This bug was previously fixed but the fix did not cover all cases. This issue is still present if an IP address other than or the admin IP address (but not the internal API IP address, which is correct) is in /etc/hosts. For example, in CI we often see This change removes all entries from /etc/hosts for the host's current hostname, other than the internal API IP address. It also adds a call to rabbitmqctl status to verify that the change has worked. Related: We ought to improve the kolla ansible prechecks to catch the case when there is more than one IP address mapping for the host's current hostname. Change-Id: I2cb9928e04005c6961f3de7c571c9a06361c4f23 Story: 2003496 Task: 24773
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# For some currently unknown reason, overcloud hosts end up with multiple
# entries in /etc/hosts that map their own hostname to their admin
# network IP address, in addition to one that maps their own hostname to their
# internal network IP address. This causes RabbitMQ upgrades to fail, as
# RabbitMQ expects the system's hostname to resolve to the IP address on
# which it is listening. As a workaround, we remove the stale entries from
# /etc/hosts. See https://github.com/stackhpc/kayobe/issues/14.
- name: Ensure overcloud hosts' /etc/hosts does not contain incorrect IPs
hosts: overcloud
- etc-hosts-fixup
# Remove any entries from /etc/hosts that map the current hostname to an IP
# other than the host's IP on the internal API network.
- name: Ensure overcloud hosts' /etc/hosts does not contain incorrect IPs
dest: /etc/hosts
regexp: "^(?!{{ internal_net_name | net_ip | regex_escape }})[0-9]+\\.[0-9]+\\.[0-9]+\\.[0-9]+[ \t]*{{ ansible_hostname }}"
state: absent
# Ensure that the correct entry is present.
validate: "grep -E '^({{ internal_net_name | net_ip | regex_escape }}).*{{ ansible_hostname }}' %s"
become: True
- name: Ensure rabbitmq containers' /etc/hosts does not contain incorrect IPs
hosts: overcloud
- etc-hosts-fixup
- rabbitmq
- outward_rabbitmq
- name: Check whether rabbitmq container is running
command: docker inspect -f {{ '{{.Id}}' }} {{ item }}
changed_when: False
failed_when: False
with_items: "{{ rabbitmq_containers }}"
register: ps_result
- name: Copy /etc/hosts into rabbitmq containers
command: docker cp /etc/hosts {{ item.item }}:/tmp/hosts
with_items: "{{ ps_result.results }}"
when: item.rc == 0
changed_when: false
- name: Ensure rabbitmq containers' /etc/hosts does not contain incorrect IPs
command: >
docker exec -u root {{ item.item }}
bash -c
'if ! diff -q /tmp/hosts /etc/hosts >/dev/null; then
cp /tmp/hosts /etc/hosts &&
echo changed
fi &&
rm /tmp/hosts'
changed_when: "'changed' in sed_result.stdout"
with_items: "{{ ps_result.results }}"
when: item.rc == 0
register: sed_result
- name: Check that RabbitMQ client works
command: docker exec {{ item.item }} rabbitmqctl status
with_items: "{{ ps_result.results }}"
when: item.rc == 0
changed_when: false