Dmitry Tantsur 2e276459b9 Delay validating deploy templates until we get all steps
In-band steps are not known before the agent is running.

Change-Id: Ib99017cdb8936714856716fcd612b49caa692459
Story: #2006963
2020-04-21 18:55:14 +02:00

631 lines
24 KiB

# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
import collections
from oslo_config import cfg
from oslo_log import log
from ironic.common import exception
from ironic.common.i18n import _
from ironic.common import states
from ironic.objects import deploy_template
LOG = log.getLogger(__name__)
# When two clean steps have the same priority, their order is determined
# by which interface is implementing the clean step. The clean step of the
# interface with the highest value here, will be executed first in that
# case.
'power': 5,
'management': 4,
'deploy': 3,
'bios': 2,
'raid': 1,
# When two deploy steps have the same priority, their order is determined
# by which interface is implementing the step. The step of the interface
# with the highest value here, will be executed first in that case.
# TODO(rloo): If we think it makes sense to have the interface priorities
# the same for cleaning & deploying, replace the two with one e.g.
'power': 5,
'management': 4,
'deploy': 3,
'bios': 2,
'raid': 1,
def _clean_step_key(step):
"""Sort by priority, then interface priority in event of tie.
:param step: cleaning step dict to get priority for.
return (step.get('priority'),
def _deploy_step_key(step):
"""Sort by priority, then interface priority in event of tie.
:param step: deploy step dict to get priority for.
return (step.get('priority'),
def _sorted_steps(steps, sort_step_key):
"""Return a sorted list of steps.
:param sort_step_key: If set, this is a method (key) used to sort the steps
from highest priority to lowest priority. For steps having the same
priority, they are sorted from highest interface priority to lowest.
:returns: A list of sorted step dictionaries.
# Sort the steps from higher priority to lower priority
return sorted(steps, key=sort_step_key, reverse=True)
def is_equivalent(step1, step2):
"""Compare steps, ignoring their priority."""
return (step1.get('interface') == step2.get('interface')
and step1.get('step') == step2.get('step'))
def find_step(steps, step):
"""Find an identical step in the list of steps."""
return next((x for x in steps if is_equivalent(x, step)), None)
def _get_steps(task, interfaces, get_method, enabled=False,
"""Get steps for task.node.
:param task: A TaskManager object
:param interfaces: A dictionary of (key) interfaces and their
(value) priorities. These are the interfaces that will have steps of
interest. The priorities are used for deciding the priorities of steps
having the same priority.
:param get_method: The method used to get the steps from the node's
interface; a string.
:param enabled: If True, returns only enabled (priority > 0) steps. If
False, returns all steps.
:param sort_step_key: If set, this is a method (key) used to sort the steps
from highest priority to lowest priority. For steps having the same
priority, they are sorted from highest interface priority to lowest.
:raises: NodeCleaningFailure or InstanceDeployFailure if there was a
problem getting the steps.
:returns: A list of step dictionaries
# Get steps from each interface
steps = list()
for interface in interfaces:
interface = getattr(task.driver, interface)
if interface:
interface_steps = [x for x in getattr(interface, get_method)(task)
if not enabled or x['priority'] > 0]
if sort_step_key:
steps = _sorted_steps(steps, sort_step_key)
return steps
def _get_cleaning_steps(task, enabled=False, sort=True):
"""Get cleaning steps for task.node.
:param task: A TaskManager object
:param enabled: If True, returns only enabled (priority > 0) steps. If
False, returns all clean steps.
:param sort: If True, the steps are sorted from highest priority to lowest
priority. For steps having the same priority, they are sorted from
highest interface priority to lowest.
:raises: NodeCleaningFailure if there was a problem getting the
clean steps.
:returns: A list of clean step dictionaries
sort_key = _clean_step_key if sort else None
return _get_steps(task, CLEANING_INTERFACE_PRIORITY, 'get_clean_steps',
enabled=enabled, sort_step_key=sort_key)
def _get_deployment_steps(task, enabled=False, sort=True):
"""Get deployment steps for task.node.
:param task: A TaskManager object
:param enabled: If True, returns only enabled (priority > 0) steps. If
False, returns all deploy steps.
:param sort: If True, the steps are sorted from highest priority to lowest
priority. For steps having the same priority, they are sorted from
highest interface priority to lowest.
:raises: InstanceDeployFailure if there was a problem getting the
deploy steps.
:returns: A list of deploy step dictionaries
sort_key = _deploy_step_key if sort else None
return _get_steps(task, DEPLOYING_INTERFACE_PRIORITY, 'get_deploy_steps',
enabled=enabled, sort_step_key=sort_key)
def set_node_cleaning_steps(task):
"""Set up the node with clean step information for cleaning.
