Dmitry Tantsur b7c4ce4ca2 agent: do not hard power off if soft power off actually succeeds

Change-Id: I747e7bd2a341c828006e9f2216c81dbf9a01eec6
(cherry picked from commit 0fa282eee7)
2020-05-28 18:46:48 +02:00

892 lines
40 KiB

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright 2014 Rackspace, Inc.
# Copyright 2015 Red Hat, Inc.
# All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
import collections
from ironic_lib import metrics_utils
from oslo_log import log
from oslo_utils import strutils
from oslo_utils import timeutils
import retrying
from ironic.common import boot_devices
from ironic.common import exception
from ironic.common.i18n import _
from ironic.common import states
from ironic.conductor import steps as conductor_steps
from ironic.conductor import utils as manager_utils
from ironic.conf import CONF
from ironic.drivers.modules import agent_client
from ironic.drivers.modules import boot_mode_utils
from ironic.drivers.modules import deploy_utils
from ironic.drivers import utils as driver_utils
LOG = log.getLogger(__name__)
METRICS = metrics_utils.get_metrics_logger(__name__)
# This contains a nested dictionary containing the post clean step
# hooks registered for each clean step of every interface.
# Every key of POST_CLEAN_STEP_HOOKS is an interface and its value
# is a dictionary. For this inner dictionary, the key is the name of
# the clean-step method in the interface, and the value is the post
# clean-step hook -- the function that is to be called after successful
# completion of the clean step.
# For example:
# {
# 'raid': {'create_configuration': <post-create function>,
# 'delete_configuration': <post-delete function>}
# }
# It means that method '<post-create function>' is to be called after
# successfully completing the clean step 'create_configuration' of
# raid interface. '<post-delete function>' is to be called after
# completing 'delete_configuration' of raid interface.
'deploy_forces_oob_reboot': _(
'Whether Ironic should force a reboot of the Node via the out-of-band '
'channel after deployment is complete. Provides compatibility with '
'older deploy ramdisks. Defaults to False. Optional.')
states.CLEANING, states.DEPLOYING, states.RESCUING)
# These are allowed but don't cause any actions since
# they're also in HEARTBEAT_RECORD_ONLY.
states.DEPLOYING, states.CLEANING, states.RESCUING)
states.RESCUEWAIT, states.ENROLL,
def _get_client():
client = agent_client.AgentClient()
return client
def post_clean_step_hook(interface, step):
"""Decorator method for adding a post clean step hook.
This is a mechanism for adding a post clean step hook for a particular
clean step. The hook will get executed after the clean step gets executed
successfully. The hook is not invoked on failure of the clean step.
Any method to be made as a hook may be decorated with @post_clean_step_hook
mentioning the interface and step after which the hook should be executed.
A TaskManager instance and the object for the last completed command
(provided by agent) will be passed to the hook method. The return value of
this method will be ignored. Any exception raised by this method will be
treated as a failure of the clean step and the node will be moved to
:param interface: name of the interface
:param step: The name of the step after which it should be executed.
:returns: A method which registers the given method as a post clean
step hook.
def decorator(func):
POST_CLEAN_STEP_HOOKS.setdefault(interface, {})[step] = func
return func
return decorator
def _get_post_clean_step_hook(node):
"""Get post clean step hook for the currently executing clean step.
This method reads node.clean_step and returns the post clean
step hook for the currently executing clean step.
:param node: a node object
:returns: a method if there is a post clean step hook for this clean
step; None otherwise
interface = node.clean_step.get('interface')
step = node.clean_step.get('step')
return POST_CLEAN_STEP_HOOKS[interface][step]
except KeyError:
def _cleaning_reboot(task):
"""Reboots a node out of band after a clean step that requires it.
If an agent clean step has 'reboot_requested': True, reboots the
node when the step is completed. Will put the node in CLEANFAIL
if the node cannot be rebooted.
