When configuring Docker we need to kill persistent SSH connections to refresh the membership of the docker group for the stack user. Currently we are using a fairly heavy handed method of removing all ControlPersist sockets because the Ansible reset_connection meta module previously did not work [1]. This issue is fixed since Ansible 2.5.6. This change switches to the reset_connection meta module, which now works as expected. [1] https://github.com/ansible/ansible/issues/27520 Change-Id: Id4d951e447720e1d769491c0d34ad83099c030eb
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- name: Set a fact about the virtualenv on the remote system
virtualenv: "{{ ansible_python_interpreter | dirname | dirname }}"
- ansible_python_interpreter is defined
- not ansible_python_interpreter.startswith('/bin/')
- not ansible_python_interpreter.startswith('/usr/bin/')
- name: Ensure docker SDK for python is installed
name: docker
state: latest
extra_args: "{% if docker_upper_constraints_file %}-c {{ docker_upper_constraints_file }}{% endif %}"
virtualenv: "{{ virtualenv is defined | ternary(virtualenv, omit) }}"
become: "{{ virtualenv is not defined }}"
- name: Ensure user is in the docker group
name: "{{ ansible_user_id }}"
groups: docker
append: yes
register: group_result
become: True
# After adding the user to the docker group, we need to log out and in again to
# pick up the group membership. We do this by resetting the SSH connection.
- name: Reset connection to activate new group membership
meta: reset_connection
when: group_result is changed
- name: Ensure Docker daemon is started
name: docker
state: started
become: True
- name: Ensure the path for CA file for private registry exists
path: "/etc/docker/certs.d/{{ docker_registry }}"
state: directory
become: True
when: docker_registry is not none and docker_registry_ca is not none
- name: Ensure the CA file for private registry exists
src: "{{ docker_registry_ca }}"
dest: "/etc/docker/certs.d/{{ docker_registry }}/ca.crt"
become: True
when: docker_registry is not none and docker_registry_ca is not none
notify: reload docker service