Imported Translations from Zanata
For more information about this automatic import see: Change-Id: I8810af7b31edfb67d3b0b92c4bef5bb5fa64248d
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,120 +0,0 @@
# Gérald LONLAS <>, 2016. #zanata
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: Keystone Release Notes 12.0.0\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2017-08-11 20:37+0000\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2016-10-22 05:03+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: Gérald LONLAS <>\n"
"Language-Team: French\n"
"Language: fr\n"
"X-Generator: Zanata 3.9.6\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n > 1)\n"
msgid "10.0.0"
msgstr "10.0.0"
msgid "8.0.1"
msgstr "8.0.1"
msgid "8.1.0"
msgstr "8.1.0"
msgid "9.0.0"
msgstr "9.0.0"
msgid "9.2.0"
msgstr "9.2.0"
msgid "Bug Fixes"
msgstr "Corrections de bugs"
msgid "Critical Issues"
msgstr "Erreurs critiques"
msgid "Current Series Release Notes"
msgstr "Note de la release actuelle"
msgid "Deprecation Notes"
msgstr "Notes dépréciées "
msgid "Keystone Release Notes"
msgstr "Note de release de Keystone"
msgid "Liberty Series Release Notes"
msgstr "Note de release pour Liberty"
msgid "Mitaka Series Release Notes"
msgstr "Note de release pour Mitaka"
msgid "New Features"
msgstr "Nouvelles fonctionnalités"
msgid "Newton Series Release Notes"
msgstr "Note de release pour Newton"
msgid "Other Notes"
msgstr "Autres notes"
msgid "Security Issues"
msgstr "Problèmes de sécurités"
msgid "Upgrade Notes"
msgstr "Notes de mises à jours"
msgid "``add user to group``"
msgstr "``add user to group``"
msgid "``create group``"
msgstr "``create group``"
msgid "``create user``"
msgstr "``create user``"
msgid "``delete group``"
msgstr "``delete group``"
msgid "``delete user``"
msgstr "``delete user``"
msgid "``keystone/common/cache/backends/memcache_pool``"
msgstr "``keystone/common/cache/backends/memcache_pool``"
msgid "``keystone/common/cache/backends/mongo``"
msgstr "``keystone/common/cache/backends/mongo``"
msgid "``keystone/common/cache/backends/noop``"
msgstr "``keystone/common/cache/backends/noop``"
msgid "``keystone/contrib/admin_crud``"
msgstr "``keystone/contrib/admin_crud``"
msgid "``keystone/contrib/endpoint_filter``"
msgstr "``keystone/contrib/endpoint_filter``"
msgid "``keystone/contrib/federation``"
msgstr "``keystone/contrib/federation``"
msgid "``keystone/contrib/oauth1``"
msgstr "``keystone/contrib/oauth1``"
msgid "``keystone/contrib/revoke``"
msgstr "``keystone/contrib/revoke``"
msgid "``keystone/contrib/simple_cert``"
msgstr "``keystone/contrib/simple_cert``"
msgid "``keystone/contrib/user_crud``"
msgstr "``keystone/contrib/user_crud``"
msgid "``remove user from group``"
msgstr "``remove user from group``"
msgid "``update group``"
msgstr "``update group``"
msgid "``update user``"
msgstr "``update user``"
@ -3,11 +3,11 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: Keystone Release Notes 12.0.0\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2017-08-11 20:37+0000\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2017-08-25 19:00+0000\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2017-08-07 06:38+0000\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2017-08-25 06:08+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: Shu Muto <>\n"
"Language-Team: Japanese\n"
"Language: ja\n"
@ -46,6 +46,9 @@ msgstr "11.0.1"
msgid "11.0.3"
msgstr "11.0.3"
msgid "11.0.3-1"
msgstr "11.0.3-1"
msgid ""
msgstr ""
@ -55,6 +58,12 @@ msgstr ""
msgid ""
msgstr ""
msgid ""
msgstr ""
msgid ""
msgstr ""
msgid "8.0.1"
msgstr "8.0.1"
@ -520,6 +529,9 @@ msgid "PKI and PKIz token formats have been removed in favor of Fernet tokens."