:param task: a TaskManager instance
# NOTE(fellypefca): Call prepare_ramdisk on ensure that the
# baremetal node boots back into the ramdisk after reboot.
deploy_opts = deploy_utils.build_agent_options(task.node)
task.driver.boot.prepare_ramdisk(task, deploy_opts)
manager_utils.node_power_action(task, states.REBOOT)
except Exception as e:
msg = (_('Reboot requested by clean step %(step)s failed for '
'node %(node)s: %(err)s') %
{'step': task.node.clean_step,
'node': task.node.uuid,
'err': e})
LOG.error(msg, exc_info=not isinstance(e, exception.IronicException))
# do not set cleaning_reboot if we didn't reboot
manager_utils.cleaning_error_handler(task, msg)
# Signify that we've rebooted
driver_internal_info = task.node.driver_internal_info
driver_internal_info['cleaning_reboot'] = True
task.node.driver_internal_info = driver_internal_info
def _get_completed_cleaning_command(task, commands):
"""Returns None or a completed cleaning command from the agent.
:param task: a TaskManager instance to act on.
:param commands: a set of command results from the agent, typically
fetched with agent_client.get_commands_status().
if not commands:
last_command = commands[-1]
if last_command['command_name'] != 'execute_clean_step':
# catches race condition where execute_clean_step is still
# processing so the command hasn't started yet
LOG.debug('Expected agent last command to be "execute_clean_step" '
'for node %(node)s, instead got "%(command)s". Waiting '
'for next heartbeat.',
{'node': task.node.uuid,
'command': last_command['command_name']})
last_result = last_command.get('command_result') or {}
last_step = last_result.get('clean_step')
if last_command['command_status'] == 'RUNNING':
LOG.debug('Clean step still running for node %(node)s: %(step)s',
{'step': last_step, 'node': task.node.uuid})
elif (last_command['command_status'] == 'SUCCEEDED'
and last_step != task.node.clean_step):
# A previous clean_step was running, the new command has not yet
# started.
LOG.debug('Clean step not yet started for node %(node)s: %(step)s',
{'step': last_step, 'node': task.node.uuid})
return last_command
def log_and_raise_deployment_error(task, msg, collect_logs=True, exc=None):
"""Helper method to log the error and raise exception.
:param task: a TaskManager instance containing the node to act on.
:param msg: the message to set in last_error of the node.
:param collect_logs: Boolean indicating whether to attempt to collect
logs from IPA-based ramdisk. Defaults to True.
Actual log collection is also affected by
CONF.agent.deploy_logs_collect config option.
:param exc: Exception that caused the failure.
log_traceback = (exc is not None and
not isinstance(exc, exception.IronicException))
LOG.error(msg, exc_info=log_traceback)
deploy_utils.set_failed_state(task, msg, collect_logs=collect_logs)
raise exception.InstanceDeployFailure(msg)
class HeartbeatMixin(object):
"""Mixin class implementing heartbeat processing."""
def __init__(self):
self._client = _get_client()
def continue_deploy(self, task):
"""Continues the deployment of baremetal node.
This method continues the deployment of the baremetal node after
the ramdisk have been booted.
:param task: a TaskManager instance
def deploy_has_started(self, task):
"""Check if the deployment has started already.
:returns: True if the deploy has started, False otherwise.
def deploy_is_done(self, task):
"""Check if the deployment is already completed.
:returns: True if the deployment is completed. False otherwise
def in_core_deploy_step(self, task):
"""Check if we are in the deploy.deploy deploy step.
Assumes that we are in the DEPLOYWAIT state.
:param task: a TaskManager instance
:returns: True if the current deploy step is deploy.deploy.
# TODO(mgoddard): Remove this 'if' in the Train release, after the
# deprecation period for supporting drivers with no deploy steps.
if not task.node.driver_internal_info.get('deploy_steps'):
return True
step = task.node.deploy_step
return (step
and step['interface'] == 'deploy'
and step['step'] == 'deploy')
def reboot_to_instance(self, task):
"""Method invoked after the deployment is completed.
