Replace support matrix ext with common library

The code to generate a support matrix has been pulled into a common
library. Using this instead of duplicating code in various projects that
need it.

Change-Id: Ib15c086ceb84029e96be0fc60bd64f2a7a3e41aa
Co-Authored-By: Stephen Finucane <>
This commit is contained in:
Mike Perez 2017-12-14 10:27:34 +11:00 committed by Colleen Murphy
parent 6828a01eac
commit 9575937e56
5 changed files with 88 additions and 640 deletions

View File

@ -1,513 +0,0 @@
# Copyright (C) 2014 Red Hat, Inc.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
"""Feature support matrix extension for Sphinx.
This provides a sphinx extension able to render support matrix INI files into
the developer documentation.
It is used via a single directive in the .rst file
.. support_matrix::
import re
from six.moves import configparser
from docutils import nodes
from docutils.parsers import rst
class SupportMatrix(object):
"""Represent the entire support matrix."""
def __init__(self):
# List of SupportMatrixFeature instances, describing
# all the features present in Nova virt drivers
self.features = []
# Dict of (name, SupportMatrixTarget) enumerating
# all the hypervisor drivers that have data recorded
# for them in self.features. The 'name' dict key is
# the value from the SupportMatrixTarget.key attribute
self.targets = {}
class SupportMatrixFeature(object):
STATUS_MANDATORY = "mandatory"
STATUS_CHOICE = "choice"
STATUS_CONDITION = "condition"
STATUS_OPTIONAL = "optional"
def __init__(self, key, title, status=STATUS_OPTIONAL,
group=None, notes=None, cli=None):
if cli is None:
cli = list()
# A unique key (eg '') to identify the feature
self.key = key
# A human friendly short title for the feature
self.title = title
# One of the status constants
self.status = status
# Detail string if status was choice/condition = group
# Arbitrarily long string describing the feature in detail
self.notes = notes
# Dict of (name, SupportMatrixImplementation) detailing
# the implementation for each hypervisor driver. The
# 'name' dict key is the value from SupportMatrixTarget.key
# for the hypervisor in question
self.implementations = {}
# A list of CLI commands which are related to that feature
self.cli = cli
class SupportMatrixImplementation(object):
STATUS_COMPLETE = "complete"
STATUS_PARTIAL = "partial"
STATUS_MISSING = "missing"
STATUS_UKNOWN = "unknown"
def __init__(self, status=STATUS_MISSING, notes=None):
# One of the status constants detailing the implementation
# level
self.status = status
# Arbitrary string describing any caveats of the implementation.
# Mandatory if status is 'partial', optional otherwise.
self.notes = notes
class SupportMatrixTarget(object):
def __init__(self, key, title, driver, hypervisor=None, architecture=None):
"""Initialize a SupportMatrixTarget instance.
:param key: Unique identifier for the hypervisor driver
:param title: Human friendly name of the hypervisor
:param driver: Name of the Nova driver
:param hypervisor: (optional) Name of the hypervisor, if many
:param architecture: (optional) Name of the architecture, if many
self.key = key
self.title = title
self.driver = driver
self.hypervisor = hypervisor
self.architecture = architecture
class SupportMatrixDirective(rst.Directive):
# The argument is the filename, e.g. support-matrix.ini
required_arguments = 1
def run(self):
matrix = self._load_support_matrix()
return self._build_markup(matrix)
def _load_support_matrix(self):
"""Load a support matrix from a configuration file.
Reads the support-matrix.ini file and populates an instance of the
SupportMatrix class with all the data.
:returns: SupportMatrix instance
cfg = configparser.ConfigParser()
env = self.state.document.settings.env
fname = self.arguments[0]
rel_fpath, fpath = env.relfn2path(fname)
with open(fpath) as fp:
# This ensures that the docs are rebuilt whenever the
# .ini file changes
matrix = SupportMatrix()
matrix.targets = self._get_targets(cfg)
matrix.features = self._get_features(cfg, matrix.targets)
return matrix
def _get_targets(self, cfg):
# The 'targets' section is special - it lists all the
# hypervisors that this file records data for
targets = {}
for item in cfg.options("targets"):
if not item.startswith("driver-impl-"):
# The driver string will optionally contain
# a hypervisor and architecture qualifier
# so we expect between 1 and 3 components
# in the name
key = item[12:]
title = cfg.get("targets", item)
name = key.split("-")
if len(name) == 1:
target = SupportMatrixTarget(key,
elif len(name) == 2:
target = SupportMatrixTarget(key,
elif len(name) == 3:
target = SupportMatrixTarget(key,
raise Exception("'%s' field is malformed in '[%s]' section" %
(item, "DEFAULT"))
targets[key] = target
return targets
def _get_features(self, cfg, targets):
# All sections except 'targets' describe some feature of
# the Nova hypervisor driver implementation
features = []
for section in cfg.sections():
if section == "targets":
if not cfg.has_option(section, "title"):
raise Exception(
"'title' field missing in '[%s]' section" % section)
title = cfg.get(section, "title")
status = SupportMatrixFeature.STATUS_OPTIONAL
if cfg.has_option(section, "status"):
# The value is a string "status(group)" where
# the 'group' part is optional
status = cfg.get(section, "status")
offset = status.find("(")
group = None
if offset != -1:
group = status[offset + 1:-1]
status = status[0:offset]
if status not in SupportMatrixFeature.STATUS_ALL:
raise Exception(
"'status' field value '%s' in ['%s']"
"section must be %s" %
(status, section,
notes = None
if cfg.has_option(section, "notes"):
notes = cfg.get(section, "notes")
cli = []
if cfg.has_option(section, "cli"):
cli = cfg.get(section, "cli")
feature = SupportMatrixFeature(section,
# Now we've got the basic feature details, we must process
# the hypervisor driver implementation for each feature
for item in cfg.options(section):
