.. -*- rst -*- ================== Tokens and tenants ================== List tenants ============ .. rest_method:: GET /v2.0/tenants Lists tenants to which the token has access. Normal response codes: 200 Error response codes:203,413,405,404,403,401,400,503, Response Parameters ------------------- .. rest_parameters:: parameters.yaml - description: description - tenants_links: tenants_links - enabled: enabled - tenants: tenants - id: id - name: name Response Example ---------------- .. literalinclude:: samples/admin/tenants-list-response.json :language: javascript Authenticate ============ .. rest_method:: POST /v2.0/tokens Authenticates and generates a token. The Identity API is a RESTful web service. It is the entry point to all service APIs. To access the Identity API, you must know its URL. Each REST request against Identity requires the X-Auth-Token header. Clients obtain this token, along with the URL to other service APIs, by first authenticating against Identity with valid credentials. To authenticate, you must provide either a user ID and password or a token. If the authentication token has expired, this call returns the HTTP ``401`` status code. If the token has expired, this call returns the HTTP ``404`` status code. The Identity API treats expired tokens as no longer valid tokens. The deployment determines how long expired tokens are stored. To view the ``trust`` object, you need to set ``trust`` enable on the keystone configuration. Normal response codes: 200 Error response codes:203,413,405,404,403,401,400,503, Request ------- .. rest_parameters:: parameters.yaml - username: username - passwordCredentials: passwordCredentials - tenantId: tenantId - token: token - tenantName: tenantName - password: password - id: id Request Example --------------- .. literalinclude:: samples/admin/authenticate-token-request.json :language: javascript Response Parameters ------------------- .. rest_parameters:: parameters.yaml - impersonation: impersonation - endpoints_links: endpoints_links - serviceCatalog: serviceCatalog - description: description - type: type - expires: expires - enabled: enabled - name: name - access: access - trustee_user_id: trustee_user_id - token: token - user: user - issued_at: issued_at - trustor_user_id: trustor_user_id - endpoints: endpoints - trust: trust - id: id - tenant: tenant - metadata: metadata Response Example ---------------- .. literalinclude:: samples/client/authenticate-response.json :language: javascript