================== Federated Identity ================== You can use federation for the Identity service (keystone) in two ways: * Supporting keystone as a :abbr:`SP (Service Provider)`: consuming identity assertions issued by an external Identity Provider, such as SAML assertions or OpenID Connect claims. * Supporting keystone as an :abbr:`IdP (Identity Provider)`: fulfilling authentication requests on behalf of Service Providers. .. note:: It is also possible to have one keystone act as an SP that consumes Identity from another keystone acting as an IdP. There is currently support for two major federation protocols: * `SAML `_ * `OpenID Connect `_ .. figure:: figures/keystone-federation.png :width: 100% Keystone federation To enable federation: #. Run keystone under Apache. See `Configure the Apache HTTP server `_ for more information. .. note:: Other application servers, such as `nginx `_, have support for federation extensions that may work but are not tested by the community. #. Configure Apache to use a federation capable module. We recommend Shibboleth, see `the Shibboleth documentation `_ for more information. .. note:: Another option is ``mod_auth_melon``, see `the mod's github repo `_ for more information. #. Configure federation in keystone. .. note:: The external IdP is responsible for authenticating users and communicates the result of authentication to keystone using authentication assertions. Keystone maps these values to keystone user groups and assignments created in keystone. Supporting keystone as a SP ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ To have keystone as an SP, you will need to configure keystone to accept assertions from external IdPs. Examples of external IdPs are: * :abbr:`ADFS (Active Directory Federation Services)` * FreeIPA * Tivoli Access Manager * Keystone Configuring federation in keystone ---------------------------------- #. Configure authentication drivers in ``keystone.conf`` by adding the authentication methods to the ``[auth]`` section in ``keystone.conf``. Ensure the names are the same as to the protocol names added via Identity API v3. For example: .. code-block:: ini [auth] methods = external,password,token,mapped,openid .. note:: ``mapped`` and ``openid`` are the federation specific drivers. The other names in the example are not related to federation. #. Create local keystone groups and assign roles. .. important:: The keystone requires group-based role assignments to authorize federated users. The federation mapping engine maps federated users into local user groups, which are the actors in keystone's role assignments. #. Create an IdP object in keystone. The object must represent the IdP you will use to authenticate end users: .. code:: ini PUT /OS-FEDERATION/identity_providers/{idp_id} More configuration information for IdPs can be found `Register an Identity Provider `_. #. Add mapping rules: .. code:: ini PUT /OS-FEDERATION/mappings/{mapping_id} More configuration information for mapping rules can be found `Create a mapping `_. .. note:: The only keystone API objects that support mapping are groups and users. #. Add a protocol object and specify the mapping ID you want to use with the combination of the IdP and protocol: .. code:: ini PUT /OS-FEDERATION/identity_providers/{idp_id}/protocols/{protocol_id} More configuration information for protocols can be found `Add a protocol and attribute mapping to an identity provider `_. Performing federated authentication ----------------------------------- #. Authenticate externally and generate an unscoped token in keystone: .. note:: Unlike other authentication methods in keystone, the user does not issue an HTTP POST request with authentication data in the request body. To start federated authentication a user must access the dedicated URL with IdP's and orotocol’s identifiers stored within a protected URL. The URL has a format of: ``/v3/OS-FEDERATION/identity_providers/{idp_id}/protocols/{protocol_id}/auth``. .. code:: ini GET/POST /OS-FEDERATION/identity_providers/{identity_provider}/protocols/{protocol}/auth #. Determine accessible resources. By using the previously returned token, the user can issue requests to the list projects and domains that are accessible. * List projects a federated user can access: GET /OS-FEDERATION/projects * List domains a federated user can access: GET /OS-FEDERATION/domains .. code:: ini GET /OS-FEDERATION/projects #. Get a scoped token. A federated user can request a scoped token using the unscoped token. A project or domain can be specified by either ID or name. An ID is sufficient to uniquely identify a project or domain. .. code:: ini POST /auth/tokens Supporting keystone as an IdP ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ When acting as an IdP, the primary role of keystone is to issue assertions about users owned by keystone. This is done using PySAML2. Configuring federation in keystone ---------------------------------- There are certain settings in ``keystone.conf`` that must be set up, prior to attempting to federate multiple keystone deployments. #. Within ``keystone.conf``, assign values to the ``[saml]`` related fields, for example: .. code:: ini [saml] certfile=/etc/keystone/ssl/certs/ca.pem keyfile=/etc/keystone/ssl/private/cakey.pem idp_entity_id=https://keystone.example.com/v3/OS-FEDERATION/saml2/idp idp_sso_endpoint=https://keystone.example.com/v3/OS-FEDERATION/saml2/sso idp_metadata_path=/etc/keystone/saml2_idp_metadata.xml #. We recommend the following `Organization` configuration options. Ensure these values contain not special characters that may cause problems as part of a URL: .. code:: ini idp_organization_name=example_company idp_organization_display_name=Example Corp. idp_organization_url=example.com #. As with the `Organization` options, the `Contact` options are not necessary, but it is advisable to set these values: .. code:: ini idp_contact_company=example_company idp_contact_name=John idp_contact_surname=Smith idp_contact_email=jsmith@example.com idp_contact_telephone=555-55-5555 idp_contact_type=technical Generate metadata ----------------- Metadata must be exchanged to create a trust between the IdP and the SP. #. Create metadata for your keystone IdP, run the ``keystone-manage`` command and pipe the output to a file. For example: .. code:: console $ keystone-manage saml_idp_metadata > /etc/keystone/saml2_idp_metadata.xml .. note:: The file location must match the value