For automated cleaning, get the clean steps from the driver.
For manual cleaning, the user's clean steps are known but need to be
validated against the driver's clean steps.
:raises: InvalidParameterValue if there is a problem with the user's
clean steps.
:raises: NodeCleaningFailure if there was a problem getting the
clean steps.
node = task.node
driver_internal_info = node.driver_internal_info
# For manual cleaning, the target provision state is MANAGEABLE, whereas
# for automated cleaning, it is AVAILABLE.
manual_clean = node.target_provision_state == states.MANAGEABLE
if not manual_clean:
# Get the prioritized steps for automated cleaning
driver_internal_info['clean_steps'] = _get_cleaning_steps(task,
# For manual cleaning, the list of cleaning steps was specified by the
# user and already saved in node.driver_internal_info['clean_steps'].
# Now that we know what the driver's available clean steps are, we can
# do further checks to validate the user's clean steps.
steps = node.driver_internal_info['clean_steps']
driver_internal_info['clean_steps'] = (
_validate_user_clean_steps(task, steps))
node.clean_step = {}
driver_internal_info['clean_step_index'] = None
node.driver_internal_info = driver_internal_info
def _get_deployment_templates(task):
"""Get deployment templates for task.node.
Return deployment templates where the name of the deployment template
matches one of the node's instance traits (the subset of the node's traits
requested by the user via a flavor or image).
:param task: A TaskManager object
:returns: a list of DeployTemplate objects.
node = task.node
if not node.instance_info.get('traits'):
return []
instance_traits = node.instance_info['traits']
return deploy_template.DeployTemplate.list_by_names(task.context,
def _get_steps_from_deployment_templates(task, templates):
"""Get deployment template steps for task.node.
Given a list of deploy template objects, return a list of all deploy steps
:param task: A TaskManager object
:param templates: a list of deploy templates
:returns: A list of deploy step dictionaries
steps = []
# NOTE(mgoddard): The steps from the object include id, created_at, etc.,
# which we don't want to include when we assign them to
# node.driver_internal_info. Include only the relevant fields.
step_fields = ('interface', 'step', 'args', 'priority')
for template in templates:
steps.extend([{key: step[key] for key in step_fields}
for step in template.steps])
return steps
def _get_validated_steps_from_templates(task, skip_missing=False):
"""Return a list of validated deploy steps from deploy templates.
Deployment template steps are those steps defined in deployment templates
where the name of the deployment template matches one of the node's
instance traits (the subset of the node's traits requested by the user via
a flavor or image). There may be many such matching templates, each with a
list of steps to execute.
This method gathers the steps from all matching deploy templates for a
node, and validates those steps against the node's driver interfaces,
raising an error if validation fails.
:param task: A TaskManager object
:raises: InvalidParameterValue if validation of steps fails.
:raises: InstanceDeployFailure if there was a problem getting the
deploy steps.
:returns: A list of validated deploy step dictionaries
# Gather deploy templates matching the node's instance traits.
templates = _get_deployment_templates(task)
# Gather deploy steps from deploy templates.
user_steps = _get_steps_from_deployment_templates(task, templates)
# Validate the steps.
error_prefix = (_('Validation of deploy steps from deploy templates '
'matching this node\'s instance traits failed. Matching '
'deploy templates: %(templates)s. Errors: ') %
{'templates': ','.join( for t in templates)})
return _validate_user_deploy_steps(task, user_steps,
def _get_all_deployment_steps(task, skip_missing=False):
"""Get deployment steps for task.node.
Deployment steps from matching deployment templates are combined with those
from driver interfaces and all enabled steps returned in priority order.
:param task: A TaskManager object
:raises: InstanceDeployFailure if there was a problem getting the
deploy steps.
:returns: A list of deploy step dictionaries
# Gather deploy steps from deploy templates and validate.
# NOTE(mgoddard): although we've probably just validated the templates in
# do_node_deploy, they may have changed in the DB since we last checked, so
# validate again.
user_steps = _get_validated_steps_from_templates(task,
# Gather enabled deploy steps from drivers.
driver_steps = _get_deployment_steps(task, enabled=True, sort=False)
# Remove driver steps that have been disabled or overridden by user steps.
user_step_keys = {(s['interface'], s['step']) for s in user_steps}
steps = [s for s in driver_steps
if (s['interface'], s['step']) not in user_step_keys]
# Add enabled user steps.
enabled_user_steps = [s for s in user_steps if s['priority'] > 0]
return _sorted_steps(steps, _deploy_step_key)
def set_node_deployment_steps(task, reset_current=True, skip_missing=False):
"""Set up the node with deployment step information for deploying.
Get the deploy steps from the driver.
:param reset_current: Whether to reset the current step to the first one.
