# variables in header X-Auth-Token: description: | A valid authentication token for an administrative user. in: header required: true type: string # variables in path endpoint_id_path: description: | Endpoint ID in: path required: true type: string tenant_id_path: description: | The tenant ID. in: path required: true type: string token_id_path: description: | The authentication token for which to perform the operation. in: path required: true type: string user_id_path: description: | The user ID. in: path required: true type: string # variables in query belongsTo: description: | Project ID to check against token scope. in: query required: false type: string tenant_name_query: description: | Filters the response by a tenant name. in: query required: false type: string # variables in body access: description: | An ``access`` object. in: body required: true type: string email: description: | The user email. in: body required: false type: string enabled: description: | Indicates whether the tenant is enabled or disabled. in: body required: true type: boolean endpoint: description: | Endpoint object. Contains ``publicURL``, ``adminURL``, ``internalURL``, ``id`` and ``region`` for the endpoint. in: body required: true type: object endpoint_adminurl_request: description: | Admin URL in: body required: false type: string endpoint_id: description: | Endpoint ID in: body required: true type: string endpoint_internalurl_request: description: | Internal URL in: body required: false type: string endpoint_internalurl_response: description: | Internal URL in: body required: true type: string endpoint_publicurl_request: description: | Public URL in: body required: true type: string endpoint_publicurl_response: description: | Public URL in: body required: true type: string endpoint_region_request: description: | Region of the endpoint in: body required: false type: string endpoint_region_response: description: | Region of the endpoint in: body required: true type: string endpoints: description: | One or more ``endpoint`` objects. Each object shows the ``adminURL``, ``region``, ``internalURL``, ``id``, and ``publicURL`` for the endpoint. in: body required: true type: array impersonation: description: | The impersonation flag. in: body required: false type: string location: format: uri in: body required: true type: string metadata: description: | A ``metadata`` object. in: body required: true type: string role_description: description: | The role description. in: body required: true type: string role_id: description: | The role ID. in: body required: true type: string role_name: description: | The role name. in: body required: true type: string roles: description: | The collection of roles. in: body required: true type: array roles_links: description: | The link to the represented role collection. in: body required: true type: array service_id_request: description: | Service ID in: body required: true type: string serviceCatalog: description: | A ``serviceCatalog`` object. in: body required: true type: string serviceCatalog_endpoints_links: description: | Links for the endpoint. in: body required: true type: string serviceCatalog_type: description: | The service catalog type. in: body required: true type: string tenant: description: | A ``tenant`` object. in: body required: true type: string tenant_description: description: | The description of the tenant. If not set, this value is ``null``. in: body required: true type: string tenant_enabled: description: | Indicates whether the tenant is enabled or disabled. in: body required: true type: boolean tenant_id: description: | The tenant ID. in: body required: true type: string tenant_links: description: | The link to the represented tenant collection. in: body required: true type: array tenant_name: description: | Tenant name. in: body required: true type: string tenants: description: | The collection of tenants. in: body required: true type: array token: description: | A ``token`` object. in: body required: true type: string token_expires: description: | The date and time when the token expires. The date and time stamp format is `ISO 8601 `_: :: CCYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.sssZ For example, ``2015-08-27T09:49:58.000000Z``. A ``null`` value indicates that the token never expires. in: body required: true type: string token_id: description: | The token ID. in: body required: true type: string token_issued_at: description: | The date and time when the token was issued. The date and time stamp format is `ISO 8601 `_: :: CCYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.sssZ For example, ``2015-08-27T09:49:58.000000Z``. in: body required: true type: string trust: description: | A ``trust`` object. in: body required: false type: string user: description: | A ``user`` object, which shows the ``username``, ``roles_links``, ``id``, ``roles``, and ``name``. in: body required: true type: string user_email: description: | The user email. in: body required: true type: string user_enabled: description: | Indicates whether the user is enabled (``true``) or disabled(``false``). The default value is ``true``. in: body required: true type: boolean user_id: description: | The user ID. in: body required: true type: string user_name: description: | The user name. in: body required: true type: string user_password: description: | The user password. in: body required: false type: string username: description: | The username of user. in: body required: true type: string username_request: description: | The username of user. in: body required: false type: string users: description: | One or more ``user`` objects. in: body required: true type: array users_link: description: | The link to the reporesented user collection. in: body required: true type: array