Requirements upper constraints bumped python-novaclient to version 18.0.0 [1], which requires Python 3.8 [2]. This results in failures when installing python-openstackclient on CentOS and Rocky with Python 3.6. ERROR: Cannot install python-openstackclient==5.8.0 because these package versions have conflicting dependencies. The conflict is caused by: python-openstackclient 5.8.0 depends on python-novaclient>=17.0.0 The user requested (constraint) python-novaclient===18.0.0 Work around this issue by using yoga upper constraints until we upgrade to CentOS Stream 9 and Rocky Linux 9. This also fixes another issue seen on Ubuntu where image uploads to Glance through Ansible fail with a 400 Bad Request error. This is caused by the bump of openstacksdk to version 0.99.0 and will be fixed by a new release of ansible-collections-openstack. [1] https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/requirements/+/842808 [2] https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/python-novaclient/+/838944 Change-Id: I40c6b898963c2218d41d37bd73d40ce8dcf22b87
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# This file holds the config given to Tenks when running `tenks-deploy.sh`. It
# assumes the existence of the bridge `breth1`.
memory_mb: 1024
vcpus: 1
# There is a minimum disk space capacity requirement of 4GiB when using Ironic Python Agent:
# https://github.com/openstack/ironic-python-agent/blob/master/ironic_python_agent/utils.py#L290
- capacity: 4GiB
- physnet1
console_log_enabled: true
# We seem to hit issues with missing cpu features in CI as a result of using host-model, e.g:
# https://zuul.opendev.org/t/openstack/build/02c33ab51664419a88a5a54ad22852a9/log/primary/system_logs/libvirt/qemu/tk0.txt.gz#38
- type: type0
count: 2
resource_class: test-rc
network_interface: flat
- resource_class: test-rc
node_type: type0
physnet1: breth1
deploy_kernel: ipa.kernel
deploy_ramdisk: ipa.initramfs
default_boot_mode: "bios"
# Use the libvirt daemon deployed by Kayobe. Tenks will install libvirt client
# packages.
libvirt_host_install_daemon: false
# Configure AppArmor for the pool on Ubuntu.
libvirt_host_configure_apparmor: true
# Nested virtualisation is not working well in CI currently. Force the use of
libvirt_vm_engine: "qemu"
# QEMU may not be installed on the host, so set the path and avoid
# autodetection.
libvirt_vm_emulator: "{% if ansible_facts.os_family == 'RedHat' %}/usr/libexec/qemu-kvm{% else %}/usr/bin/qemu-system-x86_64{% endif %}"
# Specify a log path in the kolla_logs Docker volume. It is accessible on the
# host at the same path.
libvirt_vm_default_console_log_dir: "/var/log/kolla/tenks"
python_upper_constraints_url: "https://releases.openstack.org/constraints/upper/yoga"