:param task: a TaskManager instance
def refresh_clean_steps(self, task):
"""Refresh the node's cached clean steps
:param task: a TaskManager instance
def continue_cleaning(self, task):
"""Start the next cleaning step if the previous one is complete.
:param task: a TaskManager instance
def heartbeat_allowed_states(self):
"""Define node states where heartbeating is allowed"""
if CONF.deploy.fast_track:
def _heartbeat_in_maintenance(self, task):
node = task.node
if (node.provision_state in (states.CLEANING, states.CLEANWAIT)
and not CONF.conductor.allow_provisioning_in_maintenance):
LOG.error('Aborting cleaning for node %s, as it is in maintenance '
'mode', node.uuid)
last_error = _('Cleaning aborted as node is in maintenance mode')
manager_utils.cleaning_error_handler(task, last_error)
elif (node.provision_state in (states.DEPLOYING, states.DEPLOYWAIT)
and not CONF.conductor.allow_provisioning_in_maintenance):
LOG.error('Aborting deployment for node %s, as it is in '
'maintenance mode', node.uuid)
last_error = _('Deploy aborted as node is in maintenance mode')
deploy_utils.set_failed_state(task, last_error, collect_logs=False)
elif (node.provision_state in (states.RESCUING, states.RESCUEWAIT)
and not CONF.conductor.allow_provisioning_in_maintenance):
LOG.error('Aborting rescuing for node %s, as it is in '
'maintenance mode', node.uuid)
last_error = _('Rescue aborted as node is in maintenance mode')
manager_utils.rescuing_error_handler(task, last_error)
LOG.warning('Heartbeat from node %(node)s in '
'maintenance mode; not taking any action.',
{'node': node.uuid})
def heartbeat(self, task, callback_url, agent_version):
"""Process a heartbeat.
:param task: task to work with.
:param callback_url: agent HTTP API URL.
:param agent_version: The version of the agent that is heartbeating
# NOTE(pas-ha) immediately skip the rest if nothing to do
if (task.node.provision_state not in self.heartbeat_allowed_states
and not manager_utils.fast_track_able(task)):
LOG.error('Heartbeat from node %(node)s in unsupported '
'provision state %(state)s, not taking any action.',
{'node': task.node.uuid,
'state': task.node.provision_state})
except exception.NodeLocked:
LOG.warning('Node %s is currently locked, skipping heartbeat '
'processing (will retry on the next heartbeat)',
node = task.node
LOG.debug('Heartbeat from node %s', node.uuid)
driver_internal_info = node.driver_internal_info
driver_internal_info['agent_url'] = callback_url
driver_internal_info['agent_version'] = agent_version
# Record the last heartbeat event time in UTC, so we can make
# decisions about it later. Can be decoded to datetime object with:
# datetime.datetime.strptime(var, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f")
driver_internal_info['agent_last_heartbeat'] = str(
node.driver_internal_info = driver_internal_info
if node.provision_state in _HEARTBEAT_RECORD_ONLY:
# We shouldn't take any additional action. The agent will
# silently continue to heartbeat to ironic until user initiated
# state change occurs causing it to match a state below.
LOG.debug('Heartbeat from %(node)s recorded to identify the '
'node as on-line.', {'node': task.node.uuid})
if node.maintenance:
return self._heartbeat_in_maintenance(task)
# Async call backs don't set error state on their own
# TODO(jimrollenhagen) improve error messages here
msg = _('Failed checking if deploy is done.')
# NOTE(mgoddard): Only handle heartbeats during DEPLOYWAIT if we
# are currently in the core deploy.deploy step. Other deploy steps
# may cause the agent to boot, but we should not trigger deployment
# at that point if the driver is polling for completion of a step.
if node.provision_state == states.DEPLOYWAIT:
if self.in_core_deploy_step(task):
if not self.deploy_has_started(task):
msg = _('Node failed to deploy.')
elif self.deploy_is_done(task):
msg = _('Node failed to move to active state.')
