# vim: tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 # Copyright 2013 OpenStack Foundation # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. import uuid from keystone.common import controller from keystone.common import dependency from keystone import config from keystone import exception from keystone import identity from keystone.openstack.common import log as logging from keystone.openstack.common import timeutils LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__) CONF = config.CONF def _trustor_only(context, trust, user_id): if user_id != trust.get('trustor_user_id'): raise exception.Forbidden() def _admin_trustor_trustee_only(context, trust, user_id): if (user_id != trust.get('trustor_user_id') and user_id != trust.get('trustor_user_id') and context['is_admin']): raise exception.Forbidden() def _admin_trustor_only(context, trust, user_id): if user_id != trust.get('trustor_user_id') and not context['is_admin']: raise exception.Forbidden() @dependency.requires('identity_api', 'trust_api', 'token_api') class TrustV3(controller.V3Controller): collection_name = "trusts" member_name = "trust" @classmethod def base_url(cls, path=None): endpoint = CONF.public_endpoint % CONF # allow a missing trailing slash in the config if endpoint[-1] != '/': endpoint += '/' url = endpoint + 'v3/OS-TRUST' if path: return url + path else: return url + '/' + cls.collection_name def _get_user_id(self, context): if 'token_id' in context: token_id = context['token_id'] token = self.token_api.get_token(token_id) user_id = token['user']['id'] return user_id return None def get_trust(self, context, trust_id): user_id = self._get_user_id(context) trust = self.trust_api.get_trust(trust_id) if not trust: raise exception.TrustNotFound(trust_id) _admin_trustor_trustee_only(context, trust, user_id) if not trust: raise exception.TrustNotFound(trust_id=trust_id) if (user_id != trust['trustor_user_id'] and user_id != trust['trustee_user_id']): raise exception.Forbidden() self._fill_in_roles(context, trust, self.identity_api.list_roles()) return TrustV3.wrap_member(context, trust) def _fill_in_roles(self, context, trust, global_roles): if trust.get('expires_at') is not None: trust['expires_at'] = (timeutils.isotime (trust['expires_at'], subsecond=True)) if 'roles' not in trust: trust['roles'] = [] trust_full_roles = [] for trust_role in trust['roles']: if isinstance(trust_role, basestring): trust_role = {'id': trust_role} matching_roles = [x for x in global_roles if x['id'] == trust_role['id']] if matching_roles: full_role = identity.controllers.RoleV3.wrap_member( context, matching_roles[0])['role'] trust_full_roles.append(full_role) trust['roles'] = trust_full_roles trust['roles_links'] = { 'self': (self.base_url() + "/%s/roles" % trust['id']), 'next': None, 'previous': None} def _clean_role_list(self, context, trust, global_roles): trust_roles = [] global_role_names = dict((r['name'], r) for r in global_roles) for role in trust.get('roles', []): if 'id' in role: trust_roles.append({'id': role['id']}) elif 'name' in role: rolename = role['name'] if rolename in global_role_names: trust_roles.append({'id': global_role_names[rolename]['id']}) else: raise exception.RoleNotFound("role %s is not defined" % rolename) else: raise exception.ValidationError(attribute='id or name', target='roles') return trust_roles @controller.protected() def create_trust(self, context, trust=None): """Create a new trust. The user creating the trust must be the trustor. """ # TODO(ayoung): instead of raising ValidationError on the first # problem, return a collection of all the problems. # Explicitly prevent a trust token from creating a new trust. auth_context = context.get('environment', {}).get('KEYSTONE_AUTH_CONTEXT', {}) if auth_context.get('is_delegated_auth'): raise exception.Forbidden( _('Cannot create a trust' ' with a token issued via delegation.')) if not trust: raise exception.ValidationError(attribute='trust', target='request') try: user_id = self._get_user_id(context) _trustor_only(context, trust, user_id) #confirm