Dmitry Tantsur 607b8734e4
Cache firwmare components on the transition to "manageable"
Automated cleaning is not guaranteed to be enabled, and in any case it's
too late to cache the components at that point: firwmare upgrades may
happen before the transition to "available".

Change-Id: I6b74970fffcc150c167830bef195f284a8c6f197
2023-12-14 09:51:47 +01:00

420 lines
18 KiB

# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
"""Functionality related to cleaning."""
from oslo_log import log
from ironic.common import exception
from ironic.common.i18n import _
from ironic.common import states
from ironic.conductor import steps as conductor_steps
from ironic.conductor import task_manager
from ironic.conductor import utils
from ironic.conf import CONF
from ironic.drivers import utils as driver_utils
from ironic import objects
LOG = log.getLogger(__name__)
def do_node_clean(task, clean_steps=None, disable_ramdisk=False):
"""Internal RPC method to perform cleaning of a node.
:param task: a TaskManager instance with an exclusive lock on its node
:param clean_steps: For a manual clean, the list of clean steps to
perform. Is None For automated cleaning (default).
For more information, see the clean_steps parameter
of :func:`ConductorManager.do_node_clean`.
:param disable_ramdisk: Whether to skip booting ramdisk for cleaning.
node = task.node
manual_clean = clean_steps is not None
clean_type = 'manual' if manual_clean else 'automated'
LOG.debug('Starting %(type)s cleaning for node %(node)s',
{'type': clean_type, 'node': node.uuid})
if not manual_clean and utils.skip_automated_cleaning(node):
# Skip cleaning, move to AVAILABLE.
node.clean_step = None
how = ('API' if node.automated_clean is False else 'configuration')'Automated cleaning is disabled via %(how)s, node %(node)s '
'has been successfully moved to AVAILABLE state',
{'how': how, 'node': node})
# NOTE(dtantsur): this is only reachable during automated cleaning,
# for manual cleaning we verify maintenance mode earlier on.
if (not CONF.conductor.allow_provisioning_in_maintenance
and node.maintenance):
msg = _('Cleaning a node in maintenance mode is not allowed')
return utils.cleaning_error_handler(task, msg,
# NOTE(ghe): Valid power and network values are needed to perform
# a cleaning.
if not disable_ramdisk:
except (exception.InvalidParameterValue, exception.NetworkError) as e:
msg = (_('Validation of node %(node)s for cleaning failed: %(msg)s') %
{'node': node.uuid, 'msg': e})
return utils.cleaning_error_handler(task, msg)
if manual_clean:
node.set_driver_internal_info('clean_steps', clean_steps)
# Allow the deploy driver to set up the ramdisk again (necessary for
# IPA cleaning)
if not disable_ramdisk:
prepare_result = task.driver.deploy.prepare_cleaning(task)
else:'Skipping preparing for in-band cleaning since '
'out-of-band only cleaning has been requested for node '
'%s', node.uuid)
prepare_result = None
except Exception as e:
msg = (_('Failed to prepare node %(node)s for cleaning: %(e)s')
% {'node': node.uuid, 'e': e})
return utils.cleaning_error_handler(task, msg, traceback=True)
if prepare_result == states.CLEANWAIT:
# Prepare is asynchronous, the deploy driver will need to
# set node.driver_internal_info['clean_steps'] and
# node.clean_step and then make an RPC call to
# continue_node_clean to start cleaning.
# For manual cleaning, the target provision state is MANAGEABLE,
# whereas for automated cleaning, it is AVAILABLE (the default).
target_state = states.MANAGEABLE if manual_clean else None
task.process_event('wait', target_state=target_state)
task, disable_ramdisk=disable_ramdisk)
except Exception as e:
# Catch all exceptions and follow the error handling
# path so things are cleaned up properly.
msg = (_('Cannot clean node %(node)s: %(msg)s')
% {'node': node.uuid, 'msg': e})
return utils.cleaning_error_handler(task, msg)
steps = node.driver_internal_info.get('clean_steps', [])
step_index = 0 if steps else None
do_next_clean_step(task, step_index, disable_ramdisk=disable_ramdisk)
_("Unexpected error when processing next clean step"),
def do_next_clean_step(task, step_index, disable_ramdisk=None):
"""Do cleaning, starting from the specified clean step.
