Update usage.rst

Update usage.rst to match the current API

Change-Id: I3ec6f142499b18d4ff321d136928898d80b24581
This commit is contained in:
chenying 2017-02-13 20:43:40 +08:00
parent 435c3d5e21
commit 1275f77831
1 changed files with 435 additions and 89 deletions

View File

@ -38,29 +38,256 @@ This example will show protecting volume.
export OS_TENANT_NAME=admin
export OS_AUTH_URL=
#. List the provider::
karbor provider-list
| Id | Name | Description |
| b766f37c-d011-4026-8228-28730d734a3f | No-Op Provider | This provider does nothing for each protect and restore operation. Used for testing |
| cf56bd3e-97a7-4078-b6d5-f36246333fd9 | OS Infra Provider | This provider uses OpenStack's own services (swift, cinder) as storage |
| e4008868-be97-492c-be41-44e50ef2e16f | EISOO Provider | This provider provides data protection for applications with EISOO AnyBackup |
#. Show the provider information::
karbor provider-show cf56bd3e-97a7-4078-b6d5-f36246333fd9
| Property | Value |
| description | This provider uses OpenStack's own services (swift, cinder) as storage |
| extended_info_schema | {u'options_schema': {u'OS::Cinder::Volume': {u'required': [u'backup_name', u'backup_mode', u'container', u'force'], u'type': u'object', u'properties': {u'force': {u'default': False, u'type': u'boolean', u'description': u'Whether to backup, even if the volumeis attached', u'title': u'Force'}, u'backup_name': {u'type': u'string', u'description': u'The name of the backup.', u'title': u'Backup Name'}, u'container': {u'type': u'string', u'description': u'The container which been chosen.', u'title': u'Container'}, u'description': {u'type': u'string', u'description': u'The description of the volume.', u'title': u'Description'}, u'backup_mode': {u'default': u'auto', u'enum': [u'full', u'incremental', u'auto'], u'type': u'string', u'description': u'The backup mode.', u'title': u'Backup Mode'}}, u'title': u'Cinder Protection Options'}}, u'saved_info_schema': {u'OS::Cinder::Volume': {u'required': [u'name', u'status', u'progress', u'fail_reason', u'size', u'volume_id'], u'type': u'object', u'properties': {u'status': {u'enum': [u'creating', u'available', u'deleting', u'error', u'restoring', u'error_restoring'], u'type': u'string', u'description': u'The backup status, such as available.', u'title': u'Status'}, u'fail_reason': {u'type': u'string', u'description': u'The reason for the failure status of the backup.', u'title': u'Fail Reason'}, u'name': {u'type': u'string', u'description': u'The name for this backup.', u'title': u'Name'}, u'volume_id': {u'type': u'string', u'description': u'The ID of the volume from which the backup was created.', u'title': u'Volume ID'}, u'progress': {u'constraint': {u'max': 1, u'min': 0}, u'type': u'number', u'description': u'The current operation progress for this backup.', u'title': u'Progress'}, u'is_incremental': {u'type': u'boolean', u'description': u'The type of the backup, True is incremental and False is full.', u'title': u'Is Incremental'}, u'size': {u'type': u'integer', u'description': u'The size of the backup, in GB.', u'title': u'Size'}}, u'title': u'Cinder Protection Saved Info'}}, u'restore_schema': {u'OS::Cinder::Volume': {u'type': u'object', u'properties': {u'restore_name': {u'default': None, u'type': u'string', u'description': u'The name of the restored volume.', u'title': u'Restore Name'}, u'restore_description': {u'default': None, u'type': u'string', u'description': u'The description of the restored volume.', u'title': u'Restore Name'}, u'volume_id': {u'type': u'string', u'description': u'The target volume ID to restore to.', u'title': u'Volume ID'}}, u'title': u'Cinder Protection Restore'}}} |
