.30')
return, 'set_target_raid_config',
def get_raid_logical_disk_properties(self, context, driver_name,
"""Get the logical disk properties for RAID configuration.
Gets the information about logical disk properties which can
be specified in the input RAID configuration.
:param context: request context.
:param driver_name: name of the driver
:param topic: RPC topic. Defaults to self.topic.
:raises: UnsupportedDriverExtension if the driver doesn't
support RAID configuration.
:returns: A dictionary containing the properties that can be mentioned
for logical disks and a textual description for them.
cctxt = self.client.prepare(topic=topic or self.topic, version='1.30')
return, 'get_raid_logical_disk_properties',
def do_node_clean(self, context, node_id, clean_steps, topic=None):
"""Signal to conductor service to perform manual cleaning on a node.
:param context: request context.
:param node_id: node ID or UUID.
:param clean_steps: a list of clean step dictionaries.
:param topic: RPC topic. Defaults to self.topic.
:raises: InvalidParameterValue if validation of power driver interface
:raises: InvalidStateRequested if cleaning can not be performed.
:raises: NodeInMaintenance if node is in maintenance mode.
:raises: NodeLocked if node is locked by another conductor.
:raises: NoFreeConductorWorker when there is no free worker to start
async task.
cctxt = self.client.prepare(topic=topic or self.topic, version='1.32')
return, 'do_node_clean',
node_id=node_id, clean_steps=clean_steps)
def object_class_action_versions(self, context, objname, objmethod,
object_versions, args, kwargs):
"""Perform an action on a VersionedObject class.
We want any conductor to handle this, so it is intentional that there
is no topic argument for this method.
:param context: The context within which to perform the action
:param objname: The registry name of the object
:param objmethod: The name of the action method to call
:param object_versions: A dict of {objname: version} mappings
:param args: The positional arguments to the action method
:param kwargs: The keyword arguments to the action method
:raises: NotImplementedError when an operator makes an error during
:returns: The result of the action method, which may (or may not)
be an instance of the implementing VersionedObject class.
if not self.client.can_send_version('1.31'):
raise NotImplementedError(_('Incompatible conductor version - '
'please upgrade ironic-conductor '
cctxt = self.client.prepare(topic=self.topic, version='1.31')
return, 'object_class_action_versions',
objname=objname, objmethod=objmethod,
args=args, kwargs=kwargs)
def object_action(self, context, objinst, objmethod, args, kwargs):
"""Perform an action on a VersionedObject instance.
We want any conductor to handle this, so it is intentional that there
is no topic argument for this method.
:param context: The context within which to perform the action
:param objinst: The object instance on which to perform the action
:param objmethod: The name of the action method to call
:param args: The positional arguments to the action method
:param kwargs: The keyword arguments to the action method
:raises: NotImplementedError when an operator makes an error during
:returns: A tuple with the updates made to the object and
the result of the action method
if not self.client.can_send_version('1.31'):
raise NotImplementedError(_('Incompatible conductor version - '
'please upgrade ironic-conductor '
cctxt = self.client.prepare(topic=self.topic, version='1.31')
return, 'object_action', objinst=objinst,
objmethod=objmethod, args=args, kwargs=kwargs)
def object_backport_versions(self, context, objinst, object_versions):
"""Perform a backport of an object instance.
The default behavior of the base VersionedObjectSerializer, upon
receiving an object with a version newer than what is in the local
registry, is to call this method to request a backport of the object.
We want any conductor to handle this, so it is intentional that there
is no topic argument for this method.
:param context: The context within which to perform the backport
:param objinst: An instance of a VersionedObject to be backported
:param object_versions: A dict of {objname: version} mappings
:raises: NotImplementedError when an operator makes an error during
:returns: The downgraded instance of objinst
if not self.client.can_send_version('1.31'):
raise NotImplementedError(_('Incompatible conductor version - '
'please upgrade ironic-conductor '
cctxt = self.client.prepare(topic=self.topic, version='1.31')
return, 'object_backport_versions', objinst=objinst,