# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. class AuthTestMixin(object): """To hold auth building helper functions.""" def _build_auth_scope(self, project_id=None, project_name=None, project_domain_id=None, project_domain_name=None, domain_id=None, domain_name=None, trust_id=None, unscoped=None): scope_data = {} if unscoped: scope_data['unscoped'] = {} if project_id or project_name: scope_data['project'] = {} if project_id: scope_data['project']['id'] = project_id else: scope_data['project']['name'] = project_name if project_domain_id or project_domain_name: project_domain_json = {} if project_domain_id: project_domain_json['id'] = project_domain_id else: project_domain_json['name'] = project_domain_name scope_data['project']['domain'] = project_domain_json if domain_id or domain_name: scope_data['domain'] = {} if domain_id: scope_data['domain']['id'] = domain_id else: scope_data['domain']['name'] = domain_name if trust_id: scope_data['OS-TRUST:trust'] = {} scope_data['OS-TRUST:trust']['id'] = trust_id return scope_data def _build_auth(self, user_id=None, username=None, user_domain_id=None, user_domain_name=None, **kwargs): # NOTE(dstanek): just to ensure sanity in the tests self.assertEqual(1, len(kwargs), message='_build_auth requires 1 (and only 1) ' 'secret type and value') secret_type, secret_value = list(kwargs.items())[0] # NOTE(dstanek): just to ensure sanity in the tests self.assertIn(secret_type, ('passcode', 'password'), message="_build_auth only supports 'passcode' " "and 'password' secret types") data = {'user': {}} if user_id: data['user']['id'] = user_id else: data['user']['name'] = username if user_domain_id or user_domain_name: data['user']['domain'] = {} if user_domain_id: data['user']['domain']['id'] = user_domain_id else: data['user']['domain']['name'] = user_domain_name data['user'][secret_type] = secret_value return data def _build_token_auth(self, token): return {'id': token} def build_authentication_request(self, token=None, user_id=None, username=None, user_domain_id=None, user_domain_name=None, password=None, kerberos=False, passcode=None, **kwargs): """Build auth dictionary. It will create an auth dictionary based on all the arguments that it receives. """ auth_data = {} auth_data['identity'] = {'methods': []} if kerberos: auth_data['identity']['methods'].append('kerberos') auth_data['identity']['kerberos'] = {} if token: auth_data['identity']['methods'].append('token') auth_data['identity']['token'] = self._build_token_auth(token) if password and (user_id or username): auth_data['identity']['methods'].append('password') auth_data['identity']['password'] = self._build_auth( user_id, username, user_domain_id, user_domain_name, password=password) if passcode and (user_id or username): auth_data['identity']['methods'].append('totp') auth_data['identity']['totp'] = self._build_auth( user_id, username, user_domain_id, user_domain_name, passcode=passcode) if kwargs: auth_data['scope'] = self._build_auth_scope(**kwargs) return {'auth': auth_data}