Julia Kreger 6ac1308050 Multiple driver related deprecations
An outcome of the Ironic 2024.1 PTG was that we would go ahead and
deprecate the ibmc, xclarity, and the wsman interfaces of the idrac
hardware type.

The forward path is Redfish, as evidenced by the idrac hardware
type having both wsman and redfish based interfaces available
for users to choose from.

These changes are being made by the Ironic team due to a lack of
recent upstream contact with any of the related driver maintainers.

Change-Id: Ia4aa99f4987570426bb155af8f437c9ba6013837
2023-11-20 10:46:56 -08:00

205 lines
9.1 KiB

# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
DRAC vendor-passthru interface
from ironic_lib import metrics_utils
from oslo_log import log as logging
from ironic.common.i18n import _
from ironic.conductor import task_manager
from ironic.drivers import base
from ironic.drivers.modules.drac import bios as drac_bios
from ironic.drivers.modules.drac import common as drac_common
from ironic.drivers.modules.drac import job as drac_job
from ironic.drivers.modules.redfish import vendor as redfish_vendor
LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
METRICS = metrics_utils.get_metrics_logger(__name__)
class DracWSManVendorPassthru(base.VendorInterface):
"""Interface for DRAC specific methods."""
# NOTE(TheJulia): Deprecating November 2023 in favor of Redfish
# and due to a lack of active driver maintenance.
supported = False
def get_properties(self):
"""Return the properties of the interface."""
return drac_common.COMMON_PROPERTIES
def validate(self, task, **kwargs):
"""Validate the driver-specific info supplied.
This method validates whether the 'driver_info' property of the
supplied node contains the required information for this driver to
manage the power state of the node.
:param task: a TaskManager instance containing the node to act on.
:param kwargs: not used.
:raises: InvalidParameterValue if required driver_info attribute
is missing or invalid on the node.
return drac_common.parse_driver_info(task.node)
@base.passthru(['GET'], async_call=False,
description=_("Returns a dictionary containing the BIOS "
"settings from a node."))
def get_bios_config(self, task, **kwargs):
"""Get the BIOS configuration.
This method is used to retrieve the BIOS settings from a node.
:param task: a TaskManager instance containing the node to act on.
:param kwargs: not used.
:raises: DracOperationError on an error from python-dracclient.
:returns: a dictionary containing BIOS settings.
bios_attrs = {}
for name, bios_attr in drac_bios.get_config(task.node).items():
bios_attrs[name] = bios_attr.__dict__
return bios_attrs
@base.passthru(['POST'], async_call=False,
description=_("Change the BIOS configuration on a node. "
"Required argument : a dictionary of "
"{'AttributeName': 'NewValue'}. Returns "
"a dictionary containing the "
"'is_commit_required' key with a Boolean "
"value indicating whether "
"commit_bios_config() needs to be called "
"to make the changes, and the "
"'is_reboot_required' key with a value of "
"'true' or 'false'. This key is used to "
"indicate to the commit_bios_config() call "
"if a reboot should be performed."))
def set_bios_config(self, task, **kwargs):
"""Change BIOS settings.
This method is used to change the BIOS settings on a node.
:param task: a TaskManager instance containing the node to act on.
:param kwargs: a dictionary of {'AttributeName': 'NewValue'}
:raises: DracOperationError on an error from python-dracclient.
:returns: A dictionary containing the ``is_commit_required`` key with a
Boolean value indicating whether commit_bios_config() needs
to be called to make the changes, and the
``is_reboot_required`` key with a value of 'true' or 'false'.
This key is used to indicate to the commit_bios_config() call
if a reboot should be performed.
return drac_bios.set_config(task, **kwargs)
@base.passthru(['POST'], async_call=False,
description=_("Commit a BIOS configuration job submitted "
"through set_bios_config(). Required "
"argument: 'reboot' - indicates whether a "
"reboot job should be automatically created "
"with the config job. Returns a dictionary "
"containing the 'job_id' key with the ID of "
"the newly created config job, and the "
"'reboot_required' key indicating whether "
"the node needs to be rebooted to start the "
"config job."))
def commit_bios_config(self, task, reboot=False, **kwargs):
"""Commit a BIOS configuration job.
This method is used to commit a BIOS configuration job.
submitted through set_bios_config().
:param task: a TaskManager instance containing the node to act on.
:param reboot: indicates whether a reboot job should be automatically
created with the config job.
:param kwargs: not used.
:raises: DracOperationError on an error from python-dracclient.
:returns: A dictionary containing the ``job_id`` key with the id of the
newly created config job, and the ``reboot_required`` key
indicating whether the node needs to be rebooted to start the
config job.
job_id = drac_bios.commit_config(task, reboot=reboot)
return {'job_id': job_id, 'reboot_required': not reboot}
@base.passthru(['DELETE'], async_call=False,
description=_("Abandon a BIOS configuration job previously "
"submitted through set_bios_config()."))
def abandon_bios_config(self, task, **kwargs):
"""Abandon a BIOS configuration job.
This method is used to abandon a BIOS configuration previously
submitted through set_bios_config().
:param task: a TaskManager instance containing the node to act on.
:param kwargs: not used.
:raises: DracOperationError on an error from python-dracclient.
@base.passthru(['GET'], async_call=False,
description=_('Returns a dictionary containing the key '
'"unfinished_jobs"; its value is a list of '
'dictionaries. Each dictionary represents '
'an unfinished config Job object.'))
def list_unfinished_jobs(self, task, **kwargs):
"""List unfinished config jobs of the node.
:param task: a TaskManager instance containing the node to act on.
:param kwargs: not used.
:returns: a dictionary containing the ``unfinished_jobs`` key; this key
points to a list of dicts, with each dict representing a Job
:raises: DracOperationError on an error from python-dracclient.
jobs = drac_job.list_unfinished_jobs(task.node)
# FIXME(mgould) Do this without calling private methods.
return {'unfinished_jobs': [job._asdict() for job in jobs]}
class DracVendorPassthru(DracWSManVendorPassthru):
"""Class alias of class DracWSManVendorPassthru.
This class provides ongoing support of the deprecated 'idrac' vendor
passthru interface implementation entrypoint.
All bug fixes and new features should be implemented in its base
class, DracWSManVendorPassthru. That makes them available to both
the deprecated 'idrac' and new 'idrac-wsman' entrypoints. Such
changes should not be made to this class.
def __init__(self):
super(DracVendorPassthru, self).__init__()
LOG.warning("Vendor passthru interface 'idrac' is deprecated and may "
"be removed in a future release. Use 'idrac-wsman' "
class DracRedfishVendorPassthru(redfish_vendor.RedfishVendorPassthru):
"""iDRAC Redfish interface for vendor_passthru.
Use the Redfish implementation for vendor passthru.