:raises: InstanceDeployFailure if there was a problem getting the
deployment steps.
node = task.node
driver_internal_info = node.driver_internal_info
driver_internal_info['deploy_steps'] = _get_all_deployment_steps(
task, skip_missing=skip_missing)
if reset_current:
node.deploy_step = {}
driver_internal_info['deploy_step_index'] = None
node.driver_internal_info = driver_internal_info
def _step_id(step):
"""Return the 'ID' of a deploy step.
The ID is a string, <interface>.<step>.
:param step: the step dictionary.
:return: the step's ID string.
return '.'.join([step['interface'], step['step']])
def _validate_deploy_steps_unique(user_steps):
"""Validate that deploy steps from deploy templates are unique.
:param user_steps: a list of user steps. A user step is a dictionary
with required keys 'interface', 'step', 'args', and 'priority'::
{ 'interface': <driver_interface>,
'step': <name_of_step>,
'args': {<arg1>: <value1>, ..., <argn>: <valuen>},
'priority': <priority_of_step> }
For example::
{ 'interface': deploy',
'step': 'upgrade_firmware',
'args': {'force': True},
'priority': 10 }
:return: a list of validation error strings for the steps.
# Check for duplicate steps. Each interface/step combination can be
# specified at most once.
errors = []
counter = collections.Counter(_step_id(step) for step in user_steps)
duplicates = {step_id for step_id, count in counter.items() if count > 1}
if duplicates:
err = (_('deploy steps from all deploy templates matching this '
'node\'s instance traits cannot have the same interface '
'and step. Duplicate deploy steps for %(duplicates)s') %
{'duplicates': ', '.join(duplicates)})
return errors
def _validate_user_step(task, user_step, driver_step, step_type):
"""Validate a user-specified step.
:param task: A TaskManager object
:param user_step: a user step dictionary with required keys 'interface'
and 'step', and optional keys 'args' and 'priority'::
{ 'interface': <driver_interface>,
'step': <name_of_step>,
'args': {<arg1>: <value1>, ..., <argn>: <valuen>},
'priority': <optional_priority> }
For example::
{ 'interface': deploy',
'step': 'upgrade_firmware',
'args': {'force': True} }
:param driver_step: a driver step dictionary::
{ 'interface': <driver_interface>,
'step': <name_of_step>,
'priority': <integer>
'abortable': Optional for clean steps, absent for deploy steps.
'argsinfo': Optional. A dictionary of
{<arg_name>:<arg_info_dict>} entries.
<arg_info_dict> is a dictionary with
{ 'description': <description>,
'required': <Boolean> } }
For example::
{ 'interface': deploy',
'step': 'upgrade_firmware',
'priority': 10,
'abortable': True,
'argsinfo': {
'force': { 'description': 'Whether to force the upgrade',
'required': False } } }
:param step_type: either 'clean' or 'deploy'.
:return: a list of validation error strings for the step.
errors = []
# Check that the user-specified arguments are valid
argsinfo = driver_step.get('argsinfo') or {}
user_args = user_step.get('args') or {}
unexpected = set(user_args) - set(argsinfo)
if unexpected:
error = (_('%(type)s step %(step)s has these unexpected arguments: '
'%(unexpected)s') %
{'type': step_type, 'step': user_step,
'unexpected': ', '.join(unexpected)})
if step_type == 'clean' or user_step['priority'] > 0:
# Check that all required arguments were specified by the user
missing = []
for (arg_name, arg_info) in argsinfo.items():
if arg_info.get('required', False) and arg_name not in user_args:
msg = arg_name
if arg_info.get('description'):
msg += ' (%(desc)s)' % {'desc': arg_info['description']}
if missing:
error = (_('%(type)s step %(step)s is missing these required '
'arguments: %(miss)s') %
{'type': step_type, 'step': user_step,
'miss': ', '.join(missing)})
if step_type == 'clean':
# Copy fields that should not be provided by a user
user_step['abortable'] = driver_step.get('abortable', False)
user_step['priority'] = driver_step.get('priority', 0)
elif user_step['priority'] > 0:
# 'core' deploy steps can only be disabled.
# NOTE(mgoddard): we'll need something a little more sophisticated to
# track core steps once we split out the single core step.
is_core = (driver_step['interface'] == 'deploy'
and driver_step['step'] == 'deploy')
if is_core:
error = (_('deploy step %(step)s on interface %(interface)s is a '
'core step and cannot be overridden by user steps. It '
'may be disabled by setting the priority to 0') %
{'step': user_step['step'],
'interface': user_step['interface']})
return errors
def _validate_user_steps(task, user_steps, driver_steps, step_type,
error_prefix=None, skip_missing=False):
"""Validate the user-specified steps.
