Boden R b0607a2668 Replace retrying with tenacity
We are replacing all usages of the 'retrying' package with
'tenacity' as the author of retrying is not actively maintaining
the project.
Unit tests will be added/removed where applicable.

Tenacity [1] is a fork of retrying, but has improved the
interface and extensibility.
Our end goal here is removing the retrying package from our

Tenacity provides the same functionality as retrying, but has the
following major differences to account for:
- Tenacity uses seconds rather than ms as retrying did.
- Tenacity has different kwargs for the decorator and
Retrying class itself.
- Tenacity has a different approach for retrying args by
using classes for its stop/wait/retry kwargs.
- By default tenacity raises a RetryError if a retried callable
times out; retrying raises the last exception from the callable.
Tenacity provides backwards compatibility here by offering
the 'reraise' kwarg.
- For retries that check a result, tenacity will raise if the retried
function raises, whereas retrying retried on all exceptions.


Co-Authored-By: Dmitry Tantsur <>
Co-Authored-By: Riccardo Pittau <>
Story: #1635390
Task: #10528
Change-Id: Ie5eb3ddc196505e8f58ed14de9952284598586fb
2021-02-15 17:11:33 +01:00

327 lines
13 KiB

# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
"""Functionality related to allocations."""
import random
from ironic_lib import metrics_utils
from oslo_config import cfg
from oslo_log import log
from oslo_utils import excutils
import tenacity
from ironic.common import exception
from ironic.common.i18n import _
from ironic.common import states
from ironic.conductor import task_manager
from ironic import objects
LOG = log.getLogger(__name__)
METRICS = metrics_utils.get_metrics_logger(__name__)
def do_allocate(context, allocation):
"""Process the allocation.
This call runs in a separate thread on a conductor. It finds suitable
nodes for the allocation and reserves one of them.
This call does not raise exceptions since it's designed to work
:param context: an admin context
:param allocation: an allocation object
nodes = _candidate_nodes(context, allocation)
_allocate_node(context, allocation, nodes)
except exception.AllocationFailed as exc:
_allocation_failed(allocation, exc)
except Exception as exc:
LOG.exception("Unexpected exception during processing of "
"allocation %s", allocation.uuid)
reason = _("Unexpected exception during allocation: %s") % exc
_allocation_failed(allocation, reason)
def verify_node_for_deallocation(node, allocation):
"""Verify that allocation can be removed for the node.
:param node: a node object
:param allocation: an allocation object associated with the node
if node.maintenance:
# Allocations can always be removed in the maintenance mode.
if (node.target_provision_state
and node.provision_state not in states.UPDATE_ALLOWED_STATES):
msg = (_("Cannot remove allocation %(uuid)s for node %(node)s, "
"because the node is in state %(state)s where updates are "
"not allowed (and maintenance mode is off)") %
{'node': node.uuid, 'uuid': allocation.uuid,
'state': node.provision_state})
raise exception.InvalidState(msg)
if node.provision_state == states.ACTIVE:
msg = (_("Cannot remove allocation %(uuid)s for node %(node)s, "
"because the node is active (and maintenance mode is off)") %
{'node': node.uuid, 'uuid': allocation.uuid})
raise exception.InvalidState(msg)
def _allocation_failed(allocation, reason):
"""Failure handler for the allocation."""
allocation.node_id = None
allocation.state = states.ERROR
allocation.last_error = str(reason)
except exception.AllocationNotFound as exc:
LOG.debug('Not saving a failed allocation: %s', exc)
except Exception:
LOG.exception('Could not save the failed allocation %s',
def _traits_match(traits, node):
return {t.trait for t in node.traits.objects}.issuperset(traits)
def _candidate_nodes(context, allocation):
"""Get a list of candidate nodes for the allocation."""
filters = {'resource_class': allocation.resource_class,
'provision_state': states.AVAILABLE,
'associated': False,
'with_power_state': True,
'maintenance': False}
if allocation.candidate_nodes:
# NOTE(dtantsur): we assume that candidate_nodes were converted to
# UUIDs on the API level.
filters['uuid_in'] = allocation.candidate_nodes
if allocation.owner:
filters['project'] = allocation.owner
nodes = objects.Node.list(context, filters=filters)
if not nodes:
if allocation.candidate_nodes:
error = _("none of the requested nodes are available and match "
"the resource class %s") % allocation.resource_class
error = _("no available nodes match the resource class %s") % (
raise exception.AllocationFailed(uuid=allocation.uuid, error=error)
# TODO(dtantsur): database-level filtering?
if allocation.traits:
traits = set(allocation.traits)
nodes = [n for n in nodes if _traits_match(traits, n)]
if not nodes:
error = (_("no suitable nodes have the requested traits %s") %
', '.join(traits))
raise exception.AllocationFailed(uuid=allocation.uuid, error=error)
# NOTE(dtantsur): make sure that parallel allocations do not try the nodes
# in the same order.
LOG.debug('%(count)d nodes are candidates for allocation %(uuid)s',
{'count': len(nodes), 'uuid': allocation.uuid})
return nodes
def _verify_node(node, allocation):
"""Check that the node still satisfiest the request."""
if node.maintenance:
LOG.debug('Node %s is now in maintenance, skipping',
return False
if node.instance_uuid:
LOG.debug('Node %(node)s is already associated with instance '
'%(inst)s, skipping',
{'node': node.uuid, 'inst': node.instance_uuid})
return False
