@ -14,12 +14,12 @@
License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
under the License.
Developing with Keystone
Best Practices
Setting up Keystone
Get your development environment set up according to
:doc: `devref/development.environment` . It is recommended that you install
@ -27,9 +27,9 @@ Keystone into a virtualenv.
Configuring Keystone
Keystone requires a configuration file. There is a sample configuration file
Keystone requires a configuration file. There is a sample configuration file
that can be used to get started:
.. code-block :: bash
@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ needed.
Running Keystone
To run the Keystone Admin and API server instances, use:
@ -54,28 +54,16 @@ See :doc:`configuration` for details on how Keystone is configured. By default,
Keystone is configured with SQL backends.
Interacting with Keystone
Initializing Keystone
You can interact with Keystone through the command line using
:doc: `man/keystone-manage` which allows you to initialize keystone, etc.
You can also interact with Keystone through its REST API. There is a Python
Keystone client library `python-keystoneclient`_ which interacts exclusively
through the REST API, and which Keystone itself uses to provide its
command-line interface.
When initially getting set up, after you've configured which databases to use,
you're probably going to need to run the following to your database schema in
Before using keystone, it is necessary to create the database tables and ensures
the database schemas are up to date, perform the following:
.. code-block :: bash
$ keystone-manage db_sync
.. _`python-keystoneclient`: https://git.openstack.org/cgit/openstack/python-keystoneclient
.. _`openstackclient`: https://git.openstack.org/cgit/openstack/python-openstackclient
If the above commands result in a `` KeyError `` , or they fail on a
`` .pyc `` file with the message, `` You can only have one Python script per
version`` , then it is possible that there are out-of-date compiled Python
@ -88,155 +76,6 @@ following from the Keystone root project directory:
$ find . -name "*.pyc" -delete
Developing `` doctor `` checks
As noted in the section above, keystone's management CLI provides various tools
for administrating OpenStack Identity. One of those tools is called
`` keystone-manage doctor `` and it is responsible for performing health checks
about the deployment. If `` keystone-manage doctor `` detects a symptom, it
will provide the operator with suggestions to improve the overall health of the
deployment. This section is dedicated to documenting how to write symptoms for
`` doctor `` .
The `` doctor `` tool consists of a list of symptoms. Each symptom is something
that we can check against, and provide a warning for if we detect a
misconfiguration. The `` doctor `` module is located in
:py:mod: `keystone.cmd.doctor` . The current checks are based heavily on
inspecting configuration values. As a result, many of the submodules within the
`` doctor `` module are named after the configuration section for the symptoms
they check. For example, if we want to ensure the `` keystone.conf [DEFAULT]
max_token_size`` option is properly configured for whatever ` ` keystone.conf
[token] provider`` is set to, we can place that symptom in a module called
:py:mod: `keystone.cmd.doctor.tokens` . The symptom will be loaded by
importing the `` doctor `` module, which is done when `` keystone-manage doctor ``
is invoked from the command line. When adding new symptoms, it's important to
remember to add new modules to the `` SYMPTOM_MODULES `` list in
:py:mod: `keystone.cmd.doctor.__init__` . Doing that will ensure `` doctor ``
discovers properly named symptoms when executed.
Now that we know symptoms are organized according to configuration sections,
and how to add them, how exactly do we write a new symptom? `` doctor `` will
automatically discover new symptoms by inspecting the methods of each symptom
module (i.e. `` SYMPTOM_MODULES `` ). If a method declaration starts with
`` def symptom_ `` it is considered a symptom that `` doctor `` should check for,
and it should be run. The naming of the symptom, or method name, is extremely
important since `` doctor `` will use it to describe what it's doing to whoever
runs `` doctor `` . In addition to a well named method, we also need to provide a
complete documentation string for the method. If `` doctor `` detects a symptom,
it will use the method's documentation string as feedback to the operator. It
should describe why the check is being done, why it was triggered, and possible
solutions to cure the symptom. For examples of this, see the existing symptoms
in any of `` doctor `` 's symptom modules.
The last step is evaluating the logic within the symptom. As previously stated,
`` doctor `` will check for a symptom if methods within specific symptom modules
make a specific naming convention. In order for `` doctor `` to suggest feedback,
it needs to know whether or not the symptom is actually present. We accomplish
this by making all symptoms return `` True `` when a symptom is present. When a
symptom evaluates to `` False `` , `` doctor `` will move along to the next symptom
in the list since. If the deployment isn't suffering for a specific symptom,
`` doctor `` should not suggest any actions related to that symptom (i.e. if
you have your cholesterol under control, why would a physician recommend
cholesterol medication if you don't need it).