# The exceptions from RPC are not possible as we using cast
# here
# Check if the driver is polling for completion of a step,
# via the 'deployment_polling' flag.
polling = node.driver_internal_info.get(
'deployment_polling', False)
if not polling:
elif node.provision_state == states.CLEANWAIT:
if not node.clean_step:
LOG.debug('Node %s just booted to start cleaning.',
msg = _('Node failed to start the first cleaning step.')
# First, cache the clean steps
# Then set/verify node clean steps and start cleaning
# The exceptions from RPC are not possible as we using cast
# here
msg = _('Node failed to check cleaning progress.')
# Check if the driver is polling for completion of a step,
# via the 'cleaning_polling' flag.
polling = node.driver_internal_info.get(
'cleaning_polling', False)
if not polling:
elif (node.provision_state == states.RESCUEWAIT):
msg = _('Node failed to perform rescue operation.')
except Exception as e:
err_info = {'msg': msg, 'e': e}
last_error = _('Asynchronous exception: %(msg)s '
'Exception: %(e)s for node') % err_info
errmsg = last_error + ' %(node)s'
LOG.exception(errmsg, {'node': node.uuid})
if node.provision_state in (states.CLEANING, states.CLEANWAIT):
manager_utils.cleaning_error_handler(task, last_error)
elif node.provision_state in (states.DEPLOYING, states.DEPLOYWAIT):
task, last_error, collect_logs=bool(self._client))
elif node.provision_state in (states.RESCUING, states.RESCUEWAIT):
manager_utils.rescuing_error_handler(task, last_error)
def _finalize_rescue(self, task):
"""Call ramdisk to prepare rescue mode and verify result.
:param task: A TaskManager instance
:raises: InstanceRescueFailure, if rescuing failed
node = task.node
result = self._client.finalize_rescue(node)
except exception.IronicException as e:
raise exception.InstanceRescueFailure(node=node.uuid,
if ((not result.get('command_status'))
or result.get('command_status') != 'SUCCEEDED'):
# NOTE(mariojv) Caller will clean up failed rescue in exception
# handler.
fail_reason = (_('Agent returned bad result for command '
'finalize_rescue: %(result)s') %
{'result': result.get('command_error')})
raise exception.InstanceRescueFailure(node=node.uuid,
power_state_to_restore = manager_utils.power_on_node_if_needed(task)
task, power_state_to_restore)
class AgentDeployMixin(HeartbeatMixin):
"""Mixin with deploy methods."""
def refresh_clean_steps(self, task):
"""Refresh the node's cached clean steps from the booted agent.
Gets the node's clean steps from the booted agent and caches them.
The steps are cached to make get_clean_steps() calls synchronous, and
should be refreshed as soon as the agent boots to start cleaning or
if cleaning is restarted because of a cleaning version mismatch.
:param task: a TaskManager instance
:raises: NodeCleaningFailure if the agent returns invalid results
node = task.node
previous_steps = node.driver_internal_info.get(
LOG.debug('Refreshing agent clean step cache for node %(node)s. '
'Previously cached steps: %(steps)s',
{'node': node.uuid, 'steps': previous_steps})
agent_result = self._client.get_clean_steps(node, task.ports).get(
'command_result', {})
missing = set(['clean_steps', 'hardware_manager_version']).difference(
if missing:
raise exception.NodeCleaningFailure(_(
'agent get_clean_steps for node %(node)s returned an invalid '
'result. Keys: %(keys)s are missing from result: %(result)s.')