if node.provision_state != states.AVAILABLE:
LOG.debug('Node %s is no longer available, skipping',
return False
if node.resource_class != allocation.resource_class:
LOG.debug('Resource class of node %(node)s no longer '
'matches requested resource class %(rsc)s for '
'allocation %(uuid)s, skipping',
{'node': node.uuid,
'rsc': allocation.resource_class,
'uuid': allocation.uuid})
return False
if allocation.traits and not _traits_match(set(allocation.traits), node):
LOG.debug('List of traits of node %(node)s no longer '
'matches requested traits %(traits)s for '
'allocation %(uuid)s, skipping',
{'node': node.uuid,
'traits': allocation.traits,
'uuid': allocation.uuid})
return False
return True
# NOTE(dtantsur): instead of trying to allocate each node
# node_locked_retry_attempt times, we try to allocate *any* node the same
# number of times. This avoids getting stuck on a node reserved e.g. for power
# sync periodic task.
def _allocate_node(context, allocation, nodes):
"""Go through the list of nodes and try to allocate one of them."""
retry_nodes = []
for node in nodes:
# NOTE(dtantsur): retries are done for all nodes above, so disable
# per-node retry. Also disable loading the driver, since the
# current conductor may not have the requried hardware type or
# interfaces (it's picked at random).
with task_manager.acquire(context, node.uuid, shared=False,
retry=False, load_driver=False,
purpose='allocating') as task:
# NOTE(dtantsur): double-check the node details, since they
# could have changed before we acquired the lock.
if not _verify_node(task.node, allocation):
allocation.node_id =
allocation.state = states.ACTIVE
# NOTE(dtantsur): the node.instance_uuid and allocation_id are
# updated inside of the save() call within the same
# transaction to avoid races. NodeAssociated can be raised if
# another process allocates this node first.'Node %(node)s has been successfully reserved for '
'allocation %(uuid)s',
{'node': node.uuid, 'uuid': allocation.uuid})
return allocation
except exception.NodeLocked:
LOG.debug('Node %s is currently locked, moving to the next one',
except exception.NodeAssociated:
LOG.debug('Node %s is already associated, moving to the next one',
# NOTE(dtantsur): rewrite the passed list to only contain the nodes that
# are worth retrying. Do not include nodes that are no longer suitable.
nodes[:] = retry_nodes
if nodes:
error = _('could not reserve any of %d suitable nodes') % len(nodes)
error = _('all nodes were filtered out during reservation')
raise exception.AllocationFailed(uuid=allocation.uuid, error=error)
def backfill_allocation(context, allocation, node_id):
"""Assign the previously allocated node to the node allocation.
This is not the actual allocation process, but merely backfilling of
allocation_uuid for a previously allocated node.
:param context: an admin context
:param allocation: an allocation object associated with the node
:param node_id: An ID of the node.
:raises: AllocationFailed if the node does not match the allocation
:raises: NodeAssociated if the node is already associated with another
instance or allocation.
:raises: InstanceAssociated if the allocation's UUID is already used
on another node as instance_uuid.
:raises: NodeNotFound if the node with the provided ID cannot be found.
_do_backfill_allocation(context, allocation, node_id)
except (exception.AllocationFailed,
exception.NodeNotFound) as exc:
with excutils.save_and_reraise_exception():
_allocation_failed(allocation, exc)
except Exception as exc:
with excutils.save_and_reraise_exception():
LOG.exception("Unexpected exception during backfilling of "
"allocation %s", allocation.uuid)
reason = _("Unexpected exception during allocation: %s") % exc
_allocation_failed(allocation, reason)
def _do_backfill_allocation(context, allocation, node_id):
with task_manager.acquire(context, node_id,
purpose='allocation backfilling') as task:
node = task.node
errors = []
# NOTE(dtantsur): this feature is not designed to bypass the allocation
# mechanism, but to backfill allocations for active nodes, hence this
# check.
if node.provision_state != states.ACTIVE:
errors.append(_('Node must be in the "active" state, but the '
'current state is "%s"') % node.provision_state)
# NOTE(dtantsur): double-check that the node is still suitable.
if (allocation.resource_class
and node.resource_class != allocation.resource_class):
errors.append(_('Resource class %(curr)s does not match '
'the requested resource class %(rsc)s')
% {'curr': node.resource_class,
'rsc': allocation.resource_class})
if (allocation.traits
and not _traits_match(set(allocation.traits), node)):
errors.append(_('List of traits %(curr)s does not match '
'the requested traits %(traits)s')
% {'curr': node.traits,
'traits': allocation.traits})
if (allocation.candidate_nodes
and node.uuid not in allocation.candidate_nodes):
errors.append(_('Candidate nodes must be empty or contain the '
'target node, but got %s')
% allocation.candidate_nodes)
if errors:
error = _('Cannot backfill an allocation for node %(node)s: '
'%(errors)s') % {'node': node.uuid,
'errors': '; '.join(errors)}
raise exception.AllocationFailed(uuid=allocation.uuid, error=error)
allocation.node_id =
allocation.state = states.ACTIVE
# NOTE(dtantsur): the node.instance_uuid and allocation_id are
# updated inside of the save() call within the same
# transaction to avoid races. NodeAssociated can be raised if
# another process allocates this node first.'Node %(node)s has been successfully reserved for '
'allocation %(uuid)s',
{'node': node.uuid, 'uuid': allocation.uuid})