remove copy&paste ware from nova_auth_token and use auth_token middleware

This commit is contained in:
Jesse Andrews 2011-05-24 01:18:07 -07:00
parent b49dfce060
commit 169707ab15
2 changed files with 6 additions and 298 deletions

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@ -93,7 +93,7 @@ auth_protocol = http
admin_token = 999888777666
paste.filter_factory = keystone.auth_protocols.nova_auth_token:KeystoneAuthShim.factory
paste.filter_factory = keystone.auth_protocols.auth_token:KeystoneAuthShim.factory
paste.filter_factory = nova.api.openstack.limits:RateLimitingMiddleware.factory

View File

@ -18,296 +18,25 @@
# Not Yet PEP8 standardized
# FIXME(ja): fix "copy & paste ware"!
# determine how to integrate nova, dash, keystone
This WSGI component performs multiple jobs:
- it verifies that incoming client requests have valid tokens by verifying
tokens with the auth service.
- it will reject unauthenticated requests UNLESS it is in 'delay_auth_decision'
mode, which means the final decision is delegated to the downstream WSGI
component (usually the OpenStack service)
- it will collect and forward identity information from a valid token
such as user name, groups, etc...
Refer to:
Headers starting with HTTP_ is a standard http header
Headers starting with HTTP_X is an extended http header
> Coming in from initial call from client or customer
HTTP_X_AUTH_TOKEN : the client token being passed in
HTTP_X_STORAGE_TOKEN: the client token being passed in (legacy Rackspace use)
to support cloud files
> Used for communication between components
www-authenticate : only used if this component is being used remotely
HTTP_AUTHORIZATION : basic auth password used to validate the connection
> What we add to the request for use by the OpenStack service
HTTP_X_AUTHORIZATION: the client identity being passed in
This WSGI component allows keystone act as an identity service for nova by
lazy provisioning nova projects/users as authenticated by auth_token.
Use by applying after auth_token in the nova paste config.
Example: docs/nova-api-paste.ini
import eventlet
import httplib
import json
from nova import auth
from nova import context
from nova import flags
from nova import utils
from nova import wsgi
import os
from paste.deploy import loadapp
import sys
from urlparse import urlparse
import webob.exc
import webob.dec
from webob.exc import HTTPUnauthorized, HTTPUseProxy
from webob.exc import Request, Response
from keystone.common.bufferedhttp import http_connect_raw as http_connect
PROTOCOL_NAME = "Token Authentication"
class AuthProtocol(object):
"""Auth Middleware that handles authenticating client calls"""
def _init_protocol_common(self, app, conf):
""" Common initialization code"""
print "Starting the %s component" % PROTOCOL_NAME
self.conf = conf = app
#if app is set, then we are in a WSGI pipeline and requests get passed
# on to app. If it is not set, this component should forward requests
# where to find the OpenStack service (if not in local WSGI chain)
# these settings are only used if this component is acting as a proxy
# and the OpenSTack service is running remotely
self.service_protocol = conf.get('service_protocol', 'https')
self.service_host = conf.get('service_host')
self.service_port = int(conf.get('service_port'))
self.service_url = '%s://%s:%s' % (self.service_protocol,
# used to verify this component with the OpenStack service or PAPIAuth
self.service_pass = conf.get('service_pass')
# delay_auth_decision means we still allow unauthenticated requests
# through and we let the downstream service make the final decision
self.delay_auth_decision = int(conf.get('delay_auth_decision', 0))
def _init_protocol(self, app, conf):
""" Protocol specific initialization """
# where to find the auth service (we use this to validate tokens)
self.auth_host = conf.get('auth_host')
self.auth_port = int(conf.get('auth_port'))
self.auth_protocol = conf.get('auth_protocol', 'https')
self.auth_location = "%s://%s:%s" % (self.auth_protocol,
# Credentials used to verify this component with the Auth service since
# validating tokens is a priviledged call
self.admin_token = conf.get('admin_token')
def __init__(self, app, conf):
""" Common initialization code """
#TODO(ziad): maybe we rafactor this into a superclass
self._init_protocol_common(app, conf) # Applies to all protocols
self._init_protocol(app, conf) # Specific to this protocol
def __call__(self, env, start_response):
""" Handle incoming request. Authenticate. And send downstream. """
self.start_response = start_response
self.env = env
#Prep headers to forward request to local or remote downstream service
self.proxy_headers = env.copy()
for header in self.proxy_headers.iterkeys():
if header[0:5] == 'HTTP_':
self.proxy_headers[header[5:]] = self.proxy_headers[header]
del self.proxy_headers[header]
#Look for authentication claims = self._get_claims(env)
if not
#No claim(s) provided
if self.delay_auth_decision:
#Configured to allow downstream service to make final decision.
#So mark status as Invalid and forward the request downstream
self._decorate_request("X_IDENTITY_STATUS", "Invalid")
#Respond to client as appropriate for this auth protocol
return self._reject_request()
