--- # Build and install a overcloud host disk image for the seed host's ironic # service. - name: Ensure overcloud host disk image is built and installed hosts: seed tags: - overcloud-host-image-build vars: overcloud_host_image_name: "deployment_image" overcloud_host_disk_images: - "{{ overcloud_host_image_name }}.qcow2" overcloud_host_image_force_rebuild: False tasks: - block: - name: Ensure overcloud host disk image is built include_role: name: stackhpc.os-images vars: os_images_venv: "{{ virtualenv_path }}/overcloud-host-image-dib" os_images_package_state: latest os_images_upper_constraints_file: "{{ overcloud_dib_upper_constraints_file }}" os_images_cache: "{{ image_cache_path }}" os_images_common: "" os_images_list: - name: "{{ overcloud_host_image_name }}" elements: "{{ overcloud_dib_elements }}" env: "{{ overcloud_dib_env_vars }}" packages: "{{ overcloud_dib_packages }}" type: qcow2 os_images_upload: False os_images_force_rebuild: "{{ overcloud_host_image_force_rebuild }}" - name: Ensure overcloud host disk image is copied onto seed copy: src: "{{ image_cache_path }}/{{ overcloud_host_image_name }}/{{ item }}" dest: "/etc/kolla/bifrost/{{ item }}" remote_src: True with_items: "{{ overcloud_host_disk_images }}" become: True - name: Copy overcloud host disk image into /httpboot command: > docker exec bifrost_deploy bash -c 'ansible -vvvv target -i /bifrost/playbooks/inventory/target -m copy -a "src=/etc/bifrost/{{ item }} dest=/httpboot/{{ item }}" -e "ansible_python_interpreter=/var/lib/kolla/venv/bin/python"' with_items: "{{ overcloud_host_disk_images }}" when: overcloud_dib_build_host_images | bool