import AbstractService from './util/abstract_service'; /** * A list of all supported versions. Please keep this array sorted by most recent. * * @type {Array} * @ignore */ const supportedKeystoneVersions = [ 'v3.7' ]; export default class Keystone extends AbstractService { /** * This class provides direct, idempotent, low-level access to the Keystone API of a specific * cloud. The constructor requires that you provide a configuration object for a specific * cloud, formatted as per the os-client-config specification of clouds.yaml. An important * difference is that it does not accept the entire clouds.yaml structure, only the subsection * that refers to a specific cloud. * * @param {{}} cloudConfig The configuration object for a specific cloud. * @see */ constructor (cloudConfig) { // Sanity checks. if (!cloudConfig) { throw new Error('A configuration is required.'); } // Clone the config, so that this instance is immutable // at runtime (no modifying the config after the fact). cloudConfig = Object.assign({}, cloudConfig); super(cloudConfig.auth.auth_url, supportedKeystoneVersions); this.cloudConfig = cloudConfig; } /** * This method provides a safe method for reading values deep inside of an object structure, * without encountering TypeErrors. * * @param {string} path A string representing the dot notation of a config path to read. * @private * @returns {String} The value found in the config, or null. * @ignore */ _safeConfigGet (path) { let segments = path.split('.'); let pointer = this.cloudConfig; while (segments.length > 0) { let prop = segments.shift(); if (pointer.hasOwnProperty(prop)) { pointer = pointer[prop]; } else { return null; } } return pointer; } /** * Retrieve all the API versions available. * * @returns {Promise.} A promise that will resolve with the list of API versions. */ versions () { return super.versions() .then((versions) => versions.values); } /** * Issue a token from the provided credentials. Credentials will be read from the * configuration, unless they have been explicitly provided. Note that both the userDomainName * and the projectDomainName are only required if the user/project names are given, rather * than the explicit user/domain ID's. * * NOTE: This method is only applicable if the password auth plugin on keystone is enabled. * Other auth methods will have to be provided by third-party developers. * * @param {String} username An optional user name or ID. * @param {String} password An optional password. * @param {String} projectName An optional project name or ID. * @param {String} userDomainName Domain name for the user, not required if a user id is given. * @param {String} projectDomainName Domain name for the project, not required with project ID. * @returns {Promise.} A promise which will resolve with a valid token. */ tokenIssue (username = this._safeConfigGet('auth.username'), password = this._safeConfigGet('auth.password'), projectName = this._safeConfigGet('auth.project_name'), userDomainName = this._safeConfigGet('auth.user_domain_id'), projectDomainName = this._safeConfigGet('auth.project_domain_id')) { const body = { auth: { identity: { methods: ['password'], password: { user: { name: username, password: password } } } } }; if (userDomainName) { body.auth.identity.password.user.domain = { id: userDomainName }; } if (!projectName) { body.auth.scope = "unscoped"; } else { body.auth.scope = { project: { name: projectName } }; if (projectDomainName) { body.auth.scope.project.domain = { id: projectDomainName }; } } return this .serviceEndpoint() .then((url) => this.http.httpPost(`${url}auth/tokens`, body)) .then((response) => { return response.headers.get('X-Subject-Token'); }); } /** * Revoke an authorization token. * * @param {String} token The token to revoke. * @param {String} adminToken An optional admin token. * @returns {Promise.} A promise which will resolve if the token has been successfully revoked. */ tokenRevoke (token, adminToken = null) { return Promise .all([this.serviceEndpoint(), token, adminToken]) .then(([url, token, adminToken]) => { return [url, { 'X-Subject-Token': token, 'X-Auth-Token': adminToken || token }]; }) .then(([url, headers]) => this.http.httpRequest('DELETE', `${url}auth/tokens`, headers)); } /** * List the service catalog for the configured cloud. * * @param {String} token The authorization token. * @returns {Promise.} A promise which will resolve with the service catalog. */ catalogList (token = null) { return this ._requestComponents(token) .then(([url, headers]) => this.http.httpRequest('GET', `${url}auth/catalog`, headers)) .then((response) => response.json()) .then((body) => body.catalog); } }