# this request is presenting claims. Let's validate them
valid = self._validate_claims(
if not valid:
# Keystone rejected claim
if self.delay_auth_decision:
# Downstream service will receive call still and decide
self._decorate_request("X_IDENTITY_STATUS", "Invalid")
#Respond to client as appropriate for this auth protocol
return self._reject_claims()
self._decorate_request("X_IDENTITY_STATUS", "Confirmed")
#Collect information about valid claims
if valid:
claims = self._expound_claims()
if claims:
# TODO(Ziad): add additional details we may need,
# like tenant and group info
self.expanded = True
#Send request downstream
return self._forward_request()
def get_admin_auth_token(self, username, password, tenant):
This function gets an admin auth token to be used by this service to
validate a user's token. Validate_token is a priviledged call so
it needs to be authenticated by a service that is calling it
headers = {"Content-type": "application/json", "Accept": "text/json"}
params = {"passwordCredentials": {"username": username,
"password": password,
"tenantId": "1"}}
conn = httplib.HTTPConnection("%s:%s" \
% (self.auth_host, self.auth_port))
conn.request("POST", "/v2.0/token", json.dumps(params), \
response = conn.getresponse()
data =
return data
def _get_claims(self, env):
claims = env.get('HTTP_X_AUTH_TOKEN', env.get('HTTP_X_STORAGE_TOKEN'))
return claims
def _reject_request(self):
# Redirect client to auth server
return HTTPUseProxy(location=self.auth_location)(self.env,
def _reject_claims(self):
# Client sent bad claims
return HTTPUnauthorized()(self.env,
def _validate_claims(self, claims):
"""Validate claims, and provide identity information isf applicable """
# Step 1: We need to auth with the keystone service, so get an
# admin token
#TODO(ziad): Need to properly implement this, where to store creds
# for now using token from ini
#auth = self.get_admin_auth_token("admin", "secrete", "1")
#admin_token = json.loads(auth)["auth"]["token"]["id"]
# Step 2: validate the user's token with the auth service
# since this is a priviledged op,m we need to auth ourselves
# by using an admin token
headers = {"Content-type": "application/json",
"Accept": "text/json",
"X-Auth-Token": self.admin_token}
##TODO(ziad):we need to figure out how to auth to keystone
#since validate_token is a priviledged call
#Khaled's version uses creds to get a token
# "X-Auth-Token": admin_token}
# we're using a test token from the ini file for now
conn = http_connect(self.auth_host, self.auth_port, 'GET',
'/v2.0/token/%s' % claims, headers=headers)
resp = conn.getresponse()
data =
if not str(resp.status).startswith('20'):
# Keystone rejected claim
return False
#TODO(Ziad): there is an optimization we can do here. We have just
#received data from Keystone that we can use instead of making
#another call in _expound_claims
return True
def _expound_claims(self):
# Valid token. Get user data and put it in to the call
# so the downstream service can use it
headers = {"Content-type": "application/json",
"Accept": "text/json",
"X-Auth-Token": self.admin_token}
##TODO(ziad):we need to figure out how to auth to keystone
#since validate_token is a priviledged call
#Khaled's version uses creds to get a token
# "X-Auth-Token": admin_token}
# we're using a test token from the ini file for now
conn = http_connect(self.auth_host, self.auth_port, 'GET',
'/v2.0/token/%s' %, headers=headers)
resp = conn.getresponse()
data =
if not str(resp.status).startswith('20'):
raise LookupError('Unable to locate claims: %s' % resp.status)
token_info = json.loads(data)
#TODO(Ziad): make this more robust
verified_claims = {'user': token_info['auth']['user']['username'],
'tenant': token_info['auth']['user']['tenantId'],
'group': 'hack'}
return verified_claims
def _decorate_request(self, index, value):
self.proxy_headers[index] = value
self.env["HTTP_%s" % index] = value
def _forward_request(self):
#Token/Auth processed & claims added to headers
"Basic %s" % self.service_pass)
#now decide how to pass on the call
# Pass to downstream WSGI component
return, self.start_response)
# We are forwarding to a remote service (no downstream WSGI app)
req = Request(self.proxy_headers)
parsed = urlparse(req.url)
conn = http_connect(self.service_host,
ssl=(self.service_protocol == 'https'))
resp = conn.getresponse()
data =
#TODO(ziad): use a more sophisticated proxy
# we are rewriting the headers now
return Response(status=resp.status, body=data)(self.proxy_headers,
class KeystoneAuthShim(wsgi.Middleware):
"""Lazy provisioning nova project/users from keystone tenant/user"""
@ -339,24 +68,3 @@ class KeystoneAuthShim(wsgi.Middleware):
req.environ['nova.context'] = context.RequestContext(user_ref, project_ref)
return self.application
def filter_factory(global_conf, **local_conf):
"""Returns a WSGI filter app for use with paste.deploy."""
conf = global_conf.copy()
def auth_filter(app):
return AuthProtocol(app, conf)
return auth_filter
def app_factory(global_conf, **local_conf):
conf = global_conf.copy()
return AuthProtocol(None, conf)
if __name__ == "__main__":
app = loadapp("config:" + \
"auth_token.ini"), global_conf={"log_name": "auth_token.log"})
wsgi.server(eventlet.listen(('', 8090)), app)