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# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
DRAC RAID specific methods
from collections import defaultdict
import math
from futurist import periodics
from ironic_lib import metrics_utils
from oslo_log import log as logging
from oslo_utils import importutils
from oslo_utils import units
from ironic.common import exception
from ironic.common.i18n import _
from ironic.common import raid as raid_common
from ironic.conductor import task_manager
from ironic.conductor import utils as manager_utils
from ironic.conf import CONF
from ironic.drivers import base
from ironic.drivers.modules import deploy_utils
from ironic.drivers.modules.drac import common as drac_common
from ironic.drivers.modules.drac import job as drac_job
drac_exceptions = importutils.try_import('dracclient.exceptions')
drac_constants = importutils.try_import('dracclient.constants')
LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
METRICS = metrics_utils.get_metrics_logger(__name__)
'0': {
'min_disks': 1,
'max_disks': 1000,
'type': 'simple',
'overhead': 0
'1': {
'min_disks': 2,
'max_disks': 2,
'type': 'simple',
'overhead': 1
'5': {
'min_disks': 3,
'max_disks': 1000,
'type': 'simple',
'overhead': 1
'6': {
'min_disks': 4,
'max_disks': 1000,
'type': 'simple',
'overhead': 2
'1+0': {
'type': 'spanned',
'span_type': '1'
'5+0': {
'type': 'spanned',
'span_type': '5'
'6+0': {
'type': 'spanned',
'span_type': '6'
def list_raid_controllers(node):
"""List the RAID controllers of the node.
:param node: an ironic node object.
:returns: a list of RAIDController objects from dracclient.
:raises: DracOperationError on an error from python-dracclient.
client = drac_common.get_drac_client(node)
return client.list_raid_controllers()
except drac_exceptions.BaseClientException as exc:
LOG.error('DRAC driver failed to get the list of RAID controllers '
'for node %(node_uuid)s. Reason: %(error)s.',
{'node_uuid': node.uuid, 'error': exc})
raise exception.DracOperationError(error=exc)
def list_virtual_disks(node):
"""List the virtual disks of the node.
:param node: an ironic node object.
:returns: a list of VirtualDisk objects from dracclient.
:raises: DracOperationError on an error from python-dracclient.
client = drac_common.get_drac_client(node)
return client.list_virtual_disks()
except drac_exceptions.BaseClientException as exc:
LOG.error('DRAC driver failed to get the list of virtual disks '
'for node %(node_uuid)s. Reason: %(error)s.',
{'node_uuid': node.uuid, 'error': exc})
raise exception.DracOperationError(error=exc)
def list_physical_disks(node):
"""List the physical disks of the node.
:param node: an ironic node object.
:returns: a list of PhysicalDisk objects from dracclient.
:raises: DracOperationError on an error from python-dracclient.
client = drac_common.get_drac_client(node)
return client.list_physical_disks()
except drac_exceptions.BaseClientException as exc:
LOG.error('DRAC driver failed to get the list of physical disks '
'for node %(node_uuid)s. Reason: %(error)s.',
{'node_uuid': node.uuid, 'error': exc})
raise exception.DracOperationError(error=exc)
def _is_raid_controller(node, raid_controller_fqdd, raid_controllers=None):
"""Find out if object's fqdd is for a raid controller or not
:param node: an ironic node object
:param raid_controller_fqdd: The object's fqdd we are testing to see
if it is a raid controller or not.
:param raid_controllers: A list of RAIDControllers used to check for
the presence of BOSS cards. If None, the
iDRAC will be queried for the list of
:returns: boolean, True if the device is a RAID controller,
False if not.
client = drac_common.get_drac_client(node)
return client.is_raid_controller(raid_controller_fqdd,
except drac_exceptions.BaseClientException as exc:
LOG.error('Unable to determine if controller %(raid_controller_fqdd)s '
'on node %(node_uuid)s is a RAID controller. '
'Reason: %(error)s. ',
{'raid_controller_fqdd': raid_controller_fqdd,
'node_uuid': node.uuid, 'error': exc})
raise exception.DracOperationError(error=exc)
def _validate_job_queue(node, raid_controller=None):
"""Validate that there are no pending jobs for this controller.
:param node: an ironic node object.
:param raid_controller: id of the RAID controller.
kwargs = {}
if raid_controller:
kwargs["name_prefix"] = "Config:RAID:%s" % raid_controller
drac_job.validate_job_queue(node, **kwargs)
def create_virtual_disk(node, raid_controller, physical_disks, raid_level,
size_mb, disk_name=None, span_length=None,
"""Create a single virtual disk on a RAID controller.
The created virtual disk will be in pending state. The DRAC card will do
the actual configuration once the changes are applied by calling the
``commit_config`` method.
:param node: an ironic node object.
:param raid_controller: id of the RAID controller.
