Kaifeng Wang b3721ce4ff Automatic port allocation for the serial console
Introduces [console]port_range configuration option and implements
the feature of automatic port allocation for IPMI based serial console.

The ipmi_terminal_port in driver_info takes precedance if specified,
otherwise ironic will allocate free port from configured port range
for underlying serial proxy tools.

The implementation deviation with the original proposal is this patch
doesn't validate whether user specified ipmi_terminal_port falls in the
range, based on following considerations:
a. ipmi_terminal_port is considered a resort for backwards compatibility,
we will remove this eventually.
b. different conductors may have different port range configured (rare,
but could happen).
c. force ipmi_terminal_port in the port range could raise the
possibility of conflicts with ports in the configured range, this is not
a desired result, so leave the choice to the end users.

Change-Id: If8722d09dc74878f4da2e4a7f059d9b079c3e472
Story: 2007099
Task: 38135
2020-02-10 16:09:12 +08:00

723 lines
20 KiB

# Copyright 2010 United States Government as represented by the
# Administrator of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration.
# All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
"""Ironic specific exceptions list."""
from http import client as http_client
from ironic_lib.exception import IronicException
from oslo_log import log as logging
import wsme
from ironic.common.i18n import _
LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class NotAuthorized(IronicException):
_msg_fmt = _("Not authorized.")
code = http_client.FORBIDDEN
class OperationNotPermitted(NotAuthorized):
_msg_fmt = _("Operation not permitted.")
class Invalid(IronicException):
_msg_fmt = _("Unacceptable parameters.")
code = http_client.BAD_REQUEST
class Conflict(IronicException):
_msg_fmt = _('Conflict.')
code = http_client.CONFLICT
class TemporaryFailure(IronicException):
_msg_fmt = _("Resource temporarily unavailable, please retry.")
code = http_client.SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE
class NotAcceptable(IronicException):
# TODO(deva): We need to set response headers in the API for this exception
_msg_fmt = _("Request not acceptable.")
code = http_client.NOT_ACCEPTABLE
class InvalidState(Conflict):
_msg_fmt = _("Invalid resource state.")
class NodeAlreadyExists(Conflict):
_msg_fmt = _("A node with UUID %(uuid)s already exists.")
class MACAlreadyExists(Conflict):
_msg_fmt = _("A port with MAC address %(mac)s already exists.")
class ChassisAlreadyExists(Conflict):
_msg_fmt = _("A chassis with UUID %(uuid)s already exists.")
class PortAlreadyExists(Conflict):
_msg_fmt = _("A port with UUID %(uuid)s already exists.")
class PortgroupAlreadyExists(Conflict):
_msg_fmt = _("A portgroup with UUID %(uuid)s already exists.")
class PortgroupDuplicateName(Conflict):
_msg_fmt = _("A portgroup with name %(name)s already exists.")
class PortgroupMACAlreadyExists(Conflict):
_msg_fmt = _("A portgroup with MAC address %(mac)s already exists.")
class InstanceAssociated(Conflict):
_msg_fmt = _("Instance %(instance_uuid)s is already associated with a "
"node, it cannot be associated with this other node %(node)s")
class DuplicateName(Conflict):
_msg_fmt = _("A node with name %(name)s already exists.")
class VolumeConnectorAlreadyExists(Conflict):
_msg_fmt = _("A volume connector with UUID %(uuid)s already exists.")
class VolumeConnectorTypeAndIdAlreadyExists(Conflict):
_msg_fmt = _("A volume connector with type %(type)s and connector ID "
"%(connector_id)s already exists.")
class VolumeTargetAlreadyExists(Conflict):
_msg_fmt = _("A volume target with UUID %(uuid)s already exists.")
class VolumeTargetBootIndexAlreadyExists(Conflict):
_msg_fmt = _("A volume target with boot index '%(boot_index)s' "
"for the same node already exists.")
class VifAlreadyAttached(Conflict):
_msg_fmt = _("Unable to attach VIF because VIF %(vif)s is already "
"attached to Ironic %(object_type)s %(object_uuid)s")
class NoFreePhysicalPorts(Invalid):
_msg_fmt = _("Unable to attach VIF %(vif)s, not "
"enough free physical ports.")
class VifNotAttached(Invalid):
_msg_fmt = _("Unable to detach VIF %(vif)s from node %(node)s "
"because it is not attached to it.")