if not item.startswith("driver-impl-"):
key = item[12:]
if key not in targets:
raise Exception(
"Driver impl '%s' in '[%s]' not declared" %
(item, section))
status = cfg.get(section, item)
if status not in SupportMatrixImplementation.STATUS_ALL:
raise Exception(
"'%s' value '%s' in '[%s]' section must be %s" %
(item, status, section,
noteskey = "driver-notes-" + item[12:]
notes = None
if cfg.has_option(section, noteskey):
notes = cfg.get(section, noteskey)
target = targets[key]
impl = SupportMatrixImplementation(status,
feature.implementations[target.key] = impl
for key in targets:
if key not in feature.implementations:
raise Exception("'%s' missing in '[%s]' section" %
(target.key, section))
return features
def _build_markup(self, matrix):
"""Construct the docutils content for the support matrix."""
content = []
self._build_summary(matrix, content)
self._build_details(matrix, content)
# FIXME(dolph): Do not render hardcoded notes that are specific to
# Nova.
# self._build_notes(content)
return content
def _build_summary(self, matrix, content):
"""Construct the docutils content for the support matrix summary.
The summary consists of a giant table, with one row for each feature,
and a column for each hypervisor driver. It provides an 'at a glance'
summary of the status of each driver
summarytitle = nodes.subtitle(text="Summary")
summary = nodes.table()
cols = len(matrix.targets.keys())
cols += 2
summarygroup = nodes.tgroup(cols=cols)
summarybody = nodes.tbody()
summaryhead = nodes.thead()
for i in range(cols):
# This sets up all the column headers - two fixed
# columns for feature name & status
header = nodes.row()
blank = nodes.entry()
blank = nodes.entry()
# then one column for each hypervisor driver
impls = sorted(matrix.targets.keys())
for key in impls:
target = matrix.targets[key]
implcol = nodes.entry()
# We now produce the body of the table, one row for
# each feature to report on
for feature in matrix.features:
item = nodes.row()
# the hyperlink target name linking to details
id = re.sub("[^a-zA-Z0-9_]", "_",
# first the to fixed columns for title/status
keycol = nodes.entry()
keyref = nodes.reference(refid=id)
keytxt = nodes.inline()
statuscol = nodes.entry()
classes=["sp_feature_" + feature.status]))
# and then one column for each hypervisor driver
impls = sorted(matrix.targets.keys())
for key in impls:
target = matrix.targets[key]
impl = feature.implementations[key]
implcol = nodes.entry()
id = re.sub("[^a-zA-Z0-9_]", "_",
feature.key + "_" + key)
implref = nodes.reference(refid=id)
impltxt = nodes.inline()
status = ""
if impl.status == SupportMatrixImplementation.STATUS_COMPLETE:
status = u"\u2714"
elif impl.status == SupportMatrixImplementation.STATUS_MISSING:
status = u"\u2716"
elif impl.status == SupportMatrixImplementation.STATUS_PARTIAL:
status = u"\u2714"
elif impl.status == SupportMatrixImplementation.STATUS_UKNOWN:
status = u"?"
classes=["sp_impl_summary", "sp_impl_" + impl.status]))
def _build_details(self, matrix, content):
"""Construct the docutils content for the support matrix details.
This is generated as a bullet list of features. Against each feature we
provide the description of the feature and then the details of the
hypervisor impls, with any driver specific notes that exist
detailstitle = nodes.subtitle(text="Details")
details = nodes.bullet_list()
# One list entry for each feature we're reporting on
for feature in matrix.features:
item = nodes.list_item()
status = feature.status
if is not None:
status += "(" + + ")"
# The hypervisor target name linked from summary table
id = re.sub("[^a-zA-Z0-9_]", "_",
# Highlight the feature title name
para = nodes.paragraph()
para.append(nodes.strong(text="Status: " + status + ". "))
if feature.notes is not None:
if feature.cli:
para_divers = nodes.paragraph()
# A sub-list giving details of each hypervisor target
impls = nodes.bullet_list()
for key in feature.implementations:
target = matrix.targets[key]
impl = feature.implementations[key]
subitem = nodes.list_item()
id = re.sub("[^a-zA-Z0-9_]", "_",
feature.key + "_" + key)
subitem += [
nodes.strong(text=target.title + ": "),
classes=["sp_impl_" + impl.status],
if impl.notes is not None:
def _build_notes(self, content):
"""Construct a list of notes content for the support matrix.
This is generated as a bullet list.
notestitle = nodes.subtitle(text="Notes")
notes = nodes.bullet_list()
"Virtuozzo was formerly named Parallels in this document"
for note in NOTES:
item = nodes.list_item()
def _create_cli_paragraph(self, feature):
"""Create a paragraph which represents the CLI commands of the feature.
The paragraph will have a bullet list of CLI commands.
para = nodes.paragraph()
para.append(nodes.strong(text="CLI commands:"))
commands = nodes.bullet_list()
for c in feature.cli.split(";"):
cli_command = nodes.list_item()
cli_command += nodes.literal(text=c, classes=["sp_cli"])
return para
def _create_notes_paragraph(self, notes):
"""Construct a paragraph which represents the implementation notes.
The paragraph consists of text and clickable URL nodes if links were
given in the notes.
para = nodes.paragraph()
# links could start with http:// or https://
link_idxs = [m.start() for m in re.finditer('https?://', notes)]
start_idx = 0
for link_idx in link_idxs:
# assume the notes start with text (could be empty)
# create a URL node until the next text or the end of the notes
link_end_idx = notes.find(" ", link_idx)
if link_end_idx == -1:
# In case the notes end with a link without a blank
link_end_idx = len(notes)
uri = notes[link_idx:link_end_idx + 1]
para.append(nodes.reference("", uri, refuri=uri))
start_idx = link_end_idx + 1
# get all text after the last link (could be empty) or all of the
# text if no link was given
return para
def setup(app):
app.add_directive('support_matrix', SupportMatrixDirective)