:param physical_disks: ids of the physical disks.
:param raid_level: RAID level of the virtual disk.
:param size_mb: size of the virtual disk.
:param disk_name: name of the virtual disk. (optional)
:param span_depth: Number of spans in virtual disk. (optional)
:param span_length: Number of disks per span. (optional)
:returns: a dictionary containing the commit_needed key with a boolean
value indicating whether a config job must be created for the
values to be applied.
:raises: DracOperationError on an error from python-dracclient.
# This causes config to fail, because the boot mode is set via a config
# job.
_validate_job_queue(node, raid_controller)
client = drac_common.get_drac_client(node)
return client.create_virtual_disk(raid_controller, physical_disks,
raid_level, size_mb, disk_name,
span_length, span_depth)
except drac_exceptions.BaseClientException as exc:
LOG.error('DRAC driver failed to create virtual disk for node '
'%(node_uuid)s. Reason: %(error)s.',
{'node_uuid': node.uuid,
'error': exc})
raise exception.DracOperationError(error=exc)
def delete_virtual_disk(node, virtual_disk):
"""Delete a single virtual disk on a RAID controller.
The deleted virtual disk will be in pending state. The DRAC card will do
the actual configuration once the changes are applied by calling the
``commit_config`` method.
:param node: an ironic node object.
:param virtual_disk: id of the virtual disk.
:returns: a dictionary containing the commit_needed key with a boolean
value indicating whether a config job must be created for the
values to be applied.
:raises: DracOperationError on an error from python-dracclient.
# NOTE(mgoddard): Cannot specify raid_controller as we don't know it.
client = drac_common.get_drac_client(node)
return client.delete_virtual_disk(virtual_disk)
except drac_exceptions.BaseClientException as exc:
LOG.error('DRAC driver failed to delete virtual disk '
'%(virtual_disk_fqdd)s for node %(node_uuid)s. '
'Reason: %(error)s.',
{'virtual_disk_fqdd': virtual_disk,
'node_uuid': node.uuid,
'error': exc})
raise exception.DracOperationError(error=exc)
def _reset_raid_config(node, raid_controller):
"""Delete all virtual disk and unassign all hotspares physical disk
:param node: an ironic node object.
:param raid_controller: id of the RAID controller.
:returns: a dictionary containing
- The is_commit_required needed key with a
boolean value indicating whether a config job must be created
for the values to be applied.
- The is_reboot_required key with a RebootRequired enumerated
value indicating whether the server must be rebooted to
reset configuration.
:raises: DracOperationError on an error from python-dracclient.
_validate_job_queue(node, raid_controller)
client = drac_common.get_drac_client(node)
return client.reset_raid_config(raid_controller)
except drac_exceptions.BaseClientException as exc:
LOG.error('DRAC driver failed to delete all virtual disk '
'and unassign all hotspares '
'on %(raid_controller_fqdd)s '
'for node %(node_uuid)s. '
'Reason: %(error)s.',
{'raid_controller_fqdd': raid_controller,
'node_uuid': node.uuid,
'error': exc})
raise exception.DracOperationError(error=exc)
def clear_foreign_config(node, raid_controller):
"""Free up the foreign drives.
:param node: an ironic node object.
:param raid_controller: id of the RAID controller.
:returns: a dictionary containing
- The is_commit_required needed key with a
boolean value indicating whether a config job must be created
for the values to be applied.
- The is_reboot_required key with a RebootRequired enumerated
value indicating whether the server must be rebooted to
clear foreign configuration.
:raises: DracOperationError on an error from python-dracclient.
_validate_job_queue(node, raid_controller)
client = drac_common.get_drac_client(node)
return client.clear_foreign_config(raid_controller)
except drac_exceptions.BaseClientException as exc:
LOG.error('DRAC driver failed to free foreign driver '
'on %(raid_controller_fqdd)s '
'for node %(node_uuid)s. '
'Reason: %(error)s.',
{'raid_controller_fqdd': raid_controller,
'node_uuid': node.uuid,
'error': exc})
raise exception.DracOperationError(error=exc)
def change_physical_disk_state(node, mode=None,
"""Convert disks RAID status
This method converts the requested physical disks from
RAID to JBOD or vice versa. It does this by only converting the
disks that are not already in the correct state.
:param node: an ironic node object.
:param mode: the mode to change the disks either to RAID or JBOD.
:param controllers_to_physical_disk_ids: Dictionary of controllers and
corresponding disk ids to convert to the requested mode.
:return: a dictionary containing:
- conversion_results, a dictionary that maps controller ids
to the conversion results for that controller.
The conversion results are a dict that contains:
- The is_commit_required key with the value always set to
True indicating that a config job must be created to
complete disk conversion.
