In some cases it may be desirable to run libvirt daemon on the host. For example, when mixing host and container OS distributions. This change makes it possible to disable the nova_libvirt container, by setting kolla_enable_nova_libvirt_container to false. The stackhpc.libvirt-host role is used in order to install and configure a libvirt daemon on compute hosts when kolla_enable_nova_libvirt_container is false. Depends-On: https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/kolla-ansible/+/825357 Depends-On: https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/kayobe-config-dev/+/829225 Depends-On: https://github.com/stackhpc/ansible-role-libvirt-host/pull/51 Story: 2009858 Task: 44495 Change-Id: I73fef63fb886a9d543d2f4231fb009523495edb3
254 lines
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254 lines
12 KiB
- name: Check whether Ironic is enabled
hosts: controllers
gather_facts: False
- config
- config-validation
- kolla-ansible
- kolla-openstack
- name: Create controllers group with ironic enabled
key: "controllers_with_ironic_enabled_{{ kolla_enable_ironic | bool }}"
changed_when: false
- name: Ensure locally built Ironic Python Agent images are copied
hosts: controllers_with_ironic_enabled_True[0]
gather_facts: False
- kolla-ansible
- kolla-openstack
# These are the filenames generated by overcloud-ipa-build.yml.
ipa_image_name: "ipa"
- "{{ ipa_image_name }}.kernel"
- "{{ ipa_image_name }}.initramfs"
- block:
- block:
- name: Check for the presence of locally built Ironic Python Agent (IPA) images
path: "{{ image_cache_path }}/{{ ipa_image_name }}/{{ item }}"
get_md5: False
get_checksum: False
mime: False
with_items: "{{ ipa_images }}"
register: ipa_image_stat
- name: Validate the presence of locally built Ironic Python Agent (IPA) images
msg: >
Expected locally built Ironic Python Agent (IPA) image
{{ item.item }} was not present in
{{ image_cache_path }}/{{ ipa_image_name }}.
with_items: "{{ ipa_image_stat.results }}"
when: not item.stat.exists
- config-validation
- name: Check whether the image cache directory exists
module: stat
path: "{{ hostvars.localhost.image_cache_path }}"
get_md5: False
get_checksum: False
mime: False
register: image_cache_stat
- name: Ensure the image cache directory exists
module: file
path: "{{ hostvars.localhost.image_cache_path }}"
state: directory
owner: "{{ lookup('env', 'USER') }}"
group: "{{ lookup('env', 'USER') }}"
become: True
when: >-
not image_cache_stat.stat.exists or
not image_cache_stat.stat.writeable
- name: Ensure Ironic Python Agent images are copied onto the local machine
src: "{{ image_cache_path }}/{{ ipa_image_name }}/{{ item.src }}"
dest: "{{ hostvars.localhost.image_cache_path }}/{{ ipa_image_name }}/{{ item.dest }}"
flat: True
- src: "{{ ipa_images[0] }}"
dest: "{{ ipa_images_kernel_name }}"
- src: "{{ ipa_images[1] }}"
dest: "{{ ipa_images_ramdisk_name }}"
- kolla_enable_ironic | bool
- ipa_build_images | bool
- config
- name: Ensure Kolla OpenStack components are configured
hosts: localhost
- kolla-ansible
- kolla-openstack
arista: netmiko_arista_eos
dellos9: netmiko_dell_force10
dell-powerconnect: netmiko_dell_powerconnect
junos: netmiko_juniper
openvswitch: netmiko_ovs_linux
ipa_image_name: "ipa"
- block:
- name: Check whether Kolla extra configuration files exist
path: "{{ kayobe_env_config_path }}/kolla/config/{{ item.file }}"
get_checksum: False
get_md5: False
mime: False
register: stat_result
- { name: aodh, file: aodh.conf }
- { name: barbican, file: barbican.conf }
- { name: blazar, file: blazar.conf }
- { name: ceilometer, file: ceilometer.conf }