msgstr ""
"PKI および PKIz トークン形式が削除され、 Fernet トークンが採用されました。"
msgid "Pike Series Release Notes"
msgstr "Pike バージョンのリリースノート"
msgid "Prelude"
msgstr "紹介"
@ -1009,6 +1021,25 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "The method signature has changed from::"
msgstr "メソッドの署名が以下から変更されました。"
msgid ""
"The resource backend cannot be configured to anything but SQL if the SQL "
"Identity backend is being used. The resource backend must now be SQL which "
"allows for the use of Foreign Keys to domains/projects wherever desired. "
"This makes managing project relationships and such much more straight "
"forward. The inability to configure non-SQL resource backends has been in "
"Keystone since at least Ocata. This is eliminating some complexity and "
"preventing the need for some really ugly back-port SQL migrations in favor "
"of a better model. Resource is highly relational and should be SQL based."
msgstr ""
"SQL バックエンドが使用されている場合は、リソースバックエンドを SQL 以外のもの"
"クトへの外部キーの使用を可能にする SQL でなければなりません。これにより、プロ"
"ジェクトの関係性の管理などがより簡単になります。 非 SQL リソースのバックエン"
"ドを構成できないことは、少なくとも Ocata 以来、 Keystone にありました。 これ"
"は、いくつかの複雑さを排除し、いくつかのとても酷いバックポート SQL マイグレー"
"ションの必要性を防止し、より良いモデルを支持します。 リソースは非常にリレー"
"ショナルであり、 SQL ベースでなければなりません。"
msgid ""
"The response's content type for creating request token or access token is "
"changed to `application/x-www-form-urlencoded`, the old value `application/x-"
@ -1230,28 +1261,6 @@ msgstr ""
"を意味します。 ``[token] expiration`` + ``[token] allow_expired_window`` 秒よ"
"り早く Fernet キーをローテートさせないようにしてください。"
msgid ""
"[`blueprint allow-expired <"
"allow-expired>`_] To allow long running operations to complete services must "
"be able to fetch expired tokens via the ``allow_expired`` flag. The length "
"of time a token is retrievable for beyond its traditional expiry is managed "
"by the ``[token] allow_expired_window`` option and so the data must be "
"retrievable for this amount of time. When using fernet tokens this means the "
"key rotation period must exceed this time so older tokens are still "
"decryptable. Ensure you do not rotate fernet keys faster than ``[token] "
"expiration`` + ``[token] allow_expired_window`` seconds."
msgstr ""
"[`blueprint allow-expired <"
"allow-expired>`_] コンピュートサービスへの長時間実行される操作を許可するに"
"は、 ``allow_expired`` フラグを使って期限切れのトークンをフェッチできる必要が"
"あります。それまでの有効期限を超えてトークンを取得できる期間は、 `` [token] "
"allow_expired_window`` オプションで管理されるため、この時間内にデータが取得で"
"きる必要があります。 fernetトークンを使用する場合、これはキーのローテーション"
"ンは引き続き解読可能です。 ``[token] expiration`` + ``[token] "
"allow_expired_window`` 秒より早く fernet キーがローテートしないようにしてくだ"
msgid ""
"[`blueprint bootstrap <"
"bootstrap>`_] keystone-manage now supports the bootstrap command on the CLI "
@ -2272,35 +2281,6 @@ msgstr ""
msgid ""
"[`bug 1561054 <>`_] The "
"default token provider has switched from UUID to Fernet. Please note Fernet "
"requires a key repository to be in place prior to running Ocata, this can be "
"done by running ``keystone-manage fernet_setup``. Additionally, for multi-"
"node deployments, it is imperative a key distribution process be in use "
"before upgrading. Once a key repository has been created it should be "
"distributed to all keystone nodes in the deployment. This ensures each "
"keystone node will be able to validate tokens issued across the deployment. "
"If you do not wish to switch token formats, you will need to explicitly set "
"the token provider for each node in the deployment by setting ``[token] "
"provider`` to ``uuid`` in ``keystone.conf``. Documentation can be found at "
"`fernet-tokens <"
msgstr ""
"[`bug 1561054 <>`_] デフォル"
"トのトークンプロバイダーは、 UUID から Fernet に切り替えました。 Fernet は、"
"Ocata を実行する前にキーリポジトリーが必要であることに注意してください。これ"
"は ``keystone-manage fernet_setup`` を実行することで実現できます。さらに、マ"
"べての Keystone ノードに配布する必要があります。これにより、各 Keystone ノー"
"ドはデプロイメント全体で発行されたトークンを検証できます。 トークン形式を切り"
"替える必要がない場合は、 ``keystone.conf`` の ``[token] provider`` を "
"``uuid`` に設定して、各ノードのトークンプロバイダーを明示的に設定する必要があ"
"ります。 ドキュメントは `fernet-tokens <"
"keystone/configuration.html#encryption-keys-for-fernet-tokens>` _ にありま"
msgid ""
"[`bug 1561054 <>`_] The "
"default token provider has switched from UUID to Fernet. Please note that "
@ -2639,21 +2619,6 @@ msgstr ""
"``id`` (ランダムな UUID) および ``identity provider`` ID と一致する "
"``name`` を持ち、デフォルトでは ``enabled`` になります。"
msgid ""
"[`bug 1642687 <>`_] Upon a "
"successful upgrade, all existing ``identity providers`` will now be "
"associated with an automatically created domain. Each ``identity provider`` "
"that existed prior to the `Ocata` release will now have a ``domain_id`` "
"field. The new domain will have an ``id`` (random UUID), a ``name`` (that "
"will match the ``identity provider`` ID , and be ``enabled`` by default."