- The is_reboot_required key with a RebootRequired
enumerated value indicating whether the server must be
rebooted to complete disk conversion.
:raises: DRACOperationError on an error from python-dracclient.
client = drac_common.get_drac_client(node)
return client.change_physical_disk_state(
mode, controllers_to_physical_disk_ids)
except drac_exceptions.BaseClientException as exc:
LOG.error('DRAC driver failed to change physical drives '
'to %(mode)s mode for node %(node_uuid)s. '
'Reason: %(error)s.',
{'mode': mode, 'node_uuid': node.uuid, 'error': exc})
raise exception.DracOperationError(error=exc)
def commit_config(node, raid_controller, reboot=False, realtime=False):
"""Apply all pending changes on a RAID controller.
:param node: an ironic node object.
:param raid_controller: id of the RAID controller.
:param reboot: indicates whether a reboot job should be automatically
created with the config job. (optional, defaults to False)
:param realtime: indicates RAID controller supports realtime.
(optional, defaults to False)
:returns: id of the created job
:raises: DracOperationError on an error from python-dracclient.
client = drac_common.get_drac_client(node)
return client.commit_pending_raid_changes(
except drac_exceptions.BaseClientException as exc:
LOG.error('DRAC driver failed to commit pending RAID config for'
' controller %(raid_controller_fqdd)s on node '
'%(node_uuid)s. Reason: %(error)s.',
{'raid_controller_fqdd': raid_controller,
'node_uuid': node.uuid,
'error': exc})
raise exception.DracOperationError(error=exc)
def _change_physical_disk_mode(node, mode=None,
"""Physical drives conversion from RAID to JBOD or vice-versa.
:param node: an ironic node object.
:param mode: the mode to change the disks either to RAID or JBOD.
:param controllers_to_physical_disk_ids: Dictionary of controllers and
corresponding disk ids to convert to the requested mode.
:returns: states.CLEANWAIT if deletion is in progress asynchronously
or None if it is completed.
change_disk_state = change_physical_disk_state(
node, mode, controllers_to_physical_disk_ids)
controllers = list()
conversion_results = change_disk_state['conversion_results']
for controller_id, result in conversion_results.items():
controller = {'raid_controller': controller_id,
'is_reboot_required': result['is_reboot_required'],
'is_commit_required': result['is_commit_required']}
return _commit_to_controllers(
controllers, substep='completed')
def abandon_config(node, raid_controller):
"""Deletes all pending changes on a RAID controller.
:param node: an ironic node object.
:param raid_controller: id of the RAID controller.
:raises: DracOperationError on an error from python-dracclient.
client = drac_common.get_drac_client(node)
except drac_exceptions.BaseClientException as exc:
LOG.error('DRAC driver failed to delete pending RAID config '
'for controller %(raid_controller_fqdd)s on node '
'%(node_uuid)s. Reason: %(error)s.',
{'raid_controller_fqdd': raid_controller,
'node_uuid': node.uuid,
'error': exc})
raise exception.DracOperationError(error=exc)
def _calculate_spans(raid_level, disks_count):
"""Calculates number of spans for a RAID level given a physical disk count
:param raid_level: RAID level of the virtual disk.
:param disk_count: number of physical disks used for the virtual disk.
:returns: number of spans.
if raid_level in ['0', '1', '5', '6']:
return 1
elif raid_level in ['5+0', '6+0']:
return 2
elif raid_level in ['1+0']:
return disks_count >> 1
reason = (_('Cannot calculate spans for RAID level "%s"') %
raise exception.DracOperationError(error=reason)
def _usable_disks_count(raid_level, disks_count):
"""Calculates the number of disks usable for a RAID level
...given a physical disk count
:param raid_level: RAID level of the virtual disk.
:param disk_count: number of physical disks used for the virtual disk.
:returns: number of disks.