To summarize:
- Symptoms should live in modules named according to the most relevant
configuration section they apply to. This ensure we keep our symptoms
organized, grouped, and easy to find.
- When writing symptoms for a new section, remember to add the module name to
the `` SYMPTOM_MODULES `` list in :py:mod: `keystone.cmd.doctor.__init__` .
- Remember to use a good name for the symptom method signature and to prepend
it with `` symptom_ `` in order for it to be discovered automatically by
`` doctor `` .
- Symptoms have to evaluate to `` True `` in order to provide feedback to
- Symptoms should have very thorough documentation strings that describe the
symptom, side-effects of the symptom, and ways to remedy it.
For examples, feel free to run `` doctor `` locally using `` keystone-manage `` and
inspect the existing symptoms. For help on developing specific symptoms for
`` doctor `` .
Database Migrations
Starting with Newton, keystone supports upgrading both with and without
downtime. In order to support this, there are three separate migration
repositories (all under `` keystone/common/sql/ `` ) that match the three phases
of an upgrade (schema expansion, data migration, and schema contraction):
`` expand_repo ``
For additive schema modifications and triggers to ensure data is kept in
sync between the old and new schema until the point when there are no
keystone instances running old code.
`` data_migration_repo ``
To ensure new tables/columns are fully populated with data from the old
`` contract_repo ``
Run after all old code versions have been upgraded to running the new code,
so remove any old schema columns/tables that are not used by the new
version of the code. Drop any triggers added in the expand phase.
All migrations are required to have a migration script in each of these repos,
each with the same version number (which is indicated by the first three digits
of the name of the script, e.g. `` 003_add_X_table.py `` ). If there is no work to
do in a specific phase, then include a no-op migration to simply `` pass `` (in
fact the `` 001 `` migration in each of these repositories is a no-op migration,
so that can be used as a template).
.. NOTE ::
Since rolling upgrade support was added part way through the Newton cycle,
some migrations had already been added to the legacy repository
(`` keystone/common/sql/migrate_repo `` ). This repository is now closed and
no new migrations should be added (except for backporting of previous
In order to support rolling upgrades, where two releases of keystone briefly
operate side-by-side using the same database without downtime, each phase of
the migration must adhere to following constraints:
These triggers should be removed in the contract phase. There are further
restrictions as to what can and cannot be included in migration scripts in each
Expand phase:
Only additive schema changes are allowed, such as new columns, tables,
indices, and triggers.
Data insertion, alteration, and removal is not allowed.
Triggers must be created to keep data in sync between the previous release
and the next release. Data written by the previous release must be readable
by both the previous release and the next release. Data written by the next
release must be readable by both the next release and the previous release.
In cases it is not possible for triggers to maintain data integrity across
multiple schemas, writing data should be forbidden using triggers.
Data Migration phase:
Data is allowed to be inserted, updated, and deleted.
No schema changes are allowed.
Contract phase:
Only contractive schema changes are allowed, such as dropping or altering
columns, tables, indices, and triggers.
Data insertion, alteration, and removal is not allowed.
Triggers created during the expand phase must be dropped.
For more information on writing individual migration scripts refer to
`SQLAlchemy-migrate`_ .
.. _SQLAlchemy-migrate: https://git.openstack.org/cgit/openstack/sqlalchemy-migrate
Initial Sample Data
@ -248,7 +87,7 @@ data for use with keystone:
$ ADMIN_PASSWORD=s3cr3t tools/sample_data.sh
Once run, you can see the sample data that has been created by using the
` openstackclient`_ command-line interface:
` python- openstackclient`_ command-line interface:
.. code-block :: bash
@ -261,79 +100,107 @@ Once run, you can see the sample data that has been created by using the
$ export OS_AUTH_URL=http://localhost:5000/v3
$ openstack user list
The ` openstackclient`_ can be installed using the following:
The ` python- openstackclient`_ can be installed using the following:
.. code-block :: bash
$ pip install python-openstackclient
Filtering responsibilities between controllers and drivers
Interacting with Keystone
Keystone supports the specification of filtering on list queries as part of the
v3 identity API. By default these queries are satisfied in the controller
class when a controller calls the `` wrap_collection `` method at the end of a
`` list_{entity} `` method. However, to enable optimum performance, any driver
can implement some or all of the specified filters (for example, by adding
filtering to the generated SQL statements to generate the list).