that the trustee exists trustee_ref = self.identity_api.get_user(trust['trustee_user_id']) if not trustee_ref: raise exception.UserNotFound(user_id=trust['trustee_user_id']) global_roles = self.identity_api.list_roles() clean_roles = self._clean_role_list(context, trust, global_roles) if trust.get('project_id'): user_roles = self.identity_api.get_roles_for_user_and_project( user_id, trust['project_id']) else: user_roles = [] for trust_role in clean_roles: matching_roles = [x for x in user_roles if x == trust_role['id']] if not matching_roles: raise exception.RoleNotFound(role_id=trust_role['id']) if trust.get('expires_at') is not None: if not trust['expires_at'].endswith('Z'): trust['expires_at'] += 'Z' trust['expires_at'] = (timeutils.parse_isotime (trust['expires_at'])) new_trust = self.trust_api.create_trust( trust_id=uuid.uuid4().hex, trust=trust, roles=clean_roles) self._fill_in_roles(context, new_trust, global_roles) return TrustV3.wrap_member(context, new_trust) except KeyError as e: raise exception.ValidationError(attribute=e.args[0], target='trust') @controller.protected() def list_trusts(self, context): query = context['query_string'] trusts = [] if not query: self.assert_admin(context) trusts += self.trust_api.list_trusts() if 'trustor_user_id' in query: user_id = query['trustor_user_id'] calling_user_id = self._get_user_id(context) if user_id != calling_user_id: raise exception.Forbidden() trusts += (self.trust_api. list_trusts_for_trustor(user_id)) if 'trustee_user_id' in query: user_id = query['trustee_user_id'] calling_user_id = self._get_user_id(context) if user_id != calling_user_id: raise exception.Forbidden() trusts += self.trust_api.list_trusts_for_trustee(user_id) for trust in trusts: # get_trust returns roles, list_trusts does not # It seems in some circumstances, roles does not # exist in the query response, so check first if 'roles' in trust: del trust['roles'] if trust.get('expires_at') is not None: trust['expires_at'] = (timeutils.isotime (trust['expires_at'], subsecond=True)) return TrustV3.wrap_collection(context, trusts) @controller.protected() def delete_trust(self, context, trust_id): trust = self.trust_api.get_trust(trust_id) if not trust: raise exception.TrustNotFound(trust_id) user_id = self._get_user_id(context) _admin_trustor_only(context, trust, user_id) self.trust_api.delete_trust(trust_id) userid = trust['trustor_user_id'] self.token_api.delete_tokens(userid, trust_id=trust_id) @controller.protected() def list_roles_for_trust(self, context, trust_id): trust = self.get_trust(context, trust_id)['trust'] if not trust: raise exception.TrustNotFound(trust_id) user_id = self._get_user_id(context) _admin_trustor_trustee_only(context, trust, user_id) return {'roles': trust['roles'], 'links': trust['roles_links']} @controller.protected() def check_role_for_trust(self, context, trust_id, role_id): """Checks if a role has been assigned to a trust.""" trust = self.trust_api.get_trust(trust_id) if not trust: raise exception.TrustNotFound(trust_id) user_id = self._get_user_id(context) _admin_trustor_trustee_only(context, trust, user_id) matching_roles = [x for x in trust['roles'] if x['id'] == role_id] if not matching_roles: raise exception.RoleNotFound(role_id=role_id) @controller.protected() def get_role_for_trust(self, context, trust_id, role_id): """Checks if a role has been assigned to a trust.""" trust = self.trust_api.get_trust(trust_id) if not trust: raise exception.TrustNotFound(trust_id) user_id = self._get_user_id(context) _admin_trustor_trustee_only(context, trust, user_id) matching_roles = [x for x in trust['roles'] if x['id'] == role_id] if not matching_roles: raise exception.RoleNotFound(role_id=role_id) global_roles = self.identity_api.list_roles() matching_roles = [x for x in global_roles if x['id'] == role_id] if matching_roles: full_role = (identity.controllers. RoleV3.wrap_member(context, matching_roles[0])) return full_role else: raise exception.RoleNotFound(role_id=role_id)