if raid_level in ['0', '1', '5', '6']:
return disks_count
elif raid_level in ['5+0', '6+0', '1+0']:
# largest even number less than disk_count
return (disks_count >> 1) << 1
reason = (_('RAID level %(raid_level)s is not supported by the '
'driver. Supported RAID levels: %(supported_raid_levels)s')
% {'raid_level': raid_level,
'supported_raid_levels': list(RAID_LEVELS)})
raise exception.DracOperationError(error=reason)
def _raid_level_min_disks(raid_level, spans_count=1):
raid_level_info = RAID_LEVELS[raid_level]
except KeyError:
reason = (_('RAID level %(raid_level)s is not supported by the '
'driver. Supported RAID levels: %(supported_raid_levels)s')
% {'raid_level': raid_level,
'supported_raid_levels': list(RAID_LEVELS)})
raise exception.DracOperationError(error=reason)
if raid_level_info['type'] == 'spanned':
if spans_count <= 1:
reason = _('Spanned RAID volumes cannot contain a single span')
raise exception.DracOperationError(error=reason)
span_type = raid_level_info['span_type']
raid_level_info = RAID_LEVELS[span_type]
return raid_level_info['min_disks'] * spans_count
def _raid_level_max_disks(raid_level, spans_count=1):
raid_level_info = RAID_LEVELS[raid_level]
except KeyError:
reason = (_('RAID level %(raid_level)s is not supported by the '
'driver. Supported RAID levels: %(supported_raid_levels)s')
% {'raid_level': raid_level,
'supported_raid_levels': list(RAID_LEVELS)})
raise exception.DracOperationError(error=reason)
if raid_level_info['type'] == 'spanned':
if spans_count <= 1:
reason = _('Spanned RAID volumes cannot contain a single span')
raise exception.DracOperationError(error=reason)
span_type = raid_level_info['span_type']
raid_level_info = RAID_LEVELS[span_type]
return raid_level_info['max_disks'] * spans_count
def _raid_level_overhead(raid_level, spans_count=1):
raid_level_info = RAID_LEVELS[raid_level]
except KeyError:
reason = (_('RAID level %(raid_level)s is not supported by the '
'driver. Supported RAID levels: %(supported_raid_levels)s')
% {'raid_level': raid_level,
'supported_raid_levels': list(RAID_LEVELS)})
raise exception.DracOperationError(error=reason)
if raid_level_info['type'] == 'spanned':
if spans_count <= 1:
reason = _('Spanned RAID volumes cannot contain a single span')
raise exception.DracOperationError(error=reason)
span_type = raid_level_info['span_type']
raid_level_info = RAID_LEVELS[span_type]
return raid_level_info['overhead'] * spans_count
def _max_volume_size_mb(raid_level, physical_disks, free_space_mb,
spans_count=1, stripe_size_kb=64 * units.Ki):
# restrict the size to the smallest available space
free_spaces = [free_space_mb[disk] for disk in physical_disks]
size_kb = min(free_spaces) * units.Ki
# NOTE(ifarkas): using math.floor so we get a volume size that does not
# exceed the available space
stripes_per_disk = int(math.floor(float(size_kb) / stripe_size_kb))
disks_count = len(physical_disks)
overhead_disks_count = _raid_level_overhead(raid_level, spans_count)
return int(stripes_per_disk * stripe_size_kb
* (disks_count - overhead_disks_count) / units.Ki)
def _volume_usage_per_disk_mb(logical_disk, physical_disks, spans_count=1,
stripe_size_kb=64 * units.Ki):
disks_count = len(physical_disks)
overhead_disks_count = _raid_level_overhead(logical_disk['raid_level'],
volume_size_kb = logical_disk['size_mb'] * units.Ki
# NOTE(ifarkas): using math.ceil so we get the largest disk usage
# possible, so we can avoid over-committing
stripes_per_volume = math.ceil(float(volume_size_kb) / stripe_size_kb)
stripes_per_disk = math.ceil(
float(stripes_per_volume) / (disks_count - overhead_disks_count))
return int(stripes_per_disk * stripe_size_kb / units.Ki)
def _find_configuration(logical_disks, physical_disks, pending_delete):
"""Find RAID configuration.
This method transforms the RAID configuration defined in Ironic to a format
that is required by dracclient. This includes matching the physical disks
to RAID volumes when it's not pre-defined, or in general calculating
missing properties.
:param logical_disks: list of logical disk definitions.
:param physical_disks: list of physical disk definitions.
:param pending_delete: Whether there is a pending deletion of virtual
disks that should be accounted for.