You can also interact with keystone through its REST API. There is a Python
keystone client library `python-keystoneclient`_ which interacts exclusively
through the REST API, and a command-line interface `python-openstackclient`_
command-line interface.
The communication of the filter details between the controller level and its
drivers is handled by the passing of a reference to a Hints object,
which is a list of dicts describing the filters. A driver that satisfies a
filter must delete the filter from the Hints object so that when it is returned
to the controller level, it knows to only execute any unsatisfied
.. _`python-keystoneclient`: https://git.openstack.org/cgit/openstack/python-keystoneclient
.. _`python-openstackclient`: https://git.openstack.org/cgit/openstack/python-openstackclient
The contract for a driver for `` list_{entity} `` methods is therefore:
Building the Documentation
* It MUST return a list of entities of the specified type
* It MAY either just return all such entities, or alternatively reduce the
list by filtering for one or more of the specified filters in the passed
Hints reference, and removing any such satisfied filters. An exception to
this is that for identity drivers that support domains, then they should
at least support filtering by domain_id.
The documentation is generated with Sphinx using the tox command. To create HTML
docs and man pages:
Entity list truncation by drivers
.. code-block :: bash
Keystone supports the ability for a deployment to restrict the number of
entries returned from `` list_{entity} `` methods, typically to prevent poorly
formed searches (e.g. without sufficient filters) from becoming a performance
$ tox -e docs
These limits are set in the configuration file, either for a specific driver or
across all drivers. These limits are read at the Manager level and passed into
individual drivers as part of the Hints list object. A driver should try and
honor any such limit if possible, but if it is unable to do so then it may
ignore it (and the truncation of the returned list of entities will happen at
the controller level).
The results are in the `` doc/build/html `` and `` doc/build/man `` directories
Identity entity ID management between controllers and drivers
Keystone supports the option of having domain-specific backends for the
identity driver (i.e. for user and group storage), allowing, for example,
a different LDAP server for each domain. To ensure that Keystone can determine
to which backend it should route an API call, starting with Juno, the
identity manager will, provided that domain-specific backends are enabled,
build on-the-fly a persistent mapping table between Keystone Public IDs that
are presented to the controller and the domain that holds the entity, along
with whatever local ID is understood by the driver. This hides, for instance,
the LDAP specifics of whatever ID is being used.
Generating a new Sample Config File
To ensure backward compatibility, the default configuration of either a
single SQL or LDAP backend for Identity will not use the mapping table,
meaning that public facing IDs will be the unchanged. If keeping these IDs
the same for the default LDAP backend is not required, then setting the
configuration variable `` backward_compatible_ids `` to `` False `` will enable
the mapping for the default LDAP driver, hence hiding the LDAP specifics of the
IDs being used.
Keystone's sample configuration file `` etc/keystone.conf.sample `` is automatically
generated based upon all of the options available within Keystone. These options
are sourced from the many files around Keystone as well as some external libraries.
The sample configuration file will be updated as the end of the development
cycle approaches. Developers should *NOT* generate the config file and propose
it as part of their patches, this will cause unnecessary conflicts.
To generate a new sample configuration to see what it looks like, run:
.. code-block :: bash
$ tox -egenconfig -r
The tox command will place an updated sample config in `` etc/keystone.conf.sample `` .
If there is a new external library (e.g. `` oslo.messaging `` ) that utilizes the
`` oslo.config `` package for configuration, it can be added to the list of libraries
found in `` config-generator/keystone.conf `` .
Release Notes
The release notes for a patch should be included in the patch. If not, the
release notes should be in a follow-on review.
If the following applies to the patch, a release note is required:
* The deployer needs to take an action when upgrading
* The backend driver interface changes
* A new feature is implemented
* Function was removed (hopefully it was deprecated)
* Current behavior is changed
* A new config option is added that the deployer should consider changing from
the default
* A security bug is fixed
A release note is suggested if a long-standing or important bug is fixed.
Otherwise, a release note is not required.
Keystone uses `reno <http://docs.openstack.org/developer/reno/usage.html> `_ to
generate release notes. Please read the docs for details. In summary, use
.. code-block :: bash
$ tox -e venv -- reno new <bug-,bp-,whatever>
Then edit the sample file that was created and push it with your change.