| extended_info_schema | { |
| | "options_schema": { |
| | "OS::Cinder::Volume": { |
| | "properties": { |
| | "backup_mode": { |
| | "default": "auto", |
| | "description": "The backup mode.", |
| | "enum": [ |
| | "full", |
| | "incremental", |
| | "auto" |
| | ], |
| | "title": "Backup Mode", |
| | "type": "string" |
| | }, |
| | "backup_name": { |
| | "description": "The name of the backup.", |
| | "title": "Backup Name", |
| | "type": "string" |
| | }, |
| | "container": { |
| | "description": "The container which been chosen.", |
| | "title": "Container", |
| | "type": "string" |
| | }, |
| | "description": { |
| | "description": "The description of the volume.", |
| | "title": "Description", |
| | "type": "string" |
| | }, |
| | "force": { |
| | "default": false, |
| | "description": "Whether to backup, even if the volumeis attached", |
| | "title": "Force", |
| | "type": "boolean" |
| | } |
| | }, |
| | "required": [ |
| | "backup_name", |
| | "backup_mode", |
| | "container", |
| | "force" |
| | ], |
| | "title": "Cinder Protection Options", |
| | "type": "object" |
| | }, |
| | "OS::Glance::Image": { |
| | "properties": { |
| | "backup_name": { |
| | "default": null, |
| | "description": "The name of the backup.", |
| | "title": "Backup Name", |
| | "type": "string" |
| | } |
| | }, |
| | "required": [], |
| | "title": "Image Protection Options", |
| | "type": "object" |
| | }, |
| | "OS::Nova::Server": { |
| | "properties": {}, |
| | "required": [], |
| | "title": "Server Protection Options", |
| | "type": "object" |
| | } |
| | }, |
| | "restore_schema": { |
| | "OS::Cinder::Volume": { |
| | "properties": { |
| | "restore_description": { |
| | "default": null, |
| | "description": "The description of the restored volume.", |
| | "title": "Restore Description", |
| | "type": "string" |
| | }, |
| | "restore_name": { |
| | "default": null, |
| | "description": "The name of the restored volume.", |
| | "title": "Restore Name", |
| | "type": "string" |
| | }, |
| | "volume_id": { |
| | "description": "The target volume ID to restore to.", |
| | "title": "Volume ID", |
| | "type": "string" |
| | } |
| | }, |
| | "title": "Cinder Protection Restore", |
| | "type": "object" |
| | }, |
| | "OS::Glance::Image": { |
| | "properties": { |
| | "restore_name": { |
| | "description": "The name of the restore image", |
| | "title": "Restore Image Name", |
| | "type": "string" |
| | } |
| | }, |
| | "required": [ |
| | "backup_name" |
| | ], |
| | "title": "Image Protection Restore", |
| | "type": "object" |
| | }, |
| | "OS::Nova::Server": { |
| | "properties": { |
| | "restore_name": { |
| | "description": "The name of the restore server", |
| | "title": "Restore Server Name", |
| | "type": "string" |
| | } |
| | }, |
| | "required": [ |
| | "restore_name" |
| | ], |
| | "title": "Server Protection Restore", |