View File

@ -5,6 +5,7 @@ openstackdocstheme>=1.18.1 # Apache-2.0
sphinx!=1.6.6,!=1.6.7,>=1.6.2 # BSD sphinx!=1.6.6,!=1.6.7,>=1.6.2 # BSD
sphinxcontrib-apidoc>=0.2.0 # BSD sphinxcontrib-apidoc>=0.2.0 # BSD
sphinxcontrib-seqdiag>=0.8.4 # BSD sphinxcontrib-seqdiag>=0.8.4 # BSD
sphinx-feature-classification>=0.3.2 # Apache-2.0
reno>=2.5.0 # Apache-2.0 reno>=2.5.0 # Apache-2.0
os-api-ref>=1.4.0 # Apache-2.0 os-api-ref>=1.4.0 # Apache-2.0
python-ldap>=3.0.0 # PSF python-ldap>=3.0.0 # PSF

View File

@ -21,18 +21,18 @@
# - operation: Public API operations. # - operation: Public API operations.
# - feature: Features of the driver. # - feature: Features of the driver.
# #
# When considering which capabilities should be marked as mandatory, consider # When considering which capabilities should be marked as required, consider
# the following guiding principles. # the following guiding principles.
# #
# The 'status' field takes possible values: # The 'status' field takes possible values:
# #
# - mandatory: Unconditionally required to be implemented. # - required: Unconditionally required to be implemented.
# - optional: Optional to support, but nice to have. # - optional: Optional to support, but nice to have.
# - choice(group): At least one of the options within the named group # - choice(group): At least one of the options within the named group
# must be implemented. # must be implemented.
# - conditional(cond): Required, if the referenced condition is met. # - conditional(cond): Required, if the referenced condition is met.
# #
# The value against each 'impl-XXXX' entry refers to the level of the # The value against each 'driver.XXXX' entry refers to the level of the
# implementation of the feature in that driver: # implementation of the feature in that driver:
# #
# - complete: Fully implemented, expected to work at all times. # - complete: Fully implemented, expected to work at all times.
@ -42,79 +42,89 @@
# - missing: Not implemented at all. # - missing: Not implemented at all.
# #
# In the case of the driver being marked as 'partial', then # In the case of the driver being marked as 'partial', then
# 'notes-XXX' entry should be used to explain the caveats around the # 'notes' entry should be used to explain the caveats around the
# implementation. # implementation.
# #
# The 'cli' field takes a list of client commands, separated by semicolon. # The 'cli' field takes a list of client commands, separated by semicolon.
# These CLi commands are related to that feature. # These CLi commands are related to that operation.
# Example: # Example:
# cli=openstack domain list;openstack domain show <domain> # cli=openstack domain list;openstack domain show <domain>
# #
# List of driver implementations for which we are going to track the status of # List of driver implementations for which we are going to track the status of
# features. This list only covers drivers that are in tree. Out of tree # features. This list only covers drivers that are in tree. Out of tree
# drivers should maintain their own equivalent document, and merge it with this # drivers should maintain their own equivalent document, and merge it with this
# when their code merges into core. # when their code merges into core.
driver-impl-sql=SQL [driver.sql]
driver-impl-ldap=LDAP title=SQL
driver-impl-oauth1=OAuth v1.0a
driver-impl-oidc=OpenID Connect
driver-impl-samlv2=SAML v2
[feature.local_authentication] [driver.ldap]
title=OAuth v1.0a
title=OpenID Connect
title=SAML v2
title=Local authentication title=Local authentication
status=optional status=optional
notes=Authenticate with keystone by providing credentials directly to keystone. notes=Authenticate with keystone by providing credentials directly to keystone.
driver-impl-sql=complete driver.sql=complete
driver-impl-ldap=complete driver.ldap=complete
driver-impl-oauth1=complete driver.oauth1=complete
driver-impl-external=missing driver.external=missing
driver-impl-oidc=missing driver.oidc=missing
driver-impl-samlv2=missing driver.samlv2=missing
[feature.external_authentication] [operation.external_authentication]
title=External authentication title=External authentication
status=optional status=optional
notes=Authenticate with keystone by providing credentials to an external system notes=Authenticate with keystone by providing credentials to an external system
that keystone trusts (as with federation). that keystone trusts (as with federation).
driver-impl-sql=missing driver.sql=missing
driver-impl-ldap=missing driver.ldap=missing
driver-impl-oauth1=missing driver.oauth1=missing
driver-impl-external=complete driver.external=complete
driver-impl-oidc=complete driver.oidc=complete
driver-impl-samlv2=complete driver.samlv2=complete
[feature.identity_crud] [operation.identity_crud]
title=Identity management title=Identity management
status=optional status=optional
notes=Create, update, enable/disable, and delete users via Keystone's HTTP API. notes=Create, update, enable/disable, and delete users via Keystone's HTTP API.
driver-impl-sql=complete driver.sql=complete
driver-impl-ldap=partial driver.ldap=partial
driver-impl-oauth1=complete driver.oauth1=complete
driver-impl-external=missing driver.external=missing
driver-impl-oidc=missing driver.oidc=missing
driver-impl-samlv2=missing driver.samlv2=missing
[feature.pci_controls] [operation.pci_controls]
title=PCI-DSS controls title=PCI-DSS controls
status=optional status=optional
notes=Configure keystone to enforce PCI-DSS compliant security controls. notes=Configure keystone to enforce PCI-DSS compliant security controls.
driver-impl-sql=complete driver.sql=complete
driver-impl-ldap=partial driver.ldap=partial
driver-impl-oauth1=missing driver.oauth1=missing
driver-impl-external=partial driver.external=partial
driver-impl-oidc=missing driver.oidc=missing
driver-impl-samlv2=missing driver.samlv2=missing
[feature.auditing] [operation.auditing]
title=Auditing title=Auditing
status=optional status=optional
notes=Audit authentication flows using PyCADF. notes=Audit authentication flows using PyCADF.
driver-impl-sql=complete driver.sql=complete
driver-impl-ldap=complete driver.ldap=complete
driver-impl-oauth1=missing driver.oauth1=missing
driver-impl-external=missing driver.external=missing
driver-impl-oidc=complete driver.oidc=complete
driver-impl-samlv2=complete driver.samlv2=complete

