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# vim: tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4
# -*- encoding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright 2013 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
PXE Driver and supporting meta-classes.
import os
import tempfile
import jinja2
from oslo.config import cfg
from ironic.common import exception
from ironic.common.glance_service import service_utils
from ironic.common import image_service as service
from ironic.common import images
from ironic.common import keystone
from ironic.common import states
from ironic.common import utils
from ironic.conductor import task_manager
from ironic.conductor import utils as manager_utils
from ironic.drivers import base
from ironic.drivers.modules import deploy_utils
from ironic.openstack.common import context
from ironic.openstack.common import fileutils
from ironic.openstack.common import lockutils
from ironic.openstack.common import log as logging
from ironic.openstack.common import loopingcall
pxe_opts = [
help='Default kernel image ID used in deployment phase'),
help='Default ramdisk image ID used in deployment phase'),
help='Template file for injected network config'),
default='nofb nomodeset vga=normal',
help='additional append parameters for baremetal PXE boot'),
help='Template file for PXE configuration'),
help='Timeout for PXE deployments. Default: 0 (unlimited)',
# TODO(sjing): when adding neutron-port configuration, use this option
# instead of assuming tftp server is on $my_ip
help='IP address of Ironic compute node\'s tftp server'),
help='Ironic compute node\'s tftp root path'),
help='Directory where images are stored on disk'),
help='Directory where master tftp images are stored on disk'),
help='Directory where master tftp images are stored on disk')
LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
CONF.register_opts(pxe_opts, group='pxe')
CONF.import_opt('use_ipv6', 'ironic.netconf')
def _parse_driver_info(node):
"""Gets the driver-specific Node deployment info.
This method validates whether the 'driver_info' property of the
supplied node contains the required information for this driver to
deploy images to the node.
:param node: a single Node to validate.
:returns: A dict with the driver_info values.
info = node.get('driver_info', {})
d_info = {}
d_info['instance_name'] = info.get('pxe_instance_name', None)
d_info['image_source'] = info.get('pxe_image_source', None)
d_info['deploy_kernel'] = info.get('pxe_deploy_kernel',
d_info['deploy_ramdisk'] = info.get('pxe_deploy_ramdisk',
d_info['root_gb'] = info.get('pxe_root_gb', None)
missing_info = []
for label in d_info:
if not d_info[label]:
if missing_info:
raise exception.InvalidParameterValue(_(
"Can not validate PXE bootloader. The following paramenters "
"were not passed to ironic: %s") % missing_info)
# Internal use only
d_info['deploy_key'] = info.get('pxe_deploy_key', None)
#TODO(ghe): Should we get rid of swap partition?
d_info['swap_mb'] = info.get('pxe_swap_mb', 1)
d_info['key_data'] = info.get('pxe_key_data', None)
for param in ('root_gb', 'swap_mb'):
except ValueError:
raise exception.InvalidParameterValue(_(
"Can not validate PXE bootloader. Invalid "
"parameter %s") % param)
return d_info
def _build_pxe_config(node, pxe_info):
"""Build the PXE config file for a node
This method builds the PXE boot configuration file for a node,
given all the required parameters.
The resulting file has both a "deploy" and "boot" label, which correspond
to the two phases of booting. This may be extended later.
:param pxe_options: A dict of values to set on the configuarion file
:returns: A formated string with the file content.
LOG.debug(_("Building PXE config for deployment %s.") % node['id'])
ironic_api = CONF.conductor.api_url or keystone.get_service_url()
deploy_key = utils.random_alnum(32)
ctx = context.get_admin_context()
driver_info = node['driver_info']
driver_info['pxe_deploy_key'] = deploy_key
node['driver_info'] = driver_info
pxe_options = {
'deployment_id': node['uuid'],
'deployment_key': deploy_key,
'deployment_iscsi_iqn': "iqn-%s" % node['instance_uuid'],
'deployment_aki_path': pxe_info['deploy_kernel'][1],
'deployment_ari_path': pxe_info['deploy_ramdisk'][1],
'aki_path': pxe_info['kernel'][1],
'ari_path': pxe_info['ramdisk'][1],
'ironic_api_url': ironic_api,
'pxe_append_params': CONF.pxe.pxe_append_params,
tmpl_path, tmpl_file = os.path.split(CONF.pxe.pxe_config_template)
env = jinja2.Environment(loader=jinja2.FileSystemLoader(tmpl_path))
template = env.get_template(tmpl_file)
return template.render({'pxe_options': pxe_options,
'ROOT': '{{ ROOT }}'})
def _get_node_mac_addresses(task, node):
"""Get all mac addresses for a node.
