Doug Szumski 89560dd65f Remove extra configuration for InfluxDB
InfluxDB config file merging isn't supported in Kolla-Ansible because
it uses 'nested sections' which aren't supported by merge_configs. If
no override file is specified, Kayobe will write out an empty config
file which will then be used as the InfluxDB config file, breaking
InfluxDB. To prevent that happening this change removes the extra
config in Kayobe. It also fixes the directory to which the 'glob'
collected config is copied to, as Kolla-Ansible doesn't look for
Influxdb config files in the influxdb folder.

Change-Id: Iee4b7987934045f0355b4a87cebaebc1aa2bbe77
Story: 2003951
Task: 26868
2018-10-03 13:59:31 +01:00
config.yml Remove extra configuration for InfluxDB 2018-10-03 13:59:31 +01:00
main.yml Add tags for kolla, kolla-openstack and kolla-bifrost roles 2017-03-15 10:19:42 +00:00