class InvalidUUID(Invalid):
_msg_fmt = _("Expected a UUID but received %(uuid)s.")
class InvalidUuidOrName(Invalid):
_msg_fmt = _("Expected a logical name or UUID but received %(name)s.")
class InvalidName(Invalid):
_msg_fmt = _("Expected a logical name but received %(name)s.")
class InvalidConductorGroup(Invalid):
_msg_fmt = _("Expected a conductor group but received %(group)s.")
class InvalidIdentity(Invalid):
_msg_fmt = _("Expected a UUID or int but received %(identity)s.")
class InvalidMAC(Invalid):
_msg_fmt = _("Expected a MAC address but received %(mac)s.")
class InvalidSwitchID(Invalid):
_msg_fmt = _("Expected a MAC address or OpenFlow datapath ID but "
"received %(switch_id)s.")
class InvalidDatapathID(Invalid):
_msg_fmt = _("Expected an OpenFlow datapath ID but received "
class InvalidStateRequested(Invalid):
_msg_fmt = _('The requested action "%(action)s" can not be performed '
'on node "%(node)s" while it is in state "%(state)s".')
class PatchError(Invalid):
_msg_fmt = _("Couldn't apply patch '%(patch)s'. Reason: %(reason)s")
class InstanceDeployFailure(IronicException):
_msg_fmt = _("Failed to deploy instance: %(reason)s")
class ImageUnacceptable(IronicException):
_msg_fmt = _("Image %(image_id)s is unacceptable: %(reason)s")
class ImageConvertFailed(IronicException):
_msg_fmt = _("Image %(image_id)s is unacceptable: %(reason)s")
# Cannot be templated as the error syntax varies.
# msg needs to be constructed when raised.
class InvalidParameterValue(Invalid):
_msg_fmt = "%(err)s"
class MissingParameterValue(InvalidParameterValue):
_msg_fmt = "%(err)s"
class Duplicate(IronicException):
_msg_fmt = _("Resource already exists.")
class NotFound(IronicException):
_msg_fmt = _("Resource could not be found.")
code = http_client.NOT_FOUND
class DHCPLoadError(IronicException):
_msg_fmt = _("Failed to load DHCP provider %(dhcp_provider_name)s, "
"reason: %(reason)s")
# TODO(dtantsur): word "driver" is overused in class names here, and generally
# means stevedore driver, not ironic driver. Rename them in the future.
class DriverNotFound(NotFound):
_msg_fmt = _("Could not find the following driver(s) or hardware type(s): "
class DriverNotFoundInEntrypoint(DriverNotFound):
_msg_fmt = _("Could not find the following items in the "
"'%(entrypoint)s' entrypoint: %(names)s.")
class InterfaceNotFoundInEntrypoint(InvalidParameterValue):
_msg_fmt = _("Could not find the following interface in the "
"'%(entrypoint)s' entrypoint: %(iface)s. Valid interfaces "
"are %(valid)s.")
class IncompatibleInterface(InvalidParameterValue):
_msg_fmt = _("%(interface_type)s interface implementation "
"'%(interface_impl)s' is not supported by hardware type "
class NoValidDefaultForInterface(InvalidParameterValue):
# NOTE(rloo): in the line below, there is no blank space after 'For'
# because node_info could be an empty string. If node_info
# is not empty, it should start with a space.
_msg_fmt = _("For%(node_info)s hardware type '%(driver)s', no default "
"value found for %(interface_type)s interface.")
class ImageNotFound(NotFound):
_msg_fmt = _("Image %(image_id)s could not be found.")
class NoValidHost(NotFound):
_msg_fmt = _("No valid host was found. Reason: %(reason)s")
class InstanceNotFound(NotFound):
_msg_fmt = _("Instance %(instance)s could not be found.")
class InputFileError(IronicException):
_msg_fmt = _("Error with file %(file_name)s. Reason: %(reason)s")
class NodeNotFound(NotFound):
_msg_fmt = _("Node %(node)s could not be found.")
class PortgroupNotFound(NotFound):
_msg_fmt = _("Portgroup %(portgroup)s could not be found.")
class PortgroupNotEmpty(Invalid):
_msg_fmt = _("Cannot complete the requested action because portgroup "
"%(portgroup)s contains ports.")
