#!/bin/bash -xe # This script will be run by OpenStack CI before unit tests are run, # it sets up the test system as needed. # Developers should setup their test systems in a similar way. # This setup needs to be run as a user that can run sudo. # The root password for the MySQL database; pass it in via # MYSQL_ROOT_PW. DB_ROOT_PW=${MYSQL_ROOT_PW:-insecure_slave} # This user and its password are used by the tests, if you change it, # your tests might fail. DB_USER=openstack_citest DB_PW=openstack_citest sudo -H mysqladmin -u root password $DB_ROOT_PW # It's best practice to remove anonymous users from the database. If # a anonymous user exists, then it matches first for connections and # other connections from that host will not work. sudo -H mysql -u root -p$DB_ROOT_PW -h localhost -e " DELETE FROM mysql.user WHERE User=''; FLUSH PRIVILEGES; CREATE USER '$DB_USER'@'%' IDENTIFIED BY '$DB_PW'; GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON *.* TO '$DB_USER'@'%' WITH GRANT OPTION;" # Bump the max_connections limit sudo -H mysql -u root -p$DB_ROOT_PW -h localhost -e " SET GLOBAL max_connections = 1024;" # Now create our database. mysql -u $DB_USER -p$DB_PW -h -e " SET default_storage_engine=MYISAM; DROP DATABASE IF EXISTS openstack_citest; CREATE DATABASE openstack_citest CHARACTER SET utf8;" # Same for PostgreSQL # The root password for the PostgreSQL database; pass it in via # POSTGRES_ROOT_PW. DB_ROOT_PW=${POSTGRES_ROOT_PW:-insecure_slave} # Setup user root_roles=$(sudo -H -u postgres psql -t -c " SELECT 'HERE' from pg_roles where rolname='$DB_USER'") if [[ ${root_roles} == *HERE ]];then sudo -H -u postgres psql -c "ALTER ROLE $DB_USER WITH SUPERUSER LOGIN PASSWORD '$DB_PW'" else sudo -H -u postgres psql -c "CREATE ROLE $DB_USER WITH SUPERUSER LOGIN PASSWORD '$DB_PW'" fi # Store password for tests cat << EOF > $HOME/.pgpass *:*:*:$DB_USER:$DB_PW EOF chmod 0600 $HOME/.pgpass # Now create our database psql -h -U $DB_USER -d template1 -c "DROP DATABASE IF EXISTS openstack_citest" createdb -h -U $DB_USER -l C -T template0 -E utf8 openstack_citest