.. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License. http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/legalcode .. raw:: html .. role:: red .. role:: green .. role:: yellow .. role:: indigo .. role:: purple .. role:: black ============================= Pluggable Protection Provider ============================= https://blueprints.launchpad.net/karbor/+spec/protection-plugin-is-design Protection Provider =================== Protection Provider is a user-facing, configurable, pluggable entity, that supplies the answer for the questions: "how to" and "where to". By composing different bank-store (responsible for the "where to") and different *Protection Plugins* (each responsible for the "how to"). The Protection Provider is configurable, both in the terms of bank and protection plugins composition, and in their configuration. The protection provider will contain internally, a map between any registered *Protectable* (OpenStack resource type) and a corresponding *Protection Plugin*, which is used for operations related to any appropriate resource. There are 3 resource operations a *Protection Provider* supports, and any *Protection Plugin* needs to implement. These operations usually act on numerous resources, and the *Protection Provider* infrastructure is responsible for using the corresponding *Protection Plugin* implementation, for each resource. The *Protection Provider* is responsible for initiating a DFS traverse of the resource graph, building tasks for each of the resources, and linking them in respect of the execution order and dependency. #. **Protect**: the protection provider will traverse the selected resources from the resource graph #. **Restore**: the protection provider will traverse the resource graph saved in the checkpoint #. **Delete**: the protection provider will traverse the resource graph saved in the checkpoint After the entire graph has been traversed, the Protection Provider will return the task flow which will be queued and then executed according to the executor's policy. When all the tasks are done the operation is considered complete. Protection Provider Configuration ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Protection Providers are loaded from configuration files, placed in the directory specified by the ``provider_config_dir`` configuration option (by default: ``/etc/karbor/providers.d``). Each provider configuration file must bear the ``.conf`` suffix and contain a ``[provider]`` section. This section specifies the following configuration: #. ``name``: the display name of the protection provider #. ``id``: unique identifier #. ``description``: textual description #. ``bank``: path to the bank plugin #. ``plugin``: path to a protection plugin. Should be specified multiple times for multiple protection plugins. Every *Protectable* **must** have a corresponding *Protection Plugin* to support it. Additionally, the provider configuration file can include other section (besides the ``[provider]`` section), to be used as configuration for each bank or protection plugin. For example:: [provider] name = Foo id = 2e0c8826-81d6-44f5-bbe5-8f46a98c5845 description = Example Protection Provider bank = karbor.protections.karbor-swift-bank-plugin plugin = karbor.protections.karbor-volume-protection-plugin plugin = karbor.protections.karbor-image-protection-plugin plugin = karbor.protections.karbor-server-protection-plugin plugin = karbor.protections.karbor-project-protection-plugin [swift_client] bank_swift_auth_url = bank_swift_user = admin bank_swift_key = password Protection Plugin ================= A *Protection Plugin* is a component responsible for the implementation of operations (protect, restore, delete) of one or more *Protectable* (i.e resource type). When writing a *Protection Plugin*, the following needs to be defined: #. Which resources does the protection plugin support #. What is the schema of parameters for each operation #. What is the schema of information the protection plugin stores in a Checkpoint #. The implementation of each operation Protection Plugin API & Workflow ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ *Protection Plugin* defines how to protect, restore, and delete resources. When performing an operation there might be a need for a ProtectionPlugin to perform actions on a resource before or after some operation was performed on a related resource. For example, before takin a spanshot of a volume you need to quiesce the VM and\or run any guest agent operation. Doing it after taking the checkpoint is useless. On the other hand, when copying a volume's data to different sites there is no need for other operations to wait on the copy. Finally, there might be a need to perform an operation marking a transaction as successful after everything related to a VM was protected. Looking at this we see there are 3 distinct phases for every protection. #. *Preparation Phase*: This phase for performing actions in relation to a resource's dependencies. It's called the "Preparation Phase" because it where a plugin should do all the preparation required for the next phase. Operation in this phase should be as short as possible since they are not parraralized as much as in the following phases. As an example, taking snapshots of all the volumes should happen in relation to the owning VMs and also happen in a narrower time frame. Copying those snapshots can happen later and is much more parallizable. #. *Main Phase*: This phase is for doing work that has no dependencies or time sensitivity. This will be mainly used for transferring the large amount of information generated in the backup to different sites. #. *Completion Phase*: This phase is for performing work once *all* the work, not just preparation, was completed on a resource and all of it's dependencies. This is a good place to attach resources (in case of restore) or close transactions. As a Protection Plugin developer you want to minimize the work needed to be done in the preparation and completion phases and do the bulk of the work in the main phase since will allow for the most efficient execution of the operation. It's important to note that a developer doesn't have to do any action during a phase. It's completely valid to only use the main or preparation phase. In fact, we think it's going to be very rare that a Protection Plugin will need to use all the phases. In order to specify the detailed flow of each operation, a *Protection Plugin* needs to implement numerous 'hooks'. These hooks, differ from one another by their time of execution in respect to other hooks, either of the same resource, or other resources. For *each* operation the pluggin can implement each of the hooks: #. **Preparation hooks**: as noted, preparation is for running tasks in relation to other resources in the graph. This is why two hooks exist, one for running before dependent resources' pereperation and one for after. #. **Prepare begin hook**: invoked before any hook of this resource and dependent resources has begun. For tasks that need to happen before any dependent resource's operations begin Hook method name: **on_prepare_begin** #. **Prepare finish hook**: invoked after any prepare hooks of dependent resources are complete. For tasks that finish the work began in *prepare begin hook*, for tasks that require that the dependent resource's prepare phase finished Hook method name: **on_prepare_finish** #. **Main hook**: invoked after the resource *prepare hooks* are complete. For tasks that do heavy lifting and can run in parallel to dependent or dependee resources *main hooks* Hook method name: **on_main** #. **Complete hook**: invoked once the resource's main hook is complete, and the dependent resources' *complete hooks* are complete For tasks that require that the dependent resource's operations are complete, and finalize the operation on the resource. Hook method name: **on_complete** For example: a Protection Plugin for Nova servers, might implement a protect operation by using *prepare begin hook* to quiesce the Server and/or contact a guest agent to complete transactions. A protection plugin for Cinder volumes can implement *prepare finish hook* to take a snapshot of the volume. The server's *prepare finish hook* unquiesces the server and/or contacts a guest agent. Both the server's and the volume's *main hook* do the heavy lifting of copying the data. Notes: * Unimplemented methods are practically no-op * Each such method receives as parameters: ``checkpoint``, ``context``, ``resource``, and ``parameters`` objects :: def prepare_finish(self, checkpoint, context, resource, parameters): ... .. figure:: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/openstack/karbor/master/doc/images/protection-service/hooks.png :alt: Protection Plugin Hooks :align: center Protection Plugin Hooks :green:`Green`: Child resource Prepare_begin depends on its parent resource Prepare_begin :indigo:`Indigo`: The resource Prepare_finish depends on the resource Prepare_begin :purple:`Purple`: Parent resource Prepare_finish depends on the child resource Prepare_finish :yellow:`Yellow`: The resource Main depends on the resource Prepare_finish :red:`Red`: The resource Complete depends on the resource Main :black:`Black`: Parent resource Complete depends on the child resource's Complete This scheme decouples the tree structure from the task execution. A plugin that handles multiple resources or that aggregates multiple resources to one task can use this mechanism to only return tasks when appropriate for it's scheme. References ========== 1. `Class Diagram Source `_ 2. `Dependency graph building algorithm `_