class NodeAssociated(InvalidState):
_msg_fmt = _("Node %(node)s is associated with instance %(instance)s.")
class PortNotFound(NotFound):
_msg_fmt = _("Port %(port)s could not be found.")
class FailedToUpdateDHCPOptOnPort(IronicException):
_msg_fmt = _("Update DHCP options on port: %(port_id)s failed.")
class FailedToCleanDHCPOpts(IronicException):
_msg_fmt = _("Clean up DHCP options on node: %(node)s failed.")
class FailedToGetIPAddressOnPort(IronicException):
_msg_fmt = _("Retrieve IP address on port: %(port_id)s failed.")
class InvalidIPv4Address(IronicException):
_msg_fmt = _("Invalid IPv4 address %(ip_address)s.")
class FailedToUpdateMacOnPort(IronicException):
_msg_fmt = _("Update MAC address on port: %(port_id)s failed.")
class ChassisNotFound(NotFound):
_msg_fmt = _("Chassis %(chassis)s could not be found.")
class VolumeConnectorNotFound(NotFound):
_msg_fmt = _("Volume connector %(connector)s could not be found.")
class VolumeTargetNotFound(NotFound):
_msg_fmt = _("Volume target %(target)s could not be found.")
class NoDriversLoaded(IronicException):
_msg_fmt = _("Conductor %(conductor)s cannot be started "
"because no hardware types were loaded.")
class ConductorNotFound(NotFound):
_msg_fmt = _("Conductor %(conductor)s could not be found.")
class ConductorAlreadyRegistered(IronicException):
_msg_fmt = _("Conductor %(conductor)s already registered.")
class ConductorHardwareInterfacesAlreadyRegistered(IronicException):
_msg_fmt = _("At least one of these (hardware type %(hardware_type)s, "
"interface type %(interface_type)s, interfaces "
"%(interfaces)s) combinations are already registered for "
"this conductor.")
class PowerStateFailure(InvalidState):
_msg_fmt = _("Failed to set node power state to %(pstate)s.")
class ExclusiveLockRequired(NotAuthorized):
_msg_fmt = _("An exclusive lock is required, "
"but the current context has a shared lock.")
class NodeMaintenanceFailure(Invalid):
_msg_fmt = _("Failed to toggle maintenance-mode flag "
"for node %(node)s: %(reason)s")
class NodeConsoleNotEnabled(Invalid):
_msg_fmt = _("Console access is not enabled on node %(node)s")
class NodeInMaintenance(Invalid):
_msg_fmt = _("The %(op)s operation can't be performed on node "
"%(node)s because it's in maintenance mode.")
class ChassisNotEmpty(Invalid):
_msg_fmt = _("Cannot complete the requested action because chassis "
"%(chassis)s contains nodes.")
class IPMIFailure(IronicException):
_msg_fmt = _("IPMI call failed: %(cmd)s.")
class UnsupportedDriverExtension(Invalid):
_msg_fmt = _('Driver %(driver)s does not support %(extension)s '
'(disabled or not implemented).')
class GlanceConnectionFailed(IronicException):
_msg_fmt = _("Connection to glance endpoint %(endpoint)s failed: "
class ImageNotAuthorized(NotAuthorized):
_msg_fmt = _("Not authorized for image %(image_id)s.")
class InvalidImageRef(Invalid):
_msg_fmt = _("Invalid image href %(image_href)s.")
class ImageRefValidationFailed(IronicException):
_msg_fmt = _("Validation of image href %(image_href)s failed, "
"reason: %(reason)s")
class ImageDownloadFailed(IronicException):
_msg_fmt = _("Failed to download image %(image_href)s, reason: %(reason)s")
class KeystoneUnauthorized(IronicException):
_msg_fmt = _("Not authorized in Keystone.")
class KeystoneFailure(IronicException):
class CatalogNotFound(IronicException):
_msg_fmt = _("Service type %(service_type)s with endpoint type "
"%(endpoint_type)s not found in keystone service catalog.")
class ServiceUnavailable(IronicException):
_msg_fmt = _("Connection failed")
class Forbidden(IronicException):
_msg_fmt = _("Requested OpenStack Images API is forbidden")
class BadRequest(IronicException):
class InvalidEndpoint(IronicException):
_msg_fmt = _("The provided endpoint is invalid")
class CommunicationError(IronicException):
_msg_fmt = _("Unable to communicate with the server.")
