Correct bashate issues in

There were some warnings for lines too long.

Change-Id: I01796e4ff6cacbbdf57a0b1a8cc34101f8fdc0f8
This commit is contained in:
Brant Knudson 2015-10-20 10:39:29 -05:00
parent 831ff5cbbf
commit 3aec6f6734
1 changed files with 18 additions and 6 deletions

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@ -157,14 +157,16 @@ function check_error {
function generate_ca {
echo 'Generating New CA Certificate ...'
openssl req -x509 -newkey rsa:2048 -days 21360 -out $CERTS_DIR/cacert.pem -keyout $PRIVATE_DIR/cakey.pem -outform PEM -config ca.conf -nodes
openssl req -x509 -newkey rsa:2048 -days 21360 -out $CERTS_DIR/cacert.pem \
-keyout $PRIVATE_DIR/cakey.pem -outform PEM -config ca.conf -nodes
check_error $?
function ssl_cert_req {
echo 'Generating SSL Certificate Request ...'
openssl req -newkey rsa:2048 -keyout $PRIVATE_DIR/ssl_key.pem -keyform PEM -out ssl_req.pem -outform PEM -config ssl_req.conf -nodes
openssl req -newkey rsa:2048 -keyout $PRIVATE_DIR/ssl_key.pem \
-keyform PEM -out ssl_req.pem -outform PEM -config ssl_req.conf -nodes
check_error $?
#openssl req -in req.pem -text -noout
@ -172,7 +174,9 @@ function ssl_cert_req {
function cms_signing_cert_req {
echo 'Generating CMS Signing Certificate Request ...'
openssl req -newkey rsa:2048 -keyout $PRIVATE_DIR/signing_key.pem -keyform PEM -out cms_signing_req.pem -outform PEM -config cms_signing_req.conf -nodes
openssl req -newkey rsa:2048 -keyout $PRIVATE_DIR/signing_key.pem \
-keyform PEM -out cms_signing_req.pem -outform PEM \
-config cms_signing_req.conf -nodes
check_error $?
#openssl req -in req.pem -text -noout
@ -187,7 +191,8 @@ function issue_certs {
echo 'Issuing CMS Signing Certificate ...'
openssl ca -in cms_signing_req.pem -config signing.conf -batch
check_error $?
openssl x509 -in $CURRENT_DIR/newcerts/11.pem -out $CERTS_DIR/signing_cert.pem
openssl x509 -in $CURRENT_DIR/newcerts/11.pem \
-out $CERTS_DIR/signing_cert.pem
check_error $?
@ -203,8 +208,15 @@ function check_openssl {
function gen_sample_cms {
for json_file in "${CMS_DIR}/auth_token_revoked.json" "${CMS_DIR}/auth_token_unscoped.json" "${CMS_DIR}/auth_token_scoped.json" "${CMS_DIR}/revocation_list.json"; do
openssl cms -sign -in $json_file -nosmimecap -signer $CERTS_DIR/signing_cert.pem -inkey $PRIVATE_DIR/signing_key.pem -outform PEM -nodetach -nocerts -noattr -out ${json_file/.json/.pem}
FILES+=" ${CMS_DIR}/auth_token_unscoped.json"
FILES+=" ${CMS_DIR}/auth_token_scoped.json"
FILES+=" ${CMS_DIR}/revocation_list.json"
for json_file in $FILES; do
openssl cms -sign -in $json_file -nosmimecap \
-signer $CERTS_DIR/signing_cert.pem \
-inkey $PRIVATE_DIR/signing_key.pem -outform PEM -nodetach \
-nocerts -noattr -out ${json_file/.json/.pem}