
408 lines
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# coding=utf-8
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
from oslo_log import log
from oslo_utils import excutils
from ironic.common import exception
from ironic.common.i18n import _
from ironic.common.i18n import _LE
from ironic.common.i18n import _LI
from ironic.common.i18n import _LW
from ironic.common import states
from ironic.conductor import task_manager
LOG = log.getLogger(__name__)
# When two clean steps have the same priority, their order is determined
# by which interface is implementing the clean step. The clean step of the
# interface with the highest value here, will be executed first in that
# case.
'power': 4,
'management': 3,
'deploy': 2,
'raid': 1,
def node_set_boot_device(task, device, persistent=False):
"""Set the boot device for a node.
:param task: a TaskManager instance.
:param device: Boot device. Values are vendor-specific.
:param persistent: Whether to set next-boot, or make the change
permanent. Default: False.
:raises: InvalidParameterValue if the validation of the
ManagementInterface fails.
if getattr(task.driver, 'management', None):,
def node_power_action(task, new_state):
"""Change power state or reset for a node.
Perform the requested power action if the transition is required.
:param task: a TaskManager instance containing the node to act on.
:param new_state: Any power state from ironic.common.states. If the
state is 'REBOOT' then a reboot will be attempted, otherwise
the node power state is directly set to 'state'.
:raises: InvalidParameterValue when the wrong state is specified
or the wrong driver info is specified.
:raises: other exceptions by the node's power driver if something
wrong occurred during the power action.
node = task.node
target_state = states.POWER_ON if new_state == states.REBOOT else new_state
if new_state != states.REBOOT:
curr_state = task.driver.power.get_power_state(task)
except Exception as e:
with excutils.save_and_reraise_exception():
node['last_error'] = _(
"Failed to change power state to '%(target)s'. "
"Error: %(error)s") % {'target': new_state, 'error': e}
node['target_power_state'] = states.NOSTATE
if curr_state == new_state:
# Neither the ironic service nor the hardware has erred. The
# node is, for some reason, already in the requested state,
# though we don't know why. eg, perhaps the user previously
# requested the node POWER_ON, the network delayed those IPMI
# packets, and they are trying again -- but the node finally
# responds to the first request, and so the second request
# gets to this check and stops.
# This isn't an error, so we'll clear last_error field
# (from previous operation), log a warning, and return.
node['last_error'] = None
# NOTE(dtantsur): under rare conditions we can get out of sync here
node['power_state'] = new_state
node['target_power_state'] = states.NOSTATE
LOG.warning(_LW("Not going to change node power state because "
"current state = requested state = '%(state)s'."),
{'state': curr_state})
if curr_state == states.ERROR:
# be optimistic and continue action
LOG.warning(_LW("Driver returns ERROR power state for node %s."),
# Set the target_power_state and clear any last_error, if we're
# starting a new operation. This will expose to other processes
# and clients that work is in progress.
if node['target_power_state'] != target_state:
node['target_power_state'] = target_state
node['last_error'] = None
# take power action
if new_state != states.REBOOT:
task.driver.power.set_power_state(task, new_state)
except Exception as e:
with excutils.save_and_reraise_exception():
node['last_error'] = _(
"Failed to change power state to '%(target)s'. "
"Error: %(error)s") % {'target': target_state, 'error': e}
# success!
node['power_state'] = target_state'Successfully set node %(node)s power state to '
{'node': node.uuid, 'state': target_state})
node['target_power_state'] = states.NOSTATE
def cleanup_after_timeout(task):
"""Cleanup deploy task after timeout.
:param task: a TaskManager instance.
node = task.node
msg = (_('Timeout reached while waiting for callback for node %s')
% node.uuid)
node.last_error = msg
error_msg = _('Cleanup failed for node %(node)s after deploy timeout: '
' %(error)s')
except Exception as e:
msg = error_msg % {'node': node.uuid, 'error': e}
if isinstance(e, exception.IronicException):
node.last_error = msg
node.last_error = _('Deploy timed out, but an unhandled '
'exception was encountered while aborting. '
'More info may be found in the log file.')
def provisioning_error_handler(e, node, provision_state,
"""Set the node's provisioning states if error occurs.
This hook gets called upon an exception being raised when spawning
the worker to do some provisioning to a node like deployment, tear down,
or cleaning.
:param e: the exception object that was raised.
:param node: an Ironic node object.
:param provision_state: the provision state to be set on
the node.
:param target_provision_state: the target provision state to be
set on the node.
if isinstance(e, exception.NoFreeConductorWorker):
# NOTE(deva): there is no need to clear conductor_affinity
# because it isn't updated on a failed deploy
node.provision_state = provision_state
node.target_provision_state = target_provision_state
node.last_error = (_("No free conductor workers available"))
LOG.warning(_LW("No free conductor workers available to perform "
"an action on node %(node)s, setting node's "
"provision_state back to %(prov_state)s and "
"target_provision_state to %(tgt_prov_state)s."),
{'node': node.uuid, 'prov_state': provision_state,
'tgt_prov_state': target_provision_state})
def cleaning_error_handler(task, msg, tear_down_cleaning=True,
"""Put a failed node in CLEANFAIL and maintenance."""
