# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. import datetime import os import subprocess # nosec : see comments in the code below import uuid from oslo_log import log from oslo_utils import fileutils from oslo_utils import importutils from oslo_utils import timeutils import saml2 from saml2 import client_base from saml2 import md from saml2.profile import ecp from saml2 import saml from saml2 import samlp from saml2.schema import soapenv from saml2 import sigver xmldsig = importutils.try_import("saml2.xmldsig") if not xmldsig: xmldsig = importutils.try_import("xmldsig") from keystone.common import utils import keystone.conf from keystone import exception from keystone.i18n import _ LOG = log.getLogger(__name__) CONF = keystone.conf.CONF class SAMLGenerator(object): """A class to generate SAML assertions.""" def __init__(self): self.assertion_id = uuid.uuid4().hex def samlize_token(self, issuer, recipient, user, user_domain_name, roles, project, project_domain_name, expires_in=None): """Convert Keystone attributes to a SAML assertion. :param issuer: URL of the issuing party :type issuer: string :param recipient: URL of the recipient :type recipient: string :param user: User name :type user: string :param user_domain_name: User Domain name :type user_domain_name: string :param roles: List of role names :type roles: list :param project: Project name :type project: string :param project_domain_name: Project Domain name :type project_domain_name: string :param expires_in: Sets how long the assertion is valid for, in seconds :type expires_in: int :returns: XML object """ expiration_time = self._determine_expiration_time(expires_in) status = self._create_status() saml_issuer = self._create_issuer(issuer) subject = self._create_subject(user, expiration_time, recipient) attribute_statement = self._create_attribute_statement( user, user_domain_name, roles, project, project_domain_name) authn_statement = self._create_authn_statement(issuer, expiration_time) signature = self._create_signature() assertion = self._create_assertion(saml_issuer, signature, subject, authn_statement, attribute_statement) assertion = _sign_assertion(assertion) response = self._create_response(saml_issuer, status, assertion, recipient) return response def _determine_expiration_time(self, expires_in): if expires_in is None: expires_in = CONF.saml.assertion_expiration_time now = timeutils.utcnow() future = now + datetime.timedelta(seconds=expires_in) return utils.isotime(future, subsecond=True) def _create_status(self): """Create an object that represents a SAML Status. :returns: XML object """ status = samlp.Status() status_code = samlp.StatusCode() status_code.value = samlp.STATUS_SUCCESS status_code.set_text('') status.status_code = status_code return status def _create_issuer(self, issuer_url): """Create an object that represents a SAML Issuer. https://acme.com/FIM/sps/openstack/saml20 :returns: XML object """ issuer = saml.Issuer() issuer.format = saml.NAMEID_FORMAT_ENTITY issuer.set_text(issuer_url) return issuer def _create_subject(self, user, expiration_time, recipient): """Create an object that represents a SAML Subject. john@smith.com :returns: XML object """ name_id = saml.NameID() name_id.set_text(user) subject_conf_data = saml.SubjectConfirmationData() subject_conf_data.recipient = recipient subject_conf_data.not_on_or_after = expiration_time subject_conf = saml.SubjectConfirmation() subject_conf.method = saml.SCM_BEARER subject_conf.subject_confirmation_data = subject_conf_data subject = saml.Subject() subject.subject_confirmation = subject_conf subject.name_id = name_id return subject def _create_attribute_statement(self, user, user_domain_name, roles, project, project_domain_name): """Create an object that represents a SAML AttributeStatement. test_user Default admin member development Default :returns: XML object """ def _build_attribute(attribute_name, attribute_values): attribute = saml.Attribute() attribute.name = attribute_name for value in attribute_values: attribute_value = saml.AttributeValue() attribute_value.set_text(value) attribute.attribute_value.append(attribute_value) return attribute user_attribute = _build_attribute('openstack_user', [user]) roles_attribute = _build_attribute('openstack_roles', roles) project_attribute = _build_attribute('openstack_project', [project]) project_domain_attribute = _build_attribute( 'openstack_project_domain', [project_domain_name]) user_domain_attribute = _build_attribute( 'openstack_user_domain', [user_domain_name]) attribute_statement = saml.AttributeStatement() attribute_statement.attribute.append(user_attribute) attribute_statement.attribute.append(roles_attribute) attribute_statement.attribute.append(project_attribute) attribute_statement.attribute.append(project_domain_attribute) attribute_statement.attribute.append(user_domain_attribute) return attribute_statement def _create_authn_statement(self, issuer, expiration_time): """Create an object that represents a SAML AuthnStatement. urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:ac:classes:Password https://acme.com/FIM/sps/openstack/saml20 :returns: XML object """ authn_statement = saml.AuthnStatement() authn_statement.authn_instant = utils.isotime() authn_statement.session_index = uuid.uuid4().hex authn_statement.session_not_on_or_after = expiration_time authn_context = saml.AuthnContext() authn_context_class = saml.AuthnContextClassRef() authn_context_class.set_text(saml.AUTHN_PASSWORD) authn_authority = saml.AuthenticatingAuthority() authn_authority.set_text(issuer) authn_context.authn_context_class_ref = authn_context_class authn_context.authenticating_authority = authn_authority authn_statement.authn_context = authn_context return authn_statement def _create_assertion(self, issuer, signature, subject, authn_statement, attribute_statement): """Create an object that represents a SAML Assertion. ... ... ... ... ... :returns: XML object """ assertion = saml.Assertion() assertion.id = self.assertion_id assertion.issue_instant = utils.isotime() assertion.version = '2.0' assertion.issuer = issuer assertion.signature = signature assertion.subject = subject assertion.authn_statement = authn_statement assertion.attribute_statement = attribute_statement return assertion def _create_response(self, issuer, status, assertion, recipient): """Create an object that represents a SAML Response. ... ... ... :returns: XML object """ response = samlp.Response() response.id = uuid.uuid4().hex response.destination = recipient response.issue_instant = utils.isotime() response.version = '2.0' response.issuer = issuer response.status = status response.assertion = assertion return response def _create_signature(self): """Create an object that represents a SAML . This must be filled with algorithms that the signing binary will apply in order to sign the whole message. Currently we enforce X509 signing. Example of the template:: :returns: XML object """ canonicalization_method = xmldsig.CanonicalizationMethod() canonicalization_method.algorithm = xmldsig.ALG_EXC_C14N signature_method = xmldsig.SignatureMethod( algorithm=xmldsig.SIG_RSA_SHA1) transforms = xmldsig.Transforms() envelope_transform = xmldsig.Transform( algorithm=xmldsig.TRANSFORM_ENVELOPED) c14_transform = xmldsig.Transform(algorithm=xmldsig.ALG_EXC_C14N) transforms.transform = [envelope_transform, c14_transform] digest_method = xmldsig.DigestMethod(algorithm=xmldsig.DIGEST_SHA1) digest_value = xmldsig.DigestValue() reference = xmldsig.Reference() reference.uri = '#' + self.assertion_id reference.digest_method = digest_method reference.digest_value = digest_value reference.transforms = transforms signed_info = xmldsig.SignedInfo() signed_info.canonicalization_method = canonicalization_method signed_info.signature_method = signature_method signed_info.reference = reference key_info = xmldsig.KeyInfo() key_info.x509_data = xmldsig.X509Data() signature = xmldsig.Signature() signature.signed_info = signed_info signature.signature_value = xmldsig.SignatureValue() signature.key_info = key_info return signature def _verify_assertion_binary_is_installed(): """Make sure the specified xmlsec binary is installed. If the binary specified in configuration isn't installed, make sure we leave some sort of useful error message for operators since the absense of it is going to throw an HTTP 500. """ try: # `check_output` just returns the output of whatever is passed in # (hence the name). We don't really care about where the location of # the binary exists, though. We just want to make sure it's actually # installed and if an `CalledProcessError` isn't thrown, it is. subprocess.check_output( # nosec : The contents of this command are # coming from either the default # configuration value for # CONF.saml.xmlsec1_binary or an operator # supplied location for that binary. In # either case, it is safe to assume this # input is coming from a trusted source and # not a possible attacker (over the API). ['/usr/bin/which', CONF.saml.xmlsec1_binary] ) except subprocess.CalledProcessError: msg = ( 'Unable to locate %(binary)s binary on the system. Check to make ' 'sure it is installed.') % {'binary': CONF.saml.xmlsec1_binary} tr_msg = _( 'Unable to locate %(binary)s binary on the system. Check to ' 'make sure it is installed.') % { 'binary': CONF.saml.xmlsec1_binary} LOG.error(msg) raise exception.SAMLSigningError(reason=tr_msg) def _sign_assertion(assertion): """Sign a SAML assertion. This method utilizes ``xmlsec1`` binary and signs SAML assertions in a separate process. ``xmlsec1`` cannot read input data from stdin so the prepared assertion needs to be serialized and stored in a temporary file. This file will be deleted immediately after ``xmlsec1`` returns. The signed assertion is redirected to a standard output and read using ``subprocess.PIPE`` redirection. A ``saml.Assertion`` class is created from the signed string again and returned. Parameters that are required in the CONF:: * xmlsec_binary * private key file path * public key file path :returns: XML object """ # Ensure that the configured certificate paths do not contain any commas, # before we string format a comma in between them and cause xmlsec1 to # explode like a thousand fiery supernovas made entirely of unsigned SAML. for option in ('keyfile', 'certfile'): if ',' in getattr(CONF.saml, option, ''): raise exception.UnexpectedError( 'The configuration value in `keystone.conf [saml] %s` cannot ' 'contain a comma (`,`). Please fix your configuration.' % option) # xmlsec1 --sign --privkey-pem privkey,cert --id-attr:ID certificates = '%(idp_private_key)s,%(idp_public_key)s' % { 'idp_public_key': CONF.saml.certfile, 'idp_private_key': CONF.saml.keyfile, } # Verify that the binary used to create the assertion actually exists on # the system. If it doesn't, log a warning for operators to go and install # it. Requests for assertions will fail with HTTP 500s until the package is # installed, so providing something useful in the logs is about the best we # can do. _verify_assertion_binary_is_installed() command_list = [ CONF.saml.xmlsec1_binary, '--sign', '--privkey-pem', certificates, '--id-attr:ID', 'Assertion'] file_path = None try: # NOTE(gyee): need to make the namespace prefixes explicit so # they won't get reassigned when we wrap the assertion into # SAML2 response file_path = fileutils.write_to_tempfile(assertion.to_string( nspair={'saml': saml2.NAMESPACE, 'xmldsig': xmldsig.NAMESPACE})) command_list.append(file_path) stdout = subprocess.check_output(command_list, # nosec : The contents # of the command list are coming from # a trusted source because the # executable and arguments all either # come from the config file or are # hardcoded. The command list is # initialized earlier in this function # to a list and it's still a list at # this point in the function. There is # no opportunity for an attacker to # attempt command injection via string # parsing. stderr=subprocess.STDOUT) except Exception as e: msg = 'Error when signing assertion, reason: %(reason)s%(output)s' LOG.error(msg, {'reason': e, 'output': ' ' + e.output if hasattr(e, 'output') else ''}) raise exception.SAMLSigningError(reason=e) finally: try: if file_path: os.remove(file_path) except OSError: # nosec # The file is already gone, good. pass return saml2.create_class_from_xml_string(saml.Assertion, stdout) class MetadataGenerator(object): """A class for generating SAML IdP Metadata.""" def generate_metadata(self): """Generate Identity Provider Metadata. Generate and format metadata into XML that can be exposed and consumed by a federated Service Provider. :returns: XML object. :raises keystone.exception.ValidationError: If the required config options aren't set. """ self._ensure_required_values_present() entity_descriptor = self._create_entity_descriptor() entity_descriptor.idpsso_descriptor = ( self._create_idp_sso_descriptor()) return entity_descriptor def _create_entity_descriptor(self): ed = md.EntityDescriptor() ed.entity_id = CONF.saml.idp_entity_id return ed def _create_idp_sso_descriptor(self): def get_cert(): try: return sigver.read_cert_from_file(CONF.saml.certfile, 'pem') except (IOError, sigver.CertificateError) as e: msg = ('Cannot open certificate %(cert_file)s.' 