# shared physical disks of RAID volumes size_gb='MAX' should be
# deprioritized during the matching process to reserve as much space as
# possible. Reserved means it won't be used during matching.
volumes_with_reserved_physical_disks = [
volume for volume in logical_disks
if ('physical_disks' in volume and volume['size_mb'] == 'MAX'
and volume.get('share_physical_disks', False))]
reserved_physical_disks = [
disk for disk in physical_disks
for volume in volumes_with_reserved_physical_disks
if in volume['physical_disks']]
# we require each logical disk contain only homogeneous physical disks, so
# sort them by type
physical_disks_by_type = {}
reserved_physical_disks_by_type = {}
free_space_mb = {}
for disk in physical_disks:
# calculate free disk space
free_space_mb[disk] = _get_disk_free_size_mb(disk, pending_delete)
disk_type = (disk.controller, disk.media_type, disk.interface_type,
if disk_type not in physical_disks_by_type:
physical_disks_by_type[disk_type] = []
reserved_physical_disks_by_type[disk_type] = []
if disk in reserved_physical_disks:
# exclude non-shared physical disks (predefined by the user) from
# physical_disks_by_type because they are not going to be used during
# matching
for volume in logical_disks:
if ('physical_disks' in volume
and not volume.get('share_physical_disks', False)):
for disk in physical_disks:
if in volume['physical_disks']:
disk_type = (disk.controller, disk.media_type,
disk.interface_type, disk.size_mb)
if disk in physical_disks_by_type[disk_type]:
processed_volumes = []
# step 1 - process volumes with predefined disks and exact size
for volume in [volume for volume in logical_disks
if ('physical_disks' in volume
and volume['size_mb'] != 'MAX')]:
_calculate_volume_props(volume, physical_disks, free_space_mb)
# step 2 - process volumes without predefined disks
volumes_without_disks = [disk for disk in logical_disks
if 'physical_disks' not in disk]
if volumes_without_disks:
result, free_space_mb = (
physical_disks_by_type, free_space_mb,
if not result:
# try again using the reserved physical disks in addition
for disk_type, disks in physical_disks_by_type.items():
physical_disks_by_type[disk_type] += (
result, free_space_mb = (
if not result:
error_msg = _('failed to find matching physical disks for all '
'logical disks')
LOG.error('DRAC driver failed to create RAID '
'configuration. Reason: %(error)s.',
{'error': error_msg})
raise exception.DracOperationError(error=error_msg)
processed_volumes += volumes_without_disks
# step 3 - process volumes with predefined disks and size_mb == 'MAX'
for volume in [volume for volume in logical_disks
if ('physical_disks' in volume
and volume['size_mb'] == 'MAX')]:
_calculate_volume_props(volume, physical_disks, free_space_mb)
return processed_volumes
def _calculate_volume_props(logical_disk, physical_disks, free_space_mb):
selected_disks = [disk for disk in physical_disks
if in logical_disk['physical_disks']]
spans_count = _calculate_spans(
logical_disk['raid_level'], len(selected_disks))
if len(selected_disks) % spans_count != 0:
error_msg = _('invalid number of physical disks was provided')
raise exception.DracOperationError(error=error_msg)
disks_per_span = len(selected_disks) / spans_count
# Best practice is to not pass span_length and span_depth when creating a
# RAID10. The iDRAC will dynamically calculate these values using maximum
# values obtained from the RAID controller.
logical_disk['span_depth'] = None
logical_disk['span_length'] = None
if logical_disk['raid_level'] != '1+0':
logical_disk['span_depth'] = spans_count
logical_disk['span_length'] = disks_per_span
max_volume_size_mb = _max_volume_size_mb(
logical_disk['raid_level'], selected_disks, free_space_mb,
if logical_disk['size_mb'] == 'MAX':
if max_volume_size_mb == 0:
error_msg = _("size set to 'MAX' but could not allocate physical "
"disk space")
raise exception.DracOperationError(error=error_msg)
logical_disk['size_mb'] = max_volume_size_mb
elif max_volume_size_mb < logical_disk['size_mb']:
if max_volume_size_mb == 0:
error_msg = _('not enough physical disk space for the logical '
raise exception.DracOperationError(error=error_msg)
disk_usage = _volume_usage_per_disk_mb(logical_disk, selected_disks,
for disk in selected_disks:
if free_space_mb[disk] < disk_usage:
error_msg = _('not enough free space on physical disks for the '
'logical disk')
raise exception.DracOperationError(error=error_msg)
free_space_mb[disk] -= disk_usage
if 'controller' not in logical_disk:
logical_disk['controller'] = selected_disks[0].controller
def _assign_disks_to_volume(logical_disks, physical_disks_by_type,
free_space_mb, pending_delete):
logical_disk = logical_disks.pop(0)
raid_level = logical_disk['raid_level']
# iterate over all possible configurations
for (controller, disk_type,
interface_type, size_mb), disks in physical_disks_by_type.items():
if ('disk_type' in logical_disk
and logical_disk['disk_type'] != disk_type):
if ('interface_type' in logical_disk
and logical_disk['interface_type'] != interface_type):
# filter out disks without free disk space
disks = [disk for disk in disks if free_space_mb[disk] > 0]
# sort disks by free size which is important if we have max disks limit
# on a volume
disks = sorted(
key=lambda disk: free_space_mb[disk])
# filter out disks already in use if sharing is disabled
if ('share_physical_disks' not in logical_disk
or not logical_disk['share_physical_disks']):
