#!/bin/bash # Run ansible tests. Any arguments passed to this script will be passed onto # ansible-playbook. set -e failed=0 export ANSIBLE_ACTION_PLUGINS="kayobe/plugins/action:~/.ansible/plugins/action:/usr/share/ansible/plugins/action" for playbook in ansible/roles/*/tests/main.yml; do # We declare extra variables to install the {{ openstack_branch }} version # of kolla-ansible. We should use {{ kolla_ansible_source_version }}, but # adding ansible/group_vars/all/kolla would in turn require other # extra-vars files (like pip) and may cause unintended side effects. if ! ansible-playbook --connection=local $playbook $* -e @ansible/group_vars/all/openstack; then failed=$((failed + 1)) fi done if [[ $failed -ne 0 ]]; then echo "Failed $failed test cases" exit 1 fi