# Reset clean step, msg should include current step
if task.node.provision_state in (states.CLEANING, states.CLEANWAIT):
task.node.clean_step = {}
# For manual cleaning, the target provision state is MANAGEABLE, whereas
# for automated cleaning, it is AVAILABLE.
manual_clean = task.node.target_provision_state == states.MANAGEABLE
task.node.last_error = msg
task.node.maintenance = True
task.node.maintenance_reason = msg
if tear_down_cleaning:
except Exception as e:
msg = (_LE('Failed to tear down cleaning on node %(uuid)s, '
'reason: %(err)s'), {'err': e, 'uuid': task.node.uuid})
if set_fail_state:
target_state = states.MANAGEABLE if manual_clean else None
task.process_event('fail', target_state=target_state)
def spawn_cleaning_error_handler(e, node):
"""Handle spawning error for node cleaning."""
if isinstance(e, exception.NoFreeConductorWorker):
node.last_error = (_("No free conductor workers available"))
LOG.warning(_LW("No free conductor workers available to perform "
"cleaning on node %(node)s"), {'node': node.uuid})
def power_state_error_handler(e, node, power_state):
"""Set the node's power states if error occurs.
This hook gets called upon an exception being raised when spawning
the worker thread to change the power state of a node.
:param e: the exception object that was raised.
:param node: an Ironic node object.
:param power_state: the power state to set on the node.
if isinstance(e, exception.NoFreeConductorWorker):
node.power_state = power_state
node.target_power_state = states.NOSTATE
node.last_error = (_("No free conductor workers available"))
LOG.warning(_LW("No free conductor workers available to perform "
"an action on node %(node)s, setting node's "
"power state back to %(power_state)s."),
{'node': node.uuid, 'power_state': power_state})
def _step_key(step):
"""Sort by priority, then interface priority in event of tie.
:param step: cleaning step dict to get priority for.
return (step.get('priority'),
def _get_cleaning_steps(task, enabled=False, sort=True):
"""Get cleaning steps for task.node.
:param task: A TaskManager object
:param enabled: If True, returns only enabled (priority > 0) steps. If
False, returns all clean steps.
:param sort: If True, the steps are sorted from highest priority to lowest
priority. For steps having the same priority, they are sorted from
highest interface priority to lowest.
:raises: NodeCleaningFailure if there was a problem getting the
clean steps.
:returns: A list of clean step dictionaries
# Iterate interfaces and get clean steps from each
steps = list()
interface = getattr(task.driver, interface)
if interface:
interface_steps = [x for x in interface.get_clean_steps(task)
if not enabled or x['priority'] > 0]
if sort:
# Sort the steps from higher priority to lower priority
steps = sorted(steps, key=_step_key, reverse=True)
return steps
def set_node_cleaning_steps(task):
"""Set up the node with clean step information for cleaning.
For automated cleaning, get the clean steps from the driver.
For manual cleaning, the user's clean steps are known but need to be
validated against the driver's clean steps.
:raises: InvalidParameterValue if there is a problem with the user's
clean steps.
:raises: NodeCleaningFailure if there was a problem getting the
clean steps.
node = task.node
# For manual cleaning, the target provision state is MANAGEABLE, whereas
# for automated cleaning, it is AVAILABLE.
manual_clean = node.target_provision_state == states.MANAGEABLE
if not manual_clean:
# Get the prioritized steps for automated cleaning
driver_internal_info = node.driver_internal_info
driver_internal_info['clean_steps'] = _get_cleaning_steps(task,
node.driver_internal_info = driver_internal_info
# For manual cleaning, the list of cleaning steps was specified by the
# user and already saved in node.driver_internal_info['clean_steps'].
# Now that we know what the driver's available clean steps are, we can
# do further checks to validate the user's clean steps.
steps = node.driver_internal_info['clean_steps']
_validate_user_clean_steps(task, steps)
node.clean_step = {}
def _validate_user_clean_steps(task, user_steps):
"""Validate the user-specified clean steps.
:param task: A TaskManager object
:param user_steps: a list of clean steps. A clean step is a dictionary
with required keys 'interface' and 'step', and optional key 'args'::
{ 'interface': <driver_interface>,
'step': <name_of_clean_step>,
'args': {<arg1>: <value1>, ..., <argn>: <valuen>} }
For example::
{ 'interface': deploy',
'step': 'upgrade_firmware',
'args': {'force': True} }
:raises: InvalidParameterValue if validation of clean steps fails.
:raises: NodeCleaningFailure if there was a problem getting the
clean steps from the driver.
def step_id(step):
return '.'.join([step['step'], step['interface']])
errors = []
# The clean steps from the driver. A clean step dictionary is of the form:
# { 'interface': <driver_interface>,
# 'step': <name_of_clean_step>,
# 'priority': <integer>
# 'abortable': Optional. <Boolean>.
# 'argsinfo': Optional. A dictionary of {<arg_name>:<arg_info_dict>}
# entries. <arg_info_dict> is a dictionary with
# { 'description': <description>,
# 'required': <Boolean> }
# }
driver_steps = {}
for s in _get_cleaning_steps(task, enabled=False, sort=False):
driver_steps[step_id(s)] = s
for user_step in user_steps:
# Check if this user_specified clean step isn't supported by the driver
driver_step = driver_steps[step_id(user_step)]
except KeyError:
error = (_('node does not support this clean step: %(step)s')
% {'step': user_step})
# Check that the user-specified arguments are valid
argsinfo = driver_step.get('argsinfo') or {}
user_args = user_step.get('args') or {}
invalid = set(user_args) - set(argsinfo)
if invalid:
error = _('clean step %(step)s has these invalid arguments: '
'%(invalid)s') % {'step': user_step,
'invalid': ', '.join(invalid)}
# Check that all required arguments were specified by the user
missing = []
for (arg_name, arg_info) in argsinfo.items():
if arg_info.get('required', False) and arg_name not in user_args:
msg = arg_name
if arg_info.get('description'):
msg += ' (%(desc)s)' % {'desc': arg_info['description']}
if missing:
error = _('clean step %(step)s is missing these required keyword '
'arguments: %(miss)s') % {'step': user_step,
'miss': ', '.join(missing)}
if errors:
raise exception.InvalidParameterValue('; '.join(errors))