initial_free_size_mb = {
disk: _get_disk_free_size_mb(disk, pending_delete)
for disk in disks
disks = [disk for disk in disks
if initial_free_size_mb[disk] == free_space_mb[disk]]
max_spans = _calculate_spans(raid_level, len(disks))
min_spans = min([2, max_spans])
min_disks = _raid_level_min_disks(raid_level,
max_disks = _raid_level_max_disks(raid_level,
candidate_max_disks = min([max_disks, len(disks)])
for disks_count in range(min_disks, candidate_max_disks + 1):
if ('number_of_physical_disks' in logical_disk
and logical_disk['number_of_physical_disks'] != disks_count):
# skip invalid disks_count
if disks_count != _usable_disks_count(logical_disk['raid_level'],
selected_disks = disks[0:disks_count]
candidate_volume = logical_disk.copy()
candidate_free_space_mb = free_space_mb.copy()
candidate_volume['physical_disks'] = [ for disk
in selected_disks]
_calculate_volume_props(candidate_volume, selected_disks,
except exception.DracOperationError:
if len(logical_disks) > 0:
result, candidate_free_space_mb = (
if result:
return (True, candidate_free_space_mb)
return (True, candidate_free_space_mb)
# put back the logical_disk to queue
logical_disks.insert(0, logical_disk)
return (False, free_space_mb)
def _filter_logical_disks(logical_disks, include_root_volume,
filtered_disks = []
for disk in logical_disks:
if include_root_volume and disk.get('is_root_volume'):
if include_nonroot_volumes and not disk.get('is_root_volume'):
return filtered_disks
def _create_config_job(node, controller, reboot=False, realtime=False,
job_id = commit_config(node, raid_controller=controller,
reboot=reboot, realtime=realtime)
if controller not in raid_config_parameters:
raid_config_parameters.append(controller)'Change has been committed to RAID controller '
'%(controller)s on node %(node)s. '
'DRAC job id: %(job_id)s',
{'controller': controller, 'node': node.uuid,
'job_id': job_id})
return {'raid_config_job_ids': raid_config_job_ids,
'raid_config_parameters': raid_config_parameters}
def _commit_to_controllers(node, controllers, substep="completed"):
"""Commit changes to RAID controllers on the node.
:param node: an ironic node object
:param controllers: a list of dictionary containing
- The raid_controller key with raid controller
fqdd value indicating on which raid configuration
job needs to be perform.
- The is_commit_required needed key with a
boolean value indicating whether a config job must
be created.
- The is_reboot_required key with a RebootRequired
enumerated value indicating whether the server must
be rebooted only if raid controller does not support
:param substep: contain sub cleaning or deploy step which executes any raid
configuration job if set after cleaning or deploy step.
(default to completed)
:returns: states.CLEANWAIT (cleaning) or states.DEPLOYWAIT (deployment) if
configuration is in progress asynchronously or None if it is
# remove controller which does not require configuration job
controllers = [controller for controller in controllers
if controller['is_commit_required']]
if not controllers:
LOG.debug('No changes on any of the controllers on node %s',
driver_internal_info = node.driver_internal_info
driver_internal_info['raid_config_substep'] = substep
driver_internal_info['raid_config_parameters'] = []
node.driver_internal_info = driver_internal_info
driver_internal_info = node.driver_internal_info
driver_internal_info['raid_config_substep'] = substep
driver_internal_info['raid_config_parameters'] = []
if 'raid_config_job_ids' not in driver_internal_info:
driver_internal_info['raid_config_job_ids'] = []
optional = drac_constants.RebootRequired.optional
all_realtime = all(cntlr['is_reboot_required'] == optional
for cntlr in controllers)
raid_config_job_ids = []
raid_config_parameters = []
if all_realtime:
for controller in controllers:
realtime_controller = controller['raid_controller']
job_details = _create_config_job(
node, controller=realtime_controller,
reboot=False, realtime=True,
for controller in controllers:
mix_controller = controller['raid_controller']
reboot = (controller == controllers[-1])
job_details = _create_config_job(
node, controller=mix_controller,
reboot=reboot, realtime=False,
node.driver_internal_info = driver_internal_info
# Signal whether the node has been rebooted, that we do not need to execute
# the step again, and that this completion of this step is triggered
# through async polling.
# NOTE(mgoddard): set_async_step_flags calls
reboot=not all_realtime,
return deploy_utils.get_async_step_return_state(node)
def _get_disk_free_size_mb(disk, pending_delete):
"""Return the size of free space on the disk in MB.
:param disk: a PhysicalDisk object.
:param pending_delete: Whether there is a pending deletion of all virtual
return disk.size_mb if pending_delete else disk.free_size_mb
class DracWSManRAID(base.RAIDInterface):
def get_properties(self):
"""Return the properties of the interface."""
return drac_common.COMMON_PROPERTIES
def apply_configuration(self, task, raid_config, create_root_volume=True,
return super(DracRAID, self).apply_configuration(
task, raid_config, create_root_volume=create_root_volume,
@base.clean_step(priority=0, abortable=False, argsinfo={
'create_root_volume': {
'description': (
'This specifies whether to create the root volume. '
'Defaults to `True`.'
'required': False
'create_nonroot_volumes': {
'description': (
'This specifies whether to create the non-root volumes. '
'Defaults to `True`.'