- { name: cinder, file: cinder.conf }
- { name: cloudkitty, file: cloudkitty.conf }
- { name: designate, file: designate.conf }
- { name: glance, file: glance.conf }
- { name: global, file: global.conf }
- { name: gnocchi, file: gnocchi.conf }
- { name: grafana, file: grafana.ini }
- { name: heat, file: heat.conf }
- { name: inspector, file: ironic-inspector.conf }
- { name: ironic, file: ironic.conf }
- { name: kafka, file: kafka.server.properties }
- { name: keystone, file: keystone.conf }
- { name: magnum, file: magnum.conf }
- { name: manila, file: manila.conf }
- { name: mariabackup, file: backup.my.cnf }
- { name: mariadb, file: galera.cnf }
- { name: masakari, file: masakari.conf }
- { name: murano, file: murano.conf }
- { name: neutron, file: neutron.conf }
- { name: neutron_ml2, file: neutron/ml2_conf.ini }
- { name: nova, file: nova.conf }
- { name: octavia, file: octavia.conf }
- { name: placement, file: placement.conf }
- { name: sahara, file: sahara.conf }
- { name: zookeeper, file: zookeeper.cfg }
- name: Initialise a fact containing extra configuration
kolla_extra_config: {}
- name: Update a fact containing extra configuration
kolla_extra_config: "{{ kolla_extra_config | combine({item.item.name: lookup('template', '{{ item.stat.path }}')}) }}"
with_items: "{{ stat_result.results }}"
when: item.stat.exists
- name: Validate switch configuration for Neutron ML2 genericswitch driver
msg: >
Switch configuration for {{ item }} is invalid. The following
variables must be set for the host: switch_type, ansible_host,
ansible_user, ansible_ssh_pass. Further, switch_type must be one of
{{ switch_type_to_device_type.keys() | join(', ') }}.
with_items: "{{ kolla_neutron_ml2_generic_switch_hosts }}"
when: >
item not in hostvars or
'switch_type' not in hostvars[item] or
hostvars[item].switch_type not in switch_type_to_device_type or
'ansible_host' not in hostvars[item] or
'ansible_user' not in hostvars[item] or
'ansible_ssh_pass' not in hostvars[item]
- config-validation
- name: Update a fact containing switches for use by Neutron ML2 genericswitch driver
kolla_neutron_ml2_generic_switches: >
kolla_neutron_ml2_generic_switches +
'name': item,
'device_type': switch_type_to_device_type[hostvars[item].switch_type],
'ip': hostvars[item].ansible_host,
'username': hostvars[item].ansible_user,
'password': hostvars[item].ansible_ssh_pass,
'ngs_trunk_ports': (
hostvars[item].switch_interface_config |
switch_interface_config_select_description(kolla_neutron_ml2_generic_switch_trunk_port_hosts) |
switch_interface_config_select_trunk()).keys() | join(',')
} | combine(hostvars[item].kolla_neutron_ml2_generic_switch_extra) ]
with_items: "{{ kolla_neutron_ml2_generic_switch_hosts }}"
- block:
- name: Set facts containing IPA kernel and ramdisk URLs
kolla_inspector_ipa_kernel_upstream_url: "{{ inspector_ipa_kernel_upstream_url }}"
kolla_inspector_ipa_kernel_checksum_url: "{{ inspector_ipa_kernel_checksum_url }}"
kolla_inspector_ipa_kernel_checksum_algorithm: "{{ inspector_ipa_kernel_checksum_algorithm }}"
kolla_inspector_ipa_ramdisk_upstream_url: "{{ inspector_ipa_ramdisk_upstream_url }}"
kolla_inspector_ipa_ramdisk_checksum_url: "{{ inspector_ipa_ramdisk_checksum_url }}"
kolla_inspector_ipa_ramdisk_checksum_algorithm: "{{ inspector_ipa_ramdisk_checksum_algorithm }}"
when: not ipa_build_images | bool
- name: Set facts containing IPA kernel and ramdisk paths
kolla_inspector_ipa_kernel_path: "{{ image_cache_path }}/{{ ipa_image_name }}/{{ ipa_images_kernel_name }}"
kolla_inspector_ipa_ramdisk_path: "{{ image_cache_path }}/{{ ipa_image_name }}/{{ ipa_images_ramdisk_name }}"