:param task: a TaskManager instance.
:param node: the Node to act upon.
:returns: A list of macs address in the format xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx.
for r in task.resources:
if == node['id']:
return [p.address for p in r.ports]
def _get_pxe_mac_path(mac):
"""Convert a MAC address into a PXE config file name.
:param mac: A mac address string in the format xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx.
:returns: the path to the config file.
return os.path.join(
"01-" + mac.replace(":", "-").lower()
def _get_pxe_config_file_path(instance_uuid):
"""Generate the path for an instances PXE config file."""
return os.path.join(CONF.pxe.tftp_root, instance_uuid, 'config')
def _get_image_dir_path(d_info):
"""Generate the dir for an instances disk."""
return os.path.join(CONF.pxe.images_path, d_info['instance_name'])
def _get_image_file_path(d_info):
"""Generate the full path for an instances disk."""
return os.path.join(_get_image_dir_path(d_info), 'disk')
def _get_token_file_path(node_uuid):
"""Generate the path for PKI token file."""
return os.path.join(CONF.pxe.tftp_root, 'token-' + node_uuid)
@lockutils.synchronized('master_image', 'ironic-')
def _link_master_image(path, dest_path):
"""Create a link from path to dest_path using locking to
avoid image manipulation during the process.
if os.path.exists(path):, dest_path)
@lockutils.synchronized('master_image', 'ironic-')
def _unlink_master_image(path):
#TODO(ghe): keep images for a while (kind of local cache)
# If an image has been used, it-s likely to be used again
# With no space problems, we can keep it, so next time
# only a new link needs to be created.
# Replace algorithm to look: disk space (trigger)
# lru, aged...
# os.statvfs
# heapq.nlargest(1, [(f, os.stat('./' + f).st_ctime) for f in
# os.listdir('.') if os.stat('./' + f).st_nlink == 1], key=lambda s: s[1])
if os.path.exists(path) and os.stat(path).st_nlink == 1:
@lockutils.synchronized('master_image', 'ironic-')
def _create_master_image(tmp_path, master_uuid, path):
"""With recently download image, use it as master image, and link to
instances uuid. Uses file locking to avoid image maniputalion
during the process.
if not os.path.exists(master_uuid):, master_uuid), path)
@lockutils.synchronized('get_image', 'ironic-')
def _download_in_progress(lock_file):
"""Get image file lock to avoid downloading the same image
if not os.path.exists(lock_file):
open(lock_file, 'w')
return False
return True
@lockutils.synchronized('get_image', 'ironic-')
def _remove_download_in_progress_lock(lock_file):
"""Removes image file lock to indicate that image download has finished
and we can start to use it.
def _get_image(ctx, path, uuid, master_path=None, image_service=None):
#TODO(ghe): Revise this logic and cdocument process Bug #1199665
# When master_path defined, we save the images in this dir using the iamge
# uuid as the file name. Deployments that use this images, creates a hard
# link to keep track of this. When the link count of a master image is
# equal to 1, can be deleted.
#TODO(ghe): have hard links and count links the same behaviour in all fs
#TODO(ghe): timeout and retry for downloads
def _wait_for_download():
if not os.path.exists(lock_file):
raise loopingcall.LoopingCallDone()
# If the download of the image needed is in progress (lock file present)
# we wait until the locks dissapears and create the link.
if master_path is None:
#NOTE(ghe): We don't share images between instances/hosts
images.fetch_to_raw(ctx, uuid, path, image_service)
master_uuid = os.path.join(master_path,
lock_file = os.path.join(master_path, master_uuid + '.lock')
_link_master_image(master_uuid, path)
if not os.path.exists(path):
if not _download_in_progress(lock_file):
with fileutils.remove_path_on_error(lock_file):
#TODO(ghe): logging when image cannot be created
fd, tmp_path = tempfile.mkstemp(dir=master_path)
images.fetch_to_raw(ctx, uuid, tmp_path, image_service)
_create_master_image(tmp_path, master_uuid, path)
#TODO(ghe): expiration time
timer = loopingcall.FixedIntervalLoopingCall(
_link_master_image(master_uuid, path)
def _cache_tftp_images(ctx, node, pxe_info):
"""Fetch the necessary kernels and ramdisks for the instance."""
d_info = _parse_driver_info(node)
os.path.join(CONF.pxe.tftp_root, node['instance_uuid']))
LOG.debug(_("Fetching kernel and ramdisk for instance %s") %
for label in pxe_info:
(uuid, path) = pxe_info[label]
if not os.path.exists(path):
_get_image(ctx, path, uuid, CONF.pxe.tftp_master_path, None)
def _cache_instance_image(ctx, node):
"""Fetch the instance's image from Glance
This method pulls the relevant AMI and associated kernel and ramdisk,
and the deploy kernel and ramdisk from Glance, and writes them
to the appropriate places on local disk.