To see the results:
.. code-block :: bash
$ git commit # Commit the change because reno scans git log.
$ tox -e releasenotes
Then look at the generated release notes files in `` releasenotes/build/html `` in
your favorite browser.
Testing Keystone
Running Tests
Before running tests, you should have `` tox `` installed and available in your
environment (in addition to the other external dependencies in
@ -412,9 +279,9 @@ For example, to discard logging data during a test run:
$ OS_LOG_CAPTURE=0 tox -e py27
Test Structure
Not all of the tests in the keystone/tests/unit directory are strictly unit
Not all of the tests in the `` keystone/tests/unit`` directory are strictly unit
tests. Keystone intentionally includes tests that run the service locally and
drives the entire configuration to achieve basic functional testing.
@ -439,7 +306,7 @@ running local keystone instance to explicitly verify basic functional testing
across the API.
Testing Schema Migrations
The application of schema migrations can be tested using SQLAlchemy Migrate’ s
built-in test runner, one migration at a time.
@ -464,7 +331,7 @@ of your data during migration.
Writing Tests
To add tests covering all drivers, update the base test class in
`` test_backend.py `` .
@ -484,7 +351,7 @@ configuration of the test class in ``setUp()``.
Further Testing
devstack_ is the *best* way to quickly deploy Keystone with the rest of the
OpenStack universe and should be critical step in your development workflow!
@ -499,7 +366,7 @@ You may also be interested in either the
LDAP Tests
LDAP has a fake backend that performs rudimentary operations. If you
are building more significant LDAP functionality, you should test against
@ -522,7 +389,7 @@ password.
"Work in progress" Tests
Work in progress (WIP) tests are very useful in a variety of situations
@ -564,34 +431,220 @@ require that these messages are descriptive and accurate.
code currently incorrectly works. Which strategy is chosen is up to the
Generating Updated Sample Config File
Keystone's sample configuration file `` etc/keystone.conf.sample `` is automatically
generated based upon all of the options available within Keystone. These options
are sourced from the many files around Keystone as well as some external libraries.
Developing `` doctor `` checks
The sample configuration file is now kept up to date by an infra job that
generates the config file and if there are any changes will propose a review
as the OpenStack Proposal Bot. Developers should *NOT* generate the config file
and propose it as part of their patches since the proposal bot will do this for
As noted in the section above, keystone's management CLI provides various tools
for administrating OpenStack Identity. One of those tools is called
`` keystone-manage doctor `` and it is responsible for performing health checks
about the deployment. If `` keystone-manage doctor `` detects a symptom, it
will provide the operator with suggestions to improve the overall health of the
deployment. This section is dedicated to documenting how to write symptoms for
`` doctor `` .
To generate a new sample configuration to see what it looks like, run:
The `` doctor `` tool consists of a list of symptoms. Each symptom is something
that we can check against, and provide a warning for if we detect a
misconfiguration. The `` doctor `` module is located in
:py:mod: `keystone.cmd.doctor` . The current checks are based heavily on
inspecting configuration values. As a result, many of the submodules within the
`` doctor `` module are named after the configuration section for the symptoms
they check. For example, if we want to ensure the `` keystone.conf [DEFAULT]
max_token_size`` option is properly configured for whatever ` ` keystone.conf
[token] provider`` is set to, we can place that symptom in a module called
:py:mod: `keystone.cmd.doctor.tokens` . The symptom will be loaded by
importing the `` doctor `` module, which is done when `` keystone-manage doctor ``
is invoked from the command line. When adding new symptoms, it's important to
remember to add new modules to the `` SYMPTOM_MODULES `` list in
:py:mod: `keystone.cmd.doctor.__init__` . Doing that will ensure `` doctor ``
discovers properly named symptoms when executed.
.. code-block :: bash
Now that we know symptoms are organized according to configuration sections,
and how to add them, how exactly do we write a new symptom? `` doctor `` will
automatically discover new symptoms by inspecting the methods of each symptom
module (i.e. `` SYMPTOM_MODULES `` ). If a method declaration starts with
`` def symptom_ `` it is considered a symptom that `` doctor `` should check for,
and it should be run. The naming of the symptom, or method name, is extremely
important since `` doctor `` will use it to describe what it's doing to whoever
runs `` doctor `` . In addition to a well named method, we also need to provide a
complete documentation string for the method. If `` doctor `` detects a symptom,
it will use the method's documentation string as feedback to the operator. It
should describe why the check is being done, why it was triggered, and possible
solutions to cure the symptom. For examples of this, see the existing symptoms
in any of `` doctor `` 's symptom modules.