:param task: a TaskManager instance with an exclusive lock
:param step_index: The first clean step in the list to execute. This
is the index (from 0) into the list of clean steps in the node's
driver_internal_info['clean_steps']. Is None if there are no steps
to execute.
:param disable_ramdisk: Whether to skip booting ramdisk for cleaning.
node = task.node
# For manual cleaning, the target provision state is MANAGEABLE,
# whereas for automated cleaning, it is AVAILABLE.
manual_clean = node.target_provision_state == states.MANAGEABLE
if step_index is None:
steps = []
assert node.driver_internal_info.get('clean_steps') is not None, \
f"BUG: No clean steps for {node.uuid}, step index is {step_index}"
steps = node.driver_internal_info['clean_steps'][step_index:]
if disable_ramdisk is None:
disable_ramdisk = node.driver_internal_info.get(
'cleaning_disable_ramdisk', False)'Executing %(kind)s cleaning on node %(node)s, remaining steps: '
'%(steps)s', {'node': node.uuid, 'steps': steps,
'kind': 'manual' if manual_clean else 'automated'})
# Execute each step until we hit an async step or run out of steps
for ind, step in enumerate(steps):
# Save which step we're about to start so we can restart
# if necessary
node.clean_step = step
node.set_driver_internal_info('clean_step_index', step_index + ind)
eocn = step.get('execute_on_child_nodes', False)
result = None
if not eocn:'Executing %(step)s on node %(node)s',
{'step': step, 'node': node.uuid})
use_step_handler = conductor_steps.use_reserved_step_handler(
task, step)
if use_step_handler:
if use_step_handler == conductor_steps.EXIT_STEPS:
# Exit the step, i.e. hold step
# if use_step_handler == conductor_steps.USED_HANDLER
# Then we have completed the needful in the handler,
# but since there is no other value to check now,
# we know we just need to skip execute_deploy_step
interface = getattr(task.driver, step.get('interface'))
result = interface.execute_clean_step(task, step)
else:'Executing %(step)s on child nodes for node '
{'step': step, 'node': node.uuid})
result = execute_step_on_child_nodes(task, step)
except Exception as e:
if isinstance(e, exception.AgentConnectionFailed):
if task.node.driver_internal_info.get('cleaning_reboot'):'Agent is not yet running on node %(node)s '
'after cleaning reboot, waiting for agent to '
'come up to run next clean step %(step)s.',
{'node': node.uuid, 'step': step})
target_state = (states.MANAGEABLE if manual_clean
else None)
task.process_event('wait', target_state=target_state)
if isinstance(e, exception.AgentInProgress):'Conductor attempted to process clean step for '
'node %(node)s. Agent indicated it is presently '
'executing a command. Error: %(error)s',
{'node': task.node.uuid,
'error': e})
node.set_driver_internal_info('skip_current_clean_step', False)
target_state = states.MANAGEABLE if manual_clean else None
task.process_event('wait', target_state=target_state)
msg = (_('Node %(node)s failed step %(step)s: '
'%(exc)s') %
{'node': node.uuid, 'exc': e,
'step': node.clean_step})
if not disable_ramdisk:
driver_utils.collect_ramdisk_logs(task.node, label='cleaning')
utils.cleaning_error_handler(task, msg, traceback=True)
# Check if the step is done or not. The step should return
# states.CLEANWAIT if the step is still being executed, or
# None if the step is done.
if result == states.CLEANWAIT:
# Kill this worker, the async step will make an RPC call to
# continue_node_clean to continue cleaning'Clean step %(step)s on node %(node)s being '
'executed asynchronously, waiting for driver.',
{'node': node.uuid, 'step': step})
target_state = states.MANAGEABLE if manual_clean else None
task.process_event('wait', target_state=target_state)
elif result is not None:
# NOTE(TheJulia): If your here debugging a step which fails,
# part of the constraint is that a value *cannot* be returned.
# to the runner. The step has to either succeed and return
# None, or raise an exception.
msg = (_('While executing step %(step)s on node '
'%(node)s, step returned invalid value: %(val)s')
% {'step': step, 'node': node.uuid, 'val': result})
return utils.cleaning_error_handler(task, msg)'Node %(node)s finished clean step %(step)s',
{'node': node.uuid, 'step': step})
if CONF.agent.deploy_logs_collect == 'always' and not disable_ramdisk:
driver_utils.collect_ramdisk_logs(task.node, label='cleaning')
# Clear clean_step
node.clean_step = None
if not disable_ramdisk:
except Exception as e:
msg = (_('Failed to tear down from cleaning for node %(node)s, '
'reason: %(err)s')
% {'node': node.uuid, 'err': e})
return utils.cleaning_error_handler(task, msg,
tear_down_cleaning=False)'Node %s cleaning complete', node.uuid)
event = 'manage' if manual_clean or node.retired else 'done'
# NOTE(rloo): No need to specify target prov. state; we're done
def execute_step_on_child_nodes(task, step):
"""Execute a requested step against a child node.