'required': False
"delete_existing": {
"description": (
"Setting this to 'True' indicates to delete existing RAID "
"configuration prior to creating the new configuration. "
"Default value is 'False'."
"required": False,
def create_configuration(self, task,
"""Create the RAID configuration.
This method creates the RAID configuration on the given node.
:param task: a TaskManager instance containing the node to act on.
:param create_root_volume: If True, a root volume is created
during RAID configuration. Otherwise, no root volume is
created. Default is True.
:param create_nonroot_volumes: If True, non-root volumes are
created. If False, no non-root volumes are created. Default
is True.
:param delete_existing: Setting this to True indicates to delete RAID
configuration prior to creating the new configuration. Default is
:returns: states.CLEANWAIT (cleaning) or states.DEPLOYWAIT (deployment)
if creation is in progress asynchronously or None if it is
:raises: MissingParameterValue, if node.target_raid_config is missing
or empty.
:raises: DracOperationError on an error from python-dracclient.
node = task.node
logical_disks = node.target_raid_config['logical_disks']
for disk in logical_disks:
if disk['size_gb'] == 'MAX' and 'physical_disks' not in disk:
raise exception.InvalidParameterValue(
_("create_configuration called with invalid "
"target_raid_configuration for node %(node_id)s. "
"'physical_disks' is missing from logical_disk while "
"'size_gb'='MAX' was requested: "
"%(logical_disk)s") % {'node_id': node.uuid,
'logical_disk': disk})
if disk['size_gb'] == 'MAX':
disk['size_mb'] = 'MAX'
disk['size_mb'] = disk['size_gb'] * units.Ki
del disk['size_gb']
if delete_existing:
controllers = self._delete_configuration_no_commit(task)
controllers = list()
physical_disks = list_physical_disks(node)
logical_disks = _find_configuration(logical_disks, physical_disks,
logical_disks_to_create = _filter_logical_disks(
logical_disks, create_root_volume, create_nonroot_volumes)
controllers_to_physical_disk_ids = defaultdict(list)
for logical_disk in logical_disks_to_create:
# Not applicable to JBOD logical disks.
if logical_disk['raid_level'] == 'JBOD':
for physical_disk_name in logical_disk['physical_disks']:
if logical_disks_to_create:
"Converting physical disks configured to back RAID "
"logical disks to RAID mode for node %(node_uuid)s ",
{"node_uuid": node.uuid})
raid =
node, raid, controllers_to_physical_disk_ids)
LOG.debug("Waiting for physical disk conversion to complete "
"for node %(node_uuid)s. ", {"node_uuid": node.uuid})
"Completed converting physical disks configured to back RAID "
"logical disks to RAID mode for node %(node_uuid)s",
{'node_uuid': node.uuid})
controllers = list()
for logical_disk in logical_disks_to_create:
controller = dict()
controller_cap = create_virtual_disk(
controller['raid_controller'] = logical_disk['controller']
controller['is_reboot_required'] = controller_cap[
controller['is_commit_required'] = controller_cap[
if controller not in controllers:
return _commit_to_controllers(node, controllers)
def delete_configuration(self, task):
"""Delete the RAID configuration.
:param task: a TaskManager instance containing the node to act on.
:returns: states.CLEANWAIT (cleaning) or states.DEPLOYWAIT (deployment)
if deletion is in progress asynchronously or None if it is
:raises: DracOperationError on an error from python-dracclient.
controllers = self._delete_configuration_no_commit(task)
return _commit_to_controllers(task.node, controllers,
def get_logical_disks(self, task):
"""Get the RAID configuration of the node.
:param task: a TaskManager instance containing the node to act on.
:returns: A dictionary of properties.
:raises: DracOperationError on an error from python-dracclient.
node = task.node
logical_disks = []
for disk in list_virtual_disks(node):
logical_disk = {
'controller': disk.controller,
'size_gb': int(disk.size_mb / units.Ki),
'raid_level': disk.raid_level
if is not None:
logical_disk['name'] =
return {'logical_disks': logical_disks}
def _query_raid_config_job_status(self, manager, context):
"""Periodic task to check the progress of running RAID config jobs."""
filters = {'reserved': False, 'maintenance': False}
fields = ['driver_internal_info']
node_list = manager.iter_nodes(fields=fields, filters=filters)
for (node_uuid, driver, conductor_group,
driver_internal_info) in node_list:
lock_purpose = 'checking async raid configuration jobs'
with task_manager.acquire(context, node_uuid,
shared=True) as task:
if not isinstance(, DracRAID):
job_ids = driver_internal_info.get('raid_config_job_ids')
if not job_ids:
except exception.NodeNotFound:"During query_raid_config_job_status, node "
"%(node)s was not found and presumed deleted by "
"another process.", {'node': node_uuid})
except exception.NodeLocked:"During query_raid_config_job_status, node "
"%(node)s was already locked by another process. "
"Skip.", {'node': node_uuid})
def _check_node_raid_jobs(self, task):
"""Check the progress of running RAID config jobs of a node."""
