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Fixes ``direct`` deploy interface to invoke ``boot.prepare_instance``
irrespective of image type being provisioned. It was calling
``boot.prepare_instance`` only if the image being provisioned is a
partition image. See bugs `1713916
<!/story/1713916>`_ and `1750958
<!/story/1750958>`_ for details.
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With the deploy ramdisk based on Ironic Python Agent version 3.1.0
and beyond, the drivers using ``direct`` deploy interface performs
``netboot`` or ``local`` boot for whole disk image based on value
of boot option setting. When you upgrade Ironic Python Agent in your
deploy ramdisk, ensure that boot option is set appropriately for the
node. The boot option can be set using configuration
``[deploy]/default_boot_option`` or as a ``boot_option`` capability
in node's ``properties['capabilities']``. Also please note that this
functionality requires ``hexdump`` command in the ramdisk.