msgstr ""
"[`bug 1642687 <>`_] アップグ"
"レードが成功すると、既存のすべての ``identity providers`` が自動的に作成され"
"たドメインに関連付けられます。 `Ocata` リリース以前に存在していた ``identity "
"provider`` には ``domain_id`` フィールドが追加されました。 新しいドメインは "
"``id`` (ランダムな UUID)、 ``name`` (``identity provider`` IDと一致する)"
"を持ち、デフォルトで ``enabled`` になります。"
msgid ""
"[`bug 1642687 <>`_] Users "
"that authenticate with an ``identity provider`` will now have a "
@ -2730,17 +2695,6 @@ msgstr ""
"しているので、 ``is_admin_project`` プロパティを持つすべてのドメインにスコー"
"プされたトークンに ``False``に自動的に設定します。"
msgid ""
"[`bug 1652012 <>`_] Changes "
"the token_model to return is_admin_project False if the attribute is not "
"defined. Returning True for this has the potential to be dangerous and the "
"given reason for keeping it True is backwards compatability.."
msgstr ""
"[`bug 1652012 <>`_] "
"is_admin_project 属性が定義されていない場合はこれを False を返すよう、"
"token_model を変更しました。これを True で返すことは危険である可能性があり、 "
"True を保つ理由は後方互換性です。"
msgid ""
"[`bug 1656076 <>`_] The "
"various plugins under ``keystone.controllers.Auth.authenticate`` now require "
@ -2866,6 +2820,50 @@ msgstr ""
"HEAD API は、GET のものと同じレスポンスコードとヘッダーを持っています。 これ"
msgid ""
"[`bug 1698900 <>`_] The "
"implementation for checking database state during an upgrade with the use of "
"`keystone-manage db_sync --check` has been corrected. This allows users and "
"automation to determine what step is next in a rolling upgrade based on "
"logging and command status codes."
msgstr ""
"[`bug 1698900 <>`_] "
"`keystone-manage db_sync --check` を使用してアップグレード中にデータベースの"
msgid ""
"[`bug 1700852 <>`_] Keystone "
"now supports caching of the `GET|HEAD /v3/users/{user_id}/projects` API in "
"an effort to improve performance."
msgstr ""
"[`bug 1700852 <>`_] Keystone "
"は、パフォーマンスを向上させるために、 `GET|HEAD /v3/users/{user_id}/"
"projects` API のキャッシュをサポートしました。"
msgid ""
"[`bug 1701324 <>`_] Token "
"bodies now contain only unique roles in the authentication response."
msgstr ""
"[`bug 1701324 <>`_] トークン"
msgid ""
"[`bug 1702211 <>`_] Password "
"`created_at` field under some versions/deployments of MySQL would lose sub-"
"second precision. This means that it was possible for passwords to be "
"returned out-of-order when changed within one second (especially common in "
"testing). This change stores password `created_at` and `expires_at` as an "
"integer instead of as a DATETIME data-type."