Both sets of kernel and ramdisk are needed for PXE booting, so these
are stored under CONF.pxe.tftp_root.
At present, the AMI is cached and certain files are injected.
Debian/ubuntu-specific assumptions are made regarding the injected
files. In a future revision, this functionality will be replaced by a
more scalable and os-agnostic approach: the deployment ramdisk will
fetch from Glance directly, and write its own last-mile configuration.
d_info = _parse_driver_info(node)
image_path = _get_image_file_path(d_info)
uuid = d_info['image_source']
LOG.debug(_("Fetching image %(ami)s for instance %(name)s") %
{'ami': uuid, 'name': d_info['instance_name']})
if not os.path.exists(image_path):
_get_image(ctx, image_path, uuid, CONF.pxe.instance_master_path)
return (uuid, image_path)
def _get_tftp_image_info(node):
"""Generate the paths for tftp files for this instance
Raises IronicException if
- instance does not contain kernel_id or ramdisk_id
- deploy_kernel_id or deploy_ramdisk_id can not be read from
driver_info and defaults are not set
#TODO(ghe): Called multiples times. Should we store image_info?
d_info = _parse_driver_info(node)
image_info = {
'deploy_kernel': [None, None],
'deploy_ramdisk': [None, None],
for label in image_info:
image_info[label][0] = str(d_info[label]).split('/')[-1]
image_info[label][1] = os.path.join(CONF.pxe.tftp_root,
node['instance_uuid'], label)
ctx = context.get_admin_context()
glance_service = service.Service(version=1, context=ctx)
iproperties =['image_source'])['properties']
for label in ('kernel', 'ramdisk'):
image_info[label] = [None, None]
image_info[label][0] = str(iproperties[label + '_id']).split('/')[-1]
image_info[label][1] = os.path.join(CONF.pxe.tftp_root,
node['instance_uuid'], label)
return image_info
def _cache_images(node, pxe_info):
"""Prepare all the images for this instance."""
ctx = context.get_admin_context()
#TODO(ghe):parallized downloads
#TODO(ghe): Embedded image client in ramdisk
# - Get rid of iscsi, image location in baremetal service node and
# image service, no master image, no image outdated...
# - security concerns
_cache_tftp_images(ctx, node, pxe_info)
_cache_instance_image(ctx, node)
#TODO(ghe): file injection
# _inject_into_image(d_info, network_info, injected_files, admin_password)
def _destroy_images(d_info):
"""Delete instance's image file."""
image_uuid = service_utils.parse_image_ref(d_info['image_source'])[0]
master_image = os.path.join(CONF.pxe.instance_master_path, image_uuid)
def _create_token_file(task, node):
"""Save PKI token to file."""
token_file_path = _get_token_file_path(node['uuid'])
token = task.context.auth_token
if token:
utils.write_to_file(token_file_path, token)
def _destroy_token_file(node):
"""Delete PKI token file."""
token_file_path = _get_token_file_path(node['uuid'])
def _create_pxe_config(task, node, pxe_info):
"""Generate pxe configuration file and link mac ports to it for
tftp booting.
pxe_config_file_path = _get_pxe_config_file_path(node['instance_uuid'])
pxe_config = _build_pxe_config(node, pxe_info)
utils.write_to_file(pxe_config_file_path, pxe_config)
for port in _get_node_mac_addresses(task, node):
mac_path = _get_pxe_mac_path(port)
utils.create_link_without_raise(pxe_config_file_path, mac_path)
def _update_neutron(task, node):
"""Send the DHCP BOOT options to Neutron for this node."""
# FIXME: just a stub for the moment.
class PXEDeploy(base.DeployInterface):
"""PXE Deploy Interface: just a stub until the real driver is ported."""
def validate(self, node):
"""Validate the driver-specific Node deployment info.
This method validates whether the 'driver_info' property of the
supplied node contains the required information for this driver to
deploy images to the node.
:param node: a single Node to validate.