% ({'node': node.uuid, 'keys': missing,
'result': agent_result}))
# agent_result['clean_steps'] looks like
# {'HardwareManager': [{step1},{steps2}...], ...}
steps = collections.defaultdict(list)
for step_list in agent_result['clean_steps'].values():
for step in step_list:
missing = set(['interface', 'step', 'priority']).difference(
if missing:
raise exception.NodeCleaningFailure(_(
'agent get_clean_steps for node %(node)s returned an '
'invalid clean step. Keys: %(keys)s are missing from '
'step: %(step)s.') % ({'node': node.uuid,
'keys': missing, 'step': step}))
# Save hardware manager version, steps, and date
info = node.driver_internal_info
info['hardware_manager_version'] = agent_result[
info['agent_cached_clean_steps'] = dict(steps)
info['agent_cached_clean_steps_refreshed'] = str(timeutils.utcnow())
node.driver_internal_info = info
LOG.debug('Refreshed agent clean step cache for node %(node)s: '
'%(steps)s', {'node': node.uuid, 'steps': steps})
def continue_cleaning(self, task, **kwargs):
"""Start the next cleaning step if the previous one is complete.
In order to avoid errors and make agent upgrades painless, the agent
compares the version of all hardware managers at the start of the
cleaning (the agent's get_clean_steps() call) and before executing
each clean step. If the version has changed between steps, the agent is
unable to tell if an ordering change will cause a cleaning issue so
it returns CLEAN_VERSION_MISMATCH. For automated cleaning, we restart
the entire cleaning cycle. For manual cleaning, we don't.
Additionally, if a clean_step includes the reboot_requested property
set to True, this method will coordinate the reboot once the step is
node = task.node
# For manual clean, the target provision state is MANAGEABLE, whereas
# for automated cleaning, it is (the default) AVAILABLE.
manual_clean = node.target_provision_state == states.MANAGEABLE
agent_commands = self._client.get_commands_status(task.node)
if not agent_commands:
if task.node.driver_internal_info.get('cleaning_reboot'):
# Node finished a cleaning step that requested a reboot, and
# this is the first heartbeat after booting. Continue cleaning.
info = task.node.driver_internal_info
info.pop('cleaning_reboot', None)
task.node.driver_internal_info = info
# Agent has no commands whatsoever
command = _get_completed_cleaning_command(task, agent_commands)
LOG.debug('Cleaning command status for node %(node)s on step %(step)s:'
' %(command)s', {'node': node.uuid,
'step': node.clean_step,
'command': command})
if not command:
# Agent command in progress
if command.get('command_status') == 'FAILED':
msg = (_('Agent returned error for clean step %(step)s on node '
'%(node)s : %(err)s.') %
{'node': node.uuid,
'err': command.get('command_error'),
'step': node.clean_step})
driver_utils.collect_ramdisk_logs(task.node, label='cleaning')
return manager_utils.cleaning_error_handler(task, msg)
elif command.get('command_status') == 'CLEAN_VERSION_MISMATCH':
# Cache the new clean steps (and 'hardware_manager_version')
except exception.NodeCleaningFailure as e:
msg = (_('Could not continue cleaning on node '
'%(node)s: %(err)s.') %
{'node': node.uuid, 'err': e})
return manager_utils.cleaning_error_handler(task, msg)
if manual_clean:
# Don't restart manual cleaning if agent reboots to a new
# version. Both are operator actions, unlike automated
# cleaning. Manual clean steps are not necessarily idempotent
# like automated clean steps and can be even longer running.'During manual cleaning, node %(node)s detected '
'a clean version mismatch. Re-executing and '
'continuing from current step %(step)s.',
{'node': node.uuid, 'step': node.clean_step})
driver_internal_info = node.driver_internal_info
driver_internal_info['skip_current_clean_step'] = False
node.driver_internal_info = driver_internal_info
# Restart cleaning, agent must have rebooted to new version'During automated cleaning, node %s detected a '
'clean version mismatch. Resetting clean steps '
'and rebooting the node.', node.uuid)
except exception.NodeCleaningFailure:
msg = (_('Could not restart automated cleaning on node '
'%(node)s: %(err)s.') %
{'node': node.uuid,
'err': command.get('command_error'),
'step': node.clean_step})
return manager_utils.cleaning_error_handler(task, msg)
elif command.get('command_status') == 'SUCCEEDED':
clean_step_hook = _get_post_clean_step_hook(node)
if clean_step_hook is not None:
LOG.debug('For node %(node)s, executing post clean step '
'hook %(method)s for clean step %(step)s',
{'method': clean_step_hook.__name__,
'node': node.uuid,
'step': node.clean_step})
clean_step_hook(task, command)
except Exception as e:
msg = (_('For node %(node)s, post clean step hook '
'%(method)s failed for clean step %(step)s.'