of the ``idp_metadata_path`` configuration option assigned previously. Create a SP ----------- To setup keystone-as-a-Service-Provider properly, you will need to understand what protocols are supported by external IdPs. For example, keystone as an SP can allow identities to federate in from a ADFS IdP but it must be configured to understand the SAML v2.0 protocol. ADFS issues assertions using SAML v2.0. Some examples of federated protocols include: * SAML v2.0 * OpenID Connect The following instructions are an example of how you can configure keystone as an SP. #. Create a new SP with an ID of BETA. #. Create a ``sp_url`` of ``_. #. Create a ``auth_url`` of ``_. .. note:: Use the ``sp_url`` when creating a SAML assertion for BETA and signed by the current keystone IdP. Use the ``auth_url`` when retrieving the token for BETA once the SAML assertion is sent. #. Set the ``enabled`` field to ``true``. It is set to ``false`` by default. #. Your output should reflect the following example: .. code:: console $ curl -s -X PUT \ -H "X-Auth-Token: $OS_TOKEN" \ -H "Content-Type: application/json" \ -d '{"service_provider": {"auth_url": "http://beta.example.com:5000/v3/OS-FEDERATION/identity_providers/beta/protocols/saml2/auth", "sp_url": "https://example.com:5000/Shibboleth.sso/SAML2/ECP", "enabled": true}}' \ http://localhost:5000/v3/OS-FEDERATION/service_providers/BETA | python -mjson.tool keystone-to-keystone ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Keystone acting as an IdP is known as :abbr:`k2k (keystone-2-keystone)` or k2k federation, where a keystone somewhere is acting as the SP and another keystone is acting as the IdP. All IdPs issue assertions about the identities it owns using a `Protocol`. Mapping rules ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Mapping adds a set of rules to map federation attributes to keystone users or groups. An IdP has exactly one mapping specified per protocol. A mapping is a translation between assertions provided from an IdP and the permission and roles applied by an SP. Given an assertion from an IdP, an SP applies a mapping to translate attributes from the IdP to known roles. A mapping is typically owned by an SP. Mapping objects can be used multiple times by different combinations of IdP and protocol. A rule hierarchy is as follows: .. code:: ini { "rules": [ { "local": [ { " or " } ], "remote": [ { "" } ] } ] } * ``rules``: top-level list of rules. * ``local``: a rule containing information on what local attributes will be mapped. * ``remote``: a rule containing information on what remote attributes will be mapped. * ``condition``: contains information on conditions that allow a rule, can only be set in a remote rule. For more information on mapping rules, see `Mapping Rules `_. Mapping creation ---------------- Mapping creation starts with the communication between the IdP and SP. The IdP usually provides a set of assertions that their users have in their assertion document. The SP will have to map those assertions to known groups and roles. For example: .. code:: ini Identity Provider 1: name: jsmith groups: hacker other: The Service Provider may have 3 groups: Admin Group Developer Group User Group The mapping created by the Service Provider might look like: Local: Group: Developer Group Remote: Groups: hackers The ``Developer Group`` may have a role assignment on the ``Developer Project``. When `jsmith` authenticates against IdP 1, it presents that assertion to the SP.The SP maps the `jsmith` user to the ``Developer Group`` because the assertion says `jsmith` is a member of the ``hacker`` group. Mapping examples ---------------- A bare bones mapping is sufficient if you would like all federated users to have the same authorization in the SP cloud. However, mapping is quite powerful and flexible. You can map different remote users into different user groups in keystone, limited only by the number of assertions your IdP makes about each user. A mapping is composed of a list of rules, and each rule is further composed of a list of remote attributes and a list of local attributes. If a rule is matched, all of the local attributes are applied in the SP. For a rule to match, all of the remote attributes it defines must match. In the base case, a federated user simply needs an assertion containing an email address to be identified in the SP cloud. To achieve that, only one rule is needed that requires the presence of one remote attribute: .. code:: javascript { "rules": [ { "remote": [ { "type": "Email" } ], "local": [ { "user": { "name": "{0}" } } ] } ] } However, that is not particularly useful as the federated user would receive no authorization. To rectify it, you can map all federated users with email addresses into a ``federated-users`` group in the ``default`` domain. All federated users will then be able to consume whatever role assignments that user group has already received in keystone: .. note:: In this example, there is only one rule requiring one remote attribute. .. code:: javascript { "rules": [ { "remote": [ { "type": "Email" } ], "local": [ { "user": { "name": "{0}" } }, { "group": { "domain": { "id": "0cd5e9" }, "name": "federated-users" } } ] } ] } This example can be expanded by adding a second rule that conveys additional authorization to only a subset of federated users. Federated users with a `title` attribute that matches either ``Manager`` or ``Supervisor`` are granted the hypothetical ``observer`` role, which would allow them to perform any read-only API call in the cloud: .. code:: javascript { "rules": [ { "remote": [ { "type": "Email" }, ], "local": [ { "user": { "name": "{0}" } }, { "group": { "domain": { "id": "default" }, "name": "federated-users" } } ] }, { "remote": [ { "type": "Title", "any_one_of": [".*Manager$", "Supervisor"], "regex": "true" }, ], "local": [ { "group": { "domain": { "id": "default" }, "name": "observers" } } ] } ] } .. note:: ``any_one_of`` and ``regex`` in the rule above map federated users into the ``observers`` group when a user's ``Title`` assertion matches any of the regular expressions specified in the ``any_one_of`` attribute. Keystone also supports the following: * ``not_any_of``, matches any assertion that does not include one of the specified values * ``blacklist``, matches all assertions of the specified type except those included in the specified value * ``whitelist`` does not match any assertion except those listed in the specified value.