$ tox -egenconfig -r
The last step is evaluating the logic within the symptom. As previously stated,
`` doctor `` will check for a symptom if methods within specific symptom modules
make a specific naming convention. In order for `` doctor `` to suggest feedback,
it needs to know whether or not the symptom is actually present. We accomplish
this by making all symptoms return `` True `` when a symptom is present. When a
symptom evaluates to `` False `` , `` doctor `` will move along to the next symptom
in the list since. If the deployment isn't suffering for a specific symptom,
`` doctor `` should not suggest any actions related to that symptom (i.e. if
you have your cholesterol under control, why would a physician recommend
cholesterol medication if you don't need it).
The tox command will place an updated sample config in `` etc/keystone.conf.sample `` .
To summarize:
If there is a new external library (e.g. `` oslo.messaging `` ) that utilizes the
`` oslo.config `` package for configuration, it can be added to the list of libraries
found in `` config-generator/keystone.conf `` .
- Symptoms should live in modules named according to the most relevant
configuration section they apply to. This ensure we keep our symptoms
organized, grouped, and easy to find.
- When writing symptoms for a new section, remember to add the module name to
the `` SYMPTOM_MODULES `` list in :py:mod: `keystone.cmd.doctor.__init__` .
- Remember to use a good name for the symptom method signature and to prepend
it with `` symptom_ `` in order for it to be discovered automatically by
`` doctor `` .
- Symptoms have to evaluate to `` True `` in order to provide feedback to
- Symptoms should have very thorough documentation strings that describe the
symptom, side-effects of the symptom, and ways to remedy it.
For examples, feel free to run `` doctor `` locally using `` keystone-manage `` and
inspect the existing symptoms.
Database Migrations
Starting with Newton, keystone supports upgrading both with and without
downtime. In order to support this, there are three separate migration
repositories (all under `` keystone/common/sql/ `` ) that match the three phases
of an upgrade (schema expansion, data migration, and schema contraction):
`` expand_repo ``
For additive schema modifications and triggers to ensure data is kept in
sync between the old and new schema until the point when there are no
keystone instances running old code.
`` data_migration_repo ``
To ensure new tables/columns are fully populated with data from the old
`` contract_repo ``
Run after all old code versions have been upgraded to running the new code,
so remove any old schema columns/tables that are not used by the new
version of the code. Drop any triggers added in the expand phase.
All migrations are required to have a migration script in each of these repos,
each with the same version number (which is indicated by the first three digits
of the name of the script, e.g. `` 003_add_X_table.py `` ). If there is no work to
do in a specific phase, then include a no-op migration to simply `` pass `` (in
fact the `` 001 `` migration in each of these repositories is a no-op migration,
so that can be used as a template).
.. NOTE ::
Since rolling upgrade support was added part way through the Newton cycle,
some migrations had already been added to the legacy repository
(`` keystone/common/sql/migrate_repo `` ). This repository is now closed and
no new migrations should be added (except for backporting of previous
In order to support rolling upgrades, where two releases of keystone briefly
operate side-by-side using the same database without downtime, each phase of
the migration must adhere to following constraints:
These triggers should be removed in the contract phase. There are further
restrictions as to what can and cannot be included in migration scripts in each
Expand phase:
Only additive schema changes are allowed, such as new columns, tables,
indices, and triggers.
Data insertion, modification, and removal is not allowed.
Triggers must be created to keep data in sync between the previous release
and the next release. Data written by the previous release must be readable
by both the previous release and the next release. Data written by the next
release must be readable by both the next release and the previous release.
In cases it is not possible for triggers to maintain data integrity across
multiple schemas, writing data should be forbidden using triggers.
Data Migration phase:
Data is allowed to be inserted, updated, and deleted.
No schema changes are allowed.
Contract phase:
Only contractive schema changes are allowed, such as dropping or altering
columns, tables, indices, and triggers.
Data insertion, modification, and removal is not allowed.
Triggers created during the expand phase must be dropped.
For more information on writing individual migration scripts refer to
`SQLAlchemy-migrate`_ .