| | "type": "object" |
| | } |
| | }, |
| | "saved_info_schema": { |
| | "OS::Cinder::Volume": { |
| | "properties": { |
| | "fail_reason": { |
| | "description": "The reason for the failure status of the backup.", |
| | "title": "Fail Reason", |
| | "type": "string" |
| | }, |
| | "is_incremental": { |
| | "description": "The type of the backup, True is incremental and False is full.", |
| | "title": "Is Incremental", |
| | "type": "boolean" |
| | }, |
| | "name": { |
| | "description": "The name for this backup.", |
| | "title": "Name", |
| | "type": "string" |
| | }, |
| | "progress": { |
| | "constraint": { |
| | "max": 1, |
| | "min": 0 |
| | }, |
| | "description": "The current operation progress for this backup.", |
| | "title": "Progress", |
| | "type": "number" |
| | }, |
| | "size": { |
| | "description": "The size of the backup, in GB.", |
| | "title": "Size", |
| | "type": "integer" |
| | }, |
| | "status": { |
| | "description": "The backup status, such as available.", |
| | "enum": [ |
| | "creating", |
| | "available", |
| | "deleting", |
| | "error", |
| | "restoring", |
| | "error_restoring" |
| | ], |
| | "title": "Status", |
| | "type": "string" |
| | }, |
| | "volume_id": { |
| | "description": "The ID of the volume from which the backup was created.", |
| | "title": "Volume ID", |
| | "type": "string" |
| | } |
| | }, |
| | "required": [ |
| | "name", |
| | "status", |
| | "progress", |
| | "fail_reason", |
| | "size", |
| | "volume_id" |
| | ], |
| | "title": "Cinder Protection Saved Info", |
| | "type": "object" |
| | }, |
| | "OS::Glance::Image": { |
| | "properties": { |
| | "image_metadata": { |
| | "description": "To save disk_format and container_format", |
| | "title": "Image Metadata", |
| | "type": "image" |
| | } |
| | }, |
| | "required": [ |
| | "image_metadata" |
| | ], |
| | "title": "Image Protection Saved Info", |
| | "type": "object" |
| | }, |
| | "OS::Nova::Server": { |
| | "properties": { |
| | "attach_metadata": { |
| | "description": "The devices of attached volumes", |
| | "title": "Attached Volume Metadata", |
| | "type": "object" |
| | }, |
| | "snapshot_metadata": { |
| | "description": "The metadata of snapshot", |
| | "title": "Snapshot Metadata", |
| | "type": "object" |
| | } |
| | }, |
| | "required": [ |
| | "attached_metadata", |
| | "snapshot_metadata" |
| | ], |
| | "title": "Server Protection Saved Info", |
| | "type": "object" |
| | } |
| | } |
| | } |
| id | cf56bd3e-97a7-4078-b6d5-f36246333fd9 |
| name | OS Infra Provider |
#. Use cinder client to create volumes::
cinder create 1 --name volume1
cinder create 1 --name volume2
cinder list
| ID | Status | Name | Size | Volume Type | Bootable | Attached to |
| c468688b-dcb1-4bdf-b26b-62e989ac940e | available | volume1 | 1 | lvmdriver-1 | false | |
| d107b234-e16d-4e1e-800d-86523c693e5c | available | volume2 | 1 | lvmdriver-1 | false | |
| 12e2abc6-f20b-430d-9b36-1a6befd23b6c | available | volume2 | 1 | lvmdriver-1 | false | |
| 700495ee-38e6-41a0-963f-f3f9a24c0f75 | available | volume1 | 1 | lvmdriver-1 | false | |
#. List the protectable resources::
@ -73,100 +300,219 @@ This example will show protecting volume.
| OS::Keystone::Project |
| OS::Nova::Server |
karbor protectable-show OS::Nova::Server
