Since Ansible 2.5, the use of jinja tests as filters has been deprecated. I've run the script provided by the ansible team to 'fix' the jinja filters to conform to the newer syntax. This fixes the deprecation warnings. Change-Id: I775c849c944f82bdfc779c8c530346e7ebedbd2a
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153 lines
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# Use bifrost to inspect the overcloud nodes' hardware.
- name: Ensure the overcloud nodes' hardware is inspected
hosts: overcloud
- hardware-inspect
# Set to False to avoid waiting for the nodes to become active.
wait_inspected: True
wait_inspected_timeout: 600
wait_inspected_interval: 10
# List of states from which we can get to inspecting.
- enroll
- manageable
- available
- inspect failed
# List of valid states while a node is being inspected.
- inspecting
- inspect wait
# Retries to use when using Ironic API and hitting node locked errors.
ironic_retries: 6
ironic_retry_interval: 5
seed_host: "{{ groups['seed'][0] }}"
gather_facts: no
- name: Check the ironic node's initial provision state
command: >
docker exec bifrost_deploy
bash -c '
export OS_CLOUD=bifrost &&
ansible baremetal
--connection local
--inventory /etc/bifrost/inventory/
-e @/etc/bifrost/bifrost.yml
-e @/etc/bifrost/dib.yml
--limit {{ inventory_hostname }}
-m command
-a "openstack baremetal node show {% raw %}{{ inventory_hostname }}{% endraw %} -f value -c provision_state"'
register: show_result
changed_when: False
delegate_to: "{{ seed_host }}"
# NOTE: Without this, the seed's ansible_host variable will not be
# respected when using delegate_to.
ansible_host: "{{ hostvars[seed_host].ansible_host | default(seed_host) }}"
- name: Set a fact containing the ironic node's initial provision state
initial_provision_state: "{{ show_result.stdout_lines[1] }}"
- name: Fail if the ironic node is in an unexpected provision state
msg: >
Ironic node for {{ inventory_hostname }} is in an unexpected
initial provision state: {{ initial_provision_state }}. Expected
states are: {{ inspectable_states | join(',') }}.
when: initial_provision_state not in inspectable_states
- name: Ensure the ironic node is manageable
command: >
docker exec bifrost_deploy
bash -c '
export OS_CLOUD=bifrost &&
ansible baremetal -vvvv
--connection local
--inventory /etc/bifrost/inventory/
-e @/etc/bifrost/bifrost.yml
-e @/etc/bifrost/dib.yml
--limit {{ inventory_hostname }}
-m command
-a "openstack baremetal node manage {% raw %}{{ inventory_hostname }}{% endraw %}"'
register: manage_result
until: manage_result is successful or 'is locked by host' in manage_result.stdout
retries: "{{ ironic_retries }}"
delay: "{{ ironic_retry_interval }}"
when: initial_provision_state != 'manageable'
delegate_to: "{{ seed_host }}"
# NOTE: Without this, the seed's ansible_host variable will not be
# respected when using delegate_to.
ansible_host: "{{ hostvars[seed_host].ansible_host | default(seed_host) }}"
- name: Ensure the ironic node is inspected
command: >
docker exec bifrost_deploy
bash -c '
export OS_CLOUD=bifrost &&
ansible baremetal -vvvv
--connection local
--inventory /etc/bifrost/inventory/
-e @/etc/bifrost/bifrost.yml
-e @/etc/bifrost/dib.yml
--limit {{ inventory_hostname }}
-m command
-a "openstack baremetal node inspect {% raw %}{{ inventory_hostname }}{% endraw %}"'
register: provide_result
until: provide_result is successful or 'is locked by host' in provide_result.stdout
retries: "{{ ironic_retries }}"
delay: "{{ ironic_retry_interval }}"
delegate_to: "{{ seed_host }}"
# NOTE: Without this, the seed's ansible_host variable will not be
# respected when using delegate_to.
ansible_host: "{{ hostvars[seed_host].ansible_host | default(seed_host) }}"
- name: Wait for the ironic node to be inspected
command: >
docker exec bifrost_deploy
bash -c '
export OS_CLOUD=bifrost &&
ansible baremetal
--connection local
--inventory /etc/bifrost/inventory/
-e @/etc/bifrost/bifrost.yml
-e @/etc/bifrost/dib.yml
--limit {{ inventory_hostname }}
-m command
-a "openstack baremetal node show {% raw %}{{ inventory_hostname }}{% endraw %} -f value -c provision_state"'
register: show_result
# Wait until the node is no longer in one of the inspecting states.
until: not show_result.stdout_lines[1:] | intersect(inspecting_states)
retries: "{{ wait_inspected_timeout // wait_inspected_interval }}"
delay: "{{ wait_inspected_interval }}"
when: wait_inspected | bool
changed_when: False
delegate_to: "{{ seed_host }}"
# NOTE: Without this, the seed's ansible_host variable will not be
# respected when using delegate_to.
ansible_host: "{{ hostvars[seed_host].ansible_host | default(seed_host) }}"
- name: Set a fact containing the final provision state
final_provision_state: "{{ show_result.stdout_lines[1] }}"
when: wait_inspected | bool
- name: Fail if any of the nodes are not manageable
msg: >
Ironic node for {{ inventory_hostname }} is in an unexpected
provision state after inspecting. Ironic provision state:
{{ final_provision_state }}. Expected: manageable.
- wait_inspected | bool
- final_provision_state != 'manageable'