msgstr ""
"[`bug 1702211 <>`_] MySQL の"
"いくつかのバージョン/デプロイメントでは、パスワードの `created_at` フィールド"
"は 1 秒未満の精度を失います。 これは、 1 秒以内にパスワードが変更されたときに"
"この変更は、パスワードの `created_at` と `expires_at` を DATETIME データ型で"
msgid ""
"[`bug 1703369 <>`_] There "
"was a typo for the identity:get_identity_provider rule in the default "
@ -1,157 +0,0 @@
# Sungjin Kang <>, 2017. #zanata
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: Keystone Release Notes 12.0.0\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2017-08-11 20:37+0000\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2017-02-07 12:46+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: Sungjin Kang <>\n"
"Language-Team: Korean (South Korea)\n"
"Language: ko-KR\n"
"X-Generator: Zanata 3.9.6\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0\n"
msgid "10.0.0"
msgstr "10.0.0"
msgid "10.0.1"
msgstr "10.0.1"
msgid "8.0.1"
msgstr "8.0.1"
msgid "8.1.0"
msgstr "8.1.0"
msgid "9.0.0"
msgstr "9.0.0"
msgid "9.2.0"
msgstr "9.2.0"
msgid "Bug Fixes"
msgstr "버그 수정"
msgid "Current Series Release Notes"
msgstr "현재 시리즈 릴리즈 노트"
msgid "Deprecation Notes"
msgstr "지원 종료된 기능 노트"
msgid ""
"For additional details see: `event notifications <See https://docs.openstack."
msgstr ""
"추가적으로 자세한 사항을 확인하려면 : `event notifications <See https://docs."
msgid "Keystone Release Notes"
msgstr "Keystone 릴리즈 노트"
msgid "Liberty Series Release Notes"
msgstr "Liberty 시리즈 릴리즈 노트"
msgid "Mitaka Series Release Notes"
msgstr "Mitaka 시리즈 릴리즈 노트"
msgid "New Features"
msgstr "새로운 기능"
msgid "Newton Series Release Notes"
msgstr "Newton 시리즈 릴리즈 노트"
msgid "Other Notes"
msgstr "기타 기능"
msgid "Security Issues"
msgstr "보안 이슈"
msgid "To::"
msgstr "To::"
msgid "Upgrade Notes"
msgstr "업그레이드 노트"
msgid "``add user to group``"
msgstr "``add user to group``"
msgid "``create group``"
msgstr "``create group``"
msgid "``create user``"
msgstr "``create user``"
msgid "``delete group``"
msgstr "``delete group``"
msgid "``delete user``"
msgstr "``delete user``"
msgid "``issue_v2_token``"
msgstr "``issue_v2_token``"
msgid "``issue_v3_token``"
msgstr "``issue_v3_token``"
msgid "``keystone.common.kvs.backends.inmemdb.MemoryBackend``"
msgstr "``keystone.common.kvs.backends.inmemdb.MemoryBackend``"
msgid "``keystone.common.kvs.backends.memcached.MemcachedBackend``"
msgstr "``keystone.common.kvs.backends.memcached.MemcachedBackend``"
msgid "``keystone.token.persistence.backends.kvs.Token``"
msgstr "``keystone.token.persistence.backends.kvs.Token``"
msgid "``keystone/common/cache/backends/memcache_pool``"
msgstr "``keystone/common/cache/backends/memcache_pool``"
msgid "``keystone/common/cache/backends/mongo``"
msgstr "``keystone/common/cache/backends/mongo``"
msgid "``keystone/common/cache/backends/noop``"
msgstr "``keystone/common/cache/backends/noop``"
msgid "``keystone/contrib/admin_crud``"
msgstr "``keystone/contrib/admin_crud``"
msgid "``keystone/contrib/endpoint_filter``"
msgstr "``keystone/contrib/endpoint_filter``"
msgid "``keystone/contrib/federation``"
msgstr "``keystone/contrib/federation``"
msgid "``keystone/contrib/oauth1``"
msgstr "``keystone/contrib/oauth1``"
msgid "``keystone/contrib/revoke``"
msgstr "``keystone/contrib/revoke``"
msgid "``keystone/contrib/simple_cert``"
msgstr "``keystone/contrib/simple_cert``"
msgid "``keystone/contrib/user_crud``"
msgstr "``keystone/contrib/user_crud``"
msgid "``remove user from group``"
msgstr "``remove user from group``"
msgid "``update group``"
msgstr "``update group``"
msgid "``update user``"
msgstr "``update user``"
msgid "``validate_non_persistent_token``"
msgstr "``validate_non_persistent_token``"
msgid "``validate_v2_token``"
msgstr "``validate_v2_token``"
msgid "``validate_v3_token``"
msgstr "``validate_v3_token``"
msgid "to::"
msgstr "to::"
Reference in New Issue
Block a user