'Reason: %(reason)s') % { 'cert_file': CONF.saml.certfile, 'reason': e} tr_msg = _('Cannot open certificate %(cert_file)s.' 'Reason: %(reason)s') % { 'cert_file': CONF.saml.certfile, 'reason': e} LOG.error(msg) raise IOError(tr_msg) def key_descriptor(): cert = get_cert() return md.KeyDescriptor( key_info=xmldsig.KeyInfo( x509_data=xmldsig.X509Data( x509_certificate=xmldsig.X509Certificate(text=cert) ) ), use='signing' ) def single_sign_on_service(): idp_sso_endpoint = CONF.saml.idp_sso_endpoint return md.SingleSignOnService( binding=saml2.BINDING_URI, location=idp_sso_endpoint) def organization(): name = md.OrganizationName(lang=CONF.saml.idp_lang, text=CONF.saml.idp_organization_name) display_name = md.OrganizationDisplayName( lang=CONF.saml.idp_lang, text=CONF.saml.idp_organization_display_name) url = md.OrganizationURL(lang=CONF.saml.idp_lang, text=CONF.saml.idp_organization_url) return md.Organization( organization_display_name=display_name, organization_url=url, organization_name=name) def contact_person(): company = md.Company(text=CONF.saml.idp_contact_company) given_name = md.GivenName(text=CONF.saml.idp_contact_name) surname = md.SurName(text=CONF.saml.idp_contact_surname) email = md.EmailAddress(text=CONF.saml.idp_contact_email) telephone = md.TelephoneNumber( text=CONF.saml.idp_contact_telephone) contact_type = CONF.saml.idp_contact_type return md.ContactPerson( company=company, given_name=given_name, sur_name=surname, email_address=email, telephone_number=telephone, contact_type=contact_type) def name_id_format(): return md.NameIDFormat(text=saml.NAMEID_FORMAT_TRANSIENT) idpsso = md.IDPSSODescriptor() idpsso.protocol_support_enumeration = samlp.NAMESPACE idpsso.key_descriptor = key_descriptor() idpsso.single_sign_on_service = single_sign_on_service() idpsso.name_id_format = name_id_format() if self._check_organization_values(): idpsso.organization = organization() if self._check_contact_person_values(): idpsso.contact_person = contact_person() return idpsso def _ensure_required_values_present(self): """Ensure idp_sso_endpoint and idp_entity_id have values.""" if CONF.saml.idp_entity_id is None: msg = _('Ensure configuration option idp_entity_id is set.') raise exception.ValidationError(msg) if CONF.saml.idp_sso_endpoint is None: msg = _('Ensure configuration option idp_sso_endpoint is set.') raise exception.ValidationError(msg) def _check_contact_person_values(self): """Determine if contact information is included in metadata.""" # Check if we should include contact information params = [CONF.saml.idp_contact_company, CONF.saml.idp_contact_name, CONF.saml.idp_contact_surname, CONF.saml.idp_contact_email, CONF.saml.idp_contact_telephone, CONF.saml.idp_contact_type] for value in params: if value is None: return False return True def _check_organization_values(self): """Determine if organization information is included in metadata.""" params = [CONF.saml.idp_organization_name, CONF.saml.idp_organization_display_name, CONF.saml.idp_organization_url] for value in params: if value is None: return False return True class ECPGenerator(object): """A class for generating an ECP assertion.""" @staticmethod def generate_ecp(saml_assertion, relay_state_prefix): ecp_generator = ECPGenerator() header = ecp_generator._create_header(relay_state_prefix) body = ecp_generator._create_body(saml_assertion) envelope = soapenv.Envelope(header=header, body=body) return envelope def _create_header(self, relay_state_prefix): relay_state_text = relay_state_prefix + uuid.uuid4().hex relay_state = ecp.RelayState(actor=client_base.ACTOR, must_understand='1', text=relay_state_text) header = soapenv.Header() header.extension_elements = ( [saml2.element_to_extension_element(relay_state)]) return header def _create_body(self, saml_assertion): body = soapenv.Body() body.extension_elements = ( [saml2.element_to_extension_element(saml_assertion)]) return body