:param task: A TaskManager object
:param user_steps: a list of user steps. A user step is a dictionary
with required keys 'interface' and 'step', and optional keys 'args'
and 'priority'::
{ 'interface': <driver_interface>,
'step': <name_of_step>,
'args': {<arg1>: <value1>, ..., <argn>: <valuen>},
'priority': <optional_priority> }
For example::
{ 'interface': deploy',
'step': 'upgrade_firmware',
'args': {'force': True} }
:param driver_steps: a list of driver steps::
{ 'interface': <driver_interface>,
'step': <name_of_step>,
'priority': <integer>
'abortable': Optional for clean steps, absent for deploy steps.
'argsinfo': Optional. A dictionary of
{<arg_name>:<arg_info_dict>} entries.
<arg_info_dict> is a dictionary with
{ 'description': <description>,
'required': <Boolean> } }
For example::
{ 'interface': deploy',
'step': 'upgrade_firmware',
'priority': 10,
'abortable': True,
'argsinfo': {
'force': { 'description': 'Whether to force the upgrade',
'required': False } } }
:param step_type: either 'clean' or 'deploy'.
:param error_prefix: String to use as a prefix for exception messages, or
:raises: InvalidParameterValue if validation of steps fails.
:raises: NodeCleaningFailure or InstanceDeployFailure if
there was a problem getting the steps from the driver.
:return: validated steps updated with information from the driver
errors = []
# Convert driver steps to a dict.
driver_steps = {_step_id(s): s for s in driver_steps}
result = []
for user_step in user_steps:
# Check if this user-specified step isn't supported by the driver
driver_step = driver_steps[_step_id(user_step)]
except KeyError:
if skip_missing:
LOG.debug('%(type)s step %(step)s is not currently known for '
'node %(node)s, delaying its validation until '
'in-band steps are loaded',
{'type': step_type.capitalize(),
'step': user_step, 'node': task.node.uuid})
error = (_('node does not support this %(type)s step: '
% {'type': step_type, 'step': user_step})
step_errors = _validate_user_step(task, user_step, driver_step,
if step_type == 'deploy':
# Deploy steps should be unique across all combined templates.
dup_errors = _validate_deploy_steps_unique(result)
if errors:
err = error_prefix or ''
err += '; '.join(errors)
raise exception.InvalidParameterValue(err=err)
return result
def _validate_user_clean_steps(task, user_steps):
"""Validate the user-specified clean steps.
:param task: A TaskManager object
:param user_steps: a list of clean steps. A clean step is a dictionary
with required keys 'interface' and 'step', and optional key 'args'::
{ 'interface': <driver_interface>,
'step': <name_of_clean_step>,
'args': {<arg1>: <value1>, ..., <argn>: <valuen>} }
For example::
{ 'interface': 'deploy',
'step': 'upgrade_firmware',
'args': {'force': True} }
:raises: InvalidParameterValue if validation of clean steps fails.
:raises: NodeCleaningFailure if there was a problem getting the
clean steps from the driver.
:return: validated clean steps update with information from the driver
driver_steps = _get_cleaning_steps(task, enabled=False, sort=False)
return _validate_user_steps(task, user_steps, driver_steps, 'clean')
def _validate_user_deploy_steps(task, user_steps, error_prefix=None,
"""Validate the user-specified deploy steps.
:param task: A TaskManager object
:param user_steps: a list of deploy steps. A deploy step is a dictionary
with required keys 'interface', 'step', 'args', and 'priority'::
{ 'interface': <driver_interface>,
'step': <name_of_deploy_step>,
'args': {<arg1>: <value1>, ..., <argn>: <valuen>},
'priority': <priority_of_deploy_step> }
For example::
{ 'interface': 'bios',
'step': 'apply_configuration',
'args': { 'settings': [ { 'foo': 'bar' } ] },
'priority': 150 }
:param error_prefix: String to use as a prefix for exception messages, or
:raises: InvalidParameterValue if validation of deploy steps fails.
:raises: InstanceDeployFailure if there was a problem getting the deploy
steps from the driver.
:return: validated deploy steps update with information from the driver
driver_steps = _get_deployment_steps(task, enabled=False, sort=False)
return _validate_user_steps(task, user_steps, driver_steps, 'deploy',
def validate_deploy_templates(task, skip_missing=False):
"""Validate the deploy templates for a node.
:param task: A TaskManager object
:raises: InvalidParameterValue if the instance has traits that map to
deploy steps that are unsupported by the node's driver interfaces.
:raises: InstanceDeployFailure if there was a problem getting the deploy
steps from the driver.
# Gather deploy steps from matching deploy templates and validate them.
_get_validated_steps_from_templates(task, skip_missing=skip_missing)