class HTTPForbidden(NotAuthorized):
_msg_fmt = _("Access was denied to the following resource: %(resource)s")
class Unauthorized(IronicException):
class HTTPNotFound(NotFound):
class ConfigNotFound(IronicException):
_msg_fmt = _("Could not find config at %(path)s")
class NodeLocked(Conflict):
_msg_fmt = _("Node %(node)s is locked by host %(host)s, please retry "
"after the current operation is completed.")
class NodeNotLocked(Invalid):
_msg_fmt = _("Node %(node)s found not to be locked on release")
class NoFreeConductorWorker(TemporaryFailure):
_msg_fmt = _('Requested action cannot be performed due to lack of free '
'conductor workers.')
code = http_client.SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE
class VendorPassthruException(IronicException):
class ConfigInvalid(IronicException):
_msg_fmt = _("Invalid configuration file. %(error_msg)s")
class DriverLoadError(IronicException):
_msg_fmt = _("Driver, hardware type or interface %(driver)s could not be "
"loaded. Reason: %(reason)s.")
class DriverOperationError(IronicException):
_msg_fmt = _("Runtime driver %(driver)s failure. Reason: %(reason)s.")
class ConsoleError(IronicException):
class NoConsolePid(ConsoleError):
_msg_fmt = _("Could not find pid in pid file %(pid_path)s")
class ConsoleSubprocessFailed(ConsoleError):
_msg_fmt = _("Console subprocess failed to start. %(error)s")
class PasswordFileFailedToCreate(IronicException):
_msg_fmt = _("Failed to create the password file. %(error)s")
class IloOperationError(DriverOperationError):
_msg_fmt = _("%(operation)s failed, error: %(error)s")
class IloOperationNotSupported(DriverOperationError):
_msg_fmt = _("%(operation)s not supported. error: %(error)s")
class DracOperationError(DriverOperationError):
_msg_fmt = _('DRAC operation failed. Reason: %(error)s')
class FailedToGetSensorData(IronicException):
_msg_fmt = _("Failed to get sensor data for node %(node)s. "
"Error: %(error)s")
class FailedToParseSensorData(IronicException):
_msg_fmt = _("Failed to parse sensor data for node %(node)s. "
"Error: %(error)s")
class InsufficientDiskSpace(IronicException):
_msg_fmt = _("Disk volume where '%(path)s' is located doesn't have "
"enough disk space. Required %(required)d MiB, "
"only %(actual)d MiB available space present.")
class ImageCreationFailed(IronicException):
_msg_fmt = _('Creating %(image_type)s image failed: %(error)s')
class SwiftOperationError(IronicException):
_msg_fmt = _("Swift operation '%(operation)s' failed: %(error)s")
class SwiftObjectNotFoundError(SwiftOperationError):
_msg_fmt = _("Swift object %(obj)s from container %(container)s "
"not found. Operation '%(operation)s' failed.")
class SNMPFailure(DriverOperationError):
_msg_fmt = _("SNMP operation '%(operation)s' failed: %(error)s")
class FileSystemNotSupported(IronicException):
_msg_fmt = _("Failed to create a file system. "
"File system %(fs)s is not supported.")
class IRMCOperationError(DriverOperationError):
_msg_fmt = _('iRMC %(operation)s failed. Reason: %(error)s')
class IRMCSharedFileSystemNotMounted(DriverOperationError):
_msg_fmt = _("iRMC shared file system '%(share)s' is not mounted.")
class HardwareInspectionFailure(IronicException):
_msg_fmt = _("Failed to inspect hardware. Reason: %(error)s")
class NodeCleaningFailure(IronicException):
_msg_fmt = _("Failed to clean node %(node)s: %(reason)s")
class PathNotFound(IronicException):
_msg_fmt = _("Path %(dir)s does not exist.")
class DirectoryNotWritable(IronicException):
_msg_fmt = _("Directory %(dir)s is not writable.")
class ImageUploadFailed(IronicException):
_msg_fmt = _("Failed to upload %(image_name)s image to web server "
"%(web_server)s, reason: %(reason)s")
class NodeTagNotFound(IronicException):
_msg_fmt = _("Node %(node_id)s doesn't have a tag '%(tag)s'")
class NetworkError(IronicException):
_msg_fmt = _("Network operation failure.")
