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# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
"""Utilities and helper functions."""
import ast
import contextlib
import os
import shutil
import six
import tempfile
import webob.exc
from croniter import croniter
from icalendar import Calendar
from keystoneclient import discover as ks_discover
from oslo_config import cfg
from oslo_log import log as logging
from oslo_serialization import jsonutils
from oslo_utils import importutils
from oslo_utils import strutils
from oslo_utils import timeutils
from karbor import exception
from karbor.i18n import _
from stevedore import driver
LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
def decode_calendar_pattern(pattern):
pattern_dict = jsonutils.loads('{"pattern": "%s"}' % pattern)
return pattern_dict["pattern"]
except Exception:
return pattern
def validate_calendar_time_format(pattern):
cal_obj = Calendar.from_ical(decode_calendar_pattern(pattern))
except Exception:
msg = (_("The trigger pattern(%s) is invalid") % pattern)
raise exception.InvalidInput(msg)
vevent = cal_obj.walk('VEVENT')[0]
except Exception:
msg = (_("The trigger pattern(%s) must include less than one "
"VEVENT component") % pattern)
raise exception.InvalidInput(msg)
except Exception:
msg = (_("The first VEVENT component of trigger pattern(%s) must "
"include less than one RRULE property") % pattern)
raise exception.InvalidInput(msg)
def validate_crontab_time_format(pattern):
if not pattern:
msg = (_("The trigger pattern is None"))
raise exception.InvalidInput(msg)
except Exception:
msg = (_("The trigger pattern(%s) is invalid") % pattern)
raise exception.InvalidInput(msg)
def find_config(config_path):
"""Find a configuration file using the given hint.
:param config_path: Full or relative path to the config.
:returns: Full path of the config, if it exists.
:raises karbor.exception.ConfigNotFound:
possible_locations = [
os.path.join("/var/lib/karbor", "etc", "karbor", config_path),
os.path.join("/var/lib/karbor", "etc", config_path),
os.path.join("/var/lib/karbor", config_path),
"/etc/karbor/%s" % config_path,
for path in possible_locations:
if os.path.exists(path):
return os.path.abspath(path)
raise exception.ConfigNotFound(path=os.path.abspath(config_path))
def service_is_up(service):
"""Check whether a service is up based on last heartbeat."""
last_heartbeat = service['updated_at'] or service['created_at']
elapsed = (timeutils.utcnow() - last_heartbeat).total_seconds()
return abs(elapsed) <= CONF.service_down_time
def remove_invalid_filter_options(context, filters,
"""Remove search options that are not valid for non-admin API/context."""
if context.is_admin:
# Allow all options
# Otherwise, strip out all unknown options
unknown_options = [opt for opt in filters
if opt not in allowed_search_options]
bad_options = ", ".join(unknown_options)
LOG.debug("Removing options '%s' from query.", bad_options)
for opt in unknown_options:
del filters[opt]
def check_filters(filters):
for k, v in filters.items():
filters[k] = ast.literal_eval(v)
except (ValueError, SyntaxError):
LOG.debug('Could not evaluate value %s, assuming string', v)
def is_valid_boolstr(val):
"""Check if the provided string is a valid bool string or not."""
val = str(val).lower()
return val in ('true', 'false', 'yes', 'no', 'y', 'n', '1', '0')
def get_bool_param(param_string, params):
param = params.get(param_string, False)
if not is_valid_boolstr(param):
msg = _('Value %(param)s for %(param_string)s is not a '
'boolean.') % {'param': param, 'param_string': param_string}
raise exception.InvalidParameterValue(err=msg)
return strutils.bool_from_string(param, strict=True)
def load_class(namespace, plugin_name):
LOG.debug('Start load plugin %s. ', plugin_name)
# Try to resolve plugin by name
mgr = driver.DriverManager(namespace, plugin_name)
return mgr.driver
except RuntimeError as e1:
# fallback to class name
return importutils.import_class(plugin_name)
except ImportError as e2:
LOG.error("Error loading plugin by name, %s", e1)
LOG.error("Error loading plugin by class, %s", e2)
raise ImportError(_("Class not found."))
def load_plugin(namespace, plugin_name, *args, **kwargs):
plugin_class = load_class(namespace, plugin_name)
return plugin_class(*args, **kwargs)
def get_auth_uri(v3=True):
# Look for the keystone auth_uri in the configuration. First we
# check the [clients_keystone] section, and if it is not set we
# look in [keystone_authtoken]
if cfg.CONF.clients_keystone.auth_uri:
discover = ks_discover.Discover(
return discover.url_for('3.0')
# Import auth_token to have keystone_authtoken settings setup.
auth_uri = cfg.CONF.keystone_authtoken.auth_uri
return auth_uri.replace('v2.0', 'v3') if auth_uri and v3 else auth_uri
def validate_integer(value, name, min_value=None, max_value=None):
"""Make sure that value is a valid integer, potentially within range.
:param value: the value of the integer
:param name: the name of the integer
:param min_length: the min_length of the integer
:param max_length: the max_length of the integer
:returns: integer
value = int(value)
except (TypeError, ValueError, UnicodeEncodeError):
raise webob.exc.HTTPBadRequest(explanation=(
_('%s must be an integer.') % name))
if min_value is not None and value < min_value:
raise webob.exc.HTTPBadRequest(
explanation=(_('%(value_name)s must be >= %(min_value)d') %
{'value_name': name, 'min_value': min_value}))
if max_value is not None and value > max_value:
raise webob.exc.HTTPBadRequest(
explanation=(_('%(value_name)s must be <= %(max_value)d') %
{'value_name': name, 'max_value': max_value}))
return value
def walk_class_hierarchy(clazz, encountered=None):
"""Walk class hierarchy, yielding most derived classes first."""
if not encountered:
encountered = []
for subclass in clazz.__subclasses__():
if subclass not in encountered:
# drill down to leaves first
for subsubclass in walk_class_hierarchy(subclass, encountered):
yield subsubclass
yield subclass
def tempdir(**kwargs):
tmpdir = tempfile.mkdtemp(**kwargs)
yield tmpdir
except OSError as e:
LOG.debug('Could not remove tmpdir: %s',
class DoNothing(str):
"""Class that literally does nothing.
We inherit from str in case it's called with json.dumps.
def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs):
return self
def __getattr__(self, name):
return self
DO_NOTHING = DoNothing()
def notifications_enabled(conf):
"""Check if oslo notifications are enabled."""
notifications_driver = set(conf.oslo_messaging_notifications.driver)
return notifications_driver and notifications_driver != {'noop'}