Adds support for a '--disable-discovery' argument to the 'kayobe physical network configure' command. This can be used to configure the physical network after discovery of bare metal compute nodes is complete, to return the network to a normal state. The interface configuration to be applied is configured via 'switch_interface_config_disable_discovery'. Essentially, this is the mirror of the '--enable-discovery' argument. Change-Id: I40426a8fd22e51e8ea3350013a614dfbcf2afccf Story: 2004048 Task: 27054
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# Switch configuration depends on the type of switch, so groups hosts by their
# switch type and apply tasks/roles to the relevant groups.
- name: Group hosts by their switch type and apply configuration filters
hosts: switches
gather_facts: no
# Set this variable to True to configure the network for hardware
# discovery.
physical_network_enable_discovery: False
# Set this variable to True to deconfigure the network for hardware
# discovery.
physical_network_disable_discovery: False
# Set this variable to a comma-separated list of names of interfaces to
# configure in order to restrict configuration to a subset of interfaces.
physical_network_interface_limit: ''
# Set this variable to a comma-separated list of descriptions of interfaces
# to configure in order to restrict configuration to a subset of
# interfaces.
physical_network_interface_description_limit: ''
# Set this variable to True in order to display the candidate switch
# configuration and exit without applying it.
physical_network_display: False
# List of supported values for the 'switch_type' variable.
- dellos6
- dellos9
- dell-powerconnect
- junos
- mellanox
- openvswitch
- name: Fail if both interface name and description limits are specified
msg: >
The interface name and interface description limits are mutually
- physical_network_interface_limit != ''
- physical_network_interface_description_limit != ''
- name: Fail if the switch type is not defined
msg: >
The switch type is not defined or is unrecognised. Configure the type
of each host in the 'switches' group via the 'switch_type' variable.
when: switch_type is not defined or
switch_type not in supported_switch_types
- name: Group hosts by their switch type
key: "switches_of_type_{{ switch_type }}"
- name: Group hosts by whether display mode is set
key: "switches_in_display_mode_{{ physical_network_display | bool }}"
- name: Add discovery interface configuration when enabling discovery
switch_interface_config: >
{{ switch_interface_config | combine(switch_interface_config_enable_discovery) }}
when: physical_network_enable_discovery | bool
- name: Add discovery interface configuration when disabling discovery
switch_interface_config: >
{{ switch_interface_config | combine(switch_interface_config_disable_discovery) }}
when: physical_network_disable_discovery | bool
- name: Restrict switch interfaces to requested subset by name
switch_interface_config: >
{{ switch_interface_config |
switch_interface_config_select_name(physical_network_interface_limit.split(",")) }}
when: physical_network_interface_limit != ''
- name: Restrict switch interfaces to requested subset by description
switch_interface_config: >
{{ switch_interface_config |
switch_interface_config_select_description(physical_network_interface_description_limit.split(",")) }}
when: physical_network_interface_description_limit != ''
- name: Display switch configuration
hosts: switches_in_display_mode_True
gather_facts: no
- name: Display the candidate global switch configuration
var: switch_config
- name: Display the candidate switch interface configuration
var: switch_interface_config
- name: Ensure DellOS physical switches are configured
hosts: switches_of_type_dellos6:switches_of_type_dellos9:&switches_in_display_mode_False
gather_facts: no
- role: ssh-known-host
- role: dell-switch
dell_switch_type: "{{ switch_type }}"
dell_switch_provider: "{{ switch_dellos_provider }}"
dell_switch_config: "{{ switch_config }}"
dell_switch_interface_config: "{{ switch_interface_config }}"
- name: Ensure Dell PowerConnect physical switches are configured
hosts: switches_of_type_dell-powerconnect:&switches_in_display_mode_False
gather_facts: no
- role: ssh-known-host
- role: stackhpc.dell-powerconnect-switch
dell_powerconnect_switch_type: "{{ switch_type }}"
dell_powerconnect_switch_provider: "{{ switch_dell_powerconnect_provider }}"
dell_powerconnect_switch_config: "{{ switch_config }}"
dell_powerconnect_switch_interface_config: "{{ switch_interface_config }}"
- name: Ensure Juniper physical switches are configured
hosts: switches_of_type_junos:&switches_in_display_mode_False
gather_facts: no
- role: ssh-known-host
- role: junos-switch
junos_switch_type: "{{ switch_type }}"
junos_switch_provider: "{{ switch_junos_provider }}"
junos_switch_config_format: "{{ switch_junos_config_format }}"
junos_switch_config: "{{ switch_config }}"
junos_switch_interface_config: "{{ switch_interface_config }}"
- name: Ensure Mellanox physical switches are configured
hosts: switches_of_type_mellanox:&switches_in_display_mode_False
gather_facts: no
- role: ssh-known-host
- role: stackhpc.mellanox-switch
mellanox_switch_type: "{{ switch_type }}"
mellanox_switch_provider: "{{ switch_mellanox_provider }}"
mellanox_switch_config: "{{ switch_config }}"
mellanox_switch_interface_config: "{{ switch_interface_config }}"