Prior to this change, the seed VM was provisioned using the stackhpc.livirt-vm role with become=true. This resulted in the cached image being owned by root. The infra VM provisioning uses stackhpc.libvirt-vm without become=true. If an infra VM uses the same image as the seed, this can lead to permission denied errors when downloading a new image of the same name. This change adds a workaround to fix up the ownership of the cached image during infra VM provisioning to avoid this issue. This change also drops become=true from stackhpc.libvirt-vm during seed VM provisioning, and adds the same workaround there. Story: 2009277 Task: 43534 Change-Id: Iade0d74cdb398365a567dbdc4b23de2416f3726d
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- name: Ensure that the seed VM configdrive exists
hosts: seed-hypervisor
seed_host: "{{ groups['seed'][0] }}"
- name: Verify the seed host exists in the Ansible inventory
msg: >
There should be exactly one host in the seed group. There are
currently {{ groups['seed'] | length }}.
when: groups['seed'] | length != 1
# NOTE(priteau): On seed hypervisors running CentOS 8, the configdrive role
# will fail to install coreutils if coreutils-single is already present.
# Until the role handles it, install it using the --allowerasing option
# which will remove coreutils-single.
- name: Ensure coreutils package is installed
command: "dnf install coreutils -y --allowerasing"
become: True
- ansible_facts.os_family == 'RedHat'
- name: Ensure the image cache directory exists
path: "{{ image_cache_path }}"
state: directory
owner: "{{ ansible_facts.user_uid }}"
group: "{{ ansible_facts.user_gid }}"
become: True
# NOTE(mgoddard): Prior to the Xena release, the seed VM was provisioned
# using the stackhpc.livirt-vm role with become=true. This resulted in the
# cached image being owned by root. Since Xena, we execute the role without
# become=true. Correct the image ownership to avoid a permission denied
# error when downloading a new image of the same name.
- name: Stat image files
path: "{{ image_cache_path }}/{{ item.image | basename }}"
with_items: "{{ hostvars[seed_host].seed_vm_volumes | selectattr('image', 'defined') }}"
register: image_stat_result
- name: Fix image ownership
path: "{{ image_cache_path }}/{{ item.item.image | basename }}"
owner: "{{ ansible_facts.user_uid }}"
group: "{{ ansible_facts.user_gid }}"
with_items: "{{ image_stat_result.results }}"
when: item.stat.exists
become: true
- role: jriguera.configdrive
# For now assume the VM OS family is the same as the hypervisor's.
configdrive_os_family: "{{ ansible_facts.os_family }}"
configdrive_uuid: "{{ seed_host | to_uuid }}"
configdrive_fqdn: "{{ seed_host }}"
configdrive_name: "{{ seed_host }}"
configdrive_ssh_public_key: "{{ lookup('file', ssh_public_key_path) }}"
configdrive_config_dir: "{{ image_cache_path }}"
configdrive_volume_path: "{{ image_cache_path }}"
configdrive_config_dir_delete: True
domain: "{{ hostvars[seed_host].resolv_domain | default }}"
search: "{{ hostvars[seed_host].resolv_search | default }}"
dns: "{{ hostvars[seed_host].resolv_nameservers | default([]) }}"
configdrive_network_device_list: >
{{ hostvars[seed_host].network_interfaces |
map('net_configdrive_network_device', seed_host) |
list }}
- name: Set a fact containing the configdrive image path
seed_vm_configdrive_path: "{{ image_cache_path }}/{{ seed_host }}.iso"
- name: Ensure configdrive is decoded and decompressed
shell: >
base64 -d {{ image_cache_path }}/{{ seed_host | to_uuid }}.gz
| gunzip
> {{ seed_vm_configdrive_path }}
- name: Ensure unnecessary files are removed
path: "{{ item }}"
state: absent
- "{{ image_cache_path }}/{{ seed_host | to_uuid }}.gz"
- name: Ensure that the seed VM is provisioned
hosts: seed-hypervisor
seed_host: "{{ groups['seed'][0] }}"
- name: Check the size of the configdrive image
path: "{{ seed_vm_configdrive_path }}"
get_checksum: False
get_md5: False
mime: False
register: stat_result
- role: stackhpc.libvirt-vm
seed_vm_configdrive_device: cdrom
name: "{{ hostvars[seed_host].seed_vm_name }}-configdrive"
pool: "{{ hostvars[seed_host].seed_vm_pool }}"
# Round size up to next multiple of 4096.
capacity: "{{ (stat_result.stat.size + 4095) // 4096 * 4096 }}"
device: "{{ seed_vm_configdrive_device }}"
format: "raw"
image: "{{ seed_vm_configdrive_path }}"
libvirt_vm_image_cache_path: "{{ image_cache_path }}"
- name: "{{ hostvars[seed_host].seed_vm_name }}"
memory_mb: "{{ hostvars[seed_host].seed_vm_memory_mb }}"
vcpus: "{{ hostvars[seed_host].seed_vm_vcpus }}"
volumes: "{{ hostvars[seed_host].seed_vm_volumes + [seed_vm_configdrive_volume] }}"
interfaces: "{{ hostvars[seed_host].seed_vm_interfaces }}"
console_log_enabled: true
- name: Wait for SSH access to the seed VM
module: wait_for
host: "{{ hostvars[seed_host].ansible_host }}"
port: 22
state: started
# NOTE: Ensure we exceed the 5 minute DHCP timeout of the eth0
# interface if necessary.
timeout: 360