.. _SQLAlchemy-migrate: https://git.openstack.org/cgit/openstack/sqlalchemy-migrate
Filtering responsibilities between controllers and drivers
Keystone supports the specification of filtering on list queries as part of the
v3 identity API. By default these queries are satisfied in the controller
class when a controller calls the `` wrap_collection `` method at the end of a
`` list_{entity} `` method. However, to enable optimum performance, any driver
can implement some or all of the specified filters (for example, by adding
filtering to the generated SQL statements to generate the list).
The communication of the filter details between the controller level and its
drivers is handled by the passing of a reference to a Hints object,
which is a list of dicts describing the filters. A driver that satisfies a
filter must delete the filter from the Hints object so that when it is returned
to the controller level, it knows to only execute any unsatisfied
The contract for a driver for `` list_{entity} `` methods is therefore:
* It MUST return a list of entities of the specified type
* It MAY either just return all such entities, or alternatively reduce the
list by filtering for one or more of the specified filters in the passed
Hints reference, and removing any such satisfied filters. An exception to
this is that for identity drivers that support domains, then they should
at least support filtering by domain_id.
Entity list truncation by drivers
Keystone supports the ability for a deployment to restrict the number of
entries returned from `` list_{entity} `` methods, typically to prevent poorly
formed searches (e.g. without sufficient filters) from becoming a performance
These limits are set in the configuration file, either for a specific driver or
across all drivers. These limits are read at the Manager level and passed into
individual drivers as part of the Hints list object. A driver should try and
honor any such limit if possible, but if it is unable to do so then it may
ignore it (and the truncation of the returned list of entities will happen at
the controller level).
Identity entity ID management between controllers and drivers
Keystone supports the option of having domain-specific backends for the
identity driver (i.e. for user and group storage), allowing, for example,
a different LDAP server for each domain. To ensure that Keystone can determine
to which backend it should route an API call, starting with Juno, the
identity manager will, provided that domain-specific backends are enabled,
build on-the-fly a persistent mapping table between Keystone Public IDs that
are presented to the controller and the domain that holds the entity, along
with whatever local ID is understood by the driver. This hides, for instance,
the LDAP specifics of whatever ID is being used.
To ensure backward compatibility, the default configuration of either a
single SQL or LDAP backend for Identity will not use the mapping table,
meaning that public facing IDs will be the unchanged. If keeping these IDs
the same for the default LDAP backend is not required, then setting the
configuration variable `` backward_compatible_ids `` to `` False `` will enable
the mapping for the default LDAP driver, hence hiding the LDAP specifics of the
IDs being used.
Translated responses
The Keystone server can provide error responses translated into the language in
the `` Accept-Language `` header of the request. In order to test this in your
@ -629,7 +682,7 @@ Now you can get a translated error response:
Caching Layer
The caching layer is designed to be applied to any `` manager `` object within Keystone
via the use of the `` on_arguments `` decorator provided in the `` keystone.common.cache ``
@ -898,56 +951,3 @@ Similar to other backends, this backend can be added via Keystone configuration
This backend is registered in `` keystone.common.cache.core `` module. So, its usage
is similar to other dogpile caching backends as it implements the same dogpile APIs.
Building the Documentation
The documentation is generated with Sphinx using the tox command. To create HTML docs and man pages:
.. code-block :: bash
$ tox -e docs
The results are in the doc/build/html and doc/build/man directories respectively.
Release Notes
The release notes for a patch should be included in the patch. If not, the
release notes should be in a follow-on review.
If the following applies to the patch, a release note is required:
* The deployer needs to take an action when upgrading
* The backend driver interface changes
* A new feature is implemented
* Function was removed (hopefully it was deprecated)
* Current behavior is changed
* A new config option is added that the deployer should consider changing from
the default
* A security bug is fixed
A release note is suggested if a long-standing or important bug is fixed.
Otherwise, a release note is not required.
Keystone uses `reno <http://docs.openstack.org/developer/reno/usage.html> `_ to
generate release notes. Please read the docs for details. In summary, use
.. code-block :: bash
$ tox -e venv -- reno new <bug-,bp-,whatever>
Then edit the sample file that was created and push it with your change.
To see the results:
.. code-block :: bash
$ git commit # Commit the change because reno scans git log.
$ tox -e releasenotes
Then look at the generated release notes files in releasenotes/build/html in
your favorite browser.