class IncompleteLookup(Invalid):
_msg_fmt = _("At least one of 'addresses' and 'node_uuid' parameters "
"is required")
class NotificationSchemaObjectError(IronicException):
_msg_fmt = _("Expected object %(obj)s when populating notification payload"
" but got object %(source)s")
class NotificationSchemaKeyError(IronicException):
_msg_fmt = _("Object %(obj)s doesn't have the field \"%(field)s\" "
"required for populating notification schema key "
class NotificationPayloadError(IronicException):
_msg_fmt = _("Payload not populated when trying to send notification "
class StorageError(IronicException):
_msg_fmt = _("Storage operation failure.")
class RedfishError(DriverOperationError):
_msg_fmt = _("Redfish exception occurred. Error: %(error)s")
class RedfishConnectionError(RedfishError):
_msg_fmt = _("Redfish connection failed for node %(node)s: %(error)s")
class PortgroupPhysnetInconsistent(IronicException):
_msg_fmt = _("Port group %(portgroup)s has member ports with inconsistent "
"physical networks (%(physical_networks)s). All ports in a "
"port group must have the same physical network.")
class VifInvalidForAttach(Conflict):
_msg_fmt = _("Unable to attach VIF %(vif)s to node %(node)s. Reason: "
class AgentAPIError(IronicException):
_msg_fmt = _('Agent API for node %(node)s returned HTTP status code '
'%(status)s with error: %(error)s')
class NodeTraitNotFound(NotFound):
_msg_fmt = _("Node %(node_id)s doesn't have a trait '%(trait)s'")
class InstanceRescueFailure(IronicException):
_msg_fmt = _('Failed to rescue instance %(instance)s for node '
'%(node)s: %(reason)s')
class InstanceUnrescueFailure(IronicException):
_msg_fmt = _('Failed to unrescue instance %(instance)s for node '
'%(node)s: %(reason)s')
class XClarityError(IronicException):
_msg_fmt = _("XClarity exception occurred. Error: %(error)s")
class BIOSSettingAlreadyExists(Conflict):
_msg_fmt = _('A BIOS setting %(name)s for node %(node)s already exists.')
class BIOSSettingNotFound(NotFound):
_msg_fmt = _("Node %(node)s doesn't have a BIOS setting '%(name)s'")
class BIOSSettingListNotFound(NotFound):
_msg_fmt = _("Node %(node)s doesn't have BIOS settings '%(names)s'")
class DatabaseVersionTooOld(IronicException):
_msg_fmt = _("Database version is too old")
class AgentConnectionFailed(IronicException):
_msg_fmt = _("Connection to agent failed: %(reason)s")
class NodeProtected(HTTPForbidden):
_msg_fmt = _("Node %(node)s is protected and cannot be undeployed, "
"rebuilt or deleted")
class AllocationNotFound(NotFound):
_msg_fmt = _("Allocation %(allocation)s could not be found.")
class AllocationDuplicateName(Conflict):
_msg_fmt = _("An allocation with name %(name)s already exists.")
class AllocationAlreadyExists(Conflict):
_msg_fmt = _("An allocation with UUID %(uuid)s already exists.")
class AllocationFailed(IronicException):
_msg_fmt = _("Failed to process allocation %(uuid)s: %(error)s.")
class DeployTemplateDuplicateName(Conflict):
_msg_fmt = _("A deploy template with name %(name)s already exists.")
class DeployTemplateAlreadyExists(Conflict):
_msg_fmt = _("A deploy template with UUID %(uuid)s already exists.")
class DeployTemplateNotFound(NotFound):
_msg_fmt = _("Deploy template %(template)s could not be found.")
class InvalidDeployTemplate(Invalid):
_msg_fmt = _("Deploy template invalid: %(err)s.")
class IBMCError(DriverOperationError):
_msg_fmt = _("IBMC exception occurred on node %(node)s. Error: %(error)s")
class IBMCConnectionError(IBMCError):
_msg_fmt = _("IBMC connection failed for node %(node)s: %(error)s")
class ClientSideError(wsme.exc.ClientSideError):
class NodeIsRetired(Invalid):
_msg_fmt = _("The %(op)s operation can't be performed on node "
"%(node)s because it is retired.")
class NoFreeIPMITerminalPorts(TemporaryFailure):
_msg_fmt = _("Unable to allocate a free port on host %(host)s for IPMI "
"terminal, not enough free ports.")