| Property | Value |
| dependent_types | [u'OS::Cinder::Volume', u'OS::Glance::Image'] |
| name | OS::Nova::Server |
karbor protectable-list-instances OS::Cinder::Volume
| Id | Type | Dependent resources |
| c468688b-dcb1-4bdf-b26b-62e989ac940e | OS::Cinder::Volume | [] |
| d107b234-e16d-4e1e-800d-86523c693e5c | OS::Cinder::Volume | [] |
| 12e2abc6-f20b-430d-9b36-1a6befd23b6c | OS::Cinder::Volume | [] |
| 700495ee-38e6-41a0-963f-f3f9a24c0f75 | OS::Cinder::Volume | [] |
karbor protectable-show-instance OS::Cinder::Volume 12e2abc6-f20b-430d-9b36-1a6befd23b6c
| Property | Value |
| dependent_resources | [] |
| id | 12e2abc6-f20b-430d-9b36-1a6befd23b6c |
| name | volume2 |
| type | OS::Cinder::Volume |
#. Create a protection plan with a provider and resources::
karbor plan-create 'OS volumes protection plan.' 'cf56bd3e-97a7-4078-b6d5-f36246333fd9' 'd107b234-e16d-4e1e-800d-86523c693e5c'='OS::Cinder::Volume'='volume2','c468688b-dcb1-4bdf-b26b-62e989ac940e'='OS::Cinder::Volume'='volume1'
karbor plan-create 'OS volumes protection plan.' 'cf56bd3e-97a7-4078-b6d5-f36246333fd9' '12e2abc6-f20b-430d-9b36-1a6befd23b6c'='OS::Cinder::Volume'='volume2','700495ee-38e6-41a0-963f-f3f9a24c0f75'='OS::Cinder::Volume'='volume1'
| Property | Value |
| id | b5969bb9-c571-4538-b827-3746d11aa7a2 |
| description | None |
| id | ef8b83f3-d0c4-48ec-8949-5c72bbf14103 |
| name | OS volumes protection plan. |
| parameters | {u'user': {u'value': u'password'}} |
| parameters | {} |
| provider_id | cf56bd3e-97a7-4078-b6d5-f36246333fd9 |
| resources | [{u'type': u'OS::Cinder::Volume', u'id': u'd107b234-e16d-4e1e-800d-86523c693e5c', u'name': u'volume2'}, {u'type': u'OS::Cinder::Volume', u'id': u'c468688b-dcb1-4bdf-b26b-62e989ac940e', u'name': u'volume1'}] |
| resources | [ |
| | { |
| | "id": "12e2abc6-f20b-430d-9b36-1a6befd23b6c", |
| | "name": "volume2", |
| | "type": "OS::Cinder::Volume" |
| | }, |
| | { |
| | "id": "700495ee-38e6-41a0-963f-f3f9a24c0f75", |
| | "name": "volume1", |
| | "type": "OS::Cinder::Volume" |
| | } |
| | ] |
| status | suspended |
#. Execute a protect operation manually with a plan::
karbor checkpoint-create cf56bd3e-97a7-4078-b6d5-f36246333fd9 b5969bb9-c571-4538-b827-3746d11aa7a2
karbor checkpoint-create cf56bd3e-97a7-4078-b6d5-f36246333fd9 ef8b83f3-d0c4-48ec-8949-5c72bbf14103
| Property | Value |
| id | 503e12db-a815-4101-b526-6b687ba60080 |
| project_id | 8ea0fc3673794f1492b875d349400181 |
| protection_plan | {u'id': u'b5969bb9-c571-4538-b827-3746d11aa7a2', u'resources': [{u'type': u'OS::Cinder::Volume', u'id': u'd107b234-e16d-4e1e-800d-86523c693e5c', u'name': u'volume2'}, {u'type': u'OS::Cinder::Volume', u'id': u'c468688b-dcb1-4bdf-b26b-62e989ac940e', u'name': u'volume1'}], u'name': u'OS volumes protection plan.'} |
| provider_id | cf56bd3e-97a7-4078-b6d5-f36246333fd9 |
| created_at | None |
| id | 80f6154f-cc43-441f-8841-35ae23e17f4f |
| project_id | 31478a6f980d4e73a3bdac3ad04a3605 |
| protection_plan | { |
| | "id": "ef8b83f3-d0c4-48ec-8949-5c72bbf14103", |
| | "name": "OS volumes protection plan.", |
| | "resources": [ |
| | { |
| | "id": "12e2abc6-f20b-430d-9b36-1a6befd23b6c", |
| | "name": "volume2", |
| | "type": "OS::Cinder::Volume" |
| | }, |
| | { |
| | "id": "700495ee-38e6-41a0-963f-f3f9a24c0f75", |