:returns: InvalidParameterValue.
def deploy(self, task, node):
"""Perform start deployment a node.
Given a node with complete metadata, deploy the indicated image
to the node.
:param task: a TaskManager instance.
:param node: the Node to act upon.
:returns: deploy state DEPLOYING.
# TODO(yuriyz): more secure way needed for pass auth token
# to deploy ramdisk
_create_token_file(task, node)
_update_neutron(task, node)
manager_utils.node_power_action(task, node, states.REBOOT)
return states.DEPLOYING
def tear_down(self, task, node):
"""Tear down a previous deployment.
Given a node that has been previously deployed to,
do all cleanup and tear down necessary to "un-deploy" that node.
:param task: a TaskManager instance.
:param node: the Node to act upon.
:returns: deploy state DELETED.
manager_utils.node_power_action(task, node, states.POWER_OFF)
return states.DELETED
def prepare(self, task, node):
# TODO(deva): optimize this if rerun on existing files
pxe_info = _get_tftp_image_info(node)
_create_pxe_config(task, node, pxe_info)
_cache_images(node, pxe_info)
def clean_up(self, task, node):
# FIXME(ghe): Possible error to get image info if eliminated from
# glance. Retrieve image info and store in db.
# If we keep master images, no need to get the info,
# and we may ignore this.
pxe_info = _get_tftp_image_info(node)
d_info = _parse_driver_info(node)
for label in pxe_info:
(uuid, path) = pxe_info[label]
master_path = os.path.join(CONF.pxe.tftp_master_path, uuid)
for port in _get_node_mac_addresses(task, node):
mac_path = _get_pxe_mac_path(port)
os.path.join(CONF.pxe.tftp_root, node['instance_uuid']))
def take_over(self, task, node):
_update_neutron(task, node)
class PXERescue(base.RescueInterface):
def validate(self, node):
def rescue(self, task, node):
def unrescue(self, task, node):
class VendorPassthru(base.VendorInterface):
"""Interface to mix IPMI and PXE vendor-specific interfaces."""
def _get_deploy_info(self, node, **kwargs):
d_info = _parse_driver_info(node)
deploy_key = kwargs.get('key')
if d_info['deploy_key'] != deploy_key:
raise exception.InvalidParameterValue(_("Deploy key is not match"))
params = {'address': kwargs.get('address'),
'port': kwargs.get('port', '3260'),
'iqn': kwargs.get('iqn'),
'lun': kwargs.get('lun', '1'),
'image_path': _get_image_file_path(d_info),
'pxe_config_path': _get_pxe_config_file_path(
'root_mb': 1024 * int(d_info['root_gb']),
'swap_mb': int(d_info['swap_mb'])
missing = [key for key in params.keys() if params[key] is None]
if missing:
raise exception.InvalidParameterValue(_(
"Parameters %s were not passed to ironic"
" for deploy.") % missing)
return params
def validate(self, node, **kwargs):
method = kwargs['method']
if method == 'pass_deploy_info':
self._get_deploy_info(node, **kwargs)
elif method == 'set_boot_device':
# todo
raise exception.InvalidParameterValue(_(
"Unsupported method (%s) passed to PXE driver.")
% method)
return True
def _continue_deploy(self, task, node, **kwargs):
# token already not needed
params = self._get_deploy_info(node, **kwargs)
ctx = task.context
node_id = node['uuid']
err_msg = kwargs.get('error')
if err_msg:
LOG.error(_('Node %(node_id)s deploy error message: %(error)s') %
{'node_id': node_id, 'error': err_msg})'start deployment for node %(node_id)s, '
'params %(params)s') %
{'node_id': node_id, 'params': params})
node['provision_state'] = states.DEPLOYING
except Exception as e:
LOG.error(_('deployment to node %s failed') % node_id)
node['provision_state'] = states.DEPLOYFAIL
raise exception.InstanceDeployFailure(_(
'Deploy error: "%(error)s" for node %(node_id)s') %
{'error': e.message, 'node_id': node_id})
else:'deployment to node %s done') % node_id)
node['provision_state'] = states.DEPLOYDONE
def vendor_passthru(self, task, node, **kwargs):
method = kwargs['method']
if method == 'set_boot_device':
return node.driver.vendor._set_boot_device(
task, node,
elif method == 'pass_deploy_info':
ctx = context.get_admin_context()
with task_manager.acquire(ctx, node['uuid'], shared=False) as cdt:
self._continue_deploy(cdt, node, **kwargs)