View File

@ -10,53 +10,16 @@
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License. # under the License.
# This file contains a specification of what feature capabilities each driver # For information about the format of this file, refer to the documentation
# is able to support. Feature capabilities include what API operations are # for sphinx-feature-classification:
# supported, what backend behaviors features can be used and what aspects of
# the driver implementation can be configured. The capabilities can be
# considered to be structured into nested groups, but in this file they have
# been flattened for ease of representation. The section names represent the
# group structure. At the top level there are the following groups defined:
# #
# - operation: Public API operations. #
# - feature: Features of the token format.
# [driver.fernet]
# When considering which capabilities should be marked as mandatory, consider title=Fernet tokens
# the following guiding principles.
# [driver.jws]
# The 'status' field takes possible values: title=JWS tokens
# - mandatory: Unconditionally required to be implemented.
# - optional: Optional to support, but nice to have.
# - choice(group): At least one of the options within the named group
# must be implemented.
# - conditional(cond): Required, if the referenced condition is met.
# The value against each 'driver-impl-XXXX' entry refers to the level of the
# implementation of the feature in that driver:
# - complete: Fully implemented, expected to work at all times.
# - partial: Implemented, but with caveats about when it will work.
# For example, some configurations or hardware or guest OS may not
# support it.
# - missing: Not implemented at all.
# In the case of the driver being marked as 'partial', then
# 'driver-notes-XXX' entry should be used to explain the caveats around the
# implementation.
# The 'cli' field takes a list of client commands, separated by semicolon.
# These CLi commands are related to that feature.
# Example:
# cli=openstack domain list;openstack domain show <domain>
# List of driver implementations for which we are going to track the status of
# features. This list only covers drivers that are in tree. Out of tree
# drivers should maintain their own equivalent document, and merge it with this
# when their code merges into core.
driver-impl-fernet=Fernet tokens
driver-impl-jws=JWS tokens
[operation.create_unscoped_token] [operation.create_unscoped_token]
title=Create unscoped token title=Create unscoped token
@ -65,8 +28,8 @@ notes=All token providers must be capable of issuing tokens without an explicit
scope of authorization. scope of authorization.
cli=openstack --os-username=<username> --os-user-domain-name=<domain> cli=openstack --os-username=<username> --os-user-domain-name=<domain>
--os-password=<password> token issue --os-password=<password> token issue
driver-impl-fernet=complete driver.fernet=complete
driver-impl-jws=complete driver.jws=complete
[operation.create_system_token] [operation.create_system_token]
title=Create system-scoped token title=Create system-scoped token
@ -74,8 +37,8 @@ status=mandatory
notes=All token providers must be capable of issuing system-scoped tokens. notes=All token providers must be capable of issuing system-scoped tokens.
cli=openstack --os-username=<username> --os-user-domain-name=<domain> cli=openstack --os-username=<username> --os-user-domain-name=<domain>
--os-system-scope all token issue --os-system-scope all token issue
driver-impl-fernet=complete driver.fernet=complete
driver-impl-jws=complete driver.jws=complete
[operation.create_project_scoped_token] [operation.create_project_scoped_token]
title=Create project-scoped token title=Create project-scoped token
@ -84,8 +47,8 @@ notes=All token providers must be capable of issuing project-scoped tokens.
cli=openstack --os-username=<username> --os-user-domain-name=<domain> cli=openstack --os-username=<username> --os-user-domain-name=<domain>
--os-password=<password> --os-project-name=<project> --os-password=<password> --os-project-name=<project>