'%(cls)s: %(error)s') %
{'method': clean_step_hook.__name__,
'node': node.uuid,
'error': e,
'cls': e.__class__.__name__,
'step': node.clean_step})
return manager_utils.cleaning_error_handler(task, msg)
if task.node.clean_step.get('reboot_requested'):
return'Agent on node %s returned cleaning command success, '
'moving to next clean step', node.uuid)
msg = (_('Agent returned unknown status for clean step %(step)s '
'on node %(node)s : %(err)s.') %
{'node': node.uuid,
'err': command.get('command_status'),
'step': node.clean_step})
driver_utils.collect_ramdisk_logs(task.node, label='cleaning')
return manager_utils.cleaning_error_handler(task, msg)
def reboot_and_finish_deploy(self, task):
"""Helper method to trigger reboot on the node and finish deploy.
This method initiates a reboot on the node. On success, it
marks the deploy as complete. On failure, it logs the error
and marks deploy as failure.
:param task: a TaskManager object containing the node
:raises: InstanceDeployFailure, if node reboot failed.
wait = CONF.agent.post_deploy_get_power_state_retry_interval * 1000
attempts = CONF.agent.post_deploy_get_power_state_retries + 1
retry_on_result=lambda state: state != states.POWER_OFF,
def _wait_until_powered_off(task):
return task.driver.power.get_power_state(task)
node = task.node
if CONF.agent.deploy_logs_collect == 'always':
# Whether ironic should power off the node via out-of-band or
# in-band methods
oob_power_off = strutils.bool_from_string(
node.driver_info.get('deploy_forces_oob_reboot', False))
if not oob_power_off:
except Exception as e:
LOG.warning('Failed to soft power off node %(node_uuid)s. '
'%(cls)s: %(error)s',
{'node_uuid': node.uuid,
'cls': e.__class__.__name__, 'error': e},
exc_info=not isinstance(
e, exception.IronicException))
# NOTE(dtantsur): in rare cases it may happen that the power
# off request comes through but we never receive the response.
# Check the power state before trying to force off.
except Exception:
LOG.warning('Failed to soft power off node %(node_uuid)s '
'in at least %(timeout)d seconds. Forcing '
'hard power off and proceeding.',
{'node_uuid': node.uuid,
'timeout': (wait * (attempts - 1)) / 1000})
manager_utils.node_power_action(task, states.POWER_OFF)
# Flush the file system prior to hard rebooting the node
result = self._client.sync(node)
error = result.get('faultstring')
if error:
if 'Unknown command' in error:
error = _('The version of the IPA ramdisk used in '
'the deployment do not support the '
'command "sync"')
'Failed to flush the file system prior to hard '
'rebooting the node %(node)s. Error: %(error)s',
{'node': node.uuid, 'error': error})
manager_utils.node_power_action(task, states.POWER_OFF)
except Exception as e:
msg = (_('Error rebooting node %(node)s after deploy. '
'%(cls)s: %(error)s') %
{'node': node.uuid, 'cls': e.__class__.__name__,
'error': e})
log_and_raise_deployment_error(task, msg, exc=e)
power_state_to_restore = (
task, power_state_to_restore)
manager_utils.node_power_action(task, states.POWER_ON)
except Exception as e:
msg = (_('Error rebooting node %(node)s after deploy. '
'%(cls)s: %(error)s') %
{'node': node.uuid, 'cls': e.__class__.__name__,
'error': e})
# NOTE(mgoddard): Don't collect logs since the node has been
# powered off.
log_and_raise_deployment_error(task, msg, collect_logs=False,
if not node.deploy_step:
# TODO(rloo): delete this 'if' part after deprecation period, when
# we expect all (out-of-tree) drivers to support deploy steps.
# After which we will always notify_conductor_resume_deploy().
task.process_event('done')'Deployment to node %s done', task.node.uuid)
def prepare_instance_to_boot(self, task, root_uuid, efi_sys_uuid,
"""Prepares instance to boot.
