Only validate tokens once per request

Keystone actually validates each token twice for every API request.
Regardless of caching being configured, we have an opportunity to try
and spend less time doing something we've already done.

The first the token is validated is actually done through a
keystonemiddleware hook. The second time is to populate a context
object that we can use for things like policy decisions.

Closes-Bug: 1819036
Change-Id: Ifd7f6f0a1dcd33ad17646cae383132cfc2462f03
This commit is contained in:
Lance Bragstad 2019-03-06 22:17:15 +00:00
parent 6e4d06861e
commit 112fa29a74
3 changed files with 41 additions and 7 deletions

View File

@ -237,11 +237,12 @@ class AuthContextMiddleware(provider_api.ProviderAPIMixin,
def __init__(self, app):
super(AuthContextMiddleware, self).__init__(app, log=LOG)
self.token = None
def fetch_token(self, token, **kwargs):
token_model = self.token_provider_api.validate_token(token)
return render_token.render_token_response_from_model(token_model)
self.token = self.token_provider_api.validate_token(token)
return render_token.render_token_response_from_model(self.token)
except exception.TokenNotFound:
raise auth_token.InvalidToken(_('Could not find token'))
@ -416,10 +417,11 @@ class AuthContextMiddleware(provider_api.ProviderAPIMixin,
elif request.token_auth.has_user_token:
# Keystone enforces policy on some values that other services
# do not, and should not, use. This adds them in to the context.
token = PROVIDERS.token_provider_api.validate_token(
self._keystone_specific_values(token, request_context)
if not self.token:
self.token = PROVIDERS.token_provider_api.validate_token(
self._keystone_specific_values(self.token, request_context)
request_context.auth_token = request.user_token
auth_context = request_context.to_policy_values()
additional = {
@ -429,7 +431,7 @@ class AuthContextMiddleware(provider_api.ProviderAPIMixin,
'domain_id': request_context._domain_id,
'domain_name': request_context.domain_name,
'group_ids': request_context.group_ids,
'token': token
'token': self.token

View File

@ -17,9 +17,11 @@ import hashlib
import uuid
import fixtures
import mock
from six.moves import http_client
import webtest
from keystone.auth import core as auth_core
from keystone.common import authorization
from keystone.common import context as keystone_context
from keystone.common import provider_api
@ -730,3 +732,24 @@ class AuthContextMiddlewareTest(test_backend_sql.SqlTests,
headers = {authorization.AUTH_TOKEN_HEADER: 'NOT-ADMIN'}
self.assertIn('Invalid user token', log_fix.output)
def test_token_is_cached(self):
# Make sure we only call PROVIDERS.token_provider_api.validate_token()
# once while in middleware so that we're mindful of performance
context = auth_core.AuthContext(
user_id=self.user['id'], methods=['password']
token = PROVIDERS.token_provider_api.issue_token(
context['user_id'], context['methods'], project_id=self.project_id,
headers = {
with mock.patch.object(PROVIDERS.token_provider_api,
return_value=token) as token_mock:
path='/v3/projects', method='get', headers=headers

View File

@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
- |
[`bug 1819036 <>`_]
Middleware that processes requests in front of keystone now caches tokens
per request, eliminating unnecessary round trips to validate tokens on
every request. This change doesn't require the usage of any configuration
options to take effect. The fix for this bug improved performance ~20% during
testing and impacts most of keystone's API.