--os-project-domain-name=<domain> token issue --os-project-domain-name=<domain> token issue
driver-impl-fernet=complete driver.fernet=complete
driver-impl-jws=complete driver.jws=complete
[operation.create_domain_scoped_token] [operation.create_domain_scoped_token]
title=Create domain-scoped token title=Create domain-scoped token
@ -94,8 +57,8 @@ notes=Domain-scoped tokens are not required for all use cases, and for some use
cases, projects can be used instead. cases, projects can be used instead.
cli=openstack --os-username=<username> --os-user-domain-name=<domain> cli=openstack --os-username=<username> --os-user-domain-name=<domain>
--os-password=<password> --os-domain-name=<domain> token issue --os-password=<password> --os-domain-name=<domain> token issue
driver-impl-fernet=complete driver.fernet=complete
driver-impl-jws=complete driver.jws=complete
[operation.create_trust_scoped_token] [operation.create_trust_scoped_token]
title=Create trust-scoped token title=Create trust-scoped token
@ -104,16 +67,16 @@ notes=Tokens scoped to a trust convey only the user impersonation and
project-based authorization attributes included in the delegation. project-based authorization attributes included in the delegation.
cli=openstack --os-username=<username> --os-user-domain-name=<domain> cli=openstack --os-username=<username> --os-user-domain-name=<domain>
--os-password=<password> --os-trust-id=<trust> token issue --os-password=<password> --os-trust-id=<trust> token issue
driver-impl-fernet=complete driver.fernet=complete
driver-impl-jws=complete driver.jws=complete
[operation.create_token_using_oauth] [operation.create_token_using_oauth]
title=Create a token given an OAuth access token title=Create a token given an OAuth access token
status=optional status=optional
notes=OAuth access tokens can be exchanged for keystone tokens. notes=OAuth access tokens can be exchanged for keystone tokens.
cli= cli=
driver-impl-fernet=complete driver.fernet=complete
driver-impl-jws=complete driver.jws=complete
[operation.revoke_token] [operation.revoke_token]
title=Revoke a token title=Revoke a token
@ -123,8 +86,8 @@ notes=Tokens may be individually revoked, such as when a user logs out of
single token may be revoked as a result of this operation (such as when the single token may be revoked as a result of this operation (such as when the
revoked token was previously used to create additional tokens). revoked token was previously used to create additional tokens).
cli=openstack token revoke cli=openstack token revoke
driver-impl-fernet=complete driver.fernet=complete
driver-impl-jws=complete driver.jws=complete
[feature.online_validation] [feature.online_validation]
title=Online validation title=Online validation
@ -132,8 +95,8 @@ status=mandatory
notes=Keystone must be able to validate the tokens that it issues when notes=Keystone must be able to validate the tokens that it issues when
presented with a token that it previously issued. presented with a token that it previously issued.
cli= cli=
driver-impl-fernet=complete driver.fernet=complete
driver-impl-jws=complete driver.jws=complete
[feature.offline_validation] [feature.offline_validation]
title=Offline validation title=Offline validation
@ -142,8 +105,8 @@ notes=Services using Keystone for authentication may want to validate tokens
themselves, rather than calling back to keystone, in order to improve themselves, rather than calling back to keystone, in order to improve
performance and scalability. performance and scalability.
cli= cli=
driver-impl-fernet=missing driver.fernet=missing
driver-impl-jws=missing driver.jws=missing
[feature.non_persistent] [feature.non_persistent]
title=Non-persistent title=Non-persistent
@ -153,5 +116,5 @@ notes=If a token format does not require persistence (such as to a SQL
keystone can issue at once, and there is no need to perform clean up keystone can issue at once, and there is no need to perform clean up
operations such as `keystone-manage token_flush`. operations such as `keystone-manage token_flush`.
cli= cli=
driver-impl-fernet=complete driver.fernet=complete
driver-impl-jws=complete driver.jws=complete