:param task: a TaskManager object containing the node
:param root_uuid: the UUID for root partition
:param efi_sys_uuid: the UUID for the efi partition
:raises: InvalidState if fails to prepare instance
node = task.node
if deploy_utils.get_boot_option(node) == "local":
# Install the boot loader
task, root_uuid=root_uuid,
except Exception as e:
LOG.error('Preparing instance for booting failed for instance '
'%(instance)s. %(cls)s: %(error)s',
{'instance': node.instance_uuid,
'cls': e.__class__.__name__, 'error': e})
msg = _('Failed to prepare instance for booting')
log_and_raise_deployment_error(task, msg, exc=e)
def configure_local_boot(self, task, root_uuid=None,
"""Helper method to configure local boot on the node.
This method triggers bootloader installation on the node.
On successful installation of bootloader, this method sets the
node to boot from disk.
:param task: a TaskManager object containing the node
:param root_uuid: The UUID of the root partition. This is used
for identifying the partition which contains the image deployed
or None in case of whole disk images which we expect to already
have a bootloader installed.
:param efi_system_part_uuid: The UUID of the efi system partition.
This is used only in uefi boot mode.
:param prep_boot_part_uuid: The UUID of the PReP Boot partition.
This is used only for booting ppc64* hardware.
:raises: InstanceDeployFailure if bootloader installation failed or
on encountering error while setting the boot device on the node.
node = task.node
LOG.debug('Configuring local boot for node %s', node.uuid)
# If the target RAID configuration is set to 'software' for the
# 'controller', we need to trigger the installation of grub on
# the holder disks of the desired Software RAID.
internal_info = node.driver_internal_info
raid_config = node.target_raid_config
logical_disks = raid_config.get('logical_disks', [])
software_raid = False
for logical_disk in logical_disks:
if logical_disk.get('controller') == 'software':
LOG.debug('Node %s has a Software RAID configuration',
software_raid = True
root_uuid = internal_info.get('root_uuid_or_disk_id')
# For whole disk images it is not necessary that the root_uuid
# be provided since the bootloaders on the disk will be used
whole_disk_image = internal_info.get('is_whole_disk_image')
if (software_raid or (root_uuid and not whole_disk_image) or
(whole_disk_image and
boot_mode_utils.get_boot_mode(node) == 'uefi')):
LOG.debug('Installing the bootloader for node %(node)s on '
'partition %(part)s, EFI system partition %(efi)s',
{'node': node.uuid, 'part': root_uuid,
'efi': efi_system_part_uuid})
result = self._client.install_bootloader(
node, root_uuid=root_uuid,
if result['command_status'] == 'FAILED':
if not whole_disk_image:
msg = (_("Failed to install a bootloader when "
"deploying node %(node)s. Error: %(error)s") %
{'node': node.uuid,
'error': result['command_error']})
log_and_raise_deployment_error(task, msg)
# Its possible the install will fail if the IPA image
# has not been updated, log this and continue'Could not install bootloader for whole disk '
'image for node %(node)s, Error: %(error)s"',
{'node': node.uuid,
'error': result['command_error']})
persistent = True
if node.driver_info.get('force_persistent_boot_device',
'Default') == 'Never':
persistent = False
deploy_utils.try_set_boot_device(task, boot_devices.DISK,
except Exception as e:
msg = (_("Failed to change the boot device to %(boot_dev)s "
"when deploying node %(node)s. Error: %(error)s") %
{'boot_dev': boot_devices.DISK, 'node': node.uuid,
'error': e})
log_and_raise_deployment_error(task, msg, exc=e)'Local boot successfully configured for node %s', node.uuid)