| | "name": "volume1", |
| | "type": "OS::Cinder::Volume" |
| | } |
| | ] |
| | } |
| resource_graph | None |
| status | protecting |
# check the protect result
cinder backup-list
| ID | Volume ID | Status | Name | Size | Object Count | Container |
| 58811e5a-d65f-4d1e-8e3d-2e7f1b688c32 | c468688b-dcb1-4bdf-b26b-62e989ac940e | available | test_protect | 1 | 22 | volumebackups |
| de4bbdab-315b-40f3-b89a-25a23c387e04 | d107b234-e16d-4e1e-800d-86523c693e5c | available | test_protect | 1 | 22 | volumebackups |
karbor checkpoint-show cf56bd3e-97a7-4078-b6d5-f36246333fd9 503e12db-a815-4101-b526-6b687ba60080
#. Execute a protect operation automatically with a scheduler::
karbor trigger-create 'My Trigger' 'time' "pattern"="0 20 * * 2":"format"="crontab"
karbor scheduledoperation-create 'Protect with My Trigger' 'protect' <trigger_id> "plan_id"="b5969bb9-c571-4538-b827-3746d11aa7a2":"provider_id"="cf56bd3e-97a7-4078-b6d5-f36246333fd9"
| becf53cd-12f8-424d-9b08-54fbffe9495a | 700495ee-38e6-41a0-963f-f3f9a24c0f75 | available | - | 1 | 22 | volumebackups |
| c35317f4-df2a-4c7d-9f36-6495c563a5bf | 12e2abc6-f20b-430d-9b36-1a6befd23b6c | available | - | 1 | 22 | volumebackups |
karbor checkpoint-show cf56bd3e-97a7-4078-b6d5-f36246333fd9 80f6154f-cc43-441f-8841-35ae23e17f4f
| Property | Value |
| created_at | 2017-02-13 |
| id | 80f6154f-cc43-441f-8841-35ae23e17f4f |
| project_id | 31478a6f980d4e73a3bdac3ad04a3605 |
| protection_plan | { |
| | "id": "ef8b83f3-d0c4-48ec-8949-5c72bbf14103", |
| | "name": "OS volumes protection plan.", |
| | "provider_id": "cf56bd3e-97a7-4078-b6d5-f36246333fd9", |
| | "resources": [ |
| | { |
| | "id": "12e2abc6-f20b-430d-9b36-1a6befd23b6c", |
| | "name": "volume2", |
| | "type": "OS::Cinder::Volume" |
| | }, |
| | { |
| | "id": "700495ee-38e6-41a0-963f-f3f9a24c0f75", |
| | "name": "volume1", |
| | "type": "OS::Cinder::Volume" |
| | } |
| | ] |
| | } |
| resource_graph | [ |
| | { |
| | "0x0": [ |
| | "OS::Cinder::Volume", |
| | "700495ee-38e6-41a0-963f-f3f9a24c0f75", |
| | "volume1" |
| | ], |
| | "0x1": [ |
| | "OS::Cinder::Volume", |
| | "12e2abc6-f20b-430d-9b36-1a6befd23b6c", |
| | "volume2" |
| | ] |
| | }, |
| | [] |
| | ] |
| status | available |
#. Execute a restore operation manually with a checkpoint id::
karbor --debug restore-create cf56bd3e-97a7-4078-b6d5-f36246333fd9 2c14b9d6-529b-4308-bb17-7334eb351fd7 '' --parameters 'username'='admin' 'password'='123456'
karbor restore-create cf56bd3e-97a7-4078-b6d5-f36246333fd9 80f6154f-cc43-441f-8841-35ae23e17f4f
| Property | Value |
| checkpoint_id | 2c14b9d6-529b-4308-bb17-7334eb351fd7 |
| id | 34a3418d-444e-4271-922e-e2e2c3fe89ec |
| parameters | {u'username': u'admin', u'password': u'123456'} |
| project_id | 8ea0fc3673794f1492b875d349400181 |
| checkpoint_id | 80f6154f-cc43-441f-8841-35ae23e17f4f |
| id | f30cb640-594a-487b-9569-c26fd5861c95 |
| parameters | {} |
| project_id | 31478a6f980d4e73a3bdac3ad04a3605 |
| provider_id | cf56bd3e-97a7-4078-b6d5-f36246333fd9 |
| restore_target | |
| resources_reason | {} |
| resources_status | {} |
| restore_target | None |
| status | in_progress |
karbor restore-show f30cb640-594a-487b-9569-c26fd5861c95
| Property | Value |
| checkpoint_id | 80f6154f-cc43-441f-8841-35ae23e17f4f |