View File

@ -24,19 +24,6 @@
# All configuration values have a default; values that are commented out # All configuration values have a default; values that are commented out
# serve to show the default. # serve to show the default.
import os
import sys
# NOTE(dstanek): adds _ to the builtins so keystone modules can be imported
__builtins__['_'] = str
# If extensions (or modules to document with autodoc) are in another directory,
# add these directories to sys.path here. If the directory is relative to the
# documentation root, use os.path.abspath to make it absolute, like shown here.
sys.path.insert(0, os.path.abspath('../../'))
sys.path.insert(0, os.path.abspath('../'))
sys.path.insert(0, os.path.abspath('./'))
# -- General configuration ---------------------------------------------------- # -- General configuration ----------------------------------------------------
# If your documentation needs a minimal Sphinx version, state it here. # If your documentation needs a minimal Sphinx version, state it here.
@ -52,9 +39,9 @@ extensions = ['sphinx.ext.coverage',
'oslo_policy.sphinxpolicygen', 'oslo_policy.sphinxpolicygen',
'openstackdocstheme', 'openstackdocstheme',
'oslo_policy.sphinxext', 'oslo_policy.sphinxext',
'sphinxcontrib.apidoc', 'sphinxcontrib.apidoc',
'sphinxcontrib.seqdiag', 'sphinxcontrib.seqdiag',
] ]
# sphinxcontrib.apidoc options # sphinxcontrib.apidoc options