when: ipa_build_images | bool
when: kolla_enable_ironic | bool
- config
- role: kolla-openstack
# Ironic inspector configuration.
kolla_inspector_processing_hooks: "{{ inspector_processing_hooks }}"
kolla_inspector_add_ports: "{{ inspector_add_ports }}"
kolla_inspector_keep_ports: "{{ inspector_keep_ports }}"
kolla_inspector_enable_discovery: "{{ inspector_enable_discovery }}"
kolla_inspector_discovery_enroll_node_driver: "{{ inspector_discovery_enroll_node_driver }}"
# Ironic inspector swift store configuration. Currently only supports the
# 'fake' inspection store.
kolla_inspector_enable_swift: "{{ inspector_store_enabled }}"
auth_type: none
endpoint_override: "http://{% raw %}{{ api_interface_address }}{% endraw %}:{{ inspector_store_port }}"
# Extra free-form user-provided configuration.
kolla_extra_aodh: "{{ kolla_extra_config.aodh | default }}"
kolla_extra_barbican: "{{ kolla_extra_config.barbican | default }}"
kolla_extra_blazar: "{{ kolla_extra_config.blazar | default }}"
kolla_extra_ceilometer: "{{ kolla_extra_config.ceilometer | default }}"
kolla_extra_cinder: "{{ kolla_extra_config.cinder | default }}"
kolla_extra_cloudkitty: "{{ kolla_extra_config.cloudkitty | default }}"
kolla_extra_designate: "{{ kolla_extra_config.designate | default }}"
kolla_extra_glance: "{{ kolla_extra_config.glance | default }}"
kolla_extra_global: "{{ kolla_extra_config.global | default }}"
kolla_extra_gnocchi: "{{ kolla_extra_config.gnocchi | default }}"
kolla_extra_grafana: "{{ kolla_extra_config.grafana | default }}"
kolla_extra_heat: "{{ kolla_extra_config.heat | default }}"
kolla_extra_inspector: "{{ kolla_extra_config.inspector | default }}"
kolla_extra_ironic: "{{ kolla_extra_config.ironic | default }}"
kolla_extra_kafka: "{{ kolla_extra_config.kafka | default }}"
kolla_extra_keystone: "{{ kolla_extra_config.keystone | default }}"
kolla_extra_magnum: "{{ kolla_extra_config.magnum | default }}"
kolla_extra_manila: "{{ kolla_extra_config.manila | default }}"
kolla_extra_mariabackup: "{{ kolla_extra_config.mariabackup | default }}"
kolla_extra_mariadb: "{{ kolla_extra_config.mariadb | default }}"
kolla_extra_masakari: "{{ kolla_extra_config.masakari | default }}"
kolla_extra_murano: "{{ kolla_extra_config.murano | default }}"
kolla_extra_neutron: "{{ kolla_extra_config.neutron | default }}"
kolla_extra_neutron_ml2: "{{ kolla_extra_config.neutron_ml2 | default }}"
kolla_extra_nova: "{{ kolla_extra_config.nova | default }}"
kolla_extra_octavia: "{{ kolla_extra_config.octavia | default }}"
kolla_extra_placement: "{{ kolla_extra_config.placement | default }}"
kolla_extra_sahara: "{{ kolla_extra_config.sahara | default }}"
kolla_extra_zookeeper: "{{ kolla_extra_config.zookeeper | default }}"
kolla_extra_config_path: "{{ kayobe_env_config_path }}/kolla/config"
kolla_libvirt_tls: "{{ compute_libvirt_enable_tls | bool }}"
kolla_nova_libvirt_certificates_src: "{{ kayobe_env_config_path }}/certificates/libvirt"