| id | f30cb640-594a-487b-9569-c26fd5861c95 |
| parameters | {} |
| project_id | 31478a6f980d4e73a3bdac3ad04a3605 |
| provider_id | cf56bd3e-97a7-4078-b6d5-f36246333fd9 |
| resources_reason | {} |
| resources_status | {u'OS::Cinder::Volume#2b6e0055-bec0-41f5-85fa-a830a3684fd9': u'available', u'OS::Cinder::Volume#6c77fd44-c76b-400e-8aa4-97bce241b690': u'available'} |
| restore_target | None |
| status | success |
cinder list
| ID | Status | Name | Size | Volume Type | Bootable | Attached to |
| c468688b-dcb1-4bdf-b26b-62e989ac940e | available | volume1 | 1 | lvmdriver-1 | false | |
| d107b234-e16d-4e1e-800d-86523c693e5c | available | volume2 | 1 | lvmdriver-1 | false | |
| e03c8369-0177-4b2f-87ba-8139dc1c5eaf | available | test_restore | 1 | lvmdriver-1 | false | |
| f208dacd-5a83-4b40-a22e-371c138bd97d | available | test_restore | 1 | lvmdriver-1 | false | |
| 12e2abc6-f20b-430d-9b36-1a6befd23b6c | available | volume2 | 1 | lvmdriver-1 | false | |
| 2b6e0055-bec0-41f5-85fa-a830a3684fd9 | available | 80f6154f-cc43-441f-8841-35ae23e17f4f@12e2abc6-f20b-430d-9b36-1a6befd23b6c | 1 | lvmdriver-1 | false | |
| 6c77fd44-c76b-400e-8aa4-97bce241b690 | available | 80f6154f-cc43-441f-8841-35ae23e17f4f@700495ee-38e6-41a0-963f-f3f9a24c0f75 | 1 | lvmdriver-1 | false | |
| 700495ee-38e6-41a0-963f-f3f9a24c0f75 | available | volume1 | 1 | lvmdriver-1 | false | |
#. Execute a delete operation manually with a checkpoint id::
cinder backup-list
| ID | Volume ID | Status | Name | Size | Object Count | Container |
| 58811e5a-d65f-4d1e-8e3d-2e7f1b688c32 | c468688b-dcb1-4bdf-b26b-62e989ac940e | available | test_protect | 1 | 22 | volumebackups |
| de4bbdab-315b-40f3-b89a-25a23c387e04 | d107b234-e16d-4e1e-800d-86523c693e5c | available | test_protect | 1 | 22 | volumebackups |
| becf53cd-12f8-424d-9b08-54fbffe9495a | 700495ee-38e6-41a0-963f-f3f9a24c0f75 | available | - | 1 | 22 | volumebackups |
| c35317f4-df2a-4c7d-9f36-6495c563a5bf | 12e2abc6-f20b-430d-9b36-1a6befd23b6c | available | - | 1 | 22 | volumebackups |
karbor checkpoint-delete cf56bd3e-97a7-4078-b6d5-f36246333fd9 2c14b9d6-529b-4308-bb17-7334eb351fd7
karbor checkpoint-delete cf56bd3e-97a7-4078-b6d5-f36246333fd9 80f6154f-cc43-441f-8841-35ae23e17f4f
cinder backup-list
| ID | Volume ID | Status | Name | Size | Object Count | Container |
#. Execute a protect operation automatically with a scheduler::
karbor trigger-create 'My Trigger' 'time' "pattern"="0 20 * * 2","format"="crontab"
| Property | Value |
| id | b25e2ac8-a7a0-4466-aafe-9363839cfa60 |
| name | My Trigger |
| properties | { |
| | "format": "crontab", |
| | "pattern": "0 20 * * 2", |
| | "start_time": "2017-02-13 02:04:31" |
| | } |
| type | time |
karbor scheduledoperation-create 'Protect with My Trigger' protect b25e2ac8-a7a0-4466-aafe-9363839cfa60 "plan_id"="ef8b83f3-d0c4-48ec-8949-5c72bbf14103","provider_id"="cf56bd3e-97a7-4078-b6d5-f36246333fd9"
| Property | Value |
| description | None |
| enabled | True |
| id | b3a1b864-31ef-4354-8b0a-1c7da2cf9a13 |
| name | Protect with My Trigger |
| operation_definition | { |
| | "plan_id": "ef8b83f3-d0c4-48ec-8949-5c72bbf14103", |
| | "provider_id": "cf56bd3e-97a7-4078-b6d5-f36246333fd9" |
| | } |
| operation_type | protect |
| trigger_id | b25e2ac8-a7a0-4466-aafe-9363839cfa60 |