:param task: The TaskManager object for the parent node.
:param step: The requested step to be executed.
:returns: None on Success, the resulting error message if a
failure has occured.
# NOTE(TheJulia): We could just use nodeinfo list calls against
# dbapi.
# NOTE(TheJulia): We validate the data in advance in the API
# with the original request context.
eocn = step.get('execute_on_child_nodes')
child_nodes = step.get('limit_child_node_execution', [])
filters = {'parent_node': task.node.uuid}
if eocn and len(child_nodes) >= 1:
filters['uuid_in'] = child_nodes
child_nodes = objects.Node.list(
for child_node in child_nodes:
result = None'Executing step %(step)s on child node %(node)s for parent '
'node %(parent_node)s',
{'step': step,
'node': child_node.uuid,
'parent_node': task.node.uuid})
with task_manager.acquire(task.context,
purpose='execute step') as child_task:
interface = getattr(child_task.driver, step.get('interface'))'Executing %(step)s on node %(node)s',
{'step': step, 'node': child_task.node.uuid})
if not conductor_steps.use_reserved_step_handler(child_task, step):
result = interface.execute_clean_step(child_task, step)
if result is not None:
if (result == states.CLEANWAIT
and CONF.conductor.permit_child_node_step_async_result):
# Operator has chosen to permit this due to some reason
# NOTE(TheJulia): This is where we would likely wire agent
# error handling if we ever implicitly allowed child node
# deploys to take place with the agent from a parent node
# being deployed.
msg = (_('While executing step %(step)s on child node '
'%(node)s, step returned invalid value: %(val)s')
% {'step': step, 'node': child_task.node.uuid,
'val': result})
# Only None or states.CLEANWAIT are possible paths forward
# in the parent step execution code, so returning the message
# means it will be logged.
return msg
def get_last_error(node):
last_error = _('By request, the clean operation was aborted')
if node.clean_step:
last_error += (
_(' during or after the completion of step "%s"')
% conductor_steps.step_id(node.clean_step)
return last_error
def do_node_clean_abort(task):
"""Internal method to abort an ongoing operation.
:param task: a TaskManager instance with an exclusive lock
node = task.node
except Exception as e:
log_msg = (_('Failed to tear down cleaning for node %(node)s '
'after aborting the operation. Error: %(err)s') %
{'node': node.uuid, 'err': e})
error_msg = _('Failed to tear down cleaning after aborting '
'the operation')
utils.cleaning_error_handler(task, log_msg,
last_error = get_last_error(node)
info_message = _('Clean operation aborted for node %s') % node.uuid
if node.clean_step:
info_message += (
_(' during or after the completion of step "%s"')
% node.clean_step
node.last_error = last_error
node.clean_step = None
_("Unexpected error when processing next clean step"),
def continue_node_clean(task):
"""Continue cleaning after finishing an async clean step.
This function calculates which step has to run next and passes control
into do_next_clean_step.
:param task: a TaskManager instance with an exclusive lock
node = task.node
next_step_index = utils.update_next_step_index(task, 'clean')
# If this isn't the final clean step in the cleaning operation
# and it is flagged to abort after the clean step that just
# finished, we abort the cleaning operation.
if node.clean_step.get('abort_after'):
step_name = node.clean_step['step']
if next_step_index is not None:
LOG.debug('The cleaning operation for node %(node)s was '
'marked to be aborted after step "%(step)s '
'completed. Aborting now that it has completed.',
{'node': task.node.uuid, 'step': step_name})
if node.target_provision_state == states.MANAGEABLE:
target_state = states.MANAGEABLE
target_state = None
task.process_event('fail', target_state=target_state)
LOG.debug('The cleaning operation for node %(node)s was '
'marked to be aborted after step "%(step)s" '
'completed. However, since there are no more '
'clean steps after this, the abort is not going '
'to be done.', {'node': node.uuid,
'step': step_name})
do_next_clean_step(task, next_step_index)