node = task.node
raid_config_job_ids = node.driver_internal_info['raid_config_job_ids']
finished_job_ids = []
for config_job_id in raid_config_job_ids:
config_job = drac_job.get_job(node, job_id=config_job_id)
if config_job is None or config_job.status == 'Completed':
elif config_job.status == 'Failed':
if not finished_job_ids:
self._delete_cached_config_job_id(node, finished_job_ids)
if not node.driver_internal_info.get('raid_config_job_failure',
if 'raid_config_substep' in node.driver_internal_info:
substep = node.driver_internal_info['raid_config_substep']
if substep == 'delete_foreign_config':
foreign_drives = self._execute_foreign_drives(task, node)
if foreign_drives is None:
return self._convert_drives(task, node)
elif substep == 'physical_disk_conversion':
self._convert_drives(task, node)
elif substep == 'completed':
self._complete_raid_substep(task, node)
self._complete_raid_substep(task, node)
self._set_failed(task, config_job)
def _execute_foreign_drives(self, task, node):
controllers = list()
jobs_required = False
for controller_id in node.driver_internal_info[
controller_cap = clear_foreign_config(
node, controller_id)
controller = {
'raid_controller': controller_id,
'is_reboot_required': controller_cap['is_reboot_required'],
'is_commit_required': controller_cap['is_commit_required']}
jobs_required = jobs_required or controller_cap[
if not jobs_required:
"No foreign drives detected, so "
"resume %s", "cleaning" if node.clean_step else "deployment")
return None
return _commit_to_controllers(
def _complete_raid_substep(self, task, node):
def _convert_drives(self, task, node):
jbod = drac_constants.RaidStatus.jbod
drives_results = _change_physical_disk_mode(
node, mode=jbod)
if drives_results is None:
LOG.debug("Controller does not support drives "
"conversion on %(node_uuid)s",
{'node_uuid': node.uuid})
self._complete_raid_substep(task, node)
def _clear_raid_substep(self, node):
driver_internal_info = node.driver_internal_info
driver_internal_info.pop('raid_config_substep', None)
driver_internal_info.pop('raid_config_parameters', None)
node.driver_internal_info = driver_internal_info
def _set_raid_config_job_failure(self, node):
driver_internal_info = node.driver_internal_info
driver_internal_info['raid_config_job_failure'] = True
node.driver_internal_info = driver_internal_info
def _clear_raid_config_job_failure(self, node):
driver_internal_info = node.driver_internal_info
del driver_internal_info['raid_config_job_failure']
node.driver_internal_info = driver_internal_info
def _delete_cached_config_job_id(self, node, finished_config_job_ids=None):
if finished_config_job_ids is None:
finished_config_job_ids = []
driver_internal_info = node.driver_internal_info
unfinished_job_ids = [job_id for job_id
in driver_internal_info['raid_config_job_ids']
if job_id not in finished_config_job_ids]
driver_internal_info['raid_config_job_ids'] = unfinished_job_ids
node.driver_internal_info = driver_internal_info
def _set_failed(self, task, config_job):
LOG.error("RAID configuration job failed for node %(node)s. "
"Failed config job: %(config_job_id)s. "
"Message: '%(message)s'.",
{'node': task.node.uuid, 'config_job_id':,
'message': config_job.message})
task.node.last_error = config_job.message
def _resume(self, task):
task.node, self.get_logical_disks(task))
if task.node.clean_step:
def _delete_configuration_no_commit(self, task):
"""Delete existing RAID configuration without committing the change.
:param task: A TaskManager instance.
:returns: A set of names of RAID controllers which need RAID changes to
be committed.
node = task.node
controllers = list()
drac_raid_controllers = list_raid_controllers(node)
for cntrl in drac_raid_controllers:
if _is_raid_controller(node,, drac_raid_controllers):
controller = dict()
controller_cap = _reset_raid_config(node,
controller["raid_controller"] =
controller["is_reboot_required"] = controller_cap[
controller["is_commit_required"] = controller_cap[
return controllers
class DracRAID(DracWSManRAID):
"""Class alias of class DracWSManRAID.
This class provides ongoing support of the deprecated 'idrac' RAID
interface implementation entrypoint.
All bug fixes and new features should be implemented in its base
class, DracWSManRAID. That makes them available to both the
deprecated 'idrac' and new 'idrac-wsman' entrypoints. Such changes
should not be made to this class.
def __init__(self):
LOG.warning("RAID interface 'idrac' is deprecated and may be removed "
"in a future release. Use 'idrac-wsman' instead.")