.. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. .. _auth_totp: =================================== Time-based One-time Password (TOTP) =================================== Configuring TOTP ================ TOTP is not enabled in Keystone by default. To enable it add the ``totp`` authentication method to the ``[auth]`` section in ``keystone.conf``: .. code-block:: ini [auth] methods = external,password,token,oauth1,totp For a user to have access to TOTP, he must have configured TOTP credentials in Keystone and a TOTP device (i.e. `Google Authenticator`_). .. _Google Authenticator: http://www.google.com/2step TOTP uses a base32 encoded string for the secret. The secret must be at least 128 bits (16 bytes). The following python code can be used to generate a TOTP secret: .. code-block:: python import base64 message = '1234567890123456' print base64.b32encode(message).rstrip('=') Example output:: GEZDGNBVGY3TQOJQGEZDGNBVGY This generated secret can then be used to add new 'totp' credentials to a specific user. Create a TOTP credential ------------------------ Create ``totp`` credentials for user: .. code-block:: bash USER_ID=b7793000f8d84c79af4e215e9da78654 SECRET=GEZDGNBVGY3TQOJQGEZDGNBVGY curl -i \ -H "Content-Type: application/json" \ -d ' { "credential": { "blob": "'$SECRET'", "type": "totp", "user_id": "'$USER_ID'" } }' \ http://localhost:5000/v3/credentials ; echo Google Authenticator -------------------- On a device install Google Authenticator and inside the app click on 'Set up account' and then click on 'Enter provided key'. In the input fields enter account name and secret. Optionally a QR code can be generated programmatically to avoid having to type the information. QR code ------- Create TOTP QR code for device: .. code-block:: python import qrcode secret='GEZDGNBVGY3TQOJQGEZDGNBVGY' uri = 'otpauth://totp/{name}?secret={secret}&issuer={issuer}'.format( name='name', secret=secret, issuer='Keystone') img = qrcode.make(uri) img.save('totp.png') In Google Authenticator app click on 'Set up account' and then click on 'Scan a barcode', and then scan the 'totp.png' image. This should create a new TOTP entry in the application. Authenticate with TOTP ====================== Google Authenticator will generate a 6 digit PIN (passcode) every few seconds. Use the passcode and your user ID to authenticate using the ``totp`` method. Tokens ------ Get a token with default scope (may be unscoped) using totp: .. code-block:: bash USER_ID=b7793000f8d84c79af4e215e9da78654 PASSCODE=012345 curl -i \ -H "Content-Type: application/json" \ -d ' { "auth": { "identity": { "methods": [ "totp" ], "totp": { "user": { "id": "'$USER_ID'", "passcode": "'$PASSCODE'" } } } } }' \ http://localhost:5000/v3/auth/tokens ; echo