--- features: - | Kolla Ansible inventories in the Kayobe configuration are now passed through without modification. Previously, only ``group_vars`` were passed through. When using multiple environments, the Kolla inventory from the base configuration layer **and** the Kolla inventory from the Kayobe environment layer will be passed through. The inventory from the environment takes precedence over the inventory from the base layer. This allows you to put any shared configuration in the base layer. upgrade: - | As Kolla Ansible inventories are now passed through without modification, the inventory directory in Kayobe configuration (``etc/kayobe/kolla/inventory/``) must be a valid Ansible inventory, although ``*.j2`` files used as Kolla Ansible inventory templates are ignored. For cases where only ``group_vars`` or ``hosts_vars`` are required, a blank inventory file in the same directory may be used. - | It is no longer possible to create an environment named ``kayobe``. This is reserved for internal use.