
52 lines
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# Roughly follows kolla-ansible's service deployment patterns.
# Action to perform. One of 'deploy', 'destroy', 'pull', 'reconfigure',
# 'stop', 'upgrade'.
docker_registry_action: deploy
# Whether a docker registry is enabled.
docker_registry_enabled: true
# Dict of environment variables to provide to the docker registry container.
# This allows to configure the registry by overriding specific configuration
# options, as described at https://docs.docker.com/registry/configuration/
# For example, the registry can be configured as a pull through cache to Docker
# Hub by setting REGISTRY_PROXY_REMOTEURL to "https://registry-1.docker.io".
# Note that it is not possible to push to a registry configured as a
# pull through cache.
docker_registry_env: {}
# Service deployment definition.
container_name: docker_registry
env: "{{ docker_registry_env }}"
enabled: "{{ docker_registry_enabled }}"
image: "{{ docker_registry_image_full }}"
- "{{ docker_registry_port }}:5000"
- "/etc/localtime:/etc/localtime:ro"
- "{{ docker_registry_datadir_volume }}:/var/lib/registry"
# The port on which the docker registry server should listen.
docker_registry_port: 5000
# The name or path to use for the docker volume that backs the registry.
# Defaults to ``docker_registry``.
docker_registry_datadir_volume: docker_registry
# Docker
# NOTE: Namespace 'library' causes image task to always be changed and
# container to never update to new images.
docker_registry_namespace: ""
docker_registry_image: "{{ docker_registry_namespace ~ '/' if docker_registry_namespace else '' }}registry"
docker_registry_tag: "latest"
docker_registry_image_full: "{{ docker_registry_image }}:{{ docker_registry_tag }}"
docker_registry_restart_policy: "unless-stopped"