Improve keystone.conf [security_compliance] documentation

Change-Id: I216a8ada2e4ba7700b872737d351366644d15c22
This commit is contained in:
Dolph Mathews 2016-07-13 20:39:10 +00:00
parent 5939a24494
commit f48ab4f464
1 changed files with 38 additions and 20 deletions

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@ -20,61 +20,79 @@ disable_user_account_days_inactive = cfg.IntOpt(
Number of days for which a user can be inactive before the account becomes
disabled. This feature is disabled by default. Note: this feature is only
supported via the SQL backend driver for identity. In addition, whether or
not a user is disabled will be handled by the API and may not match the
user table enabled column in the database.
The maximum number of days a user can go without authenticating before being
considered "inactive" and automatically disabled (locked). This feature is
disabled by default; set any value to enable it. This feature depends on the
`sql` backend for the `[identity] driver`. When a user exceeds this threshold
and is considered "inactive", the user's `enabled` attribute in the HTTP API
may not match the value of the user's `enabled` column in the user table.
lockout_failure_attempts = cfg.IntOpt(
Number of times a user can fail login attempts until the user account is
locked. Setting the value to 0 disables this feature.
The maximum number of times that a user can fail to authenticate before the
user account is locked for the number of seconds specified by
`[security_compliance] lockout_duration`. Setting this value to zero (the
default) disables this feature. This feature depends on the `sql` backend for
the `[identity] driver`.
lockout_duration = cfg.IntOpt(
Number of seconds a user account will be locked.
The number of seconds a user account will be locked when the maximum number of
failed authentication attempts (as specified by `[security_compliance]
lockout_failure_attempts`) is exceeded. Setting this option will have no effect
unless you also set `[security_compliance] lockout_failure_attempts` to a
non-zero value. This feature depends on the `sql` backend for the `[identity]
password_expires_days = cfg.IntOpt(
Number of days for which a password will be considered valid before requiring
the user to change it. Setting the value to 0 disables this feature. Note: this
feature is only supported via the SQL backend driver for identity.
The number of days which a password will be considered valid before requiring
the user to change it. Setting the value to zero (the default) disables this
feature. This feature depends on the `sql` backend for the `[identity] driver`.
unique_last_password_count = cfg.IntOpt(
Number of latest password iterations for which the password must be unique.
Setting the value to 0 disables this feature. Note: this feature is only
supported via the SQL backend driver for identity.
This controls the number of previous user password iterations to keep in
history, in order to enforce that newly created passwords are unique. Setting
the value to zero (the default) disables this feature. This feature depends on
the `sql` backend for the `[identity] driver`.
password_change_limit_per_day = cfg.IntOpt(
Maximum number of times a user can change their password in a day. Setting the
value to 0 disables this feature.
The maximum number of times a user can change their password in a single day.
Setting the value to zero (the default) disables this feature. This feature
depends on the `sql` backend for the `[identity] driver`.
password_regex = cfg.StrOpt(
Regular expression used to validate password strength requirements. Setting the
value to None disables this feature. The following is an example of a pattern
which requires at least 1 letter, 1 digit, and have a minimum length of 7
characters: ^(?=.*\d)(?=.*[a-zA-Z]).{7,}$
The regular expression used to validate password strength requirements. By
default, the regular expression will match any password. The following is an
example of a pattern which requires at least 1 letter, 1 digit, and have a
minimum length of 7 characters: ^(?=.*\d)(?=.*[a-zA-Z]).{7,}$ This feature
depends on the `sql` backend for the `[identity] driver`.