--- ############################################################################### # Grafana configuration. # Grafana local admin user name. If you are deploying Monasca Grafana this # should not conflict with an OpenStack user name. #grafana_local_admin_user_name: # Path to git repo containing Grafana dashboards. Eg. # https://github.com/stackhpc/grafana-reference-dashboards.git #grafana_monitoring_node_dashboard_repo: # Dashboard repo version. Optional, defaults to 'HEAD'. #grafana_monitoring_node_dashboard_repo_version: # Path to which Grafana dashboards will be cloned to a monitoring node #grafana_monitoring_node_dashboard_repo_checkout_path: # The path, relative to the grafana_monitoring_node_dashboard_repo_checkout_path # containing the dashboards. Eg. /prometheus/control_plane #grafana_monitoring_node_dashboard_repo_path: # The Grafana organisation for the control plane. Note that for Monasca # Grafana with domain support the format is: # organisation_name@openstack_domain #grafana_control_plane_organisation: # A dict of datasources to configure. See the stackhpc.grafana-conf role # for all supported datasources. Example: # # grafana_datasources: # monasca_api: # port: 8082 # host: monasca-api # monasca_log_api: # port: 5607 # host: monasca-log-api # elasticsearch: # port: 9200 # host: monasca-elasticsearch # project_id: "some_id" # #grafana_datasources: ############################################################################### # Dummy variable to allow